using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web.DynamicData;
using System.Web.DynamicData.Util;
namespace System.Web.DynamicData.ModelProviders {
/// Base provider class for columns.
/// Each provider type (e.g. Linq To Sql, Entity Framework, 3rd party) extends this class.
public abstract class ColumnProvider {
private bool? _isReadOnly;
/// ctor
/// the table this column belongs to
protected ColumnProvider(TableProvider table) {
if (table == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
Table = table;
/// readable representation
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")]
public override string ToString() {
// To help identifying objects in debugger
return Name ?? base.ToString();
internal virtual PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor {
get {
return Table.GetTypeDescriptor().GetProperties().Find(Name, true/*ignoreCase*/);
public virtual AttributeCollection Attributes {
get {
var propertyDescriptor = PropertyDescriptor;
var attributes = propertyDescriptor != null ? propertyDescriptor.Attributes : AttributeCollection.Empty;
return AddDefaultAttributes(this, attributes);
protected static AttributeCollection AddDefaultAttributes(ColumnProvider columnProvider, AttributeCollection attributes) {
List extraAttributes = new List();
// If there is no required attribute and the Provider says required, add one
var requiredAttribute = attributes.FirstOrDefault();
if (requiredAttribute == null && !columnProvider.Nullable) {
extraAttributes.Add(new RequiredAttribute());
// If there is no StringLength attribute and it's a string, add one
var stringLengthAttribute = attributes.FirstOrDefault();
int maxLength = columnProvider.MaxLength;
if (stringLengthAttribute == null && columnProvider.ColumnType == typeof(String) && maxLength > 0) {
extraAttributes.Add(new StringLengthAttribute(maxLength));
// If we need any extra attributes, create a new collection
if (extraAttributes.Count > 0) {
attributes = AttributeCollection.FromExisting(attributes, extraAttributes.ToArray());
return attributes;
/// The name of the column
public virtual string Name { get; protected set; }
/// The CLR type of the column
public virtual Type ColumnType { get; protected set; }
/// Is this column a primary key in its table
public virtual bool IsPrimaryKey { get; protected set; }
/// Specifies if this column is read only
public virtual bool IsReadOnly {
get {
if (_isReadOnly == null) {
var propertyDescriptor = PropertyDescriptor;
_isReadOnly = propertyDescriptor != null ? propertyDescriptor.IsReadOnly : false;
return _isReadOnly.Value;
protected set {
_isReadOnly = value;
/// Is it a database generated column
public virtual bool IsGenerated { get; protected set; }
/// Returns whether the underlying model supports sorting of the table on this column
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Sortable", Justification="It's a valid word")]
public virtual bool IsSortable { get; protected set; }
/// The maximun length allowed for this column (applies to string columns)
public virtual int MaxLength { get; protected set; }
/// Does it allow null values (meaning it is not required)
public virtual bool Nullable { get; protected set; }
/// meant to indicate that a member is an extra property that was declared in a partial class
public virtual bool IsCustomProperty { get; protected set; }
/// If the column represents and association with anther table, this returns the association information.
/// Otherwise, null is returned.
public virtual AssociationProvider Association { get; protected set; }
/// The table that this column belongs to
public TableProvider Table { get; private set; }
/// The PropertyInfo of the property that represents this column on the entity type
public virtual PropertyInfo EntityTypeProperty { get; protected set; }
/// This is set for columns that are part of a foreign key. Note that it is NOT set for
/// the strongly typed entity ref columns (though those columns 'use' one or more columns
/// where IsForeignKeyComponent is set).
public virtual bool IsForeignKeyComponent { get; protected set; }