//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels { using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime; using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.Application; abstract class IdlingCommunicationPool : CommunicationPool where TKey : class where TItem : class { TimeSpan idleTimeout; TimeSpan leaseTimeout; protected IdlingCommunicationPool(int maxCount, TimeSpan idleTimeout, TimeSpan leaseTimeout) : base(maxCount) { this.idleTimeout = idleTimeout; this.leaseTimeout = leaseTimeout; } public TimeSpan IdleTimeout { get { return this.idleTimeout; } } protected TimeSpan LeaseTimeout { get { return this.leaseTimeout; } } protected override void CloseItemAsync(TItem item, TimeSpan timeout) { // Default behavior is [....]. Derived classes can override. this.CloseItem(item, timeout); } protected override EndpointConnectionPool CreateEndpointConnectionPool(TKey key) { if (idleTimeout != TimeSpan.MaxValue || leaseTimeout != TimeSpan.MaxValue) { return new IdleTimeoutEndpointConnectionPool(this, key); } else { return base.CreateEndpointConnectionPool(key); } } protected class IdleTimeoutEndpointConnectionPool : EndpointConnectionPool { IdleTimeoutIdleConnectionPool connections; public IdleTimeoutEndpointConnectionPool(IdlingCommunicationPool parent, TKey key) : base(parent, key) { this.connections = new IdleTimeoutIdleConnectionPool(this, this.ThisLock); } protected override IdleConnectionPool GetIdleConnectionPool() { return this.connections; } protected override void AbortItem(TItem item) { this.connections.OnItemClosing(item); base.AbortItem(item); } protected override void CloseItemAsync(TItem item, TimeSpan timeout) { this.connections.OnItemClosing(item); base.CloseItemAsync(item, timeout); } protected override void CloseItem(TItem item, TimeSpan timeout) { this.connections.OnItemClosing(item); base.CloseItem(item, timeout); } public override void Prune(List itemsToClose) { if (this.connections != null) { this.connections.Prune(itemsToClose, false); } } protected class IdleTimeoutIdleConnectionPool : PoolIdleConnectionPool { // for performance reasons we don't just blindly start a timer up to clean up // idle connections. However, if we're above a certain threshold of connections const int timerThreshold = 1; IdleTimeoutEndpointConnectionPool parent; TimeSpan idleTimeout; TimeSpan leaseTimeout; IOThreadTimer idleTimer; static Action onIdle; object thisLock; Exception pendingException; // Note that Take/Add/Return are already synchronized by ThisLock, so we don't need an extra // lock around our Dictionary access Dictionary connectionMapping; public IdleTimeoutIdleConnectionPool(IdleTimeoutEndpointConnectionPool parent, object thisLock) : base(parent.Parent.MaxIdleConnectionPoolCount) { this.parent = parent; IdlingCommunicationPool idlingCommunicationPool = ((IdlingCommunicationPool)parent.Parent); this.idleTimeout = idlingCommunicationPool.idleTimeout; this.leaseTimeout = idlingCommunicationPool.leaseTimeout; this.thisLock = thisLock; this.connectionMapping = new Dictionary(); } public override bool Add(TItem connection) { this.ThrowPendingException(); bool result = base.Add(connection); if (result) { this.connectionMapping.Add(connection, new IdlingConnectionSettings()); StartTimerIfNecessary(); } return result; } public override bool Return(TItem connection) { this.ThrowPendingException(); if (!this.connectionMapping.ContainsKey(connection)) { return false; } bool result = base.Return(connection); if (result) { this.connectionMapping[connection].LastUsage = DateTime.UtcNow; StartTimerIfNecessary(); } return result; } public override TItem Take(out bool closeItem) { this.ThrowPendingException(); DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; TItem item = base.Take(out closeItem); if (!closeItem) { closeItem = IdleOutConnection(item, now); } return item; } public void OnItemClosing(TItem connection) { this.ThrowPendingException(); lock (thisLock) { this.connectionMapping.Remove(connection); } } void CancelTimer() { if (this.idleTimer != null) { this.idleTimer.Cancel(); } } void StartTimerIfNecessary() { if (this.Count > timerThreshold) { if (idleTimer == null) { if (onIdle == null) { onIdle = new Action(OnIdle); } idleTimer = new IOThreadTimer(onIdle, this, false); } idleTimer.Set(idleTimeout); } } static void OnIdle(object state) { IdleTimeoutIdleConnectionPool pool = (IdleTimeoutIdleConnectionPool)state; pool.OnIdle(); } void OnIdle() { List itemsToClose = new List(); lock (thisLock) { try { this.Prune(itemsToClose, true); } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } this.pendingException = e; this.CancelTimer(); } } // allocate half the idle timeout for our g----ful shutdowns TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper(TimeoutHelper.Divide(this.idleTimeout, 2)); for (int i = 0; i < itemsToClose.Count; i++) { parent.CloseIdleConnection(itemsToClose[i], timeoutHelper.RemainingTime()); } } public void Prune(List itemsToClose, bool calledFromTimer) { if (!calledFromTimer) { this.ThrowPendingException(); } if (this.Count == 0) return; DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; bool setTimer = false; lock (thisLock) { TItem[] connectionsCopy = new TItem[this.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < connectionsCopy.Length; i++) { bool closeItem; connectionsCopy[i] = base.Take(out closeItem); Fx.Assert(connectionsCopy[i] != null, "IdleConnections should only be modified under thisLock"); if (closeItem || IdleOutConnection(connectionsCopy[i], now)) { itemsToClose.Add(connectionsCopy[i]); connectionsCopy[i] = null; } } for (int i = 0; i < connectionsCopy.Length; i++) { if (connectionsCopy[i] != null) { bool successfulReturn = base.Return(connectionsCopy[i]); Fx.Assert(successfulReturn, "IdleConnections should only be modified under thisLock"); } } setTimer = (this.Count > 0); } if (calledFromTimer && setTimer) { idleTimer.Set(idleTimeout); } } bool IdleOutConnection(TItem connection, DateTime now) { if (connection == null) { return false; } bool result = false; IdlingConnectionSettings idlingSettings = this.connectionMapping[connection]; if (now > (idlingSettings.LastUsage + this.idleTimeout)) { TraceConnectionIdleTimeoutExpired(); result = true; } else if (now - idlingSettings.CreationTime >= this.leaseTimeout) { TraceConnectionLeaseTimeoutExpired(); result = true; } return result; } void ThrowPendingException() { if (this.pendingException != null) { lock (thisLock) { if (this.pendingException != null) { Exception exceptionToThrow = this.pendingException; this.pendingException = null; throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(exceptionToThrow); } } } } void TraceConnectionLeaseTimeoutExpired() { if (TD.LeaseTimeoutIsEnabled()) { TD.LeaseTimeout(SR.GetString(SR.TraceCodeConnectionPoolLeaseTimeoutReached, this.leaseTimeout), this.parent.Key.ToString()); } if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTraceInformation) { TraceUtility.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, TraceCode.ConnectionPoolLeaseTimeoutReached, SR.GetString(SR.TraceCodeConnectionPoolLeaseTimeoutReached, this.leaseTimeout), this); } } void TraceConnectionIdleTimeoutExpired() { if (TD.IdleTimeoutIsEnabled()) { TD.IdleTimeout(SR.GetString(SR.TraceCodeConnectionPoolIdleTimeoutReached, this.idleTimeout), this.parent.Key.ToString()); } if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTraceInformation) { TraceUtility.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, TraceCode.ConnectionPoolIdleTimeoutReached, SR.GetString(SR.TraceCodeConnectionPoolIdleTimeoutReached, this.idleTimeout), this); } } class IdlingConnectionSettings { DateTime creationTime; DateTime lastUsage; public IdlingConnectionSettings() { this.creationTime = DateTime.UtcNow; this.lastUsage = this.creationTime; } public DateTime CreationTime { get { return this.creationTime; } } public DateTime LastUsage { get { return this.lastUsage; } set { this.lastUsage = value; } } } } } } }