//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.ServiceModel.Activities.Tracking { using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; using System.Runtime; using System.Activities.Tracking; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Configuration; using System.ServiceModel.Configuration; using System.ServiceModel.Activities.Tracking.Configuration; class DefaultProfileManager : TrackingProfileManager { ConfigFileProfileStore profileStore; public DefaultProfileManager() { } ConfigFileProfileStore ProfileStore { get { if (this.profileStore == null) { this.profileStore = new ConfigFileProfileStore(); } return this.profileStore; } } public override TrackingProfile Load(string profileName, string activityDefinitionId, TimeSpan timeout) { if (profileName == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("profileName"); } return this.GetProfile(profileName, activityDefinitionId); } internal TrackingProfile GetProfile(string profileName, string activityDefinitionId) { // Get all profiles from the store Collection profiles = this.ProfileStore.ReadProfiles(); TrackingProfile bestMatch = null; if (profiles != null) { // Go through all the profiles in the data store and find a match to the requested profile foreach (TrackingProfile profile in profiles) { // Check the profile matches the requested name, and scope type if (string.Compare(profileName, profile.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { // If we find a global scope profile, use it as the default profile if (string.Compare("*", profile.ActivityDefinitionId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { if (bestMatch == null) { bestMatch = profile; } } else if (string.Compare(activityDefinitionId, profile.ActivityDefinitionId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { //specific profile for scopetarget found. bestMatch = profile; break; } } } } if (bestMatch == null) { //Add a trace message indicating tracking profile with activity definiton id is not found if (TD.TrackingProfileNotFoundIsEnabled()) { TD.TrackingProfileNotFound(profileName, activityDefinitionId); } //If the profile is not found in config, return an empty profile to suppress //events. If .config does not have profiles, return null. bestMatch = new TrackingProfile() { ActivityDefinitionId = activityDefinitionId }; } return bestMatch; } class ConfigFileProfileStore { Collection trackingProfiles; public Collection ReadProfiles() { if (this.trackingProfiles != null) { return this.trackingProfiles; } TrackingSection trackingSection = null; try { trackingSection = (TrackingSection)ConfigurationHelpers.GetSection(ConfigurationHelpers.GetSectionPath(TrackingConfigurationStrings.Tracking)); } catch (ConfigurationErrorsException e) { if (!Fx.IsFatal(e)) { FxTrace.Exception.TraceUnhandledException(e); } throw; } if (trackingSection == null) { return null; } // Configuration elements are never null, collections are empty // and single elements are constructed with the property IsPresent=false this.trackingProfiles = new Collection(); foreach (ProfileElement profileElement in trackingSection.Profiles) { if (profileElement.Workflows != null) { foreach (ProfileWorkflowElement workflowElement in profileElement.Workflows) { TrackingProfile profile = new TrackingProfile() { Name = profileElement.Name, ImplementationVisibility = profileElement.ImplementationVisibility, ActivityDefinitionId = workflowElement.ActivityDefinitionId }; workflowElement.AddQueries(profile.Queries); this.trackingProfiles.Add(profile); } } } return this.trackingProfiles; } } } }