using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Text; using System.Data.Linq.Mapping; using System.Data.Linq.Provider; using System.Linq; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; namespace System.Data.Linq.SqlClient { internal class SqlFormatter : DbFormatter { private Visitor visitor; internal SqlFormatter() { this.visitor = new Visitor(); } internal override string Format(SqlNode node, bool isDebug) { return this.visitor.Format(node, isDebug); } internal string[] FormatBlock(SqlBlock block, bool isDebug) { List results = new List(block.Statements.Count); for (int i = 0, n = block.Statements.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlStatement stmt = block.Statements[i]; SqlSelect select = stmt as SqlSelect; if (select != null && select.DoNotOutput) { continue; } else { results.Add(this.Format(stmt, isDebug)); } } return results.ToArray(); } internal override string Format(SqlNode node) { return this.visitor.Format(node); } internal bool ParenthesizeTop { get { return this.visitor.parenthesizeTop; } set { this.visitor.parenthesizeTop = value; } } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1506:AvoidExcessiveClassCoupling", Justification="These issues are related to our use of if-then and case statements for node types, which adds to the complexity count however when reviewed they are easy to navigate and understand.")] internal class Visitor : SqlVisitor { internal StringBuilder sb; internal bool isDebugMode; internal List suppressedAliases = new List(); internal Dictionary names = new Dictionary(); internal Dictionary aliasMap = new Dictionary(); internal int depth; internal bool parenthesizeTop; internal Visitor() { } internal string Format(SqlNode node, bool isDebug) { = new StringBuilder(); this.isDebugMode = isDebug; this.aliasMap.Clear(); if (isDebug) { new AliasMapper(this.aliasMap).Visit(node); } this.Visit(node); return; } internal string Format(SqlNode node) { return this.Format(node, false); } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity", Justification="These issues are related to our use of if-then and case statements for node types, which adds to the complexity count however when reviewed they are easy to navigate and understand.")] internal virtual void VisitWithParens(SqlNode node, SqlNode outer) { if (node == null) return; switch (node.NodeType) { case SqlNodeType.ColumnRef: case SqlNodeType.Value: case SqlNodeType.Member: case SqlNodeType.Parameter: case SqlNodeType.FunctionCall: case SqlNodeType.TableValuedFunctionCall: case SqlNodeType.OuterJoinedValue: this.Visit(node); break; case SqlNodeType.Add: case SqlNodeType.Mul: case SqlNodeType.And: case SqlNodeType.Or: case SqlNodeType.Not: case SqlNodeType.Not2V: case SqlNodeType.BitAnd: case SqlNodeType.BitOr: case SqlNodeType.BitXor: case SqlNodeType.BitNot: if (outer.NodeType != node.NodeType) goto default; this.Visit(node); break; default:"("); this.Visit(node);")"); break; } } internal override SqlExpression VisitNop(SqlNop nop) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("NOP"); } sb.Append("NOP()"); return nop; } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity", Justification="These issues are related to our use of if-then and case statements for node types, which adds to the complexity count however when reviewed they are easy to navigate and understand.")] internal override SqlExpression VisitUnaryOperator(SqlUnary uo) { switch (uo.NodeType) { case SqlNodeType.Not: case SqlNodeType.Not2V:;" "); this.VisitWithParens(uo.Operand, uo); break; case SqlNodeType.Negate: case SqlNodeType.BitNot:; this.VisitWithParens(uo.Operand, uo); break; case SqlNodeType.Count: case SqlNodeType.LongCount: case SqlNodeType.Max: case SqlNodeType.Min: case SqlNodeType.Sum: case SqlNodeType.Avg: case SqlNodeType.Stddev: case SqlNodeType.ClrLength:{;"("); if (uo.Operand == null) {"*"); } else { this.Visit(uo.Operand); }")"); break; } case SqlNodeType.IsNull: case SqlNodeType.IsNotNull: { this.VisitWithParens(uo.Operand, uo); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(GetOperator(uo.NodeType)); break; } case SqlNodeType.Convert: {"CONVERT("); QueryFormatOptions options = QueryFormatOptions.None; if(uo.Operand.SqlType.CanSuppressSizeForConversionToString) { options = QueryFormatOptions.SuppressSize; };","); this.Visit(uo.Operand);")"); break; } case SqlNodeType.ValueOf: case SqlNodeType.OuterJoinedValue: this.Visit(uo.Operand); // no op break; default: throw Error.InvalidFormatNode(uo.NodeType); } return uo; } internal override SqlRowNumber VisitRowNumber(SqlRowNumber rowNumber) { sb.Append("ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "); for (int i = 0, n = rowNumber.OrderBy.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlOrderExpression exp = rowNumber.OrderBy[i]; if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(exp.Expression); if (exp.OrderType == SqlOrderType.Descending) { sb.Append(" DESC"); } } sb.Append(")"); return rowNumber; } internal override SqlExpression VisitLift(SqlLift lift) { this.Visit(lift.Expression); return lift; } internal override SqlExpression VisitBinaryOperator(SqlBinary bo) { switch (bo.NodeType) { case SqlNodeType.Coalesce: sb.Append("COALESCE("); this.Visit(bo.Left); sb.Append(","); this.Visit(bo.Right); sb.Append(")"); break; default: this.VisitWithParens(bo.Left, bo); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(GetOperator(bo.NodeType)); sb.Append(" "); this.VisitWithParens(bo.Right, bo); break; } return bo; } internal override SqlExpression VisitBetween(SqlBetween between) { this.VisitWithParens(between.Expression, between); sb.Append(" BETWEEN "); this.Visit(between.Start); sb.Append(" AND "); this.Visit(between.End); return between; } internal override SqlExpression VisitIn(SqlIn sin) { this.VisitWithParens(sin.Expression, sin); sb.Append(" IN ("); for (int i = 0, n = sin.Values.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.Append(", "); } this.Visit(sin.Values[i]); } sb.Append(")"); return sin; } internal override SqlExpression VisitLike(SqlLike like) { this.VisitWithParens(like.Expression, like); sb.Append(" LIKE "); this.Visit(like.Pattern); if (like.Escape != null) { sb.Append(" ESCAPE "); this.Visit(like.Escape); } return like; } internal override SqlExpression VisitFunctionCall(SqlFunctionCall fc) { if (fc.Name.Contains(".")) { // Assume UDF -- bracket the name. this.WriteName(fc.Name); } else { // No ".", so we assume it's a system function name and leave it alone. sb.Append(fc.Name); } sb.Append("("); for (int i = 0, n = fc.Arguments.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(fc.Arguments[i]); } sb.Append(")"); return fc; } internal override SqlExpression VisitTableValuedFunctionCall(SqlTableValuedFunctionCall fc) { // both scalar and table valued functions are formatted the same return VisitFunctionCall(fc); } internal override SqlExpression VisitCast(SqlUnary c) { sb.Append("CAST("); this.Visit(c.Operand); sb.Append(" AS "); QueryFormatOptions options = QueryFormatOptions.None; if (c.Operand.SqlType.CanSuppressSizeForConversionToString) { options = QueryFormatOptions.SuppressSize; } sb.Append(c.SqlType.ToQueryString(options)); sb.Append(")"); return c; } internal override SqlExpression VisitTreat(SqlUnary t) { sb.Append("TREAT("); this.Visit(t.Operand); sb.Append(" AS "); this.FormatType(t.SqlType); sb.Append(")"); return t; } internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn c) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("Column"); } sb.Append("COLUMN("); if (c.Expression != null) { this.Visit(c.Expression); } else { string aliasName = null; if (c.Alias != null) { if (c.Alias.Name == null) { if (!this.names.TryGetValue(c.Alias, out aliasName)) { aliasName = "A" + this.names.Count; this.names[c.Alias] = aliasName; } } else { aliasName = c.Alias.Name; } } sb.Append(aliasName); sb.Append("."); sb.Append(c.Name); } sb.Append(")"); return c; } internal override SqlExpression VisitDiscriminatedType(SqlDiscriminatedType dt) { if (this.isDebugMode) { sb.Append("DTYPE("); } base.VisitDiscriminatedType(dt); if (this.isDebugMode) { sb.Append(")"); } return dt; } internal override SqlExpression VisitDiscriminatorOf(SqlDiscriminatorOf dof) { if (this.isDebugMode) { sb.Append("DISCO("); } base.VisitDiscriminatorOf(dof); if (this.isDebugMode) { sb.Append(")"); } return dof; } internal override SqlExpression VisitSimpleExpression(SqlSimpleExpression simple) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("SIMPLE"); } sb.Append("SIMPLE("); base.VisitSimpleExpression(simple); sb.Append(")"); return simple; } internal override SqlExpression VisitSharedExpression(SqlSharedExpression shared) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("Shared"); } sb.Append("SHARED("); this.Visit(shared.Expression); sb.Append(")"); return shared; } internal override SqlExpression VisitSharedExpressionRef(SqlSharedExpressionRef sref) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("SharedRef"); } sb.Append("SHAREDREF("); this.Visit(sref.SharedExpression.Expression); sb.Append(")"); return sref; } internal override SqlExpression VisitColumnRef(SqlColumnRef cref) { string aliasName = null; SqlColumn c = cref.Column; SqlAlias alias = c.Alias; if (alias == null) { this.aliasMap.TryGetValue(c, out alias); } if (alias != null) { if (alias.Name == null) { if (!this.names.TryGetValue(alias, out aliasName)) { aliasName = "A" + this.names.Count; this.names[c.Alias] = aliasName; } } else { aliasName = c.Alias.Name; } } if (!this.suppressedAliases.Contains(c.Alias) && aliasName != null && aliasName.Length != 0) { this.WriteName(aliasName); sb.Append("."); } string name = c.Name; string inferredName = this.InferName(c.Expression, null); if (name == null) name = inferredName; if (name == null) { if (!this.names.TryGetValue(c, out name)) { name = "C" + this.names.Count; this.names[c] = name; } } this.WriteName(name); return cref; } internal virtual void WriteName(string s) { sb.Append(SqlIdentifier.QuoteCompoundIdentifier(s)); } internal virtual void WriteVariableName(string s) { if (s.StartsWith("@",StringComparison.Ordinal)) sb.Append(SqlIdentifier.QuoteCompoundIdentifier(s)); else sb.Append(SqlIdentifier.QuoteCompoundIdentifier("@" + s)); } internal override SqlExpression VisitParameter(SqlParameter p) { sb.Append(p.Name); return p; } internal override SqlExpression VisitValue(SqlValue value) { if (value.IsClientSpecified && !this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("Value"); } else { this.FormatValue(value.Value); } return value; } internal override SqlExpression VisitClientParameter(SqlClientParameter cp) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("ClientParameter"); } else { sb.Append("client-parameter("); object value; try { value = cp.Accessor.Compile().DynamicInvoke(new object[] { null }); } catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException e) { throw e.InnerException; } sb.Append(value); sb.Append(")"); } return cp; } internal override SqlExpression VisitScalarSubSelect(SqlSubSelect ss) { int saveDepth = this.depth; this.depth++; if (this.isDebugMode) { sb.Append("SCALAR"); } sb.Append("("); this.NewLine(); this.Visit(ss.Select); this.NewLine(); sb.Append(")"); this.depth = saveDepth; return ss; } internal override SqlExpression VisitElement(SqlSubSelect elem) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("Element"); } int saveDepth = this.depth; this.depth++; sb.Append("ELEMENT("); this.NewLine(); this.Visit(elem.Select); this.NewLine(); sb.Append(")"); this.depth = saveDepth; return elem; } internal override SqlExpression VisitMultiset(SqlSubSelect sms) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("Multiset"); } int saveDepth = this.depth; this.depth++; sb.Append("MULTISET("); this.NewLine(); this.Visit(sms.Select); this.NewLine(); sb.Append(")"); this.depth = saveDepth; return sms; } internal override SqlExpression VisitExists(SqlSubSelect sqlExpr) { int saveDepth = this.depth; this.depth++; sb.Append("EXISTS("); this.NewLine(); this.Visit(sqlExpr.Select); this.NewLine(); sb.Append(")"); this.depth = saveDepth; return sqlExpr; } internal override SqlTable VisitTable(SqlTable tab) { string name = tab.Name; this.WriteName(name); return tab; } internal override SqlUserQuery VisitUserQuery(SqlUserQuery suq) { if (suq.Arguments.Count > 0) { // compute all the arg values... StringBuilder savesb =; = new StringBuilder(); object[] args = new object[suq.Arguments.Count]; for (int i = 0, n = args.Length; i < n; i++) { this.Visit(suq.Arguments[i]); args[i] =; = 0; } = savesb; // append query with args... sb.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, suq.QueryText, args)); } else { sb.Append(suq.QueryText); } return suq; } internal override SqlExpression VisitUserColumn(SqlUserColumn suc) { sb.Append(suc.Name); return suc; } internal override SqlStoredProcedureCall VisitStoredProcedureCall(SqlStoredProcedureCall spc) { sb.Append("EXEC @RETURN_VALUE = "); this.WriteName(spc.Function.MappedName); sb.Append(" "); int pc = spc.Function.Parameters.Count; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(spc.Arguments.Count >= pc); for (int i = 0; i < pc; i++) { MetaParameter mp = spc.Function.Parameters[i]; if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.WriteVariableName(mp.MappedName); sb.Append(" = "); this.Visit(spc.Arguments[i]); if (mp.Parameter.IsOut || mp.Parameter.ParameterType.IsByRef) sb.Append(" OUTPUT"); } if (spc.Arguments.Count > pc) { if (pc > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.WriteVariableName(spc.Function.ReturnParameter.MappedName); sb.Append(" = "); this.Visit(spc.Arguments[pc]); sb.Append(" OUTPUT"); } return spc; } internal override SqlAlias VisitAlias(SqlAlias alias) { bool isSelect = alias.Node is SqlSelect; int saveDepth = this.depth; string aliasName = null; string name = ""; SqlTable table = alias.Node as SqlTable; if (table != null) { name = table.Name; } if (alias.Name == null) { if (!this.names.TryGetValue(alias, out aliasName)) { aliasName = "A" + this.names.Count; this.names[alias] = aliasName; } } else { aliasName = alias.Name; } if (isSelect) { this.depth++; sb.Append("("); this.NewLine(); } this.Visit(alias.Node); if (isSelect) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append(")"); this.depth = saveDepth; } if (!this.suppressedAliases.Contains(alias) && aliasName != null && name != aliasName) { sb.Append(" AS "); this.WriteName(aliasName); } return alias; } internal override SqlExpression VisitAliasRef(SqlAliasRef aref) { sb.Append("AREF("); this.WriteAliasName(aref.Alias); sb.Append(")"); return aref; } private void WriteAliasName(SqlAlias alias) { string aliasName = null; if (alias.Name == null) { if (!this.names.TryGetValue(alias, out aliasName)) { aliasName = "A" + this.names.Count; this.names[alias] = aliasName; } } else { aliasName = alias.Name; } this.WriteName(aliasName); } internal override SqlNode VisitUnion(SqlUnion su) { sb.Append("("); int saveDepth = this.depth; this.depth++; this.NewLine(); this.Visit(su.Left); this.NewLine(); sb.Append("UNION"); if (su.All) { sb.Append(" ALL"); } this.NewLine(); this.Visit(su.Right); this.NewLine(); sb.Append(")"); this.depth = saveDepth; return su; } internal override SqlExpression VisitExprSet(SqlExprSet xs) { if (this.isDebugMode) { sb.Append("ES("); for (int i = 0, n = xs.Expressions.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(xs.Expressions[i]); } sb.Append(")"); } else { // only show the first one this.Visit(xs.GetFirstExpression()); } return xs; } internal override SqlRow VisitRow(SqlRow row) { for (int i = 0, n = row.Columns.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlColumn c = row.Columns[i]; if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(c.Expression); string name = c.Name; string inferredName = this.InferName(c.Expression, null); if (name == null) name = inferredName; if (name == null) { if (!this.names.TryGetValue(c, out name)) { name = "C" + this.names.Count; this.names[c] = name; } } if (name != inferredName && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { sb.Append(" AS "); this.WriteName(name); } } return row; } internal override SqlExpression VisitNew(SqlNew sox) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("New"); } sb.Append("new "); sb.Append(sox.ClrType.Name); sb.Append("{ "); // Visit Args for (int i = 0, n = sox.Args.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlExpression argExpr = sox.Args[i]; if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(sox.ArgMembers[i].Name); sb.Append(" = "); this.Visit(argExpr); } // Visit Members for (int i = 0, n = sox.Members.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlMemberAssign ma = sox.Members[i]; if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); string ename = this.InferName(ma.Expression, null); if (ename != ma.Member.Name) { sb.Append(ma.Member.Name); sb.Append(" = "); } this.Visit(ma.Expression); } sb.Append(" }"); return sox; } internal override SqlExpression VisitClientArray(SqlClientArray scar) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("ClientArray"); } sb.Append("new []{"); for (int i = 0, n = scar.Expressions.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(scar.Expressions[i]); } sb.Append("}"); return scar; } internal override SqlNode VisitMember(SqlMember m) { this.Visit(m.Expression); sb.Append("."); sb.Append(m.Member.Name); return m; } internal virtual void NewLine() { if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.AppendLine(); } for (int i = 0; i < this.depth; i++) { sb.Append(" "); } } internal override SqlSelect VisitSelect(SqlSelect ss) { if (ss.DoNotOutput) { return ss; } string from = null; if (ss.From != null) { StringBuilder savesb =; = new StringBuilder(); if (this.IsSimpleCrossJoinList(ss.From)) { this.VisitCrossJoinList(ss.From); } else { this.Visit(ss.From); } from =; = savesb; } sb.Append("SELECT "); if (ss.IsDistinct) { sb.Append("DISTINCT "); } if (ss.Top != null) { sb.Append("TOP "); if (this.parenthesizeTop) { sb.Append("("); } this.Visit(ss.Top); if (this.parenthesizeTop) { sb.Append(")"); } sb.Append(" "); if (ss.IsPercent) { sb.Append(" PERCENT "); } } if (ss.Row.Columns.Count > 0) { this.VisitRow(ss.Row); } else if (this.isDebugMode) { this.Visit(ss.Selection); } else { sb.Append("NULL AS [EMPTY]"); } if (from != null) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("FROM "); sb.Append(from); } if (ss.Where != null) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("WHERE "); this.Visit(ss.Where); } if (ss.GroupBy.Count > 0) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("GROUP BY "); for (int i = 0, n = ss.GroupBy.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlExpression exp = ss.GroupBy[i]; if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(exp); } if (ss.Having != null) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("HAVING "); this.Visit(ss.Having); } } if (ss.OrderBy.Count > 0 && ss.OrderingType != SqlOrderingType.Never) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("ORDER BY "); for (int i = 0, n = ss.OrderBy.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlOrderExpression exp = ss.OrderBy[i]; if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(exp.Expression); if (exp.OrderType == SqlOrderType.Descending) { sb.Append(" DESC"); } } } return ss; } internal virtual bool IsSimpleCrossJoinList(SqlNode node) { SqlJoin join = node as SqlJoin; if (join != null) { return join.JoinType == SqlJoinType.Cross && this.IsSimpleCrossJoinList(join.Left) && this.IsSimpleCrossJoinList(join.Right); } SqlAlias alias = node as SqlAlias; return (alias != null && alias.Node is SqlTable); } internal virtual void VisitCrossJoinList(SqlNode node) { SqlJoin join = node as SqlJoin; if (join != null) { this.VisitCrossJoinList(join.Left); sb.Append(", "); this.VisitCrossJoinList(join.Right); } else { this.Visit(node); } } internal void VisitJoinSource(SqlSource src) { if (src.NodeType == SqlNodeType.Join) { this.depth++; sb.Append("("); this.Visit(src); sb.Append(")"); this.depth--; } else { this.Visit(src); } } internal override SqlSource VisitJoin(SqlJoin join) { this.Visit(join.Left); this.NewLine(); switch (join.JoinType) { case SqlJoinType.CrossApply: sb.Append("CROSS APPLY "); break; case SqlJoinType.Cross: sb.Append("CROSS JOIN "); break; case SqlJoinType.Inner: sb.Append("INNER JOIN "); break; case SqlJoinType.LeftOuter: sb.Append("LEFT OUTER JOIN "); break; case SqlJoinType.OuterApply: sb.Append("OUTER APPLY "); break; } SqlJoin rightJoin = join.Right as SqlJoin; if (rightJoin == null || (rightJoin.JoinType == SqlJoinType.Cross && join.JoinType != SqlJoinType.CrossApply && join.JoinType != SqlJoinType.OuterApply)) { this.Visit(join.Right); } else { this.VisitJoinSource(join.Right); } if (join.Condition != null) { sb.Append(" ON "); this.Visit(join.Condition); } else if (this.RequiresOnCondition(join.JoinType)) { sb.Append(" ON 1=1 "); } return join; } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1822:MarkMembersAsStatic", Justification="Unknown reason.")] internal bool RequiresOnCondition(SqlJoinType joinType) { switch (joinType) { case SqlJoinType.CrossApply: case SqlJoinType.Cross: case SqlJoinType.OuterApply: return false; case SqlJoinType.Inner: case SqlJoinType.LeftOuter: return true; default: throw Error.InvalidFormatNode(joinType); } } internal override SqlBlock VisitBlock(SqlBlock block) { for (int i = 0, n = block.Statements.Count; i < n; i++) { this.Visit(block.Statements[i]); if (i < n - 1) { SqlSelect select = block.Statements[i+1] as SqlSelect; if (select == null || !select.DoNotOutput) { this.NewLine(); this.NewLine(); } } } return block; } internal override SqlExpression VisitClientQuery(SqlClientQuery cq) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("ClientQuery"); } sb.Append("client("); for (int i = 0, n = cq.Arguments.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(cq.Arguments[i]); } sb.Append("; "); this.Visit(cq.Query); sb.Append(")"); return cq; } internal override SqlExpression VisitJoinedCollection(SqlJoinedCollection jc) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("JoinedCollection"); } sb.Append("big-join("); this.Visit(jc.Expression); sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(jc.Count); sb.Append(")"); return jc; } internal override SqlStatement VisitDelete(SqlDelete sd) { sb.Append("DELETE FROM "); this.suppressedAliases.Add(sd.Select.From); this.Visit(sd.Select.From); if (sd.Select.Where != null) { sb.Append(" WHERE "); this.Visit(sd.Select.Where); } this.suppressedAliases.Remove(sd.Select.From); return sd; } internal override SqlStatement VisitInsert(SqlInsert si) { if (si.OutputKey != null) { sb.Append("DECLARE @output TABLE("); this.WriteName(si.OutputKey.Name); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(si.OutputKey.SqlType.ToQueryString()); sb.Append(")"); this.NewLine(); if (si.OutputToLocal) { sb.Append("DECLARE @id "); sb.Append(si.OutputKey.SqlType.ToQueryString()); this.NewLine(); } } sb.Append("INSERT INTO "); this.Visit(si.Table); if (si.Row.Columns.Count != 0) { // INSERT INTO table (...columns...) VALUES (...values...) sb.Append("("); for (int i = 0, n = si.Row.Columns.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.WriteName(si.Row.Columns[i].Name); } sb.Append(")"); } if (si.OutputKey != null) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("OUTPUT INSERTED."); this.WriteName(si.OutputKey.MetaMember.MappedName); sb.Append(" INTO @output"); } if (si.Row.Columns.Count == 0) { sb.Append(" DEFAULT VALUES"); } else { // VALUES (...values...) this.NewLine(); sb.Append("VALUES ("); if (this.isDebugMode && si.Row.Columns.Count == 0) { this.Visit(si.Expression); } else { for (int i = 0, n = si.Row.Columns.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit( si.Row.Columns[i].Expression); } } sb.Append(")"); } if (si.OutputKey != null) { this.NewLine(); if (si.OutputToLocal) { sb.Append("SELECT @id = "); sb.Append(si.OutputKey.Name); sb.Append(" FROM @output"); } else { sb.Append("SELECT "); this.WriteName(si.OutputKey.Name); sb.Append(" FROM @output"); } } return si; } internal override SqlStatement VisitUpdate(SqlUpdate su) { sb.Append("UPDATE "); this.suppressedAliases.Add(su.Select.From); this.Visit(su.Select.From); this.NewLine(); sb.Append("SET "); for (int i = 0, n = su.Assignments.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); SqlAssign sa = su.Assignments[i]; this.Visit(sa.LValue); sb.Append(" = "); this.Visit(sa.RValue); } if (su.Select.Where != null) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("WHERE "); this.Visit(su.Select.Where); } this.suppressedAliases.Remove(su.Select.From); return su; } internal override SqlStatement VisitAssign(SqlAssign sa) { sb.Append("SET "); this.Visit(sa.LValue); sb.Append(" = "); this.Visit(sa.RValue); return sa; } internal override SqlExpression VisitSearchedCase(SqlSearchedCase c) { this.depth++; this.NewLine(); sb.Append("(CASE "); this.depth++; for (int i = 0, n = c.Whens.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlWhen when = c.Whens[i]; this.NewLine(); sb.Append("WHEN "); this.Visit(when.Match); sb.Append(" THEN "); this.Visit(when.Value); } if (c.Else != null) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("ELSE "); this.Visit(c.Else); } this.depth--; this.NewLine(); sb.Append(" END)"); this.depth--; return c; } internal override SqlExpression VisitSimpleCase(SqlSimpleCase c) { this.depth++; this.NewLine(); sb.Append("(CASE"); this.depth++; if (c.Expression != null) { sb.Append(" "); this.Visit(c.Expression); } for (int i = 0, n = c.Whens.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlWhen when = c.Whens[i]; if (i == n - 1 && when.Match == null) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("ELSE "); this.Visit(when.Value); } else { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("WHEN "); this.Visit(when.Match); sb.Append(" THEN "); this.Visit(when.Value); } } this.depth--; this.NewLine(); sb.Append(" END)"); this.depth--; return c; } internal override SqlExpression VisitClientCase(SqlClientCase c) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("ClientCase"); } this.depth++; this.NewLine(); sb.Append("(CASE"); this.depth++; if (c.Expression != null) { sb.Append(" "); this.Visit(c.Expression); } for (int i = 0, n = c.Whens.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlClientWhen when = c.Whens[i]; if (i == n - 1 && when.Match == null) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("ELSE "); this.Visit(when.Value); } else { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("WHEN "); this.Visit(when.Match); sb.Append(" THEN "); this.Visit(when.Value); } } this.depth--; this.NewLine(); sb.Append(" END)"); this.depth--; return c; } internal override SqlExpression VisitTypeCase(SqlTypeCase c) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("TypeCase"); } this.depth++; this.NewLine(); sb.Append("(CASE"); this.depth++; if (c.Discriminator != null) { sb.Append(" "); this.Visit(c.Discriminator); } for (int i = 0, n = c.Whens.Count; i < n; i++) { SqlTypeCaseWhen when = c.Whens[i]; if (i == n - 1 && when.Match == null) { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("ELSE "); this.Visit(when.TypeBinding); } else { this.NewLine(); sb.Append("WHEN "); this.Visit(when.Match); sb.Append(" THEN "); this.Visit(when.TypeBinding); } } this.depth--; this.NewLine(); sb.Append(" END)"); this.depth--; return c; } internal override SqlExpression VisitVariable(SqlVariable v) { sb.Append(v.Name); return v; } private string InferName(SqlExpression exp, string def) { if (exp == null) return null; switch (exp.NodeType) { case SqlNodeType.Member: return ((SqlMember)exp).Member.Name; case SqlNodeType.Column: return ((SqlColumn)exp).Name; case SqlNodeType.ColumnRef: return ((SqlColumnRef)exp).Column.Name; case SqlNodeType.ExprSet: return this.InferName(((SqlExprSet)exp).Expressions[0], def); default: return def; } } private void FormatType(ProviderType type) { sb.Append(type.ToQueryString()); } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity", Justification="These issues are related to our use of if-then and case statements for node types, which adds to the complexity count however when reviewed they are easy to navigate and understand.")] internal virtual void FormatValue(object value) { if (value == null) { sb.Append("NULL"); } else { Type t = value.GetType(); if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)) t = t.GetGenericArguments()[0]; TypeCode tc = Type.GetTypeCode(t); switch (tc) { case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.String: case TypeCode.DateTime: sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(this.EscapeSingleQuotes(value.ToString())); sb.Append("'"); return; case TypeCode.Boolean: sb.Append(this.GetBoolValue((bool)value)); return; case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.Decimal: case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Single: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.UInt64: sb.Append(value); return; case TypeCode.Object: { if (value is Guid) { sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(value); sb.Append("'"); return; } Type valueType = value as Type; if (valueType != null) { if (this.isDebugMode) { sb.Append("typeof("); sb.Append(valueType.Name); sb.Append(")"); } else { this.FormatValue(""); } return; } break; } } if (this.isDebugMode) { sb.Append("value("); sb.Append(value.ToString()); sb.Append(")"); } else { throw Error.ValueHasNoLiteralInSql(value); } } } internal virtual string GetBoolValue(bool value) { return value ? "1" : "0"; } internal virtual string EscapeSingleQuotes(string str) { if (str.IndexOf('\'') < 0) return str; StringBuilder tempStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char c in str) { if (c == '\'') { tempStringBuilder.Append("''"); } else { tempStringBuilder.Append("'"); } } return tempStringBuilder.ToString(); } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity", Justification="These issues are related to our use of if-then and case statements for node types, which adds to the complexity count however when reviewed they are easy to navigate and understand.")] internal virtual string GetOperator(SqlNodeType nt) { switch (nt) { case SqlNodeType.Add: return "+"; case SqlNodeType.Sub: return "-"; case SqlNodeType.Mul: return "*"; case SqlNodeType.Div: return "/"; case SqlNodeType.Mod: return "%"; case SqlNodeType.Concat: return "+"; case SqlNodeType.BitAnd: return "&"; case SqlNodeType.BitOr: return "|"; case SqlNodeType.BitXor: return "^"; case SqlNodeType.And: return "AND"; case SqlNodeType.Or: return "OR"; case SqlNodeType.GE: return ">="; case SqlNodeType.GT: return ">"; case SqlNodeType.LE: return "<="; case SqlNodeType.LT: return "<"; case SqlNodeType.EQ: return "="; case SqlNodeType.EQ2V: return "="; case SqlNodeType.NE: return "<>"; case SqlNodeType.NE2V: return "<>"; case SqlNodeType.Not: return "NOT"; case SqlNodeType.Not2V: return "NOT"; case SqlNodeType.BitNot: return "~"; case SqlNodeType.Negate: return "-"; case SqlNodeType.IsNull: return "IS NULL"; case SqlNodeType.IsNotNull: return "IS NOT NULL"; case SqlNodeType.Count: return "COUNT"; case SqlNodeType.LongCount: return "COUNT_BIG"; case SqlNodeType.Min: return "MIN"; case SqlNodeType.Max: return "MAX"; case SqlNodeType.Sum: return "SUM"; case SqlNodeType.Avg: return "AVG"; case SqlNodeType.Stddev: return "STDEV"; case SqlNodeType.ClrLength: return "CLRLENGTH"; default: throw Error.InvalidFormatNode(nt); } } internal override SqlNode VisitLink(SqlLink link) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("Link"); } if (link.Expansion != null) { sb.Append("LINK("); this.Visit(link.Expansion); sb.Append(")"); } else { sb.Append("LINK("); for (int i = 0, n = link.KeyExpressions.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(link.KeyExpressions[i]); } sb.Append(")"); } return link; } internal override SqlMemberAssign VisitMemberAssign(SqlMemberAssign ma) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("MemberAssign"); } internal override SqlExpression VisitMethodCall(SqlMethodCall mc) { if (!this.isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("MethodCall"); } if (mc.Method.IsStatic) { sb.Append(mc.Method.DeclaringType); } else { this.Visit(mc.Object); } sb.Append("."); sb.Append(mc.Method.Name); sb.Append("("); for (int i = 0, n = mc.Arguments.Count; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(mc.Arguments[i]); } sb.Append(")"); return mc; } internal override SqlExpression VisitOptionalValue(SqlOptionalValue sov) { if (this.isDebugMode) { sb.Append("opt("); this.Visit(sov.HasValue); sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(sov.Value); sb.Append(")"); return sov; } else { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("OptionalValue"); } } internal override SqlExpression VisitUserRow(SqlUserRow row) { if (!isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("UserRow"); } return row; } internal override SqlExpression VisitGrouping(SqlGrouping g) { if (!isDebugMode) { throw Error.InvalidFormatNode("Grouping"); } sb.Append("Group("); this.Visit(g.Key); sb.Append(", "); this.Visit(g.Group); sb.Append(")"); return g; } } class AliasMapper : SqlVisitor { Dictionary aliasMap; SqlAlias currentAlias; internal AliasMapper(Dictionary aliasMap) { this.aliasMap = aliasMap; } internal override SqlAlias VisitAlias(SqlAlias a) { SqlAlias save = this.currentAlias; this.currentAlias = a; base.VisitAlias(a); this.currentAlias = save; return a; } internal override SqlExpression VisitColumn(SqlColumn col) { this.aliasMap[col] = this.currentAlias; this.Visit(col.Expression); return col; } internal override SqlRow VisitRow(SqlRow row) { foreach(SqlColumn col in row.Columns) { this.VisitColumn(col); } return row; } internal override SqlTable VisitTable(SqlTable tab) { foreach(SqlColumn col in tab.Columns) { this.VisitColumn(col); } return tab; } internal override SqlExpression VisitTableValuedFunctionCall(SqlTableValuedFunctionCall fc) { foreach(SqlColumn col in fc.Columns) { this.VisitColumn(col); } return fc; } } } }