# Note: debugserver is a Darwin-only implementation of a remote debugging # server. It is not intended to be used on other platforms. The tests are here # because using the LLDB Host API is convienent and allows testing of both parts # of the debugserver communication path. If you are looking for a non-darwin # remote debugging server, please use lldb-server. include_directories(${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/debugserver/source ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/debugserver/source/MacOSX) add_lldb_unittest(debugserverTests RNBSocketTest.cpp debugserver_LogCallback.cpp LINK_LIBS lldbDebugserverCommon lldbHost LINK_COMPONENTS Support ) if(IOS) set_property(TARGET debugserverTests APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS WITH_LOCKDOWN WITH_FBS WITH_BKS ) add_lldb_unittest(debugserverNonUITests RNBSocketTest.cpp debugserver_LogCallback.cpp LINK_LIBS lldbDebugserverCommon_NonUI lldbHost LINK_COMPONENTS Support ) endif()