//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <copyright file="CacheEntry.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * CacheEntry * * Copyright (c) 1998-1999, Microsoft Corporation * */ namespace System.Web.Caching { using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Web; using System.Web.Util; using System.Collections; using System.Web.Management; using System.Web.Hosting; using System.Globalization; internal class CacheKey { protected const byte BitPublic = 0x20; protected const byte BitOutputCache = 0x40; protected string _key; /* key to the item */ protected byte _bits; /* cache lifetime state and public property */ int _hashCode; internal CacheKey(String key, bool isPublic) { if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); } _key = key; if (isPublic) { _bits = BitPublic; } else if (key[0] == CacheInternal.PrefixOutputCache[0]) { _bits |= BitOutputCache; } #if DBG if (!isPublic) { Debug.Assert(CacheInternal.PrefixFIRST[0] <= key[0] && key[0] <= CacheInternal.PrefixLAST[0], "CacheInternal.PrefixFIRST[0] <= key[0] && key[0] <= CacheInternal.PrefixLAST[0], key=" + key); } #endif } internal String Key { get { return _key; } } internal bool IsOutputCache { get { return (_bits & BitOutputCache) != 0; } } internal bool IsPublic { get { return (_bits & BitPublic) != 0; } } public override int GetHashCode() { if (_hashCode == 0) { _hashCode = _key.GetHashCode(); } return _hashCode; } #if DBG public override string ToString() { return (IsPublic ? "P:" : "I:") + _key; } #endif } /* * An entry in the cache. * Overhead is 68 bytes + object header. */ internal sealed class CacheEntry : CacheKey { const CacheItemPriority CacheItemPriorityMin = CacheItemPriority.Low; const CacheItemPriority CacheItemPriorityMax = CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable; static readonly TimeSpan OneYear = new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0); internal enum EntryState : byte { NotInCache = 0x00, // Created but not in hashtable AddingToCache = 0x01, // In hashtable only AddedToCache = 0x02, // In hashtable + expires + usage RemovingFromCache = 0x04, // Removed from hashtable only RemovedFromCache = 0x08, // Removed from hashtable & expires & usage Closed = 0x10, } const byte EntryStateMask = 0x1f; // protected const byte BitPublic = 0x20; // item object _value; /* value */ DateTime _utcCreated; /* creation date */ // expiration DateTime _utcExpires; /* when this item expires */ TimeSpan _slidingExpiration; /* expiration interval */ byte _expiresBucket; /* index of the expiration list (bucket) */ ExpiresEntryRef _expiresEntryRef; /* ref into the expiration list */ // usage byte _usageBucket; /* index of the usage list (== priority-1) */ UsageEntryRef _usageEntryRef; /* ref into the usage list */ DateTime _utcLastUpdate; /* time we last updated usage */ CacheInternal _cache; // dependencies CacheDependency _dependency; /* dependencies this item has */ object _onRemovedTargets; /* targets of OnRemove notification */ /* * ctor. */ internal CacheEntry( String key, Object value, CacheDependency dependency, CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemovedHandler, DateTime utcAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority priority, bool isPublic, CacheInternal cache) : base(key, isPublic) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } if (slidingExpiration < TimeSpan.Zero || OneYear < slidingExpiration) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("slidingExpiration"); } if (utcAbsoluteExpiration != Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration && slidingExpiration != Cache.NoSlidingExpiration) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_expiration_combination)); } if (priority < CacheItemPriorityMin || CacheItemPriorityMax < priority) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("priority"); } _value = value; _dependency = dependency; _onRemovedTargets = onRemovedHandler; _utcCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; _slidingExpiration = slidingExpiration; if (_slidingExpiration > TimeSpan.Zero) { _utcExpires = _utcCreated + _slidingExpiration; } else { _utcExpires = utcAbsoluteExpiration; } _expiresEntryRef = ExpiresEntryRef.INVALID; _expiresBucket = 0xff; _usageEntryRef = UsageEntryRef.INVALID; if (priority == CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable) { _usageBucket = 0xff; } else { _usageBucket = (byte) (priority - 1); } _cache = cache; } internal Object Value { get {return _value;} } internal DateTime UtcCreated { get {return _utcCreated;} } internal EntryState State { get { return (EntryState) (_bits & EntryStateMask); } set { _bits = (byte) (((uint) _bits & ~(uint)EntryStateMask) | (uint) value); } } internal DateTime UtcExpires { get {return _utcExpires;} set {_utcExpires = value;} } internal TimeSpan SlidingExpiration { get {return _slidingExpiration;} } internal byte ExpiresBucket { get {return _expiresBucket;} set {_expiresBucket = value;} } internal ExpiresEntryRef ExpiresEntryRef { get {return _expiresEntryRef;} set {_expiresEntryRef = value;} } internal bool HasExpiration() { return _utcExpires < DateTime.MaxValue; } internal bool InExpires() { return !_expiresEntryRef.IsInvalid; } internal byte UsageBucket { get {return _usageBucket;} } internal UsageEntryRef UsageEntryRef { get {return _usageEntryRef;} set {_usageEntryRef = value;} } internal DateTime UtcLastUsageUpdate { get {return _utcLastUpdate;} set {_utcLastUpdate = value;} } internal bool HasUsage() { return _usageBucket != 0xff; } internal bool InUsage() { return !_usageEntryRef.IsInvalid; } internal CacheDependency Dependency { get {return _dependency;} } internal void MonitorDependencyChanges() { // need to protect against the item being closed CacheDependency dependency = _dependency; if (dependency != null && State == EntryState.AddedToCache) { if (!dependency.TakeOwnership()) { throw new InvalidOperationException( SR.GetString(SR.Cache_dependency_used_more_that_once)); } dependency.SetCacheDependencyChanged((Object sender, EventArgs args) => { DependencyChanged(sender, args); }); } } /* * The entry has changed, so remove ourselves from the cache. */ void DependencyChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (State == EntryState.AddedToCache) { _cache.Remove(this, CacheItemRemovedReason.DependencyChanged); } } /* * Helper to call the on-remove callback */ private void CallCacheItemRemovedCallback(CacheItemRemovedCallback callback, CacheItemRemovedReason reason) { if (IsPublic) { try { // for public need to impersonate if called outside of request context if (HttpContext.Current == null) { using (new ApplicationImpersonationContext()) { callback(_key, _value, reason); } } else { callback(_key, _value, reason); } } catch (Exception e) { // for public need to report application error HttpApplicationFactory.RaiseError(e); try { WebBaseEvent.RaiseRuntimeError(e, this); } catch { } } } else { // for private items just make the call and eat any exceptions try { using (new ApplicationImpersonationContext()) { callback(_key, _value, reason); } } catch { } } } /* * Close the item to complete its removal from cache. * * @param reason The reason the item is removed. */ internal void Close(CacheItemRemovedReason reason) { Debug.Assert(State == EntryState.RemovedFromCache, "State == EntryState.RemovedFromCache"); State = EntryState.Closed; object onRemovedTargets = null; object[] targets = null; lock (this) { if (_onRemovedTargets != null) { onRemovedTargets = _onRemovedTargets; if (onRemovedTargets is Hashtable) { ICollection col = ((Hashtable) onRemovedTargets).Keys; targets = new object[col.Count]; col.CopyTo(targets, 0); } } } if (onRemovedTargets != null) { if (targets != null) { foreach (object target in targets) { if (target is CacheDependency) { ((CacheDependency)target).ItemRemoved(); } else { CallCacheItemRemovedCallback((CacheItemRemovedCallback) target, reason); } } } else if (onRemovedTargets is CacheItemRemovedCallback) { CallCacheItemRemovedCallback((CacheItemRemovedCallback) onRemovedTargets, reason); } else { ((CacheDependency) onRemovedTargets).ItemRemoved(); } } if (_dependency != null) { _dependency.DisposeInternal(); } } #if DBG internal /*public*/ string DebugDescription(string indent) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String nlindent = "\n" + indent + " "; sb.Append(indent + "CacheItem"); sb.Append(nlindent); sb.Append("_key="); sb.Append(_key); sb.Append(nlindent); sb.Append("_value="); sb.Append(Debug.GetDescription(_value, indent)); sb.Append(nlindent); sb.Append("_utcExpires="); sb.Append(Debug.FormatUtcDate(_utcExpires)); sb.Append(nlindent); sb.Append("_bits=0x"); sb.Append(((int)_bits).ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append("\n"); return sb.ToString(); } #endif internal void AddDependent(CacheDependency dependency) { lock (this) { if (_onRemovedTargets == null) { _onRemovedTargets = dependency; } else if (_onRemovedTargets is Hashtable) { Hashtable h = (Hashtable) _onRemovedTargets; h[dependency] = dependency; } else { Hashtable h = new Hashtable(2); h[_onRemovedTargets] = _onRemovedTargets; h[dependency] = dependency; _onRemovedTargets = h; } } } internal void RemoveDependent(CacheDependency dependency) { lock (this) { if (_onRemovedTargets != null) { if (_onRemovedTargets == dependency) { _onRemovedTargets = null; } else if (_onRemovedTargets is Hashtable) { Hashtable h = (Hashtable)_onRemovedTargets; h.Remove(dependency); if (h.Count == 0) { _onRemovedTargets = null; } } } } } #if USE_MEMORY_CACHE internal CacheItemRemovedCallback CacheItemRemovedCallback { get { CacheItemRemovedCallback callback = null; lock (this) { if (_onRemovedTargets != null) { if (_onRemovedTargets is Hashtable) { foreach (DictionaryEntry e in (Hashtable)_onRemovedTargets) { callback = e.Value as CacheItemRemovedCallback; break; } } else { callback = _onRemovedTargets as CacheItemRemovedCallback; } } } return callback; } } #endif } }