//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <copyright file="DBPropSet.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> // <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner> // <owner current="true" primary="false">Microsoft</owner> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; namespace System.Data.OleDb { sealed internal class DBPropSet : SafeHandle { private readonly Int32 propertySetCount; // VSDD 621427: stores the exception with last error.HRESULT from IDBProperties.GetProperties private Exception lastErrorFromProvider; private DBPropSet() : base(IntPtr.Zero, true) { propertySetCount = 0; } internal DBPropSet(int propertysetCount) : this() { this.propertySetCount = propertysetCount; IntPtr countOfBytes = (IntPtr)(propertysetCount * ODB.SizeOf_tagDBPROPSET); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try {} finally { base.handle = SafeNativeMethods.CoTaskMemAlloc(countOfBytes); if (ADP.PtrZero != base.handle) { SafeNativeMethods.ZeroMemory(base.handle, countOfBytes); } } if (ADP.PtrZero == base.handle) { throw new OutOfMemoryException(); } } internal DBPropSet(UnsafeNativeMethods.IDBProperties properties, PropertyIDSet propidset, out OleDbHResult hr) : this() { Debug.Assert(null != properties, "null IDBProperties"); int propidsetcount = 0; if (null != propidset) { propidsetcount = propidset.Count; } Bid.Trace("<oledb.IDBProperties.GetProperties|API|OLEDB>\n"); hr = properties.GetProperties(propidsetcount, propidset, out this.propertySetCount, out base.handle); Bid.Trace("<oledb.IDBProperties.GetProperties|API|OLEDB|RET> %08X{HRESULT}\n", hr); if (hr < 0) { // VSDD 621427: remember the last HRESULT. Note we do not want to raise exception now to avoid breaking change from Orcas RTM/SP1 SetLastErrorInfo(hr); } } internal DBPropSet(UnsafeNativeMethods.IRowsetInfo properties, PropertyIDSet propidset, out OleDbHResult hr) : this() { Debug.Assert(null != properties, "null IRowsetInfo"); int propidsetcount = 0; if (null != propidset) { propidsetcount = propidset.Count; } Bid.Trace("<oledb.IRowsetInfo.GetProperties|API|OLEDB>\n"); hr = properties.GetProperties(propidsetcount, propidset, out this.propertySetCount, out base.handle); Bid.Trace("<oledb.IRowsetInfo.GetProperties|API|OLEDB|RET> %08X{HRESULT}\n", hr); if (hr < 0) { // VSDD 621427: remember the last HRESULT. Note we do not want to raise exception now to avoid breaking change from Orcas RTM/SP1 SetLastErrorInfo(hr); } } internal DBPropSet(UnsafeNativeMethods.ICommandProperties properties, PropertyIDSet propidset, out OleDbHResult hr) : this() { Debug.Assert(null != properties, "null ICommandProperties"); int propidsetcount = 0; if (null != propidset) { propidsetcount = propidset.Count; } Bid.Trace("<oledb.ICommandProperties.GetProperties|API|OLEDB>\n"); hr = properties.GetProperties(propidsetcount, propidset, out this.propertySetCount, out base.handle); Bid.Trace("<oledb.ICommandProperties.GetProperties|API|OLEDB|RET> %08X{HRESULT}\n", hr); if (hr < 0) { // VSDD 621427: remember the last HRESULT. Note we do not want to raise exception now to avoid breaking change from Orcas RTM/SP1 SetLastErrorInfo(hr); } } private void SetLastErrorInfo(OleDbHResult lastErrorHr) { // note: OleDbHResult is actually a simple wrapper over HRESULT with OLEDB-specific codes UnsafeNativeMethods.IErrorInfo errorInfo = null; string message = String.Empty; OleDbHResult errorInfoHr = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetErrorInfo(0, out errorInfo); // 0 - IErrorInfo exists, 1 - no IErrorInfo if ((errorInfoHr == OleDbHResult.S_OK) && (errorInfo != null)) { ODB.GetErrorDescription(errorInfo, lastErrorHr, out message); // note that either GetErrorInfo or GetErrorDescription might fail in which case we will have only the HRESULT value in exception message } lastErrorFromProvider = new COMException(message, (int)lastErrorHr); } public override bool IsInvalid { get { return (IntPtr.Zero == base.handle); } } override protected bool ReleaseHandle() { // NOTE: The SafeHandle class guarantees this will be called exactly once and is non-interrutible. IntPtr ptr = base.handle; base.handle = IntPtr.Zero; if (ADP.PtrZero != ptr) { int count = this.propertySetCount; for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < count; ++i, offset += ODB.SizeOf_tagDBPROPSET) { IntPtr rgProperties = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ptr, offset); if(ADP.PtrZero != rgProperties) { int cProperties = Marshal.ReadInt32(ptr, offset + ADP.PtrSize); IntPtr vptr = ADP.IntPtrOffset(rgProperties, ODB.OffsetOf_tagDBPROP_Value); for (int k = 0; k < cProperties; ++k, vptr = ADP.IntPtrOffset(vptr, ODB.SizeOf_tagDBPROP)) { SafeNativeMethods.VariantClear(vptr); } SafeNativeMethods.CoTaskMemFree(rgProperties); } } SafeNativeMethods.CoTaskMemFree(ptr); } return true; } internal int PropertySetCount { get { return this.propertySetCount; } } internal tagDBPROP[] GetPropertySet(int index, out Guid propertyset) { if ((index < 0) || (PropertySetCount <= index)) { if (lastErrorFromProvider != null) { // VSDD 621427: add extra error information for CSS/stress troubleshooting. // We need to keep same exception type to avoid breaking change with Orcas RTM/SP1. throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.InvalidBuffer, lastErrorFromProvider); } else { throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.InvalidBuffer); } } tagDBPROPSET propset = new tagDBPROPSET(); tagDBPROP[] properties = null; bool mustRelease = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { DangerousAddRef(ref mustRelease); IntPtr propertySetPtr = ADP.IntPtrOffset(DangerousGetHandle(), index * ODB.SizeOf_tagDBPROPSET); Marshal.PtrToStructure(propertySetPtr, propset); propertyset = propset.guidPropertySet; properties = new tagDBPROP[propset.cProperties]; for(int i = 0; i < properties.Length; ++i) { properties[i] = new tagDBPROP(); IntPtr ptr = ADP.IntPtrOffset(propset.rgProperties, i * ODB.SizeOf_tagDBPROP); Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, properties[i]); } } finally { if (mustRelease) { DangerousRelease(); } } return properties; } internal void SetPropertySet(int index, Guid propertySet, tagDBPROP[] properties) { if ((index < 0) || (PropertySetCount <= index)) { if (lastErrorFromProvider != null) { // VSDD 621427: add extra error information for CSS/stress troubleshooting. // We need to keep same exception type to avoid breaking change with Orcas RTM/SP1. throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.InvalidBuffer, lastErrorFromProvider); } else { throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.InvalidBuffer); } } Debug.Assert(Guid.Empty != propertySet, "invalid propertySet"); Debug.Assert((null != properties) && (0 < properties.Length), "invalid properties"); IntPtr countOfBytes = (IntPtr)(properties.Length * ODB.SizeOf_tagDBPROP); tagDBPROPSET propset = new tagDBPROPSET(properties.Length, propertySet); bool mustRelease = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { DangerousAddRef(ref mustRelease); IntPtr propsetPtr = ADP.IntPtrOffset(DangerousGetHandle(), index * ODB.SizeOf_tagDBPROPSET); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try {} finally { // must allocate and clear the memory without interruption propset.rgProperties = SafeNativeMethods.CoTaskMemAlloc(countOfBytes); if (ADP.PtrZero != propset.rgProperties) { // clearing is important so that we don't treat existing // garbage as important information during releaseHandle SafeNativeMethods.ZeroMemory(propset.rgProperties, countOfBytes); // writing the structure to native memory so that it knows to free the referenced pointers Marshal.StructureToPtr(propset, propsetPtr, false/*deleteold*/); } } if (ADP.PtrZero == propset.rgProperties) { throw new OutOfMemoryException(); } for(int i = 0; i < properties.Length; ++i) { Debug.Assert(null != properties[i], "null tagDBPROP " + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); IntPtr propertyPtr = ADP.IntPtrOffset(propset.rgProperties, i * ODB.SizeOf_tagDBPROP); Marshal.StructureToPtr(properties[i], propertyPtr, false/*deleteold*/); } } finally { if (mustRelease) { DangerousRelease(); } } } static internal DBPropSet CreateProperty(Guid propertySet, int propertyId, bool required, object value) { tagDBPROP dbprop = new tagDBPROP(propertyId, required, value); DBPropSet propertyset = new DBPropSet(1); propertyset.SetPropertySet(0, propertySet, new tagDBPROP[1] { dbprop }); return propertyset; } } }