//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // <copyright file="RelationshipWrapper.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> // // @owner Microsoft // @backupOwner Microsoft //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; namespace System.Data.Objects { internal sealed class RelationshipWrapper : IEquatable<RelationshipWrapper> { internal readonly AssociationSet AssociationSet; internal readonly EntityKey Key0; internal readonly EntityKey Key1; internal RelationshipWrapper(AssociationSet extent, EntityKey key) { Debug.Assert(null != extent, "null RelationshipWrapper"); Debug.Assert(null != (object)key, "null key"); this.AssociationSet = extent; this.Key0 = key; this.Key1 = key; } internal RelationshipWrapper(RelationshipWrapper wrapper, int ordinal, EntityKey key) { Debug.Assert(null != wrapper, "null RelationshipWrapper"); Debug.Assert((uint)ordinal <= 1u, "ordinal out of range"); Debug.Assert(null != (object)key, "null key2"); this.AssociationSet = wrapper.AssociationSet; this.Key0 = (0 == ordinal) ? key : wrapper.Key0; this.Key1 = (0 == ordinal) ? wrapper.Key1 : key; } internal RelationshipWrapper(AssociationSet extent, KeyValuePair<string, EntityKey> roleAndKey1, KeyValuePair<string, EntityKey> roleAndKey2) : this(extent, roleAndKey1.Key, roleAndKey1.Value, roleAndKey2.Key, roleAndKey2.Value) { } internal RelationshipWrapper(AssociationSet extent, string role0, EntityKey key0, string role1, EntityKey key1) { Debug.Assert(null != extent, "null AssociationSet"); Debug.Assert(null != (object)key0, "null key0"); Debug.Assert(null != (object)key1, "null key1"); AssociationSet = extent; Debug.Assert(extent.ElementType.AssociationEndMembers.Count == 2, "only 2 ends are supported"); // this assert is explictly commented out to show that the two are similar but different // we should always use AssociationEndMembers, never CorrespondingAssociationEndMember //Debug.Assert(AssociationSet.AssociationSetEnds.Count == 2, "only 2 set ends supported"); //Debug.Assert(extent.ElementType.AssociationEndMembers[0] == AssociationSet.AssociationSetEnds[0].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember, "should be same end member"); //Debug.Assert(extent.ElementType.AssociationEndMembers[1] == AssociationSet.AssociationSetEnds[1].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember, "should be same end member"); if (extent.ElementType.AssociationEndMembers[0].Name == role0) { Debug.Assert(extent.ElementType.AssociationEndMembers[1].Name == role1, "a)roleAndKey1 Name differs"); Key0 = key0; Key1 = key1; } else { Debug.Assert(extent.ElementType.AssociationEndMembers[0].Name == role1, "b)roleAndKey1 Name differs"); Debug.Assert(extent.ElementType.AssociationEndMembers[1].Name == role0, "b)roleAndKey0 Name differs"); Key0 = key1; Key1 = key0; } } internal ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<AssociationEndMember> AssociationEndMembers { get { return this.AssociationSet.ElementType.AssociationEndMembers; } } internal AssociationEndMember GetAssociationEndMember(EntityKey key) { Debug.Assert(Key0 == key || Key1 == key, "didn't match a key"); return AssociationEndMembers[(Key0 != key) ? 1 : 0]; } internal EntityKey GetOtherEntityKey(EntityKey key) { return ((Key0 == key) ? Key1 : ((Key1 == key) ? Key0 : null)); } internal EntityKey GetEntityKey(int ordinal) { switch (ordinal) { case 0: return Key0; case 1: return Key1; default: throw EntityUtil.ArgumentOutOfRange("ordinal"); } } public override int GetHashCode() { return this.AssociationSet.Name.GetHashCode() ^ (this.Key0.GetHashCode() + this.Key1.GetHashCode()); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return Equals(obj as RelationshipWrapper); } public bool Equals(RelationshipWrapper wrapper) { return (Object.ReferenceEquals(this, wrapper) || ((null != wrapper) && Object.ReferenceEquals(this.AssociationSet, wrapper.AssociationSet) && this.Key0.Equals(wrapper.Key0) && this.Key1.Equals(wrapper.Key1))); } } }