//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.SessionState { using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.Caching; using System.Web.Util; using System.Xml; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration.Provider; internal sealed class InProcSessionStateStore : SessionStateStoreProviderBase { internal static readonly int CACHEKEYPREFIXLENGTH = CacheInternal.PrefixInProcSessionState.Length; internal static readonly int NewLockCookie = 1; CacheItemRemovedCallback _callback; SessionStateItemExpireCallback _expireCallback; /* * Handle callbacks from the cache for session state expiry */ public void OnCacheItemRemoved(String key, Object value, CacheItemRemovedReason reason) { InProcSessionState state; String id; Debug.Trace("SessionOnEnd", "OnCacheItemRemoved called, reason = " + reason); PerfCounters.DecrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_ACTIVE); state = (InProcSessionState) value; if ((state._flags & (int)SessionStateItemFlags.IgnoreCacheItemRemoved) != 0 || (state._flags & (int)SessionStateItemFlags.Uninitialized) != 0) { Debug.Trace("SessionOnEnd", "OnCacheItemRemoved ignored"); return; } switch (reason) { case CacheItemRemovedReason.Expired: PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_TIMED_OUT); break; case CacheItemRemovedReason.Removed: PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_ABANDONED); break; default: break; } TraceSessionStats(); if (_expireCallback != null) { id = key.Substring(CACHEKEYPREFIXLENGTH); _expireCallback(id, SessionStateUtility.CreateLegitStoreData(null, state._sessionItems, state._staticObjects, state._timeout)); } } private string CreateSessionStateCacheKey(String id) { return CacheInternal.PrefixInProcSessionState + id; } public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) name = "InProc Session State Provider"; base.Initialize(name, config); _callback = new CacheItemRemovedCallback(this.OnCacheItemRemoved); } public override bool SetItemExpireCallback(SessionStateItemExpireCallback expireCallback) { _expireCallback = expireCallback; return true; } public override void Dispose() { } public override void InitializeRequest(HttpContext context) { } SessionStateStoreData DoGet(HttpContext context, String id, bool exclusive, out bool locked, out TimeSpan lockAge, out object lockId, out SessionStateActions actionFlags) { string key = CreateSessionStateCacheKey(id); // Set default return values locked = false; lockId = null; lockAge = TimeSpan.Zero; actionFlags = 0; // Not technically necessary for InProc, but we do it to be consistent // with SQL provider SessionIDManager.CheckIdLength(id, true /* throwOnFail */); InProcSessionState state = (InProcSessionState) HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.Get(key); if (state != null) { bool lockedByOther; // True if the state is locked by another session int initialFlags; initialFlags = (int)state._flags; if ((initialFlags & (int)SessionStateItemFlags.Uninitialized) != 0) { // It is an uninitialized item. We have to remove that flag. // We only allow one request to do that. // For details, see inline doc for SessionStateItemFlags.Uninitialized flag. // If initialFlags != return value of CompareExchange, it means another request has // removed the flag. Debug.Trace("SessionStateClientSet", "Removing the Uninit flag for item; key = " + key); if (initialFlags == Interlocked.CompareExchange( ref state._flags, initialFlags & (~((int)SessionStateItemFlags.Uninitialized)), initialFlags)) { actionFlags = SessionStateActions.InitializeItem; } } if (exclusive) { lockedByOther = true; // If unlocked, use a spinlock to test and lock the state. if (!state._locked) { state._spinLock.AcquireWriterLock(); try { if (!state._locked) { lockedByOther = false; state._locked = true; state._utcLockDate = DateTime.UtcNow; state._lockCookie++; } lockId = state._lockCookie; } finally { state._spinLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } } else { // It's already locked by another request. Return the lockCookie to caller. lockId = state._lockCookie; } } else { state._spinLock.AcquireReaderLock(); try { lockedByOther = state._locked; lockId = state._lockCookie; } finally { state._spinLock.ReleaseReaderLock(); } } if (lockedByOther) { // Item found, but locked locked = true; lockAge = DateTime.UtcNow - state._utcLockDate; return null; } else { return SessionStateUtility.CreateLegitStoreData(context, state._sessionItems, state._staticObjects, state._timeout); } } // Not found return null; } public override SessionStateStoreData GetItem(HttpContext context, String id, out bool locked, out TimeSpan lockAge, out object lockId, out SessionStateActions actionFlags) { return DoGet(context, id, false, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actionFlags); } public override SessionStateStoreData GetItemExclusive(HttpContext context, String id, out bool locked, out TimeSpan lockAge, out object lockId, out SessionStateActions actionFlags) { return DoGet(context, id, true, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actionFlags); } // Unlock an item locked by GetExclusive // 'lockId' is the lock context returned by previous call to GetExclusive public override void ReleaseItemExclusive(HttpContext context, String id, object lockId) { Debug.Assert(lockId != null, "lockId != null"); string key = CreateSessionStateCacheKey(id); int lockCookie = (int)lockId; SessionIDManager.CheckIdLength(id, true /* throwOnFail */); InProcSessionState state = (InProcSessionState) HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.Get(key); /* If the state isn't there, we probably took too long to run. */ if (state == null) return; if (state._locked) { state._spinLock.AcquireWriterLock(); try { if (state._locked && lockCookie == state._lockCookie) { state._locked = false; } } finally { state._spinLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } } } public override void SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(HttpContext context, String id, SessionStateStoreData item, object lockId, bool newItem) { string key = CreateSessionStateCacheKey(id); bool doInsert = true; CacheInternal cacheInternal = HttpRuntime.CacheInternal; int lockCookieForInsert = NewLockCookie; ISessionStateItemCollection items = null; HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects = null; Debug.Assert(item.Items != null, "item.Items != null"); Debug.Assert(item.StaticObjects != null, "item.StaticObjects != null"); Debug.Assert(item.Timeout <= SessionStateModule.MAX_CACHE_BASED_TIMEOUT_MINUTES, "item.Timeout <= SessionStateModule.MAX_CACHE_BASED_TIMEOUT_MINUTES"); SessionIDManager.CheckIdLength(id, true /* throwOnFail */); if (item.Items.Count > 0) { items = item.Items; } if (!item.StaticObjects.NeverAccessed) { staticObjects = item.StaticObjects; } if (!newItem) { Debug.Assert(lockId != null, "lockId != null"); InProcSessionState stateCurrent = (InProcSessionState) cacheInternal.Get(key); int lockCookie = (int)lockId; /* If the state isn't there, we probably took too long to run. */ if (stateCurrent == null) return; Debug.Trace("SessionStateClientSet", "state is inStorage; key = " + key); Debug.Assert((stateCurrent._flags & (int)SessionStateItemFlags.Uninitialized) == 0, "Should never set an unitialized item; key = " + key); stateCurrent._spinLock.AcquireWriterLock(); try { /* Only set the state if we are the owner */ if (!stateCurrent._locked || stateCurrent._lockCookie != lockCookie) { Debug.Trace("SessionStateClientSet", "Leave because we're not the owner; key = " + key); return; } /* We can change the state in place if the timeout hasn't changed */ if (stateCurrent._timeout == item.Timeout) { stateCurrent.Copy( items, staticObjects, item.Timeout, false, DateTime.MinValue, lockCookie, stateCurrent._flags); // Don't need to insert into the Cache because an in-place copy is good enough. doInsert = false; Debug.Trace("SessionStateClientSet", "Changing state inplace; key = " + key); } else { /* We are going to insert a new item to replace the current one in Cache because the expiry time has changed. Pleas note that an insert will cause the Session_End to be incorrectly raised. Please note that the item itself should not expire between now and where we do UtcInsert below because CacheInternal.Get above have just updated its expiry time. */ stateCurrent._flags |= (int)SessionStateItemFlags.IgnoreCacheItemRemoved; /* By setting _lockCookie to 0, we prevent an overwriting by ReleaseExclusive when we drop the lock. The scenario can happen if another request is polling and trying to prempt the lock we have on the item. */ lockCookieForInsert = lockCookie; stateCurrent._lockCookie = 0; } } finally { stateCurrent._spinLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } } if (doInsert) { Debug.Trace("SessionStateClientSet", "Inserting state into Cache; key = " + key); InProcSessionState state = new InProcSessionState( items, staticObjects, item.Timeout, false, DateTime.MinValue, lockCookieForInsert, 0); try { } finally { // protected from ThreadAbortEx cacheInternal.UtcInsert( key, state, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(0, state._timeout, 0), CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, _callback); PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_TOTAL); PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_ACTIVE); TraceSessionStats(); } } } public override void CreateUninitializedItem(HttpContext context, String id, int timeout) { string key = CreateSessionStateCacheKey(id); Debug.Assert(timeout <= SessionStateModule.MAX_CACHE_BASED_TIMEOUT_MINUTES, "item.Timeout <= SessionStateModule.MAX_CACHE_BASED_TIMEOUT_MINUTES"); SessionIDManager.CheckIdLength(id, true /* throwOnFail */); Debug.Trace("SessionStateClientSet", "Inserting an uninitialized item into Cache; key = " + key); InProcSessionState state = new InProcSessionState( null, null, timeout, false, DateTime.MinValue, NewLockCookie, (int)SessionStateItemFlags.Uninitialized); // DevDivBugs 146875 // We do not want to overwrite an item with an uninitialized item if it is // already in the cache try { } finally { // protected from ThreadAbortEx object existingEntry = HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.UtcAdd( key, state, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(0, timeout, 0), CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, _callback); if (existingEntry == null) { PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_TOTAL); PerfCounters.IncrementCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_ACTIVE); } } } // Remove an item. Note that the item is originally obtained by GetExclusive // Same note as Set on lockId public override void RemoveItem(HttpContext context, String id, object lockId, SessionStateStoreData item) { Debug.Assert(lockId != null, "lockId != null"); string key = CreateSessionStateCacheKey(id); CacheInternal cacheInternal = HttpRuntime.CacheInternal; int lockCookie = (int)lockId; SessionIDManager.CheckIdLength(id, true /* throwOnFail */); InProcSessionState state = (InProcSessionState) cacheInternal.Get(key); /* If the item isn't there, we probably took too long to run. */ if (state == null) return; state._spinLock.AcquireWriterLock(); try { /* Only remove the item if we are the owner */ if (!state._locked || state._lockCookie != lockCookie) return; /* prevent overwriting when we drop the lock */ state._lockCookie = 0; } finally { state._spinLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } cacheInternal.Remove(key); TraceSessionStats(); } // Reset the expire time of an item based on its timeout value public override void ResetItemTimeout(HttpContext context, String id) { string key = CreateSessionStateCacheKey(id); SessionIDManager.CheckIdLength(id, true /* throwOnFail */); HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.Get(key); } // Create a new SessionStateStoreData. public override SessionStateStoreData CreateNewStoreData(HttpContext context, int timeout) { return SessionStateUtility.CreateLegitStoreData(context, null, null, timeout); } // Called during EndRequest event public override void EndRequest(HttpContext context) { } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("DBG")] internal static void TraceSessionStats() { #if DBG Debug.Trace("SessionState", "sessionsTotal=" + PerfCounters.GetCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_TOTAL) + ", sessionsActive=" + PerfCounters.GetCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_ACTIVE) + ", sessionsAbandoned=" + PerfCounters.GetCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_ABANDONED) + ", sessionsTimedout=" + PerfCounters.GetCounter(AppPerfCounter.SESSIONS_TIMED_OUT) ); #endif } } internal sealed class InProcSessionState { internal ISessionStateItemCollection _sessionItems; internal HttpStaticObjectsCollection _staticObjects; internal int _timeout; // USed to set slidingExpiration in CacheEntry internal bool _locked; // If it's locked by another thread internal DateTime _utcLockDate; internal int _lockCookie; #pragma warning disable 0649 internal ReadWriteSpinLock _spinLock; #pragma warning restore 0649 internal int _flags; internal InProcSessionState( ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout, bool locked, DateTime utcLockDate, int lockCookie, int flags) { Copy(sessionItems, staticObjects, timeout, locked, utcLockDate, lockCookie, flags); } internal void Copy( ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout, bool locked, DateTime utcLockDate, int lockCookie, int flags) { this._sessionItems = sessionItems; this._staticObjects = staticObjects; this._timeout = timeout; this._locked = locked; this._utcLockDate = utcLockDate; this._lockCookie = lockCookie; this._flags = flags; } } }