// <copyright file="OutputCacheModule.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>                                                                

 * Output cache module
namespace System.Web.Caching {
    using System.Text;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security.Cryptography;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Caching;
    using System.Web.Util;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Web.Configuration;
    using System.Web.Management;
    using System.Web.Hosting;
    using System.Web.Security.Cryptography;

     * Holds header and param names that this cached item varies by.
    internal class CachedVary {
        // _id is used by OutputCacheProviders
        private           Guid      _cachedVaryId;
        internal readonly string[]  _contentEncodings;
        internal readonly string[]  _headers;
        internal readonly string[]  _params;
        internal readonly string    _varyByCustom;
        internal readonly bool      _varyByAllParams;

        internal Guid CachedVaryId { get { return _cachedVaryId; } }

        internal CachedVary(string[] contentEncodings, string[] headers, string[] parameters, bool varyByAllParams, string varyByCustom) {
            _contentEncodings = contentEncodings;
            _headers = headers;
            _params = parameters;
            _varyByAllParams = varyByAllParams;
            _varyByCustom = varyByCustom;
            _cachedVaryId = Guid.NewGuid();

        public override bool Equals(Object obj) {
            CachedVary cv = obj as CachedVary;
            if (cv == null) {
                return false;

            return _varyByAllParams == cv._varyByAllParams
                && _varyByCustom == cv._varyByCustom
                && StringUtil.StringArrayEquals(_contentEncodings, cv._contentEncodings)
                && StringUtil.StringArrayEquals(_headers, cv._headers)
                && StringUtil.StringArrayEquals(_params, cv._params);

        public override int GetHashCode() {
            HashCodeCombiner hashCodeCombiner = new HashCodeCombiner();
            // Cast _varyByCustom to an object, since the HashCodeCombiner.AddObject(string)
            // overload uses StringUtil.GetStringHashCode().  We want to use String.GetHashCode()
            // in this method, since we do not require a stable hash code across architectures.
            return hashCodeCombiner.CombinedHash32;

     * Holds the cached response.
    internal class CachedRawResponse {
         * Fields to store an actual response.
        internal          Guid                      _cachedVaryId;
        internal readonly HttpRawResponse           _rawResponse;
        internal readonly HttpCachePolicySettings   _settings;
        internal readonly String                    _kernelCacheUrl;

        internal CachedRawResponse(
                  HttpRawResponse         rawResponse,
                  HttpCachePolicySettings settings,
                  String                  kernelCacheUrl,
                  Guid                    cachedVaryId) {
            _rawResponse = rawResponse;
            _settings = settings;
            _kernelCacheUrl = kernelCacheUrl;
            _cachedVaryId = cachedVaryId;

    //  OutputCacheModule real implementation for premium SKUs

    sealed class  OutputCacheModule : IHttpModule {
        const int                   MAX_POST_KEY_LENGTH = 15000;
        const string                NULL_VARYBY_VALUE = "+n+";
        const string                ERROR_VARYBY_VALUE = "+e+";
        internal const string       TAG_OUTPUTCACHE = "OutputCache";
        const string                OUTPUTCACHE_KEYPREFIX_POST = CacheInternal.PrefixOutputCache + "1";
        const string                OUTPUTCACHE_KEYPREFIX_GET = CacheInternal.PrefixOutputCache + "2";
        const string                IDENTITY = "identity";
        const string                ASTERISK = "*";

        static internal readonly char[] s_fieldSeparators;

        string              _key;
        bool                _recordedCacheMiss;

        static OutputCacheModule() {
            s_fieldSeparators = new char[] {',', ' '};

        internal OutputCacheModule() {

        internal static string CreateOutputCachedItemKey(
                string              path, 
                HttpVerb            verb,
                HttpContext         context,
                CachedVary          cachedVary) {

            StringBuilder       sb;
            int                 i, j, n;
            string              name, value;
            string[]            a;
            byte[]              buf;
            HttpRequest         request;
            NameValueCollection col;
            int                 contentLength;
            bool                getAllParams;

            if (verb == HttpVerb.POST) {
                sb = new StringBuilder(OUTPUTCACHE_KEYPREFIX_POST, path.Length + OUTPUTCACHE_KEYPREFIX_POST.Length);
            else {
                sb = new StringBuilder(OUTPUTCACHE_KEYPREFIX_GET, path.Length + OUTPUTCACHE_KEYPREFIX_GET.Length);


            /* key for cached vary item has additional information */
            if (cachedVary != null) {
                request = context.Request;

                /* params part */
                for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++) {
                    a = null;
                    col = null;
                    getAllParams = false;

                    switch (j) {
                        case 0:
                            a = cachedVary._headers;
                            if (a != null) {
                                col = request.GetServerVarsWithoutDemand();


                        case 1:
                            Debug.Assert(cachedVary._params == null || !cachedVary._varyByAllParams, "cachedVary._params == null || !cachedVary._varyByAllParams");

                            a = cachedVary._params;
                            if (request.HasQueryString && (a != null || cachedVary._varyByAllParams)) {
                                col = request.QueryString;
                                getAllParams = cachedVary._varyByAllParams;


                        case 2:
                            Debug.Assert(cachedVary._params == null || !cachedVary._varyByAllParams, "cachedVary._params == null || !cachedVary._varyByAllParams");

                            if (verb == HttpVerb.POST) {
                                a = cachedVary._params;
                                if (request.HasForm && (a != null || cachedVary._varyByAllParams)) {
                                    col = request.Form;
                                    getAllParams = cachedVary._varyByAllParams;


                    Debug.Assert(a == null || !getAllParams, "a == null || !getAllParams");

                    /* handle all params case (VaryByParams[*] = true) */
                    if (getAllParams && col.Count > 0) {
                        a = col.AllKeys;
                        for (i = a.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            if (a[i] != null)
                                a[i] = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToLower(a[i]);

                        Array.Sort(a, InvariantComparer.Default);

                    if (a != null) {
                        for (i = 0, n = a.Length; i < n; i++) {
                            name = a[i];
                            if (col == null) {
                                value = NULL_VARYBY_VALUE;
                            else {
                                value = col[name];
                                if (value == null) {
                                    value = NULL_VARYBY_VALUE;


                /* custom string part */
                if (cachedVary._varyByCustom != null) {

                    try {
                        value = context.ApplicationInstance.GetVaryByCustomString(
                                context, cachedVary._varyByCustom);
                        if (value == null) {
                            value = NULL_VARYBY_VALUE;
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        value = ERROR_VARYBY_VALUE;


                 * if VaryByParms=*, and method is not a form, then 
                 * use a cryptographically strong hash of the data as
                 * part of the key.
                if (    verb == HttpVerb.POST && 
                        cachedVary._varyByAllParams && 
                        request.Form.Count == 0) {

                    contentLength = request.ContentLength;
                    if (contentLength > MAX_POST_KEY_LENGTH || contentLength < 0) {
                        return null;

                    if (contentLength > 0) {
                        buf = ((HttpInputStream)request.InputStream).GetAsByteArray();
                        if (buf == null) {
                            return null;

                        // Use SHA256 to generate a collision-free hash of the input data
                        value = Convert.ToBase64String(CryptoUtil.ComputeSHA256Hash(buf));

                 * VaryByContentEncoding
                string[] contentEncodings = cachedVary._contentEncodings;
                if (contentEncodings != null) {
                    string coding = context.Response.GetHttpHeaderContentEncoding();
                    if (coding != null) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < contentEncodings.Length; k++) {
                            if (contentEncodings[k] == coding) {

                // The key must end in "E", or the VaryByContentEncoding feature will break. Unfortunately, 
                // there was no good way to encapsulate the logic within this routine.  See the code in
                // OnEnter where we append the result of GetAcceptableEncoding to the key.

            return sb.ToString();

         * Return a key to lookup a cached response. The key contains 
         * the path and optionally, vary parameters, vary headers, custom strings,
         * and form posted data.
        string CreateOutputCachedItemKey(HttpContext context, CachedVary cachedVary) {
            return CreateOutputCachedItemKey(context.Request.Path, context.Request.HttpVerb, context, cachedVary);

         * GetAcceptableEncoding finds an acceptable coding for the given
         * Accept-Encoding header (see RFC 2616)
         * returns either i) an acceptable index in contentEncodings, ii) -1 if the identity is acceptable, or iii) -2 if nothing is acceptable
        static int GetAcceptableEncoding(string[] contentEncodings, int startIndex, string acceptEncoding) {
            // The format of Accept-Encoding is ( 1#( codings [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] ) | "*" )
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(acceptEncoding)) {
                return -1; // use "identity"

            // is there only one token?
            int tokenEnd = acceptEncoding.IndexOf(',');
            if (tokenEnd == -1) {
                string acceptEncodingWithoutWeight = acceptEncoding;
                // WOS 1984913: is there a weight?
                tokenEnd = acceptEncoding.IndexOf(';');
                if (tokenEnd > -1) {
                    // remove weight
                    int space = acceptEncoding.IndexOf(' ');
                    if (space > -1 && space < tokenEnd) {
                        tokenEnd = space;
                    acceptEncodingWithoutWeight = acceptEncoding.Substring(0, tokenEnd);                    
                    if (ParseWeight(acceptEncoding, tokenEnd) == 0) {
                        // WOS 1985352 & WOS 1985353: weight is 0, use "identity" only if it is acceptable
                        bool identityIsAcceptable = acceptEncodingWithoutWeight != IDENTITY && acceptEncodingWithoutWeight != ASTERISK;
                        return (identityIsAcceptable) ? -1 : -2;
                // WOS 1985353: is this the special "*" symbol?
                if (acceptEncodingWithoutWeight == ASTERISK) {
                    // just return the index of the first entry in the list, since it is acceptable
                    return 0;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < contentEncodings.Length; i++) {
                    if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(contentEncodings[i], acceptEncodingWithoutWeight)) {
                        return i; // found
                return -1; // not found, use "identity"
            // there are multiple tokens
            int bestCodingIndex = -1;
            double bestCodingWeight = 0;
            for (int i = startIndex; i < contentEncodings.Length; i++) {
                string coding = contentEncodings[i];
                // get weight of current coding
                double weight = GetAcceptableEncodingHelper(coding, acceptEncoding);
                // if it is 1, use it
                if (weight == 1) {
                    return i;
                // if it is the best so far, remember it
                if (weight > bestCodingWeight) {
                    bestCodingIndex = i;
                    bestCodingWeight = weight;
            // WOS 1985352: use "identity" only if it is acceptable
            if (bestCodingIndex == -1 && !IsIdentityAcceptable(acceptEncoding)) {
                    bestCodingIndex = -2;
            return bestCodingIndex; // coding index with highest weight, possibly -1 or -2

        // Get the weight of the specified coding from the Accept-Encoding header.
        // 1 means use this coding.  0 means don't use this coding.  A number between
        // 1 and 0 must be compared with other codings.  -1 means the coding was not found
        static double GetAcceptableEncodingHelper(string coding, string acceptEncoding) {
            double weight = -1;
            int startSearchIndex = 0;
            int codingLength = coding.Length;
            int acceptEncodingLength = acceptEncoding.Length;
            int maxSearchIndex = acceptEncodingLength - codingLength;
            while (startSearchIndex < maxSearchIndex) {
                int indexStart = acceptEncoding.IndexOf(coding, startSearchIndex, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (indexStart == -1) {
                    break; // not found
                // if index is in middle of string, previous char should be ' ' or ','
                if (indexStart != 0) {
                    char previousChar = acceptEncoding[indexStart-1];
                    if (previousChar != ' ' && previousChar != ',') {
                        startSearchIndex = indexStart + 1;
                        continue; // move index forward and continue searching
                // the match starts on a token boundary, but it must also end
                // on a token boundary ...
                int indexNextChar = indexStart + codingLength;
                char nextChar = '\0';
                if (indexNextChar < acceptEncodingLength) {
                    nextChar = acceptEncoding[indexNextChar];
                    while (nextChar == ' ' && ++indexNextChar < acceptEncodingLength) {
                        nextChar = acceptEncoding[indexNextChar];
                    if (nextChar != ' ' && nextChar != ',' && nextChar != ';') {
                        startSearchIndex = indexStart + 1;
                        continue; // move index forward and continue searching
                weight = (nextChar == ';') ? ParseWeight(acceptEncoding, indexNextChar) : 1;
                break; // found
            return weight;

        // Gets the weight of the encoding beginning at startIndex.
        // If Accept-Encoding header is formatted incorrectly, return 1 to short-circuit search.
        static double ParseWeight(string acceptEncoding, int startIndex) {
            double weight = 1;
            int tokenEnd = acceptEncoding.IndexOf(',', startIndex);
            if (tokenEnd == -1) {
                tokenEnd = acceptEncoding.Length;
            int qIndex = acceptEncoding.IndexOf('q', startIndex);
            if (qIndex > -1 && qIndex < tokenEnd) {
                int equalsIndex = acceptEncoding.IndexOf('=', qIndex);
                if (equalsIndex > -1 && equalsIndex < tokenEnd) {
                    string s = acceptEncoding.Substring(equalsIndex+1, tokenEnd - (equalsIndex + 1));
                    double d;
                    if (Double.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Float & ~NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign & ~NumberStyles.AllowExponent, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out d)) {
                        weight = (d >= 0 && d <= 1) ? d : 1; // if format is invalid, short-circut search by returning weight of 1
            return weight;

        static bool IsIdentityAcceptable(string acceptEncoding) {
            bool result = true;
            double identityWeight = GetAcceptableEncodingHelper(IDENTITY, acceptEncoding);
            if (identityWeight == 0
                || (identityWeight <= 0 && GetAcceptableEncodingHelper(ASTERISK, acceptEncoding) == 0)) {
                result = false;
            return result;

        static bool IsAcceptableEncoding(string contentEncoding, string acceptEncoding) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentEncoding)) {
                // if Content-Encoding is not set treat it as the identity
                contentEncoding = IDENTITY;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(acceptEncoding)) {
                // only the identity is acceptable if Accept-Encoding is not set
                return (contentEncoding == IDENTITY);
            double weight = GetAcceptableEncodingHelper(contentEncoding, acceptEncoding);
            if (weight == 0
                || (weight <= 0 && GetAcceptableEncodingHelper(ASTERISK, acceptEncoding) == 0)) {
                return false;
            return true;

         * Record a cache miss to the perf counters.
        void RecordCacheMiss() {
            if (!_recordedCacheMiss) {
                _recordedCacheMiss = true;

        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>Initializes the output cache for an application.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        void IHttpModule.Init(HttpApplication app) {
            OutputCacheSection cacheConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetAppConfig().OutputCache;
            if (cacheConfig.EnableOutputCache) {
                app.ResolveRequestCache += new EventHandler(this.OnEnter);
                app.UpdateRequestCache += new EventHandler(this.OnLeave);

        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>Disposes of items from the output cache.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        void IHttpModule.Dispose() {

         * Try to find this request in the cache. If so, return it. Otherwise,
         * store the cache key for use on Leave.

        /// <devdoc>
        /// <para>Raises the <see langword='Enter'/> 
        /// event, which searches the output cache for an item to satisfy the HTTP request. </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        internal void OnEnter(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs) {
            Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Beginning OutputCacheModule::Enter");
            _key = null;
            _recordedCacheMiss = false;

            if (!OutputCache.InUse) {
                Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Miss, no entries in output Cache" + 
                            "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

            HttpApplication             app;
            HttpContext                 context;
            string                      key;
            HttpRequest                 request; 
            HttpResponse                response; 
            Object                      item;
            CachedRawResponse           cachedRawResponse;            
            HttpCachePolicySettings     settings;
            int                         i, n;                      
            bool                        sendBody;                  
            HttpValidationStatus        validationStatus, validationStatusFinal;                     
            ValidationCallbackInfo      callbackInfo;
            string                      ifModifiedSinceHeader;
            DateTime                    utcIfModifiedSince;
            string                      etag;
            string[]                    etags;
            int                         send304;
            string                      cacheControl;
            string[]                    cacheDirectives = null;
            string                      pragma;
            string[]                    pragmaDirectives = null;
            string                      directive;
            int                         maxage;
            int                         minfresh;
            int                         age;
            int                         fresh;
            bool                        hasValidationPolicy;    
            CachedVary                  cachedVary;
            HttpRawResponse             rawResponse;
            CachedPathData              cachedPathData;

            app = (HttpApplication)source;
            context = app.Context;
            cachedPathData = context.GetFilePathData();
            request = context.Request;
            response = context.Response;
             * Check if the request can be resolved for this method.
            switch (request.HttpVerb) {
                case HttpVerb.HEAD:
                case HttpVerb.GET:
                case HttpVerb.POST:

                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Miss, Http method not GET, POST, or HEAD" +
                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

             * Create a lookup key. Remember the key for use inside Leave()
            _key = key = CreateOutputCachedItemKey(context, null);
            Debug.Assert(_key != null, "_key != null");

             *  Lookup the cache vary for this key.
            item = OutputCache.Get(key);
            if (item == null) {
                Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Miss, item not found.\n\tkey=" + key +
                            "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

            // 'item' may be one of the following:
            //  - a CachedVary object (if the object varies by something)
            //  - a "no vary" CachedRawResponse object (i.e. it doesn't vary on anything)
            // Let's assume it's a CacheVary and see what happens.
            cachedVary = item as CachedVary;

            // If we have one, create a new cache key for it (this is a must)
            if (cachedVary != null) {
                 * This cached output has a Vary policy. Create a new key based 
                 * on the vary headers in cachedRawResponse and try again.
                 * Skip this step if it's a VaryByNone vary policy.

                key = CreateOutputCachedItemKey(context, cachedVary);
                if (key == null) {
                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Miss, key could not be created for vary-by item." + 
                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

                if (cachedVary._contentEncodings == null) {
                    // With the new key, look up the in-memory key.
                    // At this point, we've exhausted the lookups in memory for this item.
                    item = OutputCache.Get(key);
                else {
#if DBG
                    Debug.Assert(key[key.Length-1] == 'E', "key[key.Length-1] == 'E'");
                    item = null;
                    bool identityIsAcceptable = true;
                    string acceptEncoding = context.WorkerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderAcceptEncoding);
                    if (acceptEncoding != null) {
                        string[] contentEncodings = cachedVary._contentEncodings;
                        int startIndex = 0;
                        bool done = false;
                        while (!done) {
                            done = true;
                            int index = GetAcceptableEncoding(contentEncodings, startIndex, acceptEncoding);
                            if (index > -1) {
#if DBG                               
                                Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "VaryByContentEncoding key=" + key + contentEncodings[index]);
                                identityIsAcceptable = false; // the client Accept-Encoding header contains an encoding that's in the VaryByContentEncoding list
                                item = OutputCache.Get(key + contentEncodings[index]);
                                if (item == null) {
                                    startIndex = index+1;
                                    if (startIndex < contentEncodings.Length) {
                                        done = false;
                            else if (index == -2) {
                                // the identity has a weight of 0 and is not acceptable
                                identityIsAcceptable = false;
                    // the identity should not be used if the client Accept-Encoding contains an entry in the VaryByContentEncoding list or "identity" is not acceptable
                    if (item == null && identityIsAcceptable) {
#if DBG                               
                        Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "VaryByContentEncoding key=" + key);
                        item = OutputCache.Get(key);   

                Debug.Assert(item == null || item is CachedRawResponse, "item == null || item is CachedRawResponse");
                if (item == null || ((CachedRawResponse)item)._cachedVaryId != cachedVary.CachedVaryId) {
#if DBG
                    if (item == null) {
                        Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Miss, cVary found, cRawResponse not found.\n\t\tkey=" + key +
                                    "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");
                    else {
                        string msg = "Miss, _cachedVaryId=" + ((CachedRawResponse)item)._cachedVaryId.ToString() + ", cVary.CachedVaryId=" + cachedVary.CachedVaryId.ToString();
                        Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", msg + key +
                                    "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");
                    if (item != null) {
                        // explicitly remove entry because _cachedVaryId does not match
                        OutputCache.Remove(key, context);

            // From this point on, we have an entry to work with.

            Debug.Assert(item is CachedRawResponse, "item is CachedRawResponse");
            cachedRawResponse = (CachedRawResponse) item;
            settings = cachedRawResponse._settings;
            if (cachedVary == null && !settings.IgnoreParams) {
                 * This cached output has no vary policy, so make sure it doesn't have a query string or form post.
                if (request.HttpVerb == HttpVerb.POST) {
                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Output cache item found but method is POST and no VaryByParam specified." +
                                "\n\tkey=" + key +
                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");
                if (request.HasQueryString) {
                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Output cache item found but contains a querystring and no VaryByParam specified." +
                                "\n\tkey=" + key +
                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

            if (settings.IgnoreRangeRequests) {
                string rangeHeader = request.Headers["Range"];
                if (StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(rangeHeader, "bytes")) {
                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Output cache item found but this is a Range request and IgnoreRangeRequests is true." +
                                "\n\tkey=" + key +
                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");
                    // Don't record this as a cache miss. The response for a range request is not cached, and so
                    // we don't want to pollute the cache hit/miss ratio.

            hasValidationPolicy = settings.HasValidationPolicy();

             * Determine whether the client can accept a cached copy, and
             * get values of other cache control directives.
             * We do this after lookup so we don't have to break down the headers
             * if the item is not found. Cracking the headers is expensive.
            if (!hasValidationPolicy) {
                cacheControl = request.Headers["Cache-Control"];
                if (cacheControl != null) {
                    cacheDirectives = cacheControl.Split(s_fieldSeparators);
                    for (i = 0; i < cacheDirectives.Length; i++) {
                        directive = cacheDirectives[i];
                        if (directive == "no-cache" || directive == "no-store") {
                                        "Skipping lookup because of Cache-Control: no-cache or no-store directive." + 
                                        "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");


                        if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(directive, "max-age=")) {
                            try {
                                maxage = Convert.ToInt32(directive.Substring(8), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            catch {
                                maxage = -1;

                            if (maxage >= 0) {
                                age = (int) ((context.UtcTimestamp.Ticks - settings.UtcTimestampCreated.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
                                if (age >= maxage) {
                                                "Not returning found item due to Cache-Control: max-age directive." + 
                                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

                        else if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(directive, "min-fresh=")) {
                            try {
                                minfresh = Convert.ToInt32(directive.Substring(10), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            catch {
                                minfresh = -1;

                            if (minfresh >= 0 && settings.IsExpiresSet && !settings.SlidingExpiration) {
                                fresh = (int) ((settings.UtcExpires.Ticks - context.UtcTimestamp.Ticks) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
                                if (fresh < minfresh) {
                                                "Not returning found item due to Cache-Control: min-fresh directive." + 
                                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");


                pragma = request.Headers["Pragma"];
                if (pragma != null) {
                    pragmaDirectives = pragma.Split(s_fieldSeparators);
                    for (i = 0; i < pragmaDirectives.Length; i++) {
                        if (pragmaDirectives[i] == "no-cache") {
                                        "Skipping lookup because of Pragma: no-cache directive." + 
                                        "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

            else if (settings.ValidationCallbackInfo != null) {
                 * Check if the item is still valid.
                validationStatus = HttpValidationStatus.Valid;
                validationStatusFinal = validationStatus;
                for (i = 0, n = settings.ValidationCallbackInfo.Length; i < n; i++) {
                    callbackInfo = settings.ValidationCallbackInfo[i];
                    try {
                        callbackInfo.handler(context, callbackInfo.data, ref validationStatus);
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        validationStatus = HttpValidationStatus.Invalid;

                    switch (validationStatus) {
                        case HttpValidationStatus.Invalid:
                            Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Output cache item found but callback invalidated it." +
                                        "\n\tkey=" + key +
                                        "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

                            OutputCache.Remove(key, context);

                        case HttpValidationStatus.IgnoreThisRequest:
                            validationStatusFinal = HttpValidationStatus.IgnoreThisRequest;

                        case HttpValidationStatus.Valid:

                            Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Invalid validation status, ignoring it, status=" + validationStatus + 
                                        "\n\tkey=" + key);

                            validationStatus = validationStatusFinal;


                if (validationStatusFinal == HttpValidationStatus.IgnoreThisRequest) {
                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Output cache item found but callback status is IgnoreThisRequest." +
                                "\n\tkey=" + key +
                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");


                Debug.Assert(validationStatusFinal == HttpValidationStatus.Valid, 
                             "validationStatusFinal == HttpValidationStatus.Valid");

            rawResponse = cachedRawResponse._rawResponse;

            // WOS 1985154 ensure Content-Encoding is acceptable
            if (cachedVary == null || cachedVary._contentEncodings == null) {
                string acceptEncoding = request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"];                
                string contentEncoding = null;
                ArrayList headers = rawResponse.Headers;
                if (headers != null) {
                    foreach (HttpResponseHeader h in headers) {
                        if (h.Name == "Content-Encoding") {
                            contentEncoding = h.Value;
                if (!IsAcceptableEncoding(contentEncoding, acceptEncoding)) {

             * Try to satisfy a conditional request. The cached response
             * must satisfy all conditions that are present.
             * We can only satisfy a conditional request if the response
             * is buffered and has no substitution blocks.
             * N.B. RFC 2616 says conditional requests only occur 
             * with the GET method, but we try to satisfy other
             * verbs (HEAD, POST) as well.
            send304 = -1;

            if (!rawResponse.HasSubstBlocks) {
                /* Check "If-Modified-Since" header */
                ifModifiedSinceHeader = request.IfModifiedSince;
                if (ifModifiedSinceHeader != null) {
                    send304 = 0;
                    try {
                        utcIfModifiedSince = HttpDate.UtcParse(ifModifiedSinceHeader);
                        if (    settings.IsLastModifiedSet && 
                                settings.UtcLastModified <= utcIfModifiedSince &&
                                utcIfModifiedSince <= context.UtcTimestamp) {
                            send304 = 1;
                    catch {
                        Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Ignore If-Modified-Since header, invalid format: " + ifModifiedSinceHeader);
                /* Check "If-None-Match" header */
                if (send304 != 0) {
                    etag = request.IfNoneMatch;
                    if (etag != null) {
                        send304 = 0;
                        etags = etag.Split(s_fieldSeparators);
                        for (i = 0, n = etags.Length; i < n; i++) {
                            if (i == 0 && etags[i].Equals(ASTERISK)) {
                                send304 = 1;

                            if (etags[i].Equals(settings.ETag)) {
                                send304 = 1;

            if (send304 == 1) {
                 * Send 304 Not Modified
                Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Hit, conditional request satisfied, status=304." + 
                            "\n\tkey=" + key + 
                            "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

                response.StatusCode = 304;
            else {
                 * Send the full response.
#if DBG
                if (send304 == -1) {
                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Hit.\n\tkey=" + key +
                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

                else {
                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleEnter", "Hit, but conditional request not satisfied.\n\tkey=" + key +
                                "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Enter");

                sendBody = (request.HttpVerb != HttpVerb.HEAD);

                // Check and see if the cachedRawResponse is from the disk
                // If so, we must clone the HttpRawResponse before sending it

                // UseSnapshot calls ClearAll
                response.UseSnapshot(rawResponse, sendBody);
            response.Cache.ResetFromHttpCachePolicySettings(settings, context.UtcTimestamp);

            // re-insert entry in kernel cache if necessary
            string originalCacheUrl = cachedRawResponse._kernelCacheUrl;
            if (originalCacheUrl != null) {

            _key = null;
            _recordedCacheMiss = false;

         * If the item is cacheable, add it to the cache.

        /// <devdoc>
        /// <para>Raises the <see langword='Leave'/> event, which causes any cacheable items to 
        ///    be put into the output cache.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        internal /*public*/ void OnLeave(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs) {
            HttpApplication         app;
            HttpContext             context;
            bool                    cacheable;
            CachedVary              cachedVary;
            HttpCachePolicy         cache;
            HttpCachePolicySettings settings;
            string                  keyRawResponse;                
            string[]                varyByContentEncodings;
            string[]                varyByHeaders;
            string[]                varyByParams;
            bool                    varyByAllParams;
            HttpRequest             request;                        
            HttpResponse            response;                       
            int                     i, n;
            bool                    cacheAuthorizedPage;

            Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleLeave", "Beginning OutputCacheModule::Leave");

            app = (HttpApplication)source;
            context = app.Context;
            request = context.Request;
            response = context.Response;
            cache = null;

#if DBG
            string  reason = null;
             * Determine whether the response is cacheable.
            cacheable = false;
            do {
                if (!response.HasCachePolicy) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "CachePolicy not created, not modified from non-caching default.";

                cache = response.Cache;
                if (!cache.IsModified()) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "CachePolicy created, but not modified from non-caching default.";

                if (response.StatusCode != 200) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "response.StatusCode != 200.";

                if (request.HttpVerb != HttpVerb.GET && request.HttpVerb != HttpVerb.POST) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "the cache can only cache responses to GET and POST.";

                if (!response.IsBuffered()) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "the response is not buffered.";

                 * Change a response with HttpCacheability.Public to HttpCacheability.Private
                 * if it requires authorization, and allow it to be cached.
                 * Note that setting Cacheability to ServerAndPrivate would accomplish
                 * the same thing without needing the "cacheAuthorizedPage" variable,
                 * but in RTM we did not have ServerAndPrivate, and setting that value
                 * would change the behavior.
                cacheAuthorizedPage = false;
                if (    cache.GetCacheability() == HttpCacheability.Public &&
                        context.RequestRequiresAuthorization()) {

                    cacheAuthorizedPage = true;

                if (    cache.GetCacheability() != HttpCacheability.Public &&
                        cache.GetCacheability() != HttpCacheability.ServerAndPrivate && 
                        cache.GetCacheability() != HttpCacheability.ServerAndNoCache && 
                        !cacheAuthorizedPage) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "CachePolicy.Cacheability is not Public, ServerAndPrivate, or ServerAndNoCache.";

                if (cache.GetNoServerCaching()) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "CachePolicy.NoServerCaching is set.";

                // MSRC 11855 (DevDiv 297240 / 362405) - We should suppress output caching for responses which contain non-shareable cookies.
                // We already disable the HTTP.SYS and IIS user mode cache when *any* response cookie is present (see IIS7WorkerRequest.SendUnknownResponseHeader)
                if (response.ContainsNonShareableCookies()) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "Non-shareable response cookies were present.";

                if (!cache.HasExpirationPolicy() && !cache.HasValidationPolicy()) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "CachePolicy has no expiration policy or validation policy.";

                if (cache.VaryByHeaders.GetVaryByUnspecifiedParameters()) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "CachePolicy.Vary.VaryByUnspecifiedParameters was called.";

                if (!cache.VaryByParams.AcceptsParams() && (request.HttpVerb == HttpVerb.POST || request.HasQueryString)) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "the cache cannot cache responses to POSTs or GETs with query strings unless Cache.VaryByParams is modified.";

                if (cache.VaryByContentEncodings.IsModified() && !cache.VaryByContentEncodings.IsCacheableEncoding(context.Response.GetHttpHeaderContentEncoding())) {
#if DBG
                    reason = "the cache cannot cache encoded responses that are not listed in the VaryByContentEncodings collection.";

                cacheable = true;
            } while (false);
             * Add response to cache.
            if (!cacheable) {
#if DBG
                Debug.Assert(reason != null, "reason != null");
                Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleLeave", "Item is not output cacheable because " + reason + 
                            "\n\tUrl=" + request.Path + 
                            "\nReturning from OutputCacheModule::Leave");



            settings = cache.GetCurrentSettings(response);

            varyByContentEncodings = settings.VaryByContentEncodings;

            varyByHeaders = settings.VaryByHeaders;
            if (settings.IgnoreParams) {
                varyByParams = null;
            else {
                varyByParams = settings.VaryByParams;

            /* Create the key if it was not created in OnEnter */
            if (_key == null) {
                _key = CreateOutputCachedItemKey(context, null);
                Debug.Assert(_key != null, "_key != null");

            if (varyByContentEncodings == null && varyByHeaders == null && varyByParams == null && settings.VaryByCustom == null) {
                 * This is not a varyBy item.
                keyRawResponse = _key;
                cachedVary = null;
            else {
                 * There is a vary in the cache policy. We handle this
                 * by adding another item to the cache which contains
                 * a list of the vary headers. A request for the item
                 * without the vary headers in the key will return this 
                 * item. From the headers another key can be constructed
                 * to lookup the item with the raw response.
                if (varyByHeaders != null) {
                    for (i = 0, n = varyByHeaders.Length; i < n; i++) {
                        varyByHeaders[i] = "HTTP_" + CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToUpper(
                                varyByHeaders[i].Replace('-', '_'));

                varyByAllParams = false;
                if (varyByParams != null) {
                    varyByAllParams = (varyByParams.Length == 1 && varyByParams[0] == ASTERISK);
                    if (varyByAllParams) {
                        varyByParams = null;
                    else {
                        for (i = 0, n = varyByParams.Length; i < n; i++) {
                            varyByParams[i] = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToLower(varyByParams[i]);

                cachedVary = new CachedVary(varyByContentEncodings, varyByHeaders, varyByParams, varyByAllParams, settings.VaryByCustom);
                keyRawResponse = CreateOutputCachedItemKey(context, cachedVary);
                if (keyRawResponse == null) {
                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleLeave", "Couldn't add non-cacheable post.\n\tkey=" + _key);

                // it is possible that the user code calculating custom vary-by
                // string would Flush making the response non-cacheable. Check fo it here.
                if (!response.IsBuffered()) {
                    Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleLeave", "Response.Flush() inside GetVaryByCustomString\n\tkey=" + _key);

            DateTime utcExpires = Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration;
            TimeSpan slidingDelta = Cache.NoSlidingExpiration;

            if (settings.SlidingExpiration) {
                slidingDelta = settings.SlidingDelta;
            else if (settings.IsMaxAgeSet) {
                DateTime utcTimestamp = (settings.UtcTimestampCreated != DateTime.MinValue) ? settings.UtcTimestampCreated : context.UtcTimestamp;
                utcExpires = utcTimestamp + settings.MaxAge;
            else if (settings.IsExpiresSet) {
                utcExpires = settings.UtcExpires;
            // Check and ensure that item hasn't expired:
            if (utcExpires > DateTime.UtcNow) {

                // Create the response object to be sent on cache hits.
                HttpRawResponse httpRawResponse = response.GetSnapshot();
                string kernelCacheUrl = response.SetupKernelCaching(null);
                Guid cachedVaryId = (cachedVary != null) ? cachedVary.CachedVaryId : Guid.Empty;
                CachedRawResponse cachedRawResponse = new CachedRawResponse(httpRawResponse, settings, kernelCacheUrl, cachedVaryId);

                Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleLeave", "Adding response to cache.\n\tkey=" + keyRawResponse);

                CacheDependency dep = response.CreateCacheDependencyForResponse();
                try {
                    OutputCache.InsertResponse(_key, cachedVary,
                                               keyRawResponse, cachedRawResponse,
                                               utcExpires, slidingDelta);
                catch {
                    if (dep != null) {

            _key = null;
            Debug.Trace("OutputCacheModuleLeave", "Returning from OutputCacheModule::Leave");