// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.Web.Configuration {
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Compilation;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Threading;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Security.Permissions;
public sealed class CompilationSection : ConfigurationSection {
private const string tempDirectoryAttributeName = "tempDirectory";
private const string assemblyPostProcessorTypeAttributeName = "assemblyPostProcessorType";
private const string controlBuilderInterceptorTypeAttributeName = "controlBuilderInterceptorType";
private static ConfigurationPropertyCollection _properties;
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propTempDirectory =
new ConfigurationProperty(tempDirectoryAttributeName, typeof(string),
String.Empty, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propDebug =
new ConfigurationProperty("debug", typeof(bool), false, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propStrict =
new ConfigurationProperty("strict", typeof(bool), false, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propExplicit =
new ConfigurationProperty("explicit", typeof(bool), true, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propBatch =
new ConfigurationProperty("batch", typeof(bool), true, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propOptimizeCompilations =
new ConfigurationProperty("optimizeCompilations", typeof(bool), false, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propBatchTimeout =
new ConfigurationProperty("batchTimeout",
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propMaxBatchSize =
new ConfigurationProperty("maxBatchSize", typeof(int), 1000, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propMaxBatchGeneratedFileSize =
new ConfigurationProperty("maxBatchGeneratedFileSize", typeof(int), 1000, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propNumRecompilesBeforeAppRestart =
new ConfigurationProperty("numRecompilesBeforeAppRestart", typeof(int), 15, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
#if !FEATURE_PAL // FEATURE_PAL does not support VisualBasic
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propDefaultLanguage =
new ConfigurationProperty("defaultLanguage", typeof(string), "vb", ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
#else // !FEATURE_PAL
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propDefaultLanguage =
new ConfigurationProperty("defaultLanguage", typeof(string),"c#",ConfigurationPropertyFlags.None);
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propTargetFramework =
new ConfigurationProperty("targetFramework", typeof(string), null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propCompilers =
new ConfigurationProperty("compilers", typeof(CompilerCollection), null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propAssemblies =
new ConfigurationProperty("assemblies", typeof(AssemblyCollection), null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propBuildProviders =
new ConfigurationProperty("buildProviders", typeof(BuildProviderCollection),
null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propFolderLevelBuildProviders =
new ConfigurationProperty("folderLevelBuildProviders", typeof(FolderLevelBuildProviderCollection),
null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propExpressionBuilders =
new ConfigurationProperty("expressionBuilders", typeof(ExpressionBuilderCollection),
null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propUrlLinePragmas =
new ConfigurationProperty("urlLinePragmas", typeof(bool), false, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propCodeSubDirs =
new ConfigurationProperty("codeSubDirectories", typeof(CodeSubDirectoriesCollection),
null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propAssemblyPreprocessorType =
new ConfigurationProperty(assemblyPostProcessorTypeAttributeName, typeof(string),
String.Empty, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propEnablePrefetchOptimization =
new ConfigurationProperty("enablePrefetchOptimization", typeof(bool), false, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propProfileGuidedOptimizations =
new ConfigurationProperty("profileGuidedOptimizations", typeof(ProfileGuidedOptimizationsFlags),
ProfileGuidedOptimizationsFlags.All, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propControlBuilderInterceptorType =
new ConfigurationProperty(controlBuilderInterceptorTypeAttributeName, typeof(string),
String.Empty, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propDisableObsoleteWarnings =
new ConfigurationProperty("disableObsoleteWarnings", typeof(bool),
true, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty _propMaxConcurrentCompilations =
new ConfigurationProperty("maxConcurrentCompilations", typeof(int), 1, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.None);
const char fieldSeparator = ';';
private bool _referenceSet;
// _compilerLanguages : Hashtable
// NOTE: This hashtable may contain either Compiler objects or CompilerType objects.
// It'll contain the later if the data has been read from config, but the particular
// language compiler type hasn't been resolved yet. Otherwise, it'll contain CompilerType objects.
private Hashtable _compilerLanguages;
// _compilerExtensions : Hashtable
// NOTE: This hashtable may contain either Compiler objects or CompilerType objects.
// It'll contain the later if the data has been read from config, but the particular
// language compiler type hasn't been resolved yet. Otherwise, it'll contain CompilerType objects.
private Hashtable _compilerExtensions;
private long _recompilationHash = -1;
private bool _isRuntimeObject = false;
private Type _assemblyPostProcessorType;
private Type _controlBuilderInterceptorType;
private static readonly Lazy> _assemblyNames =
new Lazy>();
static CompilationSection() {
// Property initialization
_properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection();
public CompilationSection() {
protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties {
get {
return _properties;
protected override object GetRuntimeObject() {
_isRuntimeObject = true;
return base.GetRuntimeObject();
[ConfigurationProperty(tempDirectoryAttributeName, DefaultValue = "")]
public string TempDirectory {
get {
return (string)base[_propTempDirectory];
set {
base[_propTempDirectory] = value;
// Used for error handling when there is a problem withe the temp dir
internal void GetTempDirectoryErrorInfo(out string tempDirAttribName,
out string configFileName, out int configLineNumber) {
tempDirAttribName = tempDirectoryAttributeName;
configFileName = ElementInformation.Properties[tempDirectoryAttributeName].Source;
configLineNumber = ElementInformation.Properties[tempDirectoryAttributeName].LineNumber;
[ConfigurationProperty("debug", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool Debug {
get {
return (bool)base[_propDebug];
set {
base[_propDebug] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("strict", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool Strict {
get {
return (bool)base[_propStrict];
set {
base[_propStrict] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("explicit", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool Explicit {
get {
return (bool)base[_propExplicit];
set {
base[_propExplicit] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("batch", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool Batch {
get {
return (bool)base[_propBatch];
set {
base[_propBatch] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("optimizeCompilations", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool OptimizeCompilations {
get {
return (bool)base[_propOptimizeCompilations];
set {
base[_propOptimizeCompilations] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("urlLinePragmas", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool UrlLinePragmas {
get {
return (bool)base[_propUrlLinePragmas];
set {
base[_propUrlLinePragmas] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("batchTimeout", DefaultValue = "00:15:00")]
[TimeSpanValidator(MinValueString="00:00:00", MaxValueString=TimeSpanValidatorAttribute.TimeSpanMaxValue)]
public TimeSpan BatchTimeout {
get {
return (TimeSpan)base[_propBatchTimeout];
set {
base[_propBatchTimeout] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("maxBatchSize", DefaultValue = 1000)]
public int MaxBatchSize {
get {
return (int)base[_propMaxBatchSize];
set {
base[_propMaxBatchSize] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("maxBatchGeneratedFileSize", DefaultValue = 1000)]
public int MaxBatchGeneratedFileSize {
get {
return (int)base[_propMaxBatchGeneratedFileSize];
set {
base[_propMaxBatchGeneratedFileSize] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("numRecompilesBeforeAppRestart", DefaultValue = 15)]
public int NumRecompilesBeforeAppRestart {
get {
return (int)base[_propNumRecompilesBeforeAppRestart];
set {
base[_propNumRecompilesBeforeAppRestart] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("defaultLanguage", DefaultValue = "vb")]
public string DefaultLanguage {
get {
return (string)base[_propDefaultLanguage];
set {
base[_propDefaultLanguage] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("targetFramework", DefaultValue = null)]
public string TargetFramework {
get {
return (string)base[_propTargetFramework];
set {
base[_propTargetFramework] = value;
public CompilerCollection Compilers {
get {
return (CompilerCollection)base[_propCompilers];
public AssemblyCollection Assemblies {
get {
if (_isRuntimeObject || BuildManagerHost.InClientBuildManager) {
return GetAssembliesCollection();
private AssemblyCollection GetAssembliesCollection() {
return (AssemblyCollection)base[_propAssemblies];
public BuildProviderCollection BuildProviders {
get {
return (BuildProviderCollection)base[_propBuildProviders];
private FolderLevelBuildProviderCollection GetFolderLevelBuildProviders() {
return (FolderLevelBuildProviderCollection)base[_propFolderLevelBuildProviders];
public FolderLevelBuildProviderCollection FolderLevelBuildProviders {
get {
return GetFolderLevelBuildProviders();
public ExpressionBuilderCollection ExpressionBuilders {
get {
return (ExpressionBuilderCollection)base[_propExpressionBuilders];
[ConfigurationProperty(assemblyPostProcessorTypeAttributeName, DefaultValue = "")]
public string AssemblyPostProcessorType {
get {
return (string)base[_propAssemblyPreprocessorType];
set {
base[_propAssemblyPreprocessorType] = value;
internal Type AssemblyPostProcessorTypeInternal {
get {
if (_assemblyPostProcessorType == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(AssemblyPostProcessorType)) {
lock (this) {
if (_assemblyPostProcessorType == null) {
// Only allow this in full trust
if (!HttpRuntime.HasUnmanagedPermission()) {
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Insufficient_trust_for_attribute, assemblyPostProcessorTypeAttributeName),
Type assemblyPostProcessorType = ConfigUtil.GetType(AssemblyPostProcessorType, assemblyPostProcessorTypeAttributeName, this);
assemblyPostProcessorType, "assemblyPostProcessorType", this);
_assemblyPostProcessorType = assemblyPostProcessorType;
return _assemblyPostProcessorType;
public CodeSubDirectoriesCollection CodeSubDirectories {
get {
return (CodeSubDirectoriesCollection)base[_propCodeSubDirs];
[ConfigurationProperty("enablePrefetchOptimization", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool EnablePrefetchOptimization {
get {
return (bool)base[_propEnablePrefetchOptimization];
set {
base[_propEnablePrefetchOptimization] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("profileGuidedOptimizations", DefaultValue = ProfileGuidedOptimizationsFlags.All)]
public ProfileGuidedOptimizationsFlags ProfileGuidedOptimizations {
get {
return (ProfileGuidedOptimizationsFlags)base[_propProfileGuidedOptimizations];
set {
base[_propProfileGuidedOptimizations] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty(controlBuilderInterceptorTypeAttributeName, DefaultValue = "")]
public string ControlBuilderInterceptorType {
get {
return (string)base[_propControlBuilderInterceptorType];
set {
base[_propControlBuilderInterceptorType] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("disableObsoleteWarnings", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool DisableObsoleteWarnings {
get {
return (bool)base[_propDisableObsoleteWarnings];
set {
base[_propDisableObsoleteWarnings] = value;
[ConfigurationProperty("maxConcurrentCompilations", DefaultValue = 1)]
public int MaxConcurrentCompilations {
get {
return (int)base[_propMaxConcurrentCompilations];
set {
base[_propMaxConcurrentCompilations] = value;
private void EnsureCompilerCacheInit() {
if (_compilerLanguages == null) {
lock (this) {
if (_compilerLanguages == null) {
Hashtable compilerLanguages = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
_compilerExtensions = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (Compiler compiler in Compilers) {
// Parse the semicolon separated lists
string[] languageList = compiler.Language.Split(fieldSeparator);
string[] extensionList = compiler.Extension.Split(fieldSeparator);
foreach (string language in languageList) {
compilerLanguages[language] = compiler;
foreach (string extension in extensionList) {
_compilerExtensions[extension] = compiler;
// Only assign it at the end to make sure everything was successful
_compilerLanguages = compilerLanguages;
* Return a CompilerType that a extension maps to.
internal CompilerType GetCompilerInfoFromExtension(string extension, bool throwOnFail) {
// First, try the cache (i.e. old section)
CompilerType compilerType;
object obj = _compilerExtensions[extension];
Compiler compiler = obj as Compiler;
if (compiler != null) {
compilerType = compiler.CompilerTypeInternal;
_compilerExtensions[extension] = compilerType;
else {
compilerType = obj as CompilerType;
if (compilerType == null) {
// If not, try the section
if (CodeDomProvider.IsDefinedExtension(extension)) {
string language = CodeDomProvider.GetLanguageFromExtension(extension);
CompilerInfo ci = CodeDomProvider.GetCompilerInfo(language);
compilerType = new CompilerType(
ci.CodeDomProviderType, ci.CreateDefaultCompilerParameters());
// Cache it
_compilerExtensions[extension] = compilerType;
if (compilerType == null) {
if (!throwOnFail) return null;
// Unsupported extension: throw an exception
throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_lang_extension, extension));
// Clone it so the original is not modified
compilerType = compilerType.Clone();
// Set the value of the debug flag in the copy
compilerType.CompilerParameters.IncludeDebugInformation = Debug;
return compilerType;
* Return a CompilerType that a language maps to.
internal CompilerType GetCompilerInfoFromLanguage(string language) {
// First, try the cache (i.e. old section)
CompilerType compilerType;
object obj = _compilerLanguages[language];
Compiler compiler = obj as Compiler;
if (compiler != null) {
compilerType = compiler.CompilerTypeInternal;
_compilerLanguages[language] = compilerType;
else {
compilerType = obj as CompilerType;
if (compilerType == null) {
// Try the section
if (CodeDomProvider.IsDefinedLanguage(language)) {
CompilerInfo ci = CodeDomProvider.GetCompilerInfo(language);
compilerType = new CompilerType(ci.CodeDomProviderType,
// Cache it
_compilerLanguages[language] = compilerType;
if (compilerType == null) {
// Unsupported language: throw an exception
throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_lang, language));
// Only allow the use of compilerOptions when we have UnmanagedCode access (ASURT 73678)
true /*config*/, null, 0);
// Clone it so the original is not modified
compilerType = compilerType.Clone();
// Set the value of the debug flag in the copy
compilerType.CompilerParameters.IncludeDebugInformation = Debug;
return compilerType;
// This will only set the section pointer
private void EnsureReferenceSet() {
if (!_referenceSet) {
foreach (AssemblyInfo ai in GetAssembliesCollection()) {
_referenceSet = true;
/// Returns the original assembly name associated with the loaded assembly.
/// Returns Assembly.FullName if not found.
internal static string GetOriginalAssemblyName(Assembly a) {
string name = null;
if (!_assemblyNames.Value.TryGetValue(a, out name)) {
// If the assembly is not found in the dictionary, just
// return Assembly.FullName.
name = a.FullName;
return name;
internal Assembly[] LoadAssembly(AssemblyInfo ai) {
Assembly[] assemblies = null;
if (ai.Assembly == "*") {
assemblies = LoadAllAssembliesFromAppDomainBinDirectory();
else {
Assembly a;
a = LoadAssemblyHelper(ai.Assembly, false);
if (a != null) {
assemblies = new Assembly[1];
assemblies[0] = a;
RecordAssembly(ai.Assembly, a);
return assemblies;
internal static Assembly LoadAndRecordAssembly(AssemblyName name) {
Assembly a = Assembly.Load(name);
RecordAssembly(name.FullName, a);
return a;
internal static void RecordAssembly(string assemblyName, Assembly a) {
// For each Assembly that we load, keep track of its original
// full name as specified in the config.
if (!_assemblyNames.Value.ContainsKey(a)) {
_assemblyNames.Value.TryAdd(a, assemblyName);
internal Assembly LoadAssembly(string assemblyName, bool throwOnFail) {
// The trust should always be set before we load any assembly (VSWhidbey 317295)
System.Web.Util.Debug.Assert(HttpRuntime.TrustLevel != null);
try {
// First, try to just load the assembly
Assembly a = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
// Record the original assembly name that was used to load this assembly.
RecordAssembly(assemblyName, a);
return a;
catch {
AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName);
// Check if it's simply named
Byte[] publicKeyToken = asmName.GetPublicKeyToken();
if ((publicKeyToken == null || publicKeyToken.Length == 0) && asmName.Version == null) {
// It is simply named. Go through all the assemblies from
// the section, and if we find one that matches
// the simple name, return it (ASURT 100546)
foreach (AssemblyInfo ai in GetAssembliesCollection()) {
Assembly[] a = ai.AssemblyInternal;
if (a != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) {
// use new AssemblyName(FullName).Name
// instead of a.GetName().Name, because GetName() does not work in medium trust
if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(asmName.Name, new AssemblyName(a[i].FullName).Name)) {
return a[i];
if (throwOnFail) {
return null;
private Assembly LoadAssemblyHelper(string assemblyName, bool starDirective) {
// The trust should always be set before we load any assembly (VSWhidbey 317295)
System.Web.Util.Debug.Assert(HttpRuntime.TrustLevel != null);
Assembly retAssembly = null;
// Load the assembly and add it to the dictionary.
try {
retAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
catch (Exception e) {
// Check if this assembly came from the '*' directive
bool ignoreException = false;
if (starDirective) {
int hresult = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetHRForException(e);
// This is expected to fail for unmanaged DLLs that happen
// to be in the bin dir. Ignore them.
// Also, if the DLL is not an assembly, ignore the exception (ASURT 93073, VSWhidbey 319486)
// Test for COR_E_ASSEMBLYEXPECTED=0x80131018=-2146234344
if (hresult == -2146234344) {
ignoreException = true;
if (BuildManager.IgnoreBadImageFormatException) {
var badImageFormatException = e as BadImageFormatException;
if (badImageFormatException != null) {
ignoreException = true;
if (!ignoreException) {
string Message = e.Message;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Message)) {
// try and make a better message than empty string
if (e is FileLoadException) {
Message = SR.GetString(SR.Config_base_file_load_exception_no_message, "assembly");
else if (e is BadImageFormatException) {
Message = SR.GetString(SR.Config_base_bad_image_exception_no_message, assemblyName);
else {
Message = SR.GetString(SR.Config_base_report_exception_type, e.GetType().ToString()); // at least this is better than no message
// default to section if the assembly is not in the collection
// which may happen it the assembly is being loaded from the bindir
// and not named in configuration.
String source = ElementInformation.Properties["assemblies"].Source;
int lineNumber = ElementInformation.Properties["assemblies"].LineNumber;
// If processing the * directive, look up the line information for it
if (starDirective)
assemblyName = "*";
if (Assemblies[assemblyName] != null) {
source = Assemblies[assemblyName].ElementInformation.Source;
lineNumber = Assemblies[assemblyName].ElementInformation.LineNumber;
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(Message, e, source, lineNumber);
System.Web.Util.Debug.Trace("LoadAssembly", "Successfully loaded assembly '" + assemblyName + "'");
return retAssembly;
internal Assembly[] LoadAllAssembliesFromAppDomainBinDirectory() {
// Get the path to the bin directory
string binPath = HttpRuntime.BinDirectoryInternal;
FileInfo[] binDlls;
Assembly assembly = null;
Assembly[] assemblies = null;
ArrayList list;
if (!FileUtil.DirectoryExists(binPath)) {
// This is expected to fail if there is no 'bin' dir
System.Web.Util.Debug.Trace("Template", "Failed to access bin dir \"" + binPath + "\"");
else {
DirectoryInfo binPathDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(binPath);
// Get a list of all the DLL's in the bin directory
binDlls = binPathDirectory.GetFiles("*.dll");
if (binDlls.Length > 0) {
list = new ArrayList(binDlls.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < binDlls.Length; i++) {
string assemblyName = Util.GetAssemblyNameFromFileName(binDlls[i].Name);
// Don't autoload generated assemblies in bin (VSWhidbey 467936)
if (assemblyName.StartsWith(BuildManager.WebAssemblyNamePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
if (!GetAssembliesCollection().IsRemoved(assemblyName)) {
assembly = LoadAssemblyHelper(assemblyName, true);
if (assembly != null) {
assemblies = (System.Reflection.Assembly[])list.ToArray(typeof(System.Reflection.Assembly));
if (assemblies == null) {
// If there were no assemblies loaded, return a zero-length array
assemblies = new Assembly[0];
return assemblies;
internal long RecompilationHash {
get {
if (_recompilationHash == -1) {
lock (this) {
if (_recompilationHash == -1) {
_recompilationHash = CompilationUtil.GetRecompilationHash(this);
return _recompilationHash;
protected override void PostDeserialize() {
// check to see if the _propCodeSubDirs was defined below the app level
WebContext context = EvaluationContext.HostingContext as WebContext;
if (context != null) {
if (context.ApplicationLevel == WebApplicationLevel.BelowApplication) {
if (CodeSubDirectories.ElementInformation.IsPresent) {
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
_propCodeSubDirs.Name), CodeSubDirectories.ElementInformation.Source, CodeSubDirectories.ElementInformation.LineNumber);
if (BuildProviders.ElementInformation.IsPresent) {
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
_propBuildProviders.Name), BuildProviders.ElementInformation.Source, BuildProviders.ElementInformation.LineNumber);
if (FolderLevelBuildProviders.ElementInformation.IsPresent) {
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
_propFolderLevelBuildProviders.Name), FolderLevelBuildProviders.ElementInformation.Source, FolderLevelBuildProviders.ElementInformation.LineNumber);
internal Type ControlBuilderInterceptorTypeInternal {
get {
if (_controlBuilderInterceptorType == null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ControlBuilderInterceptorType)) {
lock (this) {
if (_controlBuilderInterceptorType == null) {
_controlBuilderInterceptorType = CompilationUtil.LoadTypeWithChecks(ControlBuilderInterceptorType, typeof(ControlBuilderInterceptor), null, this, controlBuilderInterceptorTypeAttributeName);
return _controlBuilderInterceptorType;
// This is called as the last step of the deserialization process before the newly created section is seen by the consumer.
// We can use it to change defaults on-the-fly.
protected override void SetReadOnly() {
// Unless overridden, set
ConfigUtil.SetFX45DefaultValue(this, _propTargetFramework, BinaryCompatibility.Current.TargetFramework.ToString());