//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.ServiceModel.Description { using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Runtime; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; static class SchemaHelper { static internal void AddElementForm(XmlSchemaElement element, XmlSchema schema) { if (schema.ElementFormDefault != XmlSchemaForm.Qualified) element.Form = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified; } static internal void AddElementToSchema(XmlSchemaElement element, XmlSchema schema, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { XmlSchemaElement existingElement = (XmlSchemaElement)schema.Elements[new XmlQualifiedName(element.Name, schema.TargetNamespace)]; if (existingElement != null) { if (element.SchemaType == existingElement.SchemaType && element.SchemaTypeName == existingElement.SchemaTypeName) return; throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.SFxConflictingGlobalElement, element.Name, schema.TargetNamespace, GetTypeName(element), GetTypeName(existingElement)))); } schema.Items.Add(element); if (!element.SchemaTypeName.IsEmpty) AddImportToSchema(element.SchemaTypeName.Namespace, schema); schemaSet.Reprocess(schema); } static internal void AddImportToSchema(string ns, XmlSchema schema) { if (NamespacesEqual(ns, schema.TargetNamespace) || NamespacesEqual(ns, XmlSchema.Namespace) || NamespacesEqual(ns, XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace)) return; foreach (object item in schema.Includes) { if (item is XmlSchemaImport && NamespacesEqual(ns, ((XmlSchemaImport)item).Namespace)) return; } XmlSchemaImport import = new XmlSchemaImport(); if (ns != null && ns.Length > 0) import.Namespace = ns; schema.Includes.Add(import); } static internal void AddTypeToSchema(XmlSchemaType type, XmlSchema schema, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { XmlSchemaType existingType = (XmlSchemaType)schema.SchemaTypes[new XmlQualifiedName(type.Name, schema.TargetNamespace)]; if (existingType != null) { if (existingType == type) return; throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.SFxConflictingGlobalType, type.Name, schema.TargetNamespace))); } schema.Items.Add(type); schemaSet.Reprocess(schema); } static internal XmlSchema GetSchema(string ns, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet) { if (ns == null) { ns = String.Empty; } ICollection schemas = schemaSet.Schemas(); foreach (XmlSchema existingSchema in schemas) { if ((existingSchema.TargetNamespace == null && ns.Length == 0) || ns.Equals(existingSchema.TargetNamespace)) return existingSchema; } XmlSchema schema = new XmlSchema(); schema.ElementFormDefault = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified; if (ns.Length > 0) schema.TargetNamespace = ns; schemaSet.Add(schema); return schema; } static string GetTypeName(XmlSchemaElement element) { if (element.SchemaType != null) return "anonymous"; if (!element.SchemaTypeName.IsEmpty) return element.SchemaTypeName.ToString(); return String.Empty; } // Compare XmlSchemaElement properties set by WsdlExporter: do not check element QName, // this code only called for elements with matching name and namespace internal static bool IsMatch(XmlSchemaElement e1, XmlSchemaElement e2) { // this code only called for elements with matching name and namespace Fx.Assert(e1.Name == e2.Name, ""); // Anonymous types never match if (e1.SchemaType != null || e2.SchemaType != null) return false; if (e1.SchemaTypeName != e2.SchemaTypeName) return false; // do not need to check parent Schema.ElementFormDefault: see AddElementForm in this class. if (e1.Form != e2.Form) return false; if (e1.IsNillable != e2.IsNillable) return false; return true; } static internal bool NamespacesEqual(string ns1, string ns2) { if (ns1 == null || ns1.Length == 0) return (ns2 == null || ns2.Length == 0); else return ns1 == ns2; } static internal void Compile(XmlSchemaSet schemaSet, Collection errors) { ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler = new ValidationEventHandler(delegate(object sender, ValidationEventArgs args) { HandleSchemaValidationError(sender, args, errors); } ); schemaSet.ValidationEventHandler += validationEventHandler; schemaSet.Compile(); schemaSet.ValidationEventHandler -= validationEventHandler; } static internal void HandleSchemaValidationError(object sender, ValidationEventArgs args, Collection errors) { MetadataConversionError warning = null; if (args.Exception != null && args.Exception.SourceUri != null) { XmlSchemaException ex = args.Exception; warning = new MetadataConversionError(SR.GetString(SR.SchemaValidationError, ex.SourceUri, ex.LineNumber, ex.LinePosition, ex.Message)); } else { warning = new MetadataConversionError(SR.GetString(SR.GeneralSchemaValidationError, args.Message)); } if (!errors.Contains(warning)) errors.Add(warning); } static IList xsdValueTypePrimitives = new string[] { "boolean", "float", "double", "decimal", "long", "unsignedLong", "int", "unsignedInt", "short", "unsignedShort", "byte", "unsignedByte", "duration", "dateTime", "integer", "positiveInteger", "negativeInteger", "nonPositiveInteger" }; static IList dataContractPrimitives = new string[] { "char", "guid" }; static IList xmlSerializerPrimitives = new string[] { "char", "guid" }; static string dataContractSerializerNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/"; static string xmlSerializerNamespace = "http://microsoft.com/wsdl/types/"; internal static bool IsElementValueType(XmlSchemaElement element) { XmlQualifiedName typeName = element.SchemaTypeName; if (typeName == null || typeName.IsEmpty) return false; if (typeName.Namespace == XmlSchema.Namespace) return xsdValueTypePrimitives.Contains(typeName.Name); if (typeName.Namespace == dataContractSerializerNamespace) return dataContractPrimitives.Contains(typeName.Name); if (typeName.Namespace == xmlSerializerNamespace) return dataContractPrimitives.Contains(typeName.Name); return false; } } }