//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Activities.Runtime { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime; using System.Security; [DataContract] class FuncCompletionCallbackWrapper<T> : CompletionCallbackWrapper { static readonly Type callbackType = typeof(CompletionCallback<T>); static readonly Type[] callbackParameterTypes = new Type[] { typeof(NativeActivityContext), typeof(ActivityInstance), typeof(T) }; T resultValue; public FuncCompletionCallbackWrapper(CompletionCallback<T> callback, ActivityInstance owningInstance) : base(callback, owningInstance) { this.NeedsToGatherOutputs = true; } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "resultValue")] internal T SerializedResultValue { get { return this.resultValue; } set { this.resultValue = value; } } int GetResultId(ActivityWithResult activity) { if (activity.Result != null) { return activity.Result.Id; } else { for (int i = 0; i < activity.RuntimeArguments.Count; i++) { RuntimeArgument argument = activity.RuntimeArguments[i]; if (argument.IsResult) { return argument.Id; } } } return -1; } protected override void GatherOutputs(ActivityInstance completedInstance) { int resultId = -1; if (completedInstance.Activity.HandlerOf != null) { DelegateOutArgument resultArgument = completedInstance.Activity.HandlerOf.GetResultArgument(); if (resultArgument != null) { resultId = resultArgument.Id; } else { ActivityWithResult activity = completedInstance.Activity as ActivityWithResult; // for auto-generated results, we should bind the value from the Handler if available if (activity != null && TypeHelper.AreTypesCompatible(activity.ResultType, typeof(T))) { resultId = GetResultId(activity); } } } else { Fx.Assert(completedInstance.Activity is ActivityWithResult, "should only be using FuncCompletionCallbackWrapper with ActivityFunc and ActivityWithResult"); resultId = GetResultId((ActivityWithResult)completedInstance.Activity); } if (resultId >= 0) { Location location = completedInstance.Environment.GetSpecificLocation(resultId); Location<T> typedLocation = location as Location<T>; if (typedLocation != null) { this.resultValue = typedLocation.Value; } else if (location != null) { this.resultValue = TypeHelper.Convert<T>(location.Value); } } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Because we are calling EnsureCallback", Safe = "Safe because the method needs to be part of an Activity and we are casting to the callback type and it has a very specific signature. The author of the callback is buying into being invoked from PT.")] [SecuritySafeCritical] protected internal override void Invoke(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance) { // Call the EnsureCallback overload that also looks for SomeMethod<T> where T is the result type // and the signature matches. EnsureCallback(callbackType, callbackParameterTypes, callbackParameterTypes[2]); CompletionCallback<T> completionCallback = (CompletionCallback<T>)this.Callback; completionCallback(context, completedInstance, this.resultValue); } protected override void OnSerializingGenericCallback() { ValidateCallbackResolution(callbackType, callbackParameterTypes, callbackParameterTypes[2]); } } }