// // System.Net.WebConnection // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using Mono.Net.Security; namespace System.Net { enum ReadState { None, Status, Headers, Content, Aborted } class WebConnection { ServicePoint sPoint; Stream nstream; internal Socket socket; object socketLock = new object (); IWebConnectionState state; WebExceptionStatus status; WaitCallback initConn; bool keepAlive; byte [] buffer; static AsyncCallback readDoneDelegate = new AsyncCallback (ReadDone); EventHandler abortHandler; AbortHelper abortHelper; internal WebConnectionData Data; bool chunkedRead; ChunkStream chunkStream; Queue queue; bool reused; int position; HttpWebRequest priority_request; NetworkCredential ntlm_credentials; bool ntlm_authenticated; bool unsafe_sharing; enum NtlmAuthState { None, Challenge, Response } NtlmAuthState connect_ntlm_auth_state; HttpWebRequest connect_request; Exception connect_exception; MonoTlsStream tlsStream; #if MONOTOUCH && !MONOTOUCH_TV && !MONOTOUCH_WATCH [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport ("__Internal")] static extern void xamarin_start_wwan (string uri); #endif internal ChunkStream ChunkStream { get { return chunkStream; } } public WebConnection (IWebConnectionState wcs, ServicePoint sPoint) { this.state = wcs; this.sPoint = sPoint; buffer = new byte [4096]; Data = new WebConnectionData (); initConn = new WaitCallback (state => { try { InitConnection (state); } catch {} }); queue = wcs.Group.Queue; abortHelper = new AbortHelper (); abortHelper.Connection = this; abortHandler = new EventHandler (abortHelper.Abort); } class AbortHelper { public WebConnection Connection; public void Abort (object sender, EventArgs args) { WebConnection other = ((HttpWebRequest) sender).WebConnection; if (other == null) other = Connection; other.Abort (sender, args); } } bool CanReuse () { // The real condition is !(socket.Poll (0, SelectMode.SelectRead) || socket.Available != 0) // but if there's data pending to read (!) we won't reuse the socket. return (socket.Poll (0, SelectMode.SelectRead) == false); } void Connect (HttpWebRequest request) { lock (socketLock) { if (socket != null && socket.Connected && status == WebExceptionStatus.Success) { // Take the chunked stream to the expected state (State.None) if (CanReuse () && CompleteChunkedRead ()) { reused = true; return; } } reused = false; if (socket != null) { socket.Close(); socket = null; } chunkStream = null; IPHostEntry hostEntry = sPoint.HostEntry; if (hostEntry == null) { #if MONOTOUCH && !MONOTOUCH_TV && !MONOTOUCH_WATCH xamarin_start_wwan (sPoint.Address.ToString ()); hostEntry = sPoint.HostEntry; if (hostEntry == null) { #endif status = sPoint.UsesProxy ? WebExceptionStatus.ProxyNameResolutionFailure : WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure; return; #if MONOTOUCH && !MONOTOUCH_TV && !MONOTOUCH_WATCH } #endif } //WebConnectionData data = Data; foreach (IPAddress address in hostEntry.AddressList) { try { socket = new Socket (address.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); } catch (Exception se) { // The Socket ctor can throw if we run out of FD's if (!request.Aborted) status = WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure; connect_exception = se; return; } IPEndPoint remote = new IPEndPoint (address, sPoint.Address.Port); socket.NoDelay = !sPoint.UseNagleAlgorithm; try { sPoint.KeepAliveSetup (socket); } catch { // Ignore. Not supported in all platforms. } if (!sPoint.CallEndPointDelegate (socket, remote)) { socket.Close (); socket = null; status = WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure; } else { try { if (request.Aborted) return; socket.Connect (remote); status = WebExceptionStatus.Success; break; } catch (ThreadAbortException) { // program exiting... Socket s = socket; socket = null; if (s != null) s.Close (); return; } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // socket closed from another thread return; } catch (Exception exc) { Socket s = socket; socket = null; if (s != null) s.Close (); if (!request.Aborted) status = WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure; connect_exception = exc; } } } } } bool CreateTunnel (HttpWebRequest request, Uri connectUri, Stream stream, out byte[] buffer) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ("CONNECT "); sb.Append (request.Address.Host); sb.Append (':'); sb.Append (request.Address.Port); sb.Append (" HTTP/"); if (request.ServicePoint.ProtocolVersion == HttpVersion.Version11) sb.Append ("1.1"); else sb.Append ("1.0"); sb.Append ("\r\nHost: "); sb.Append (request.Address.Authority); bool ntlm = false; var challenge = Data.Challenge; Data.Challenge = null; var auth_header = request.Headers ["Proxy-Authorization"]; bool have_auth = auth_header != null; if (have_auth) { sb.Append ("\r\nProxy-Authorization: "); sb.Append (auth_header); ntlm = auth_header.ToUpper ().Contains ("NTLM"); } else if (challenge != null && Data.StatusCode == 407) { ICredentials creds = request.Proxy.Credentials; have_auth = true; if (connect_request == null) { // create a CONNECT request to use with Authenticate connect_request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create ( connectUri.Scheme + "://" + connectUri.Host + ":" + connectUri.Port + "/"); connect_request.Method = "CONNECT"; connect_request.Credentials = creds; } if (creds != null) { for (int i = 0; i < challenge.Length; i++) { var auth = AuthenticationManager.Authenticate (challenge [i], connect_request, creds); if (auth == null) continue; ntlm = (auth.ModuleAuthenticationType == "NTLM"); sb.Append ("\r\nProxy-Authorization: "); sb.Append (auth.Message); break; } } } if (ntlm) { sb.Append ("\r\nProxy-Connection: keep-alive"); connect_ntlm_auth_state++; } sb.Append ("\r\n\r\n"); Data.StatusCode = 0; byte [] connectBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes (sb.ToString ()); stream.Write (connectBytes, 0, connectBytes.Length); int status; WebHeaderCollection result = ReadHeaders (stream, out buffer, out status); if ((!have_auth || connect_ntlm_auth_state == NtlmAuthState.Challenge) && result != null && status == 407) { // Needs proxy auth var connectionHeader = result ["Connection"]; if (socket != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (connectionHeader) && connectionHeader.ToLower() == "close") { // The server is requesting that this connection be closed socket.Close(); socket = null; } Data.StatusCode = status; Data.Challenge = result.GetValues ("Proxy-Authenticate"); Data.Headers = result; return false; } if (status != 200) { Data.StatusCode = status; Data.Headers = result; return false; } return (result != null); } WebHeaderCollection ReadHeaders (Stream stream, out byte [] retBuffer, out int status) { retBuffer = null; status = 200; byte [] buffer = new byte [1024]; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (); while (true) { int n = stream.Read (buffer, 0, 1024); if (n == 0) { HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, null, "ReadHeaders"); return null; } ms.Write (buffer, 0, n); int start = 0; string str = null; bool gotStatus = false; WebHeaderCollection headers = new WebHeaderCollection (); while (ReadLine (ms.GetBuffer (), ref start, (int) ms.Length, ref str)) { if (str == null) { int contentLen = 0; try { contentLen = int.Parse(headers["Content-Length"]); } catch { contentLen = 0; } if (ms.Length - start - contentLen > 0) { // we've read more data than the response header and conents, // give back extra data to the caller retBuffer = new byte[ms.Length - start - contentLen]; Buffer.BlockCopy(ms.GetBuffer(), start + contentLen, retBuffer, 0, retBuffer.Length); } else { // haven't read in some or all of the contents for the response, do so now FlushContents(stream, contentLen - (int)(ms.Length - start)); } return headers; } if (gotStatus) { headers.Add (str); continue; } string[] parts = str.Split (' '); if (parts.Length < 2) { HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, null, "ReadHeaders2"); return null; } if (String.Compare (parts [0], "HTTP/1.1", true) == 0) Data.ProxyVersion = HttpVersion.Version11; else if (String.Compare (parts [0], "HTTP/1.0", true) == 0) Data.ProxyVersion = HttpVersion.Version10; else { HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, null, "ReadHeaders2"); return null; } status = (int)UInt32.Parse (parts [1]); if (parts.Length >= 3) Data.StatusDescription = String.Join (" ", parts, 2, parts.Length - 2); gotStatus = true; } } } void FlushContents(Stream stream, int contentLength) { while (contentLength > 0) { byte[] contentBuffer = new byte[contentLength]; int bytesRead = stream.Read(contentBuffer, 0, contentLength); if (bytesRead > 0) { contentLength -= bytesRead; } else { break; } } } bool CreateStream (HttpWebRequest request) { try { NetworkStream serverStream = new NetworkStream (socket, false); if (request.Address.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps) { #if SECURITY_DEP if (!reused || nstream == null || tlsStream == null) { byte [] buffer = null; if (sPoint.UseConnect) { bool ok = CreateTunnel (request, sPoint.Address, serverStream, out buffer); if (!ok) return false; } tlsStream = new MonoTlsStream (request, serverStream); nstream = tlsStream.CreateStream (buffer); } // we also need to set ServicePoint.Certificate // and ServicePoint.ClientCertificate but this can // only be done later (after handshake - which is // done only after a read operation). #else throw new NotSupportedException (); #endif } else { nstream = serverStream; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (tlsStream != null) status = tlsStream.ExceptionStatus; else if (!request.Aborted) status = WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure; connect_exception = ex; return false; } return true; } void HandleError (WebExceptionStatus st, Exception e, string where) { status = st; lock (this) { if (st == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled) Data = new WebConnectionData (); } if (e == null) { // At least we now where it comes from try { throw new Exception (new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace ().ToString ()); } catch (Exception e2) { e = e2; } } HttpWebRequest req = null; if (Data != null && Data.request != null) req = Data.request; Close (true); if (req != null) { req.FinishedReading = true; req.SetResponseError (st, e, where); } } static void ReadDone (IAsyncResult result) { WebConnection cnc = (WebConnection)result.AsyncState; WebConnectionData data = cnc.Data; Stream ns = cnc.nstream; if (ns == null) { cnc.Close (true); return; } int nread = -1; try { nread = ns.EndRead (result); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { return; } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException is ObjectDisposedException) return; cnc.HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, e, "ReadDone1"); return; } if (nread == 0) { cnc.HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, null, "ReadDone2"); return; } if (nread < 0) { cnc.HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, null, "ReadDone3"); return; } int pos = -1; nread += cnc.position; if (data.ReadState == ReadState.None) { Exception exc = null; try { pos = GetResponse (data, cnc.sPoint, cnc.buffer, nread); } catch (Exception e) { exc = e; } if (exc != null || pos == -1) { cnc.HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, exc, "ReadDone4"); return; } } if (data.ReadState == ReadState.Aborted) { cnc.HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled, null, "ReadDone"); return; } if (data.ReadState != ReadState.Content) { int est = nread * 2; int max = (est < cnc.buffer.Length) ? cnc.buffer.Length : est; byte [] newBuffer = new byte [max]; Buffer.BlockCopy (cnc.buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, nread); cnc.buffer = newBuffer; cnc.position = nread; data.ReadState = ReadState.None; InitRead (cnc); return; } cnc.position = 0; WebConnectionStream stream = new WebConnectionStream (cnc, data); bool expect_content = ExpectContent (data.StatusCode, data.request.Method); string tencoding = null; if (expect_content) tencoding = data.Headers ["Transfer-Encoding"]; cnc.chunkedRead = (tencoding != null && tencoding.IndexOf ("chunked", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1); if (!cnc.chunkedRead) { stream.ReadBuffer = cnc.buffer; stream.ReadBufferOffset = pos; stream.ReadBufferSize = nread; try { stream.CheckResponseInBuffer (); } catch (Exception e) { cnc.HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, e, "ReadDone7"); } } else if (cnc.chunkStream == null) { try { cnc.chunkStream = new ChunkStream (cnc.buffer, pos, nread, data.Headers); } catch (Exception e) { cnc.HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, e, "ReadDone5"); return; } } else { cnc.chunkStream.ResetBuffer (); try { cnc.chunkStream.Write (cnc.buffer, pos, nread); } catch (Exception e) { cnc.HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, e, "ReadDone6"); return; } } data.stream = stream; if (!expect_content) stream.ForceCompletion (); data.request.SetResponseData (data); } static bool ExpectContent (int statusCode, string method) { if (method == "HEAD") return false; return (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode != 204 && statusCode != 304); } internal static void InitRead (object state) { WebConnection cnc = (WebConnection) state; Stream ns = cnc.nstream; try { int size = cnc.buffer.Length - cnc.position; ns.BeginRead (cnc.buffer, cnc.position, size, readDoneDelegate, cnc); } catch (Exception e) { cnc.HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, e, "InitRead"); } } static int GetResponse (WebConnectionData data, ServicePoint sPoint, byte [] buffer, int max) { int pos = 0; string line = null; bool lineok = false; bool isContinue = false; bool emptyFirstLine = false; do { if (data.ReadState == ReadState.Aborted) return -1; if (data.ReadState == ReadState.None) { lineok = ReadLine (buffer, ref pos, max, ref line); if (!lineok) return 0; if (line == null) { emptyFirstLine = true; continue; } emptyFirstLine = false; data.ReadState = ReadState.Status; string [] parts = line.Split (' '); if (parts.Length < 2) return -1; if (String.Compare (parts [0], "HTTP/1.1", true) == 0) { data.Version = HttpVersion.Version11; sPoint.SetVersion (HttpVersion.Version11); } else { data.Version = HttpVersion.Version10; sPoint.SetVersion (HttpVersion.Version10); } data.StatusCode = (int) UInt32.Parse (parts [1]); if (parts.Length >= 3) data.StatusDescription = String.Join (" ", parts, 2, parts.Length - 2); else data.StatusDescription = ""; if (pos >= max) return pos; } emptyFirstLine = false; if (data.ReadState == ReadState.Status) { data.ReadState = ReadState.Headers; data.Headers = new WebHeaderCollection (); ArrayList headers = new ArrayList (); bool finished = false; while (!finished) { if (ReadLine (buffer, ref pos, max, ref line) == false) break; if (line == null) { // Empty line: end of headers finished = true; continue; } if (line.Length > 0 && (line [0] == ' ' || line [0] == '\t')) { int count = headers.Count - 1; if (count < 0) break; string prev = (string) headers [count] + line; headers [count] = prev; } else { headers.Add (line); } } if (!finished) return 0; // .NET uses ParseHeaders or ParseHeadersStrict which is much better foreach (string s in headers) { int pos_s = s.IndexOf (':'); if (pos_s == -1) throw new ArgumentException ("no colon found", "header"); var header = s.Substring (0, pos_s); var value = s.Substring (pos_s + 1).Trim (); var h = data.Headers; if (WebHeaderCollection.AllowMultiValues (header)) { h.AddInternal (header, value); } else { h.SetInternal (header, value); } } if (data.StatusCode == (int) HttpStatusCode.Continue) { sPoint.SendContinue = true; if (pos >= max) return pos; if (data.request.ExpectContinue) { data.request.DoContinueDelegate (data.StatusCode, data.Headers); // Prevent double calls when getting the // headers in several packets. data.request.ExpectContinue = false; } data.ReadState = ReadState.None; isContinue = true; } else { data.ReadState = ReadState.Content; return pos; } } } while (emptyFirstLine || isContinue); return -1; } void InitConnection (object state) { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) state; request.WebConnection = this; if (request.ReuseConnection) request.StoredConnection = this; if (request.Aborted) return; keepAlive = request.KeepAlive; Data = new WebConnectionData (request); retry: Connect (request); if (request.Aborted) return; if (status != WebExceptionStatus.Success) { if (!request.Aborted) { request.SetWriteStreamError (status, connect_exception); Close (true); } return; } if (!CreateStream (request)) { if (request.Aborted) return; WebExceptionStatus st = status; if (Data.Challenge != null) goto retry; Exception cnc_exc = connect_exception; if (cnc_exc == null && (Data.StatusCode == 401 || Data.StatusCode == 407)) { st = WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError; if (Data.Headers == null) Data.Headers = new WebHeaderCollection (); var webResponse = new HttpWebResponse (sPoint.Address, "CONNECT", Data, null); cnc_exc = new WebException (Data.StatusCode == 407 ? "(407) Proxy Authentication Required" : "(401) Unauthorized", null, st, webResponse); } connect_exception = null; request.SetWriteStreamError (st, cnc_exc); Close (true); return; } request.SetWriteStream (new WebConnectionStream (this, request)); } #if MONOTOUCH static bool warned_about_queue = false; #endif internal EventHandler SendRequest (HttpWebRequest request) { if (request.Aborted) return null; lock (this) { if (state.TrySetBusy ()) { status = WebExceptionStatus.Success; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (initConn, request); } else { lock (queue) { #if MONOTOUCH if (!warned_about_queue) { warned_about_queue = true; Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: An HttpWebRequest was added to the ConnectionGroup queue because the connection limit was reached."); } #endif queue.Enqueue (request); } } } return abortHandler; } void SendNext () { lock (queue) { if (queue.Count > 0) { SendRequest ((HttpWebRequest) queue.Dequeue ()); } } } internal void NextRead () { lock (this) { if (Data.request != null) Data.request.FinishedReading = true; string header = (sPoint.UsesProxy) ? "Proxy-Connection" : "Connection"; string cncHeader = (Data.Headers != null) ? Data.Headers [header] : null; bool keepAlive = (Data.Version == HttpVersion.Version11 && this.keepAlive); if (Data.ProxyVersion != null && Data.ProxyVersion != HttpVersion.Version11) keepAlive = false; if (cncHeader != null) { cncHeader = cncHeader.ToLower (); keepAlive = (this.keepAlive && cncHeader.IndexOf ("keep-alive", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1); } if ((socket != null && !socket.Connected) || (!keepAlive || (cncHeader != null && cncHeader.IndexOf ("close", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1))) { Close (false); } state.SetIdle (); if (priority_request != null) { SendRequest (priority_request); priority_request = null; } else { SendNext (); } } } static bool ReadLine (byte [] buffer, ref int start, int max, ref string output) { bool foundCR = false; StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); int c = 0; while (start < max) { c = (int) buffer [start++]; if (c == '\n') { // newline if ((text.Length > 0) && (text [text.Length - 1] == '\r')) text.Length--; foundCR = false; break; } else if (foundCR) { text.Length--; break; } if (c == '\r') foundCR = true; text.Append ((char) c); } if (c != '\n' && c != '\r') return false; if (text.Length == 0) { output = null; return (c == '\n' || c == '\r'); } if (foundCR) text.Length--; output = text.ToString (); return true; } internal IAsyncResult BeginRead (HttpWebRequest request, byte [] buffer, int offset, int size, AsyncCallback cb, object state) { Stream s = null; lock (this) { if (Data.request != request) throw new ObjectDisposedException (typeof (NetworkStream).FullName); if (nstream == null) return null; s = nstream; } IAsyncResult result = null; if (!chunkedRead || (!chunkStream.DataAvailable && chunkStream.WantMore)) { try { result = s.BeginRead (buffer, offset, size, cb, state); cb = null; } catch (Exception) { HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, null, "chunked BeginRead"); throw; } } if (chunkedRead) { WebAsyncResult wr = new WebAsyncResult (cb, state, buffer, offset, size); wr.InnerAsyncResult = result; if (result == null) { // Will be completed from the data in ChunkStream wr.SetCompleted (true, (Exception) null); wr.DoCallback (); } return wr; } return result; } internal int EndRead (HttpWebRequest request, IAsyncResult result) { Stream s = null; lock (this) { if (request.Aborted) throw new WebException ("Request aborted", WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); if (Data.request != request) throw new ObjectDisposedException (typeof (NetworkStream).FullName); if (nstream == null) throw new ObjectDisposedException (typeof (NetworkStream).FullName); s = nstream; } int nbytes = 0; bool done = false; WebAsyncResult wr = null; IAsyncResult nsAsync = ((WebAsyncResult) result).InnerAsyncResult; if (chunkedRead && (nsAsync is WebAsyncResult)) { wr = (WebAsyncResult) nsAsync; IAsyncResult inner = wr.InnerAsyncResult; if (inner != null && !(inner is WebAsyncResult)) { nbytes = s.EndRead (inner); done = nbytes == 0; } } else if (!(nsAsync is WebAsyncResult)) { nbytes = s.EndRead (nsAsync); wr = (WebAsyncResult) result; done = nbytes == 0; } if (chunkedRead) { try { chunkStream.WriteAndReadBack (wr.Buffer, wr.Offset, wr.Size, ref nbytes); if (!done && nbytes == 0 && chunkStream.WantMore) nbytes = EnsureRead (wr.Buffer, wr.Offset, wr.Size); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is WebException) throw e; throw new WebException ("Invalid chunked data.", e, WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, null); } if ((done || nbytes == 0) && chunkStream.ChunkLeft != 0) { HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, null, "chunked EndRead"); throw new WebException ("Read error", null, WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, null); } } return (nbytes != 0) ? nbytes : -1; } // To be called on chunkedRead when we can read no data from the ChunkStream yet int EnsureRead (byte [] buffer, int offset, int size) { byte [] morebytes = null; int nbytes = 0; while (nbytes == 0 && chunkStream.WantMore) { int localsize = chunkStream.ChunkLeft; if (localsize <= 0) // not read chunk size yet localsize = 1024; else if (localsize > 16384) localsize = 16384; if (morebytes == null || morebytes.Length < localsize) morebytes = new byte [localsize]; int nread = nstream.Read (morebytes, 0, localsize); if (nread <= 0) return 0; // Error chunkStream.Write (morebytes, 0, nread); nbytes += chunkStream.Read (buffer, offset + nbytes, size - nbytes); } return nbytes; } bool CompleteChunkedRead() { if (!chunkedRead || chunkStream == null) return true; while (chunkStream.WantMore) { int nbytes = nstream.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (nbytes <= 0) return false; // Socket was disconnected chunkStream.Write (buffer, 0, nbytes); } return true; } internal IAsyncResult BeginWrite (HttpWebRequest request, byte [] buffer, int offset, int size, AsyncCallback cb, object state) { Stream s = null; lock (this) { if (Data.request != request) throw new ObjectDisposedException (typeof (NetworkStream).FullName); if (nstream == null) return null; s = nstream; } IAsyncResult result = null; try { result = s.BeginWrite (buffer, offset, size, cb, state); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { lock (this) { if (Data.request != request) return null; } throw; } catch (IOException e) { SocketException se = e.InnerException as SocketException; if (se != null && se.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.NotConnected) { return null; } throw; } catch (Exception) { status = WebExceptionStatus.SendFailure; throw; } return result; } internal bool EndWrite (HttpWebRequest request, bool throwOnError, IAsyncResult result) { Stream s = null; lock (this) { if (status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled) return true; if (Data.request != request) throw new ObjectDisposedException (typeof (NetworkStream).FullName); if (nstream == null) throw new ObjectDisposedException (typeof (NetworkStream).FullName); s = nstream; } try { s.EndWrite (result); return true; } catch (Exception exc) { status = WebExceptionStatus.SendFailure; if (throwOnError && exc.InnerException != null) throw exc.InnerException; return false; } } internal int Read (HttpWebRequest request, byte [] buffer, int offset, int size) { Stream s = null; lock (this) { if (Data.request != request) throw new ObjectDisposedException (typeof (NetworkStream).FullName); if (nstream == null) return 0; s = nstream; } int result = 0; try { bool done = false; if (!chunkedRead) { result = s.Read (buffer, offset, size); done = (result == 0); } if (chunkedRead) { try { chunkStream.WriteAndReadBack (buffer, offset, size, ref result); if (!done && result == 0 && chunkStream.WantMore) result = EnsureRead (buffer, offset, size); } catch (Exception e) { HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, e, "chunked Read1"); throw; } if ((done || result == 0) && chunkStream.WantMore) { HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, null, "chunked Read2"); throw new WebException ("Read error", null, WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { HandleError (WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure, e, "Read"); } return result; } internal bool Write (HttpWebRequest request, byte [] buffer, int offset, int size, ref string err_msg) { err_msg = null; Stream s = null; lock (this) { if (Data.request != request) throw new ObjectDisposedException (typeof (NetworkStream).FullName); s = nstream; if (s == null) return false; } try { s.Write (buffer, offset, size); } catch (Exception e) { err_msg = e.Message; WebExceptionStatus wes = WebExceptionStatus.SendFailure; string msg = "Write: " + err_msg; if (e is WebException) { HandleError (wes, e, msg); return false; } HandleError (wes, e, msg); return false; } return true; } internal void Close (bool sendNext) { lock (this) { if (Data != null && Data.request != null && Data.request.ReuseConnection) { Data.request.ReuseConnection = false; return; } if (nstream != null) { try { nstream.Close (); } catch {} nstream = null; } if (socket != null) { try { socket.Close (); } catch {} socket = null; } if (ntlm_authenticated) ResetNtlm (); if (Data != null) { lock (Data) { Data.ReadState = ReadState.Aborted; } } state.SetIdle (); Data = new WebConnectionData (); if (sendNext) SendNext (); connect_request = null; connect_ntlm_auth_state = NtlmAuthState.None; } } void Abort (object sender, EventArgs args) { lock (this) { lock (queue) { HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) sender; if (Data.request == req || Data.request == null) { if (!req.FinishedReading) { status = WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled; Close (false); if (queue.Count > 0) { Data.request = (HttpWebRequest) queue.Dequeue (); SendRequest (Data.request); } } return; } req.FinishedReading = true; req.SetResponseError (WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled, null, "User aborted"); if (queue.Count > 0 && queue.Peek () == sender) { queue.Dequeue (); } else if (queue.Count > 0) { object [] old = queue.ToArray (); queue.Clear (); for (int i = old.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (old [i] != sender) queue.Enqueue (old [i]); } } } } } internal void ResetNtlm () { ntlm_authenticated = false; ntlm_credentials = null; unsafe_sharing = false; } internal bool Connected { get { lock (this) { return (socket != null && socket.Connected); } } } // -Used for NTLM authentication internal HttpWebRequest PriorityRequest { set { priority_request = value; } } internal bool NtlmAuthenticated { get { return ntlm_authenticated; } set { ntlm_authenticated = value; } } internal NetworkCredential NtlmCredential { get { return ntlm_credentials; } set { ntlm_credentials = value; } } internal bool UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing { get { return unsafe_sharing; } set { unsafe_sharing = value; } } // - } }