//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner Microsoft // @backupOwner Microsoft //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Mapping; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; using System.Data.Objects.ELinq; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace System.Data.Common.Utils { // Helper functions to get metadata information internal static class MetadataHelper { /// /// Returns an element type of the collection returned by the function import. /// Returns false, if element type cannot be determined. /// internal static bool TryGetFunctionImportReturnType(EdmFunction functionImport, int resultSetIndex, out T returnType) where T : EdmType { T resultType; if (TryGetWrappedReturnEdmTypeFromFunctionImport(functionImport, resultSetIndex, out resultType)) { if (typeof(EntityType).Equals(typeof(T)) && resultType is EntityType || typeof(ComplexType).Equals(typeof(T)) && resultType is ComplexType || typeof(StructuralType).Equals(typeof(T)) && resultType is StructuralType || typeof(EdmType).Equals(typeof(T)) && resultType is EdmType) { returnType = resultType; return true; } } returnType = null; return false; } private static bool TryGetWrappedReturnEdmTypeFromFunctionImport(EdmFunction functionImport, int resultSetIndex, out T resultType) where T : EdmType { resultType = null; CollectionType collectionType; if (TryGetFunctionImportReturnCollectionType(functionImport, resultSetIndex, out collectionType)) { resultType = collectionType.TypeUsage.EdmType as T; return true; } return false; } /// /// effects: determines if the given function import returns collection type, and if so returns the type /// internal static bool TryGetFunctionImportReturnCollectionType(EdmFunction functionImport, int resultSetIndex, out CollectionType collectionType) { FunctionParameter returnParameter = GetReturnParameter(functionImport, resultSetIndex); if (returnParameter != null && returnParameter.TypeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType) { collectionType = (CollectionType)returnParameter.TypeUsage.EdmType; return true; } collectionType = null; return false; } /// /// Gets the resultSetIndexth return parameter for functionImport, or null if resultSetIndex is out of range /// internal static FunctionParameter GetReturnParameter(EdmFunction functionImport, int resultSetIndex) { return functionImport.ReturnParameters.Count > resultSetIndex ? functionImport.ReturnParameters[resultSetIndex] : null; } internal static EdmFunction GetFunctionImport( string functionName, string defaultContainerName, MetadataWorkspace workspace, out string containerName, out string functionImportName) { // find FunctionImport CommandHelper.ParseFunctionImportCommandText(functionName, defaultContainerName, out containerName, out functionImportName); return CommandHelper.FindFunctionImport(workspace, containerName, functionImportName); } /// /// Gets the resultSetIndexth result edm type, and ensure that it is consistent with EntityType. /// internal static EdmType GetAndCheckFunctionImportReturnType(EdmFunction functionImport, int resultSetIndex, MetadataWorkspace workspace) { EdmType expectedEdmType; if (!MetadataHelper.TryGetFunctionImportReturnType(functionImport, resultSetIndex, out expectedEdmType)) { throw EntityUtil.ExecuteFunctionCalledWithNonReaderFunction(functionImport); } CheckFunctionImportReturnType(expectedEdmType, workspace); return expectedEdmType; } /// /// check that the type TElement and function metadata are consistent /// internal static void CheckFunctionImportReturnType(EdmType expectedEdmType, MetadataWorkspace workspace) { // currently there are only two possible spatial O-space types, but 16 C-space types. // Normalize the C-space type to the base type before we check to see if it matches the O-space type. bool isGeographic; EdmType spatialNormalizedEdmType = expectedEdmType; if (Helper.IsSpatialType(expectedEdmType, out isGeographic)) { spatialNormalizedEdmType = PrimitiveType.GetEdmPrimitiveType(isGeographic ? PrimitiveTypeKind.Geography : PrimitiveTypeKind.Geometry); } EdmType modelEdmType; if (!MetadataHelper.TryDetermineCSpaceModelType(workspace, out modelEdmType)|| !modelEdmType.EdmEquals(spatialNormalizedEdmType)) { throw EntityUtil.ExecuteFunctionTypeMismatch(typeof(TElement), expectedEdmType); } } // Returns ParameterDirection corresponding to given ParameterMode internal static ParameterDirection ParameterModeToParameterDirection(ParameterMode mode) { switch (mode) { case ParameterMode.In: return ParameterDirection.Input; case ParameterMode.InOut: return ParameterDirection.InputOutput; case ParameterMode.Out: return ParameterDirection.Output; case ParameterMode.ReturnValue: return ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; default: Debug.Fail("unrecognized mode " + mode.ToString()); return default(ParameterDirection); } } // requires: workspace // Determines CSpace EntityType associated with the type argument T internal static bool TryDetermineCSpaceModelType(MetadataWorkspace workspace, out EdmType modelEdmType) { return TryDetermineCSpaceModelType(typeof(T), workspace, out modelEdmType); } internal static bool TryDetermineCSpaceModelType(Type type, MetadataWorkspace workspace, out EdmType modelEdmType) { Debug.Assert(null != workspace); Type nonNullabelType = TypeSystem.GetNonNullableType(type); // make sure the workspace knows about T workspace.ImplicitLoadAssemblyForType(nonNullabelType, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); ObjectItemCollection objectItemCollection = (ObjectItemCollection)workspace.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.OSpace); EdmType objectEdmType; if (objectItemCollection.TryGetItem(nonNullabelType.FullName, out objectEdmType)) { Map map; if (workspace.TryGetMap(objectEdmType, DataSpace.OCSpace, out map)) { ObjectTypeMapping objectMapping = (ObjectTypeMapping)map; modelEdmType = objectMapping.EdmType; return true; } } modelEdmType = null; return false; } // effects: Returns true iff member is present in type.Members internal static bool DoesMemberExist(StructuralType type, EdmMember member) { foreach (EdmMember child in type.Members) { if (child.Equals(member)) { return true; } } return false; } /// /// Returns true iff member's is a simple non-structures scalar such as primitive or enum. /// internal static bool IsNonRefSimpleMember(EdmMember member) { return member.TypeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType || member.TypeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EnumType; } // effects: Returns true if member's type has a discrete domain (i.e. is bolean type) // Note: enums don't have discrete domains as we allow domain of the underlying type. internal static bool HasDiscreteDomain(EdmType edmType) { var primitiveType = edmType as PrimitiveType; return primitiveType != null && primitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind == PrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean; } // requires: end is given // effects: determine the entity type for an association end member internal static EntityType GetEntityTypeForEnd(AssociationEndMember end) { Debug.Assert(null != end); Debug.Assert(end.TypeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.RefType, "type of association end member must be ref"); RefType refType = (RefType)end.TypeUsage.EdmType; EntityTypeBase endType = refType.ElementType; Debug.Assert(endType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType, "type of association end reference element must be entity type"); return (EntityType)endType; } // effects: Returns the entity set at the end corresponding to endMember internal static EntitySet GetEntitySetAtEnd(AssociationSet associationSet, AssociationEndMember endMember) { return associationSet.AssociationSetEnds[endMember.Name].EntitySet; } // effects: Returns the AssociationEndMember at the other end of the parent association (first found) internal static AssociationEndMember GetOtherAssociationEnd(AssociationEndMember endMember) { ReadOnlyMetadataCollection members = endMember.DeclaringType.Members; Debug.Assert(members.Count == 2, "only expecting two end members"); EdmMember otherMember = members[0]; if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(endMember, otherMember)) { Debug.Assert(Object.ReferenceEquals(endMember, members[1]), "didn't match other member"); return (AssociationEndMember)otherMember; } return (AssociationEndMember)members[1]; } // effects: Returns true iff every end other than "endPropery" has a lower // multiplicity of at least one internal static bool IsEveryOtherEndAtLeastOne(AssociationSet associationSet, AssociationEndMember member) { foreach (AssociationSetEnd end in associationSet.AssociationSetEnds) { AssociationEndMember endMember = end.CorrespondingAssociationEndMember; if (endMember.Equals(member) == false && GetLowerBoundOfMultiplicity(endMember.RelationshipMultiplicity) == 0) { return false; } } return true; } // requires: toEnd and type are given // effects: determines whether the given association end can be referenced by an entity of the given type internal static bool IsAssociationValidForEntityType(AssociationSetEnd toEnd, EntityType type) { Debug.Assert(null != toEnd); Debug.Assert(null != type); // get the opposite end which includes the relevant type information AssociationSetEnd fromEnd = GetOppositeEnd(toEnd); EntityType fromType = GetEntityTypeForEnd(fromEnd.CorrespondingAssociationEndMember); return (fromType.IsAssignableFrom(type)); } // requires: end is given // effects: returns the opposite end in the association internal static AssociationSetEnd GetOppositeEnd(AssociationSetEnd end) { Debug.Assert(null != end); // there must be exactly one ("Single") other end that isn't ("Filter") this end AssociationSetEnd otherEnd = end.ParentAssociationSet.AssociationSetEnds.Where( e => !e.EdmEquals(end)).Single(); return otherEnd; } // requires: function is not null // effects: Returns true if the given function is composable. internal static bool IsComposable(EdmFunction function) { Debug.Assert(function != null); MetadataProperty isComposableProperty; if (function.MetadataProperties.TryGetValue("IsComposableAttribute", false, out isComposableProperty)) { return (bool)isComposableProperty.Value; } else { return !function.IsFunctionImport; } } // requires: member is EdmProperty or AssociationEndMember // effects: Returns true if member is nullable internal static bool IsMemberNullable(EdmMember member) { Debug.Assert(member != null); Debug.Assert(Helper.IsEdmProperty(member) || Helper.IsAssociationEndMember(member)); if (Helper.IsEdmProperty(member)) { return ((EdmProperty)member).Nullable; } return false; } /// /// Given a table EntitySet this function finds out all C-side EntitySets that are mapped to the table. /// internal static IEnumerable GetInfluencingEntitySetsForTable(EntitySet table, MetadataWorkspace workspace) { Debug.Assert(table.EntityContainer.GetDataSpace() == DataSpace.SSpace); ItemCollection itemCollection = null; workspace.TryGetItemCollection(DataSpace.CSSpace, out itemCollection); StorageEntityContainerMapping containerMapping = MappingMetadataHelper.GetEntityContainerMap((StorageMappingItemCollection)itemCollection, table.EntityContainer); //find EntitySetMappings where one of the mapping fragment maps some type to the given table return containerMapping.EntitySetMaps .Where( map => map.TypeMappings.Any( typeMap => typeMap.MappingFragments.Any( mappingFrag => mappingFrag.TableSet.EdmEquals(table) ) ) ) .Select(m => m.Set) .Cast() .Distinct(); } // effects: Returns this type and its sub types - for refs, gets the // type and subtypes of the entity type internal static IEnumerable GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(EdmType type, MetadataWorkspace workspace, bool includeAbstractTypes) { return GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(type, workspace.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.CSpace), includeAbstractTypes); } internal static IEnumerable GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(EdmType type, ItemCollection itemCollection, bool includeAbstractTypes) { // We have to collect subtypes in ref to support conditional association mappings if (Helper.IsRefType(type)) { type = ((RefType)type).ElementType; } if (includeAbstractTypes || !type.Abstract) { yield return type; } // Get entity sub-types foreach (EdmType subType in GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(type, itemCollection, includeAbstractTypes)) { yield return subType; } // Get complex sub-types foreach (EdmType subType in GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(type, itemCollection, includeAbstractTypes)) { yield return subType; } } private static IEnumerable GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(EdmType type, ItemCollection itemCollection, bool includeAbstractTypes) where T_EdmType : EdmType { // Get the subtypes of the type from the WorkSpace T_EdmType specificType = type as T_EdmType; if (specificType != null) { IEnumerable typesInWorkSpace = itemCollection.GetItems(); foreach (T_EdmType typeInWorkSpace in typesInWorkSpace) { if (specificType.Equals(typeInWorkSpace) == false && Helper.IsSubtypeOf(typeInWorkSpace, specificType)) { if (includeAbstractTypes || !typeInWorkSpace.Abstract) { yield return typeInWorkSpace; } } } } yield break; } internal static IEnumerable GetTypeAndParentTypesOf(EdmType type, ItemCollection itemCollection, bool includeAbstractTypes) { // We have to collect subtypes in ref to support conditional association mappings if (Helper.IsRefType(type)) { type = ((RefType)type).ElementType; } EdmType specificType = type; while (specificType != null) { if (includeAbstractTypes || !specificType.Abstract) { yield return specificType; } specificType = specificType.BaseType as EntityType; //The cast is guaranteed to work. See use of GetItems in GetTypesAndSubTypesOf() } } /// /// Builds an undirected graph (represented as a directional graph with reciprocal navigation edges) of the all the types in the workspace. /// This is used to traverse inheritance hierarchy up and down. /// O(n), where n=number of types /// /// A dictionary of type t -> set of types {s}, such that there is an edge between t and elem(s) iff t and s are related DIRECTLY via inheritance (child or parent type) internal static Dictionary> BuildUndirectedGraphOfTypes(EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection) { Dictionary> graph = new Dictionary>(); IEnumerable typesInWorkSpace = edmItemCollection.GetItems(); foreach (EntityType childType in typesInWorkSpace) { if (childType.BaseType == null) //root type { continue; } EntityType parentType = childType.BaseType as EntityType; Debug.Assert(parentType != null, "Parent type not Entity Type ??"); AddDirectedEdgeBetweenEntityTypes(graph, childType, parentType); AddDirectedEdgeBetweenEntityTypes(graph, parentType, childType); } return graph; } /// /// is A parent of b? /// internal static bool IsParentOf(EntityType a, EntityType b) { EntityType parent = b.BaseType as EntityType; while (parent != null) { if (parent.EdmEquals(a)) { return true; } else { parent = parent.BaseType as EntityType; } } return false; } /// /// Add and Edge a --> b /// Assumes edge does not exist /// O(1) /// private static void AddDirectedEdgeBetweenEntityTypes(Dictionary> graph, EntityType a, EntityType b) { Set references; if (graph.ContainsKey(a)) { references = graph[a]; } else { references = new Set(); graph.Add(a, references); } Debug.Assert(!references.Contains(b), "Dictionary already has a --> b reference"); references.Add(b); } /// /// Checks wither the given AssociationEnd's keys are sufficient for identifying a unique tuple in the AssociationSet. /// This is possible because refconstraints make certain Keys redundant. We subtract such redundant key sof "other" ends /// and see if what is left is contributed only from the given end's keys. /// [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2140:TransparentMethodsMustNotReferenceCriticalCode", Justification = "Based on Bug VSTS Pioneer #433188: IsVisibleOutsideAssembly is wrong on generic instantiations.")] internal static bool DoesEndKeySubsumeAssociationSetKey(AssociationSet assocSet, AssociationEndMember thisEnd, HashSet> associationkeys) { AssociationType assocType = assocSet.ElementType; EntityType thisEndsEntityType = (EntityType)((RefType)thisEnd.TypeUsage.EdmType).ElementType; HashSet> thisEndKeys = new HashSet>( thisEndsEntityType.KeyMembers.Select(edmMember => new Pair(edmMember, thisEndsEntityType))); foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in assocType.ReferentialConstraints) { IEnumerable otherEndProperties; EntityType otherEndType; if (thisEnd.Equals((AssociationEndMember)constraint.ToRole)) { otherEndProperties = Helpers.AsSuperTypeList(constraint.FromProperties); otherEndType = (EntityType)((RefType)((AssociationEndMember)constraint.FromRole).TypeUsage.EdmType).ElementType; } else if (thisEnd.Equals((AssociationEndMember)constraint.FromRole)) { otherEndProperties = Helpers.AsSuperTypeList(constraint.ToProperties); otherEndType = (EntityType)((RefType)((AssociationEndMember)constraint.ToRole).TypeUsage.EdmType).ElementType; } else { //this end not part of the referential constraint continue; } //Essentially ref constraints is an equality condition, so remove redundant members from entity set key foreach (EdmMember member in otherEndProperties) { associationkeys.Remove(new Pair(member, otherEndType)); } } //Now that all redundant members have been removed, is thisEnd the key of the entity set? return associationkeys.IsSubsetOf(thisEndKeys); } // effects: Returns true if end forms a key in relationshipSet internal static bool DoesEndFormKey(AssociationSet associationSet, AssociationEndMember end) { // Look at all other ends. if their multiplicities are at most 1, return true foreach (AssociationEndMember endMember in associationSet.ElementType.Members) { if (endMember.Equals(end) == false && endMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many) // some other end has multiplicity 0..* { return false; } } return true; } // effects: Returns true if extent is at one of the ends of relationshipSet internal static bool IsExtentAtSomeRelationshipEnd(AssociationSet relationshipSet, EntitySetBase extent) { if (Helper.IsEntitySet(extent)) { return GetSomeEndForEntitySet(relationshipSet, (EntitySet)extent) != null; } return false; } // effects: Returns some end corresponding to entity set in // association set. If no such end exists, return null internal static AssociationEndMember GetSomeEndForEntitySet(AssociationSet associationSet, EntitySetBase entitySet) { foreach (AssociationSetEnd associationEnd in associationSet.AssociationSetEnds) { if (associationEnd.EntitySet.Equals(entitySet)) { return associationEnd.CorrespondingAssociationEndMember; } } return null; } // requires: entitySet1 and entitySet2 belong to the same container // effects: Returns the associations that occur between entitySet1 // and entitySet2. If none is found, returns an empty set internal static List GetAssociationsForEntitySets(EntitySet entitySet1, EntitySet entitySet2) { Debug.Assert(entitySet1 != null); Debug.Assert(entitySet2 != null); Debug.Assert(entitySet1.EntityContainer == entitySet2.EntityContainer, "EntityContainer must be the same for both the entity sets"); List result = new List(); foreach (EntitySetBase extent in entitySet1.EntityContainer.BaseEntitySets) { if (Helper.IsRelationshipSet(extent)) { AssociationSet assocSet = (AssociationSet)extent; if (IsExtentAtSomeRelationshipEnd(assocSet, entitySet1) && IsExtentAtSomeRelationshipEnd(assocSet, entitySet2)) { result.Add(assocSet); } } } return result; } // requires: entitySet and associationType // effects: Returns the associations that refer to associationType and refer to entitySet in one of its end. // If none is found, returns an empty set internal static AssociationSet GetAssociationsForEntitySetAndAssociationType(EntityContainer entityContainer, string entitySetName, AssociationType associationType, string endName, out EntitySet entitySet) { Debug.Assert(associationType.Members.Contains(endName), "EndName should be a valid name"); entitySet = null; AssociationSet retValue = null; ReadOnlyMetadataCollection baseEntitySets = entityContainer.BaseEntitySets; int count = baseEntitySets.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { EntitySetBase extent = baseEntitySets[i]; if (Object.ReferenceEquals(extent.ElementType, associationType)) { AssociationSet assocSet = (AssociationSet)extent; EntitySet es = assocSet.AssociationSetEnds[endName].EntitySet; if (es.Name == entitySetName) { Debug.Assert(retValue == null, "There should be only one AssociationSet, given an assocationtype, end name and entity set"); retValue = assocSet; entitySet = es; #if !DEBUG break; #endif } } } return retValue; } // requires: entitySet // effects: Returns the associations that occur between entitySet // and other entitySets. If none is found, returns an empty set internal static List GetAssociationsForEntitySet(EntitySetBase entitySet) { Debug.Assert(entitySet != null); List result = new List(); foreach (EntitySetBase extent in entitySet.EntityContainer.BaseEntitySets) { if (Helper.IsRelationshipSet(extent)) { AssociationSet assocSet = (AssociationSet)extent; if (IsExtentAtSomeRelationshipEnd(assocSet, entitySet)) { result.Add(assocSet); } } } return result; } // effects: Returns true iff superType is an ancestor of subType in // the type hierarchy or superType and subType are the same internal static bool IsSuperTypeOf(EdmType superType, EdmType subType) { EdmType currentType = subType; while (currentType != null) { if (currentType.Equals(superType)) { return true; } currentType = currentType.BaseType; } return false; } // requires: typeUsage wraps a primitive type internal static PrimitiveTypeKind GetPrimitiveTypeKind(TypeUsage typeUsage) { Debug.Assert(null != typeUsage && null != typeUsage.EdmType && typeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType); PrimitiveType primitiveType = (PrimitiveType)typeUsage.EdmType; return primitiveType.PrimitiveTypeKind; } // determines whether the given member is a key of an entity set internal static bool IsPartOfEntityTypeKey(EdmMember member) { if (Helper.IsEntityType(member.DeclaringType) && Helper.IsEdmProperty(member)) { return ((EntityType)member.DeclaringType).KeyMembers.Contains(member); } return false; } // Given a type usage, returns the element type (unwraps collections) internal static TypeUsage GetElementType(TypeUsage typeUsage) { if (BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType == typeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind) { TypeUsage elementType = ((CollectionType)typeUsage.EdmType).TypeUsage; // recursively unwrap return GetElementType(elementType); } return typeUsage; } internal static int GetLowerBoundOfMultiplicity(RelationshipMultiplicity multiplicity) { if (multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many || multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } internal static int? GetUpperBoundOfMultiplicity(RelationshipMultiplicity multiplicity) { if (multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.One || multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne) { return 1; } else { return null; } } // effects: Returns all the concurrency token members in superType and its subtypes internal static Set GetConcurrencyMembersForTypeHierarchy(EntityTypeBase superType, EdmItemCollection edmItemCollection) { Set result = new Set(); foreach (StructuralType type in GetTypeAndSubtypesOf(superType, edmItemCollection, true /*includeAbstractTypes */ )) { // Go through all the members -- Can call Members instead of AllMembers since we are // running through the whole hierarchy foreach (EdmMember member in type.Members) { // check for the concurrency facet ConcurrencyMode concurrencyMode = GetConcurrencyMode(member); if (concurrencyMode == ConcurrencyMode.Fixed) { result.Add(member); } } } return result; } // Determines whether the given member is declared as a concurrency property internal static ConcurrencyMode GetConcurrencyMode(EdmMember member) { return GetConcurrencyMode(member.TypeUsage); } // Determines whether the given member is declared as a concurrency property internal static ConcurrencyMode GetConcurrencyMode(TypeUsage typeUsage) { Facet concurrencyFacet; if (typeUsage.Facets.TryGetValue(EdmProviderManifest.ConcurrencyModeFacetName, false, out concurrencyFacet) && concurrencyFacet.Value != null) { ConcurrencyMode concurrencyMode = (ConcurrencyMode)concurrencyFacet.Value; return concurrencyMode; } return ConcurrencyMode.None; } // Determines the store generated pattern for this member internal static StoreGeneratedPattern GetStoreGeneratedPattern(EdmMember member) { Facet storeGeneratedFacet; if (member.TypeUsage.Facets.TryGetValue(EdmProviderManifest.StoreGeneratedPatternFacetName, false, out storeGeneratedFacet) && storeGeneratedFacet.Value != null) { StoreGeneratedPattern pattern = (StoreGeneratedPattern)storeGeneratedFacet.Value; return pattern; } return StoreGeneratedPattern.None; } /// /// Check if all the SchemaErrors have the serverity of SchemaErrorSeverity.Warning /// /// /// internal static bool CheckIfAllErrorsAreWarnings(IList schemaErrors) { int length = schemaErrors.Count; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { EdmSchemaError error = schemaErrors[i]; if (error.Severity != EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Warning) { return false; } } return true; } /// /// /// /// /// internal static string GenerateHashForAllExtentViewsContent(double schemaVersion, IEnumerable> extentViews) { CompressingHashBuilder builder = new CompressingHashBuilder(CreateMetadataHashAlgorithm(schemaVersion)); foreach (var view in extentViews) { builder.AppendLine(view.Key); builder.AppendLine(view.Value); } return builder.ComputeHash(); } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Cryptographic.Standard", "CA5350:Microsoft.Cryptographic.Standard", Justification = "MD5CryptoServiceProvider is not used for cryptography/security purposes and we do it only for v1 and v1.1 for compatibility reasons.")] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security.Cryptography", "CA5350:Microsoft.Cryptographic.Standard", Justification = "MD5CryptoServiceProvider is not used for cryptography/security purposes and we do it only for v1 and v1.1 for compatibility reasons.")] internal static HashAlgorithm CreateMetadataHashAlgorithm(double schemaVersion) { HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm; if (schemaVersion < XmlConstants.EdmVersionForV2) { // v1 and v1.1 use old hash to remain compatible hashAlgorithm = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); } else { // v2 and above use a FIPS approved provider // so that when FIPS only is enforced by the OS // we still work hashAlgorithm = CreateSHA256HashAlgorithm(); } return hashAlgorithm; } internal static SHA256 CreateSHA256HashAlgorithm() { SHA256 sha256HashAlgorith; try { // use the FIPS compliant SHA256 implementation sha256HashAlgorith = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider(); } catch (PlatformNotSupportedException) { // the FIPS compliant (and faster) algorith was not available, create the managed version // this will throw if FIPS only is enforced sha256HashAlgorith = new SHA256Managed(); } return sha256HashAlgorith; } internal static TypeUsage ConvertStoreTypeUsageToEdmTypeUsage(TypeUsage storeTypeUsage) { TypeUsage edmTypeUsage = storeTypeUsage.GetModelTypeUsage().ShallowCopy(FacetValues.NullFacetValues); // we don't reason the facets during the function resolution any more return edmTypeUsage; } internal static byte GetPrecision(this TypeUsage type) { return type.GetFacetValue("Precision"); } internal static byte GetScale(this TypeUsage type) { return type.GetFacetValue("Scale"); } internal static int GetMaxLength(this TypeUsage type) { return type.GetFacetValue("MaxLength"); } internal static T GetFacetValue(this TypeUsage type, string facetName) { return (T)type.Facets[facetName].Value; } #region NavigationPropertyAccessor Helpers internal static NavigationPropertyAccessor GetNavigationPropertyAccessor(EntityType sourceEntityType, AssociationEndMember sourceMember, AssociationEndMember targetMember) { Debug.Assert(sourceEntityType.DataSpace == DataSpace.OSpace && sourceEntityType.ClrType != null, "sourceEntityType must contain an ospace type"); return GetNavigationPropertyAccessor(sourceEntityType, sourceMember.DeclaringType.FullName, sourceMember.Name, targetMember.Name); } internal static NavigationPropertyAccessor GetNavigationPropertyAccessor(EntityType entityType, string relationshipType, string fromName, string toName) { NavigationProperty navigationProperty; if (entityType.TryGetNavigationProperty(relationshipType, fromName, toName, out navigationProperty)) { return navigationProperty.Accessor; } else { return NavigationPropertyAccessor.NoNavigationProperty; } } #endregion } }