// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== //------------------------------------------------------------- // FusionInterfaces.cs // // This implements wrappers to Fusion interfaces //------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Microsoft.Win32 { using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Globalization; using StringBuilder = System.Text.StringBuilder; //------------------------------------------------------------- // Interfaces defined by fusion //------------------------------------------------------------- [ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("21b8916c-f28e-11d2-a473-00c04f8ef448")] interface IAssemblyEnum { [PreserveSig()] int GetNextAssembly(out IApplicationContext ppAppCtx, out IAssemblyName ppName, uint dwFlags); [PreserveSig()] int Reset(); [PreserveSig()] int Clone(out IAssemblyEnum ppEnum); } [ComImport,InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("7c23ff90-33af-11d3-95da-00a024a85b51")] interface IApplicationContext { void SetContextNameObject(IAssemblyName pName); void GetContextNameObject(out IAssemblyName ppName); void Set([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String szName, int pvValue, uint cbValue, uint dwFlags); void Get([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String szName, out int pvValue, ref uint pcbValue, uint dwFlags); void GetDynamicDirectory(out int wzDynamicDir, ref uint pdwSize); } [ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("CD193BC0-B4BC-11d2-9833-00C04FC31D2E")] interface IAssemblyName { [PreserveSig()] int SetProperty(uint PropertyId, IntPtr pvProperty, uint cbProperty); [PreserveSig()] int GetProperty(uint PropertyId, IntPtr pvProperty, ref uint pcbProperty); [PreserveSig()] int Finalize(); [PreserveSig()] int GetDisplayName(IntPtr szDisplayName, ref uint pccDisplayName, uint dwDisplayFlags); [PreserveSig()] int BindToObject(Object /*REFIID*/ refIID, Object /*IAssemblyBindSink*/ pAsmBindSink, IApplicationContext pApplicationContext, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String szCodeBase, Int64 llFlags, int pvReserved, uint cbReserved, out int ppv); [PreserveSig()] int GetName(out uint lpcwBuffer, out int pwzName); [PreserveSig()] int GetVersion(out uint pdwVersionHi, out uint pdwVersionLow); [PreserveSig()] int IsEqual(IAssemblyName pName, uint dwCmpFlags); [PreserveSig()] int Clone(out IAssemblyName pName); } internal static class ASM_CACHE { public const uint ZAP = 0x1; public const uint GAC = 0x2; public const uint DOWNLOAD = 0x4; } internal static class CANOF { public const uint PARSE_DISPLAY_NAME = 0x1; public const uint SET_DEFAULT_VALUES = 0x2; } internal static class ASM_NAME { public const uint PUBLIC_KEY = 0; public const uint PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN = PUBLIC_KEY + 1; public const uint HASH_VALUE = PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN + 1; public const uint NAME = HASH_VALUE + 1; public const uint MAJOR_VERSION = NAME + 1; public const uint MINOR_VERSION = MAJOR_VERSION + 1; public const uint BUILD_NUMBER = MINOR_VERSION + 1; public const uint REVISION_NUMBER = BUILD_NUMBER + 1; public const uint CULTURE = REVISION_NUMBER + 1; public const uint PROCESSOR_ID_ARRAY = CULTURE + 1; public const uint OSINFO_ARRAY = PROCESSOR_ID_ARRAY + 1; public const uint HASH_ALGID = OSINFO_ARRAY + 1; public const uint ALIAS = HASH_ALGID + 1; public const uint CODEBASE_URL = ALIAS + 1; public const uint CODEBASE_LASTMOD = CODEBASE_URL + 1; public const uint NULL_PUBLIC_KEY = CODEBASE_LASTMOD + 1; public const uint NULL_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN = NULL_PUBLIC_KEY + 1; public const uint CUSTOM = NULL_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN + 1; public const uint NULL_CUSTOM = CUSTOM + 1; public const uint MVID = NULL_CUSTOM + 1; public const uint _32_BIT_ONLY = MVID + 1; public const uint MAX_PARAMS = _32_BIT_ONLY + 1; } internal static class Fusion { [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated public static void ReadCache(ArrayList alAssems, String name, uint nFlag) { IAssemblyEnum aEnum = null; IAssemblyName aName = null; IAssemblyName aNameEnum = null; IApplicationContext AppCtx = null; int hr; if (name != null) { hr = Win32Native.CreateAssemblyNameObject(out aNameEnum, name, CANOF.PARSE_DISPLAY_NAME, IntPtr.Zero); if (hr != 0) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } hr = Win32Native.CreateAssemblyEnum(out aEnum, AppCtx, aNameEnum, nFlag, IntPtr.Zero); if (hr != 0) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); for (; ; ) { hr = aEnum.GetNextAssembly(out AppCtx, out aName, 0); if (hr != 0) { if (hr < 0) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); break; } String sDisplayName = GetDisplayName(aName, 0); if (sDisplayName == null) continue; alAssems.Add(sDisplayName); } // for (;;) } [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated static unsafe String GetDisplayName(IAssemblyName aName, uint dwDisplayFlags) { uint iLen=0; String sDisplayName = null; aName.GetDisplayName((IntPtr)0, ref iLen, dwDisplayFlags); if (iLen > 0) { IntPtr pDisplayName=(IntPtr)0; // Do some memory allocating here // We need to assume that a wide character is 2 bytes. byte[] data = new byte[((int)iLen+1)*2]; fixed (byte *dataptr = data) { pDisplayName = new IntPtr((void *) dataptr); aName.GetDisplayName(pDisplayName, ref iLen, dwDisplayFlags); sDisplayName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pDisplayName); } } return sDisplayName; } } }