// This is a hack to access CFI interface that Android has in libdl.so on // device, but not in the NDK. #include #include #include typedef void (*cfi_slowpath_ty)(uint64_t, void *); typedef void (*cfi_slowpath_diag_ty)(uint64_t, void *, void *); static cfi_slowpath_ty cfi_slowpath; static cfi_slowpath_diag_ty cfi_slowpath_diag; __attribute__((constructor(0), no_sanitize("cfi"))) static void init() { cfi_slowpath = (cfi_slowpath_ty)dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "__cfi_slowpath"); cfi_slowpath_diag = (cfi_slowpath_diag_ty)dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "__cfi_slowpath_diag"); if (!cfi_slowpath || !cfi_slowpath_diag) abort(); } extern "C" { __attribute__((visibility("hidden"), no_sanitize("cfi"))) void __cfi_slowpath( uint64_t Type, void *Addr) { cfi_slowpath(Type, Addr); } __attribute__((visibility("hidden"), no_sanitize("cfi"))) void __cfi_slowpath_diag(uint64_t Type, void *Addr, void *Diag) { cfi_slowpath_diag(Type, Addr, Diag); } }