""" LLDB AppKit formatters part of The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. """ # example summary provider for NSBundle # the real summary is now C++ code built into LLDB import lldb import ctypes import lldb.runtime.objc.objc_runtime import lldb.formatters.metrics import NSURL import lldb.formatters.Logger statistics = lldb.formatters.metrics.Metrics() statistics.add_metric('invalid_isa') statistics.add_metric('invalid_pointer') statistics.add_metric('unknown_class') statistics.add_metric('code_notrun') # despite the similary to synthetic children providers, these classes are not # trying to provide anything but a summary for an NSURL, so they need not # obey the interface specification for synthetic children providers class NSBundleKnown_SummaryProvider: def adjust_for_architecture(self): pass def __init__(self, valobj, params): logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger() self.valobj = valobj self.sys_params = params if not(self.sys_params.types_cache.NSString): self.sys_params.types_cache.NSString = self.valobj.GetTarget( ).FindFirstType('NSString').GetPointerType() self.update() def update(self): logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger() self.adjust_for_architecture() # we need to skip the ISA, plus four other values # that are luckily each a pointer in size # which makes our computation trivial :-) def offset(self): logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger() return 5 * self.sys_params.pointer_size def url_text(self): logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger() global statistics text = self.valobj.CreateChildAtOffset( "text", self.offset(), self.sys_params.types_cache.NSString) my_string = text.GetSummary() if (my_string is None) or (my_string == ''): statistics.metric_hit( 'unknown_class', str( self.valobj.GetName()) + " triggered unknown pointer location") return NSBundleUnknown_SummaryProvider( self.valobj, self.sys_params).url_text() else: statistics.metric_hit('code_notrun', self.valobj) return my_string class NSBundleUnknown_SummaryProvider: def adjust_for_architecture(self): pass def __init__(self, valobj, params): logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger() self.valobj = valobj self.sys_params = params self.update() def update(self): logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger() self.adjust_for_architecture() def url_text(self): logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger() stream = lldb.SBStream() self.valobj.GetExpressionPath(stream) expr = "(NSString*)[" + stream.GetData() + " bundlePath]" url_text_vo = self.valobj.CreateValueFromExpression("path", expr) if url_text_vo.IsValid(): return url_text_vo.GetSummary() return '' def GetSummary_Impl(valobj): logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger() global statistics class_data, wrapper = lldb.runtime.objc.objc_runtime.Utilities.prepare_class_detection( valobj, statistics) if wrapper: return wrapper name_string = class_data.class_name() logger >> "class name is: " + str(name_string) if name_string == 'NSBundle': wrapper = NSBundleKnown_SummaryProvider(valobj, class_data.sys_params) # [NSBundle mainBundle] does return an object that is # not correctly filled out for our purposes, so we still # end up having to run code in that case # statistics.metric_hit('code_notrun',valobj) else: wrapper = NSBundleUnknown_SummaryProvider( valobj, class_data.sys_params) statistics.metric_hit( 'unknown_class', valobj.GetName() + " seen as " + name_string) return wrapper def NSBundle_SummaryProvider(valobj, dict): logger = lldb.formatters.Logger.Logger() provider = GetSummary_Impl(valobj) if provider is not None: if isinstance( provider, lldb.runtime.objc.objc_runtime.SpecialSituation_Description): return provider.message() try: summary = provider.url_text() except: summary = None logger >> "got summary " + str(summary) if summary is None or summary == '': summary = '' return summary return 'Summary Unavailable' def __lldb_init_module(debugger, dict): debugger.HandleCommand( "type summary add -F NSBundle.NSBundle_SummaryProvider NSBundle")