using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
** Class: ConsoleKeyInfo
** Purpose: This value type represents a single key press, with modifier keys
**          like Alt, Control, and Shift.

namespace System {
    public struct ConsoleKeyInfo {
        private char _keyChar;
        private ConsoleKey _key;
        private ConsoleModifiers _mods;    

        public ConsoleKeyInfo(char keyChar, ConsoleKey key, bool shift, bool alt, bool control) {
            // Limit ConsoleKey values to 0 to 255, but don't check whether the
            // key is a valid value in our ConsoleKey enum.  There are a few 
            // values in that enum that we didn't define, and reserved keys 
            // that might start showing up on keyboards in a few years.
            if (((int)key) < 0 || ((int)key) > 255)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("key", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleKey"));

            _keyChar = keyChar;
            _key = key;
            _mods = 0;
            if (shift)
                _mods |= ConsoleModifiers.Shift;
            if (alt)
                _mods |= ConsoleModifiers.Alt;
            if (control)
                _mods |= ConsoleModifiers.Control;

        public char KeyChar {
            get { return _keyChar; }

        public ConsoleKey Key {
            get { return _key; }

        public ConsoleModifiers Modifiers {
            get { return _mods; }

        public override bool Equals(Object value)
            if (value is ConsoleKeyInfo)
                return Equals((ConsoleKeyInfo)value);
                return false;

        public bool Equals(ConsoleKeyInfo obj)
            return obj._keyChar == _keyChar && obj._key == _key && obj._mods == _mods;
        public static bool operator ==(ConsoleKeyInfo a, ConsoleKeyInfo b)
            return a.Equals(b);
        public static bool operator !=(ConsoleKeyInfo a, ConsoleKeyInfo b)
            return !(a == b);
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return (int)_keyChar | (int) _mods;