//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Activities.Runtime { using System; using System.Activities.DynamicUpdate; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Runtime; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Collections.Generic; [DataContract] internal sealed class LocationEnvironment : ActivityInstanceMap.IActivityReferenceWithEnvironment { static DummyLocation dummyLocation = new DummyLocation(); bool isDisposed; bool hasHandles; ActivityExecutor executor; // These two fields should be null unless we're in between calls to Update() and OnDeserialized(). // Therefore they should never need to serialize. IList<Location> locationsToUnregister; IList<LocationReference> locationsToRegister; Location[] locations; bool hasMappableLocations; LocationEnvironment parent; Location singleLocation; // This list keeps track of handles that are created and initialized. List<Handle> handles; // We store refCount - 1 because it is more likely to // be zero and skipped by serialization int referenceCountMinusOne; bool hasOwnerCompleted; // this ctor overload is to be exclusively used by DU // for creating a LocationEnvironment for "noSymbols" ActivityInstance internal LocationEnvironment(LocationEnvironment parent, int capacity) : this(null, null, parent, capacity) { } internal LocationEnvironment(ActivityExecutor executor, Activity definition) { this.executor = executor; this.Definition = definition; } internal LocationEnvironment(ActivityExecutor executor, Activity definition, LocationEnvironment parent, int capacity) : this(executor, definition) { this.parent = parent; Fx.Assert(capacity > 0, "must have a positive capacity if using this overload"); if (capacity > 1) { this.locations = new Location[capacity]; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "locations")] internal Location[] SerializedLocations { get { return this.locations; } set { this.locations = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "hasMappableLocations")] internal bool SerializedHasMappableLocations { get { return this.hasMappableLocations; } set { this.hasMappableLocations = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "parent")] internal LocationEnvironment SerializedParent { get { return this.parent; } set { this.parent = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "singleLocation")] internal Location SerializedSingleLocation { get { return this.singleLocation; } set { this.singleLocation = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "handles")] internal List<Handle> SerializedHandles { get { return this.handles; } set { this.handles = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "referenceCountMinusOne")] internal int SerializedReferenceCountMinusOne { get { return this.referenceCountMinusOne; } set { this.referenceCountMinusOne = value; } } [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "hasOwnerCompleted")] internal bool SerializedHasOwnerCompleted { get { return this.hasOwnerCompleted; } set { this.hasOwnerCompleted = value; } } internal Activity Definition { get; private set; } internal LocationEnvironment Parent { get { return this.parent; } set { this.parent = value; } } internal bool HasHandles { get { return this.hasHandles; } } MappableObjectManager MappableObjectManager { get { return this.executor.MappableObjectManager; } } internal bool ShouldDispose { get { return this.referenceCountMinusOne == -1; } } internal bool HasOwnerCompleted { get { return this.hasOwnerCompleted; } } Activity ActivityInstanceMap.IActivityReference.Activity { get { return this.Definition; } } internal List<Handle> Handles { get { return this.handles; } } void ActivityInstanceMap.IActivityReference.Load(Activity activity, ActivityInstanceMap instanceMap) { this.Definition = activity; } void ActivityInstanceMap.IActivityReferenceWithEnvironment.UpdateEnvironment(EnvironmentUpdateMap map, Activity activity) { // LocationEnvironment.Update() is invoked through this path when this is a seondary root's environment(and in its parent chain) whose owner has already completed. this.Update(map, activity); } // Note that the owner should never call this as the first // AddReference is assumed internal void AddReference() { this.referenceCountMinusOne++; } internal void RemoveReference(bool isOwner) { if (isOwner) { this.hasOwnerCompleted = true; } Fx.Assert(this.referenceCountMinusOne >= 0, "We must at least have 1 reference (0 for refCountMinusOne)"); this.referenceCountMinusOne--; } internal void OnDeserialized(ActivityExecutor executor, ActivityInstance handleScope) { this.executor = executor; // The instance map Load might have already set the definition to the correct one. // If not then we assume the definition is the same as the handle scope. if (this.Definition == null) { this.Definition = handleScope.Activity; } ReinitializeHandles(handleScope); RegisterUpdatedLocations(handleScope); } internal void ReinitializeHandles(ActivityInstance handleScope) { // Need to reinitialize the handles in the list. if (this.handles != null) { int count = this.handles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { this.handles[i].Reinitialize(handleScope); this.hasHandles = true; } } } internal void Dispose() { Fx.Assert(this.ShouldDispose, "We shouldn't be calling Dispose when we have existing references."); Fx.Assert(!this.hasHandles, "We should have already uninitialized the handles and set our hasHandles variable to false."); Fx.Assert(!this.isDisposed, "We should not already be disposed."); this.isDisposed = true; CleanupMappedLocations(); } internal void AddHandle(Handle handleToAdd) { if (this.handles == null) { this.handles = new List<Handle>(); } this.handles.Add(handleToAdd); this.hasHandles = true; } void CleanupMappedLocations() { if (this.hasMappableLocations) { if (this.singleLocation != null) { Fx.Assert(this.singleLocation.CanBeMapped, "Can only have mappable locations for a singleton if its mappable."); UnregisterLocation(this.singleLocation); } else if (this.locations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.locations.Length; i++) { Location location = this.locations[i]; if (location.CanBeMapped) { UnregisterLocation(location); } } } } } internal void UninitializeHandles(ActivityInstance scope) { if (this.hasHandles) { HandleInitializationContext context = null; try { UninitializeHandles(scope, this.Definition.RuntimeVariables, ref context); UninitializeHandles(scope, this.Definition.ImplementationVariables, ref context); this.hasHandles = false; } finally { if (context != null) { context.Dispose(); } } } } void UninitializeHandles(ActivityInstance scope, IList<Variable> variables, ref HandleInitializationContext context) { for (int i = 0; i < variables.Count; i++) { Variable variable = variables[i]; Fx.Assert(variable.Owner == this.Definition, "We should only be targeting the vairables at this scope."); if (variable.IsHandle) { Location location = GetSpecificLocation(variable.Id); if (location != null) { Handle handle = (Handle)location.Value; if (handle != null) { if (context == null) { context = new HandleInitializationContext(this.executor, scope); } handle.Uninitialize(context); } location.Value = null; } } } } internal void DeclareHandle(LocationReference locationReference, Location location, ActivityInstance activityInstance) { this.hasHandles = true; Declare(locationReference, location, activityInstance); } internal void DeclareTemporaryLocation<T>(LocationReference locationReference, ActivityInstance activityInstance, bool bufferGetsOnCollapse) where T : Location { Location locationToDeclare = new Location<T>(); locationToDeclare.SetTemporaryResolutionData(this, bufferGetsOnCollapse); this.Declare(locationReference, locationToDeclare, activityInstance); } internal void Declare(LocationReference locationReference, Location location, ActivityInstance activityInstance) { Fx.Assert((locationReference.Id == 0 && this.locations == null) || (locationReference.Id >= 0 && this.locations != null && locationReference.Id < this.locations.Length), "The environment should have been created with the appropriate capacity."); Fx.Assert(location != null, ""); RegisterLocation(location, locationReference, activityInstance); if (this.locations == null) { Fx.Assert(this.singleLocation == null, "We should not have had a single location if we are trying to declare one."); Fx.Assert(locationReference.Id == 0, "We should think the id is zero if we are setting the single location."); this.singleLocation = location; } else { Fx.Assert(this.locations[locationReference.Id] == null || this.locations[locationReference.Id] is DummyLocation, "We should not have had a location at the spot we are replacing."); this.locations[locationReference.Id] = location; } } internal Location<T> GetSpecificLocation<T>(int id) { return GetSpecificLocation(id) as Location<T>; } internal Location GetSpecificLocation(int id) { Fx.Assert(id >= 0 && ((this.locations == null && id == 0) || (this.locations != null && id < this.locations.Length)), "Id needs to be within bounds."); if (this.locations == null) { return this.singleLocation; } else { return this.locations[id]; } } // called for asynchronous argument resolution to collapse Location<Location<T>> to Location<T> in the environment internal void CollapseTemporaryResolutionLocations() { if (this.locations == null) { if (this.singleLocation != null && object.ReferenceEquals(this.singleLocation.TemporaryResolutionEnvironment, this)) { CollapseTemporaryResolutionLocation(ref this.singleLocation); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.locations.Length; i++) { Location referenceLocation = this.locations[i]; if (referenceLocation != null && object.ReferenceEquals(referenceLocation.TemporaryResolutionEnvironment, this)) { CollapseTemporaryResolutionLocation(ref this.locations[i]); } } } } // Called after an argument is added in Dynamic Update, when we need to collapse // just one location rather than the whole environment internal void CollapseTemporaryResolutionLocation(Location location) { // This assert doesn't necessarily imply that the location is still part of this environment; // it might have been removed in a subsequent update. If so, this method is a no-op. Fx.Assert(location.TemporaryResolutionEnvironment == this, "Trying to collapse from the wrong environment"); if (this.singleLocation == location) { CollapseTemporaryResolutionLocation(ref this.singleLocation); } else if (this.locations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.locations.Length; i++) { if (this.locations[i] == location) { CollapseTemporaryResolutionLocation(ref this.locations[i]); } } } } // Gets the location at this scope. The caller verifies that ref.owner == this.definition. internal bool TryGetLocation(int id, out Location value) { ThrowIfDisposed(); value = null; if (this.locations == null) { if (id == 0) { value = this.singleLocation; } } else { if (this.locations.Length > id) { value = this.locations[id]; } } return value != null; } internal bool TryGetLocation(int id, Activity environmentOwner, out Location value) { ThrowIfDisposed(); LocationEnvironment targetEnvironment = this; while (targetEnvironment != null && targetEnvironment.Definition != environmentOwner) { targetEnvironment = targetEnvironment.Parent; } if (targetEnvironment == null) { value = null; return false; } value = null; if (id == 0 && targetEnvironment.locations == null) { value = targetEnvironment.singleLocation; } else if (targetEnvironment.locations != null && targetEnvironment.locations.Length > id) { value = targetEnvironment.locations[id]; } return value != null; } void RegisterLocation(Location location, LocationReference locationReference, ActivityInstance activityInstance) { if (location.CanBeMapped) { this.hasMappableLocations = true; this.MappableObjectManager.Register(location, this.Definition, locationReference, activityInstance); } } void UnregisterLocation(Location location) { this.MappableObjectManager.Unregister(location); } void ThrowIfDisposed() { if (isDisposed) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError( new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName, SR.EnvironmentDisposed)); } } internal void Update(EnvironmentUpdateMap map, Activity activity) { // arguments public variables private variables RuntimeDelegateArguments // Locations array: AAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD int actualRuntimeDelegateArgumentCount = activity.HandlerOf == null ? 0 : activity.HandlerOf.RuntimeDelegateArguments.Count; if (map.NewArgumentCount != activity.RuntimeArguments.Count || map.NewVariableCount != activity.RuntimeVariables.Count || map.NewPrivateVariableCount != activity.ImplementationVariables.Count || map.RuntimeDelegateArgumentCount != actualRuntimeDelegateArgumentCount) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InstanceUpdateException(SR.InvalidUpdateMap( SR.WrongEnvironmentCount(activity, map.NewArgumentCount, map.NewVariableCount, map.NewPrivateVariableCount, map.RuntimeDelegateArgumentCount, activity.RuntimeArguments.Count, activity.RuntimeVariables.Count, activity.ImplementationVariables.Count, actualRuntimeDelegateArgumentCount)))); } int expectedLocationCount = map.OldArgumentCount + map.OldVariableCount + map.OldPrivateVariableCount + map.RuntimeDelegateArgumentCount; int actualLocationCount; if (this.locations == null) { if (this.singleLocation == null) { // we can hit this condition when the root activity instance has zero symbol. actualLocationCount = 0; } else { actualLocationCount = 1; // temporarily normalize to locations array for the sake of environment update processing this.locations = new Location[] { this.singleLocation }; this.singleLocation = null; } } else { Fx.Assert(this.singleLocation == null, "locations and singleLocations cannot be non-null at the same time."); actualLocationCount = this.locations.Length; } if (expectedLocationCount != actualLocationCount) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new InstanceUpdateException(SR.InvalidUpdateMap( SR.WrongOriginalEnvironmentCount(activity, map.OldArgumentCount, map.OldVariableCount, map.OldPrivateVariableCount, map.RuntimeDelegateArgumentCount, expectedLocationCount, actualLocationCount)))); } Location[] newLocations = null; // If newTotalLocations == 0, update will leave us with an empty LocationEnvironment, // which is something the runtime would normally never create. This is harmless, but it // is a loosening of normal invariants. int newTotalLocations = map.NewArgumentCount + map.NewVariableCount + map.NewPrivateVariableCount + map.RuntimeDelegateArgumentCount; if (newTotalLocations > 0) { newLocations = new Location[newTotalLocations]; } UpdateArguments(map, newLocations); UnregisterRemovedVariables(map); UpdatePublicVariables(map, newLocations, activity); UpdatePrivateVariables(map, newLocations, activity); CopyRuntimeDelegateArguments(map, newLocations); Location newSingleLocation = null; if (newTotalLocations == 1) { newSingleLocation = newLocations[0]; newLocations = null; } this.singleLocation = newSingleLocation; this.locations = newLocations; } void UpdateArguments(EnvironmentUpdateMap map, Location[] newLocations) { if (map.HasArgumentEntries) { for (int i = 0; i < map.ArgumentEntries.Count; i++) { EnvironmentUpdateMapEntry entry = map.ArgumentEntries[i]; Fx.Assert(entry.NewOffset >= 0 && entry.NewOffset < map.NewArgumentCount, "Argument offset is out of range"); if (entry.IsAddition) { // Location allocation will be performed later during ResolveDynamicallyAddedArguments(). // for now, simply assign a dummy location so we know not to copy over the old value. newLocations[entry.NewOffset] = dummyLocation; } else { Fx.Assert(this.locations != null && this.singleLocation == null, "Caller should have copied singleLocation into locations array"); // rearrangement of existing arguments // this entry here doesn't describe argument removal newLocations[entry.NewOffset] = this.locations[entry.OldOffset]; } } } // copy over unchanged Locations, and null out DummyLocations for (int i = 0; i < map.NewArgumentCount; i++) { if (newLocations[i] == null) { Fx.Assert(this.locations != null && this.locations.Length > i, "locations must be non-null and index i must be within the range of locations."); newLocations[i] = this.locations[i]; } else if (newLocations[i] == dummyLocation) { newLocations[i] = null; } } } void UpdatePublicVariables(EnvironmentUpdateMap map, Location[] newLocations, Activity activity) { UpdateVariables( map.NewArgumentCount, map.OldArgumentCount, map.NewVariableCount, map.OldVariableCount, map.VariableEntries, activity.RuntimeVariables, newLocations); } void UpdatePrivateVariables(EnvironmentUpdateMap map, Location[] newLocations, Activity activity) { UpdateVariables( map.NewArgumentCount + map.NewVariableCount, map.OldArgumentCount + map.OldVariableCount, map.NewPrivateVariableCount, map.OldPrivateVariableCount, map.PrivateVariableEntries, activity.ImplementationVariables, newLocations); } void UpdateVariables(int newVariablesOffset, int oldVariablesOffset, int newVariableCount, int oldVariableCount, IList<EnvironmentUpdateMapEntry> variableEntries, IList<Variable> variables, Location[] newLocations) { if (variableEntries != null) { for (int i = 0; i < variableEntries.Count; i++) { EnvironmentUpdateMapEntry entry = variableEntries[i]; Fx.Assert(entry.NewOffset >= 0 && entry.NewOffset < newVariableCount, "Variable offset is out of range"); Fx.Assert(!entry.IsNewHandle, "This should have been caught in ActivityInstanceMap.UpdateRawInstance"); if (entry.IsAddition) { Variable newVariable = variables[entry.NewOffset]; Location location = newVariable.CreateLocation(); newLocations[newVariablesOffset + entry.NewOffset] = location; if (location.CanBeMapped) { ActivityUtilities.Add(ref this.locationsToRegister, newVariable); } } else { Fx.Assert(this.locations != null && this.singleLocation == null, "Caller should have copied singleLocation into locations array"); // rearrangement of existing variable // this entry here doesn't describe variable removal newLocations[newVariablesOffset + entry.NewOffset] = this.locations[oldVariablesOffset + entry.OldOffset]; } } } // copy over unchanged variable Locations for (int i = 0; i < newVariableCount; i++) { if (newLocations[newVariablesOffset + i] == null) { Fx.Assert(i < oldVariableCount, "New variable should have a location"); Fx.Assert(this.locations != null && this.locations.Length > oldVariablesOffset + i, "locations must be non-null and index i + oldVariableOffset must be within the range of locations."); newLocations[newVariablesOffset + i] = this.locations[oldVariablesOffset + i]; } } } void CopyRuntimeDelegateArguments(EnvironmentUpdateMap map, Location[] newLocations) { for (int i = 1; i <= map.RuntimeDelegateArgumentCount; i++) { newLocations[newLocations.Length - i] = this.locations[this.locations.Length - i]; } } void CollapseTemporaryResolutionLocation(ref Location location) { if (location.Value == null) { location = (Location)location.CreateDefaultValue(); } else { location = ((Location)location.Value).CreateReference(location.BufferGetsOnCollapse); } } void RegisterUpdatedLocations(ActivityInstance activityInstance) { if (this.locationsToRegister != null) { foreach (LocationReference locationReference in this.locationsToRegister) { RegisterLocation(GetSpecificLocation(locationReference.Id), locationReference, activityInstance); } this.locationsToRegister = null; } if (this.locationsToUnregister != null) { foreach (Location location in this.locationsToUnregister) { UnregisterLocation(location); } this.locationsToUnregister = null; } } void UnregisterRemovedVariables(EnvironmentUpdateMap map) { bool hasMappableLocationsRemaining = false; int offset = map.OldArgumentCount; FindVariablesToUnregister(false, map, map.OldVariableCount, offset, ref hasMappableLocationsRemaining); offset = map.OldArgumentCount + map.OldVariableCount; FindVariablesToUnregister(true, map, map.OldPrivateVariableCount, offset, ref hasMappableLocationsRemaining); this.hasMappableLocations = hasMappableLocationsRemaining; } delegate int? GetNewVariableIndex(int oldIndex); private void FindVariablesToUnregister(bool forImplementation, EnvironmentUpdateMap map, int oldVariableCount, int offset, ref bool hasMappableLocationsRemaining) { for (int i = 0; i < oldVariableCount; i++) { Location location = this.locations[i + offset]; if (location.CanBeMapped) { if ((forImplementation && map.GetNewPrivateVariableIndex(i).HasValue) || (!forImplementation && map.GetNewVariableIndex(i).HasValue)) { hasMappableLocationsRemaining = true; } else { ActivityUtilities.Add(ref this.locationsToUnregister, location); } } } } private class DummyLocation : Location<object> { // this is a dummy location // temporarary place holder for a dynamically added LocationReference } } }