// // Resource strings referenced by the code. // // Copyright 2014 Xamarin Inc // // Mono-specific additions, which are not in SR.cs or missing in referencesource // partial class SR { public const string mono_net_io_shutdown = "mono_net_io_shutdown"; public const string mono_net_io_renegotiate = "mono_net_io_renegotiate"; public const string net_ssl_io_already_shutdown = "Write operations are not allowed after the channel was shutdown."; public const string net_log_set_socketoption_reuseport_default_on = "net_log_set_socketoption_reuseport_default_on"; public const string net_log_set_socketoption_reuseport_not_supported = "net_log_set_socketoption_reuseport_not_supported"; public const string net_log_set_socketoption_reuseport = "net_log_set_socketoption_reuseport"; }