System.ServiceModel System.Object System.ServiceModel.Channels.IMessageProperty This is a general-purpose class that gives the developer direct access to the HTTP request information, which can be used for encapsulating HTTP-specific information. One example of the use of this class is to support services implemented in accordance with the Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture. This class enables support for the following scenarios: Varies the HTTP verb used for each request. Allows HTTP header (key, value) pairs to be set and queried by request. Allows the query string to be specified for an HTTP request. This class can be used by and related classes. For incoming messages, this property is added to messages. For outgoing messages, this property causes the following to happen: is set to . is appended to the . is added to the HTTP headers set to be transmitted. Provides access to the HTTP request to access and respond to the additional information made available for requests over the HTTP protocol. Constructor This constructor initializes the object as follows: = POST. is set to the empty string. = false. Initializes a new instance of the class. Property System.Net.WebHeaderCollection To be added. There are situations in which this property is not available and attempts to access it may cause an exception. This can happen when indigo2 is hosted in IIS, after the HTTP request is complete, especially in one-way scenarios where the reply is sent back before the message has become available. Gets the HTTP headers from the HTTP request. Property System.String To be added. By default, indigo2 uses the POST verb for HTTP messages. The GET verb is used by indigo2 to display help information when accessing a ServiceHost's base address. This is useful for checking whether a indigo2 service is active when using a Web browser. Other methods defined by the HTTP RFC are PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, and CONNECT. These methods have special behaviors when interoperating with other services. Gets or sets the HTTP verb for the HTTP request. Property System.String To be added. To be added. Gets the name of the message property associated with the class. Property System.String To be added. There are many well-known security attacks based on an HTTP request's query string (for example, the SQL injection attack). Always rigorously validate the parameters contained in the query string. If you use the values without validation, a well-known security hole is open. Gets or sets the query string for the HTTP request. Property System.Boolean To be added. This property is used for empty message requests: for example, a service that accepts a GET request without a message body. In this case, when building the object for the response message, set the property to true. When interoperating with non-indigo2 services, it is important to note that certain verbs are expected to contain a message body according to the HTTP standard; these include PUT and POST. Other verbs are expected to suppress the message body; these include GET and HEAD. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the body of the message is ignored and only the headers are sent. Method System.ServiceModel.Channels.IMessageProperty To be added. Creates and returns a copy of the current object. A object that represents a copy of the current object.