// CS1110: `C.Foo(this string)': Extension methods require `System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' type to be available. Are you missing an assembly reference?
// Line: 7
// Compiler options: -noconfig -nostdlib

static class C
	static void Foo (this string s)

namespace System
	public class Object
		object value_with_no_base;
	public struct Byte {}
	public struct Int16 {}
	public struct Int32 {}
	public struct Int64 {}
	public struct Single {}
	public struct Double{}
	public struct Char {}
	public struct Boolean {}
	public struct SByte {}
	public struct UInt16 {}
	public struct UInt32 {}
	public struct UInt64 {}
	public struct IntPtr {}
	public struct UIntPtr {}
	public struct Decimal { }
	public class String { }
	public class Delegate {}
	public class MulticastDelegate {}
	public class Array {}
	public class Exception {}
	public class Type {}
	public class ValueType {}
	public class Enum {}
	public class Attribute {}
	public struct Void {}
	public class ParamArrayAttribute {}
	public class DefaultMemberAttribute {}
	public struct RuntimeTypeHandle {}
	public struct RuntimeFieldHandle {}
	public interface IDisposable {}
namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices
	public class OutAttribute {}

namespace System.Collections
	public interface IEnumerable {}
	public interface IEnumerator {}

namespace System.Reflection
	public class DefaultMemberAttribute {}