#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptRoot="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" if [ "$BUILDVARS_DONE" != 1 ]; then . $scriptRoot/buildvars-setup.sh $* fi # Prepare the system for building prepare_managed_build() { # Run Init-Tools to restore BuildTools and ToolRuntime $__ProjectRoot/init-tools.sh # Tell nuget to always use repo-local nuget package cache. The "dotnet restore" invocations use the --packages # argument, but there are a few commands in publish and tests that do not. export NUGET_PACKAGES=$__packageroot echo "Using CLI tools version:" ls "$__dotnetclipath/sdk" } build_managed_corert() { __buildproj=$__ProjectRoot/build.proj __buildlog=$__ProjectRoot/msbuild.$__BuildArch.log if [ -z "${ToolchainMilestone}" ]; then ToolchainMilestone=testing fi $__ProjectRoot/Tools/msbuild.sh "$__buildproj" /m /nologo /verbosity:minimal "/fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=normal;LogFile=$__buildlog" /t:Build /p:RepoPath=$__ProjectRoot /p:RepoLocalBuild="true" /p:RelativeProductBinDir=$__RelativeProductBinDir /p:CleanedTheBuild=$__CleanBuild /p:NuPkgRid=$__NugetRuntimeId /p:TestNugetRuntimeId=$__NugetRuntimeId /p:OSGroup=$__BuildOS /p:Configuration=$__BuildType /p:Platform=$__BuildArch /p:COMPUTERNAME=$(hostname) /p:USERNAME=$(id -un) /p:ToolchainMilestone=${ToolchainMilestone} $__UnprocessedBuildArgs $__ExtraMsBuildArgs export BUILDERRORLEVEL=$? echo # Pull the build summary from the log file tail -n 4 "$__buildlog" echo Build Exit Code = $BUILDERRORLEVEL if [ $BUILDERRORLEVEL != 0 ]; then exit $BUILDERRORLEVEL fi } if $__buildmanaged; then # Prepare the system prepare_managed_build # Build the corert native components. build_managed_corert # Build complete fi