// // MonoBtlsSsl.cs // // Author: // Martin Baulig // // Copyright (c) 2015 Xamarin Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #if SECURITY_DEP && MONO_FEATURE_BTLS using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace Mono.Btls { delegate int MonoBtlsVerifyCallback (MonoBtlsX509StoreCtx ctx); delegate int MonoBtlsSelectCallback (string[] acceptableIssuers); delegate int MonoBtlsServerNameCallback (); class MonoBtlsSsl : MonoBtlsObject { internal class BoringSslHandle : MonoBtlsHandle { public BoringSslHandle (IntPtr handle) : base (handle, true) { } protected override bool ReleaseHandle () { mono_btls_ssl_destroy (handle); handle = IntPtr.Zero; return true; } } [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static void mono_btls_ssl_destroy (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static IntPtr mono_btls_ssl_new (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_use_certificate (IntPtr handle, IntPtr x509); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_use_private_key (IntPtr handle, IntPtr key); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_add_chain_certificate (IntPtr handle, IntPtr x509); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_accept (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_connect (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_handshake (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static void mono_btls_ssl_close (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_shutdown (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static void mono_btls_ssl_set_quiet_shutdown (IntPtr handle, int mode); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static void mono_btls_ssl_set_bio (IntPtr handle, IntPtr bio); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_read (IntPtr handle, IntPtr data, int len); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_write (IntPtr handle, IntPtr data, int len); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_get_error (IntPtr handle, int ret_code); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_get_version (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static void mono_btls_ssl_set_min_version (IntPtr handle, int version); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static void mono_btls_ssl_set_max_version (IntPtr handle, int version); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_get_cipher (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_get_ciphers (IntPtr handle, out IntPtr data); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static IntPtr mono_btls_ssl_get_peer_certificate (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_set_cipher_list (IntPtr handle, IntPtr str); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static void mono_btls_ssl_print_errors_cb (IntPtr func, IntPtr ctx); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_set_verify_param (IntPtr handle, IntPtr param); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_set_server_name (IntPtr handle, IntPtr name); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static IntPtr mono_btls_ssl_get_server_name (IntPtr handle); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static void mono_btls_ssl_set_renegotiate_mode (IntPtr handle, int mode); [DllImport (BTLS_DYLIB)] extern static int mono_btls_ssl_renegotiate_pending (IntPtr handle); static BoringSslHandle Create_internal (MonoBtlsSslCtx ctx) { var handle = mono_btls_ssl_new (ctx.Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new MonoBtlsException (); return new BoringSslHandle (handle); } MonoBtlsBio bio; PrintErrorsCallbackFunc printErrorsFunc; IntPtr printErrorsFuncPtr; public MonoBtlsSsl (MonoBtlsSslCtx ctx) : base (Create_internal (ctx)) { printErrorsFunc = PrintErrorsCallback; printErrorsFuncPtr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate (printErrorsFunc); } new internal BoringSslHandle Handle { get { return (BoringSslHandle)base.Handle; } } public void SetBio (MonoBtlsBio bio) { CheckThrow (); this.bio = bio; mono_btls_ssl_set_bio ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), bio.Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); } Exception ThrowError ([CallerMemberName] string callerName = null) { string errors; try { if (callerName == null) callerName = GetType ().Name; errors = GetErrors (); } catch { errors = null; } if (errors != null) throw new MonoBtlsException ("{0} failed: {1}.", callerName, errors); else throw new MonoBtlsException ("{0} failed.", callerName); } MonoBtlsSslError GetError (int ret_code) { CheckThrow (); bio.CheckLastError (); var error = mono_btls_ssl_get_error ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), ret_code); return (MonoBtlsSslError)error; } public void SetCertificate (MonoBtlsX509 x509) { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_use_certificate ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), x509.Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); if (ret <= 0) throw ThrowError (); } public void SetPrivateKey (MonoBtlsKey key) { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_use_private_key ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), key.Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); if (ret <= 0) throw ThrowError (); } public void AddIntermediateCertificate (MonoBtlsX509 x509) { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_add_chain_certificate ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), x509.Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); if (ret <= 0) throw ThrowError (); } public MonoBtlsSslError Accept () { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_accept (Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); var error = GetError (ret); return error; } public MonoBtlsSslError Connect () { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_connect (Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); var error = GetError (ret); return error; } public MonoBtlsSslError Handshake () { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_handshake (Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); var error = GetError (ret); return error; } delegate int PrintErrorsCallbackFunc (IntPtr str, IntPtr len, IntPtr ctx); [Mono.Util.MonoPInvokeCallback (typeof (PrintErrorsCallbackFunc))] static int PrintErrorsCallback (IntPtr str, IntPtr len, IntPtr ctx) { var sb = (StringBuilder)GCHandle.FromIntPtr (ctx).Target; try { var text = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (str, (int)len); sb.Append (text); return 1; } catch { return 0; } } public string GetErrors () { var text = new StringBuilder (); var handle = GCHandle.Alloc (text); try { mono_btls_ssl_print_errors_cb (printErrorsFuncPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr (handle)); return text.ToString (); } finally { if (handle.IsAllocated) handle.Free (); } } public void PrintErrors () { var errors = GetErrors (); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (errors)) return; Console.Error.WriteLine (errors); } public MonoBtlsSslError Read (IntPtr data, ref int dataSize) { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_read ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), data, dataSize); if (ret > 0) { dataSize = ret; return MonoBtlsSslError.None; } var error = GetError (ret); if (ret == 0 && error == MonoBtlsSslError.Syscall) { // End-of-stream dataSize = 0; return MonoBtlsSslError.None; } dataSize = 0; return error; } public MonoBtlsSslError Write (IntPtr data, ref int dataSize) { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_write ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), data, dataSize); if (ret >= 0) { dataSize = ret; return MonoBtlsSslError.None; } var error = mono_btls_ssl_get_error ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), ret); dataSize = 0; return (MonoBtlsSslError)error; } public int GetVersion () { CheckThrow (); return mono_btls_ssl_get_version (Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); } public void SetMinVersion (int version) { CheckThrow (); mono_btls_ssl_set_min_version (Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), version); } public void SetMaxVersion (int version) { CheckThrow (); mono_btls_ssl_set_max_version (Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), version); } public int GetCipher () { CheckThrow (); var cipher = mono_btls_ssl_get_cipher (Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); CheckError (cipher > 0); return cipher; } public short[] GetCiphers () { CheckThrow (); IntPtr data; var count = mono_btls_ssl_get_ciphers ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), out data); CheckError (count > 0); try { short[] ciphers = new short[count]; Marshal.Copy (data, ciphers, 0, count); return ciphers; } finally { FreeDataPtr (data); } } public void SetCipherList (string str) { CheckThrow (); IntPtr strPtr = IntPtr.Zero; try { strPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi (str); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_set_cipher_list ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), strPtr); CheckError (ret); } finally { if (strPtr != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal (strPtr); } } public MonoBtlsX509 GetPeerCertificate () { CheckThrow (); var x509 = mono_btls_ssl_get_peer_certificate ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); if (x509 == IntPtr.Zero) return null; return new MonoBtlsX509 (new MonoBtlsX509.BoringX509Handle (x509)); } public void SetVerifyParam (MonoBtlsX509VerifyParam param) { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_set_verify_param ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), param.Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); CheckError (ret); } public void SetServerName (string name) { CheckThrow (); IntPtr namePtr = IntPtr.Zero; try { namePtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi (name); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_set_server_name ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), namePtr); CheckError (ret); } finally { if (namePtr != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal (namePtr); } } public string GetServerName () { CheckThrow (); var namePtr = mono_btls_ssl_get_server_name ( Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); if (namePtr == IntPtr.Zero) return null; return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (namePtr); } public void Shutdown () { CheckThrow (); var ret = mono_btls_ssl_shutdown (Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); if (ret < 0) throw ThrowError (); } public void SetQuietShutdown () { CheckThrow (); mono_btls_ssl_set_quiet_shutdown (Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), 1); } protected override void Close () { if (!Handle.IsInvalid) mono_btls_ssl_close (Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()); } public void SetRenegotiateMode (MonoBtlsSslRenegotiateMode mode) { CheckThrow (); mono_btls_ssl_set_renegotiate_mode (Handle.DangerousGetHandle (), (int)mode); } public bool RenegotiatePending () { return mono_btls_ssl_renegotiate_pending (Handle.DangerousGetHandle ()) != 0; } } } #endif