System.ServiceModel System.Object This specification is used to indicate which message parts need to be signed and which parts need to be encrypted. Specifies which parts are included in a message. Constructor To be added. Initializes an empty . Constructor To be added. Initializes a new and specifies whether the message body is included. Initializes whether the message body is included in the specification. Constructor System.ParamArray Each header is specified using its name and namespace. Initializes a new with an array of message headers. The array of header types to use. Constructor System.ParamArray Each header is specified using its name and namespace. In addition, the parameter specifies whether the message body is to be included or not. Initializes a new with an array of message headers. Initializes whether the message body is included in the specification. The array of header types to use. Method System.Void To be added. Clears the list of headers in this specification. Property System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName> To be added. To be added. Gets the header types for this specification. Property System.Boolean To be added. To be added. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the message body is included in this specification. Property System.Boolean To be added. You can use to set this property to true. sets the property to false. Gets a value that indicates whether the specification is read only. Method System.Void removes all headers in the specification and makes the collection read/write. Sets the specification to read only. Property System.ServiceModel.Security.MessagePartSpecification To be added. If this property is null, a new empty instance of this class is created. Gets an empty instance of this class. Method System.Void To be added. After the method is called, the holds all header information from both specifications, and the property is set to the logical OR of both specifications. Merges two message part specifications.