System.ServiceModel System.Object System.ServiceModel.Description.IServiceBehavior The class is used to audit indigo1 authentication events. When auditing is enabled, either successful or failed authentication attempts (or both) can be audited. The events are written to one of three event logs: application, security, or the default log for the operating system version. The event logs can all be viewed using the Windows Event viewer. Use this class to specify which event log is written to, as well as kinds of authentication events to write. You can also specify whether to suppress audit failures by setting the property to false (the default is true). crabout auditing security events for indigo2 applications, see Auditing Security Events. To specify audit behavior in configuration, use the <serviceSecurityAudit> element. Specifies the audit behavior of security events. In general, the security events consist of authentication events such as transport, message or negotiate authentication and authorization event. crdefault . Constructor The instance is created with the following default settings: = ; = true; = ; = . Initializes a new instance of the class. Property System.ServiceModel.AuditLogLocation To be added. To be able to write to AuditLogLocation.Security, the running thread (or process) must possess SeAuditPrivilege. You can also set this value using the <serviceSecurityAudit> element in a client application configuration file. Gets or sets the location where secure-related event logs are written. Property System.ServiceModel.AuditLevel To be added. indigo1 service applications have two levels where security can be enforced. At the service level, all methods of the service are enforced by the same security policy. Individual methods in the service can have a different (more stringent) security policy. Use the property to control which message level events are audited. You can also set this value using the <serviceSecurityAudit> element in a client application configuration file. Gets or sets the type of authentication events to audit at the message level. Property System.ServiceModel.AuditLevel To be added. indigo1 service applications have two levels where security can be enforced. At the service level, all methods of the service are enforced by the same security policy. Individual methods in the service can have a different (more stringent) security policy. Use the property to control which service level events are audited. You can also set this value using the <serviceSecurityAudit> element in a client application configuration file. Gets or sets the type of authorization events to audit at the service level. Property System.Boolean To be added. If this property is false, failure to audit causes an exception to be thrown and results in user request failure. You can also set this value using the <serviceSecurityAudit> element in a client application configuration file. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether failure to audit affects the application. Method System.Void Use this method to add custom data objects to the collection that binding elements can use to acquire extra information to enable them to support the contract. Passes custom data to binding elements to support the contract implementation. The of the service. The host of the service. The service endpoints. A . Method System.Void Use this method to inspect or modify the object that is being constructed to support some custom execution scenario. Provides the ability to change run-time property values or insert custom extension objects such as error handlers, message or parameter interceptors, security extensions, and other custom extension objects. The of the service. The host of the service. Method System.Void To be added. Not implemented. The of the service. The host of the service.