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<clause number="" title="Array access">
  <paragraph>For an array access, the <non_terminal where="14.5">primary-no-array-creation-expression</non_terminal> of the <non_terminal where="14.5.6">element-access</non_terminal> must be a value of an <non_terminal where="19.1">array-type</non_terminal>. The number of expressions in the <non_terminal where="14.5.6">expression-list</non_terminal> must be the same as the rank of the <non_terminal where="19.1">array-type</non_terminal>, and each expression must be of type <keyword>int</keyword>, <keyword>uint</keyword>, <keyword>long</keyword>, <keyword>ulong</keyword>, or of a type that can be implicitly converted to one or more of these types. </paragraph>
  <paragraph>The result of evaluating an array access is a variable of the element type of the array, namely the array element selected by the value(s) of the expression(s) in the <non_terminal where="14.5.6">expression-list</non_terminal>. </paragraph>
  <paragraph>The run-time processing of an array access of the form P[A], where P is a  <non_terminal where="14.5">primary-no-array-creation-expression</non_terminal> of an <non_terminal where="19.1">array-type</non_terminal> and A is an <non_terminal where="14.5.6">expression-list</non_terminal>, consists of the following steps: <list><list_item> P is evaluated. If this evaluation causes an exception, no further steps are executed. </list_item><list_item> The index expressions of the <non_terminal where="14.5.6">expression-list</non_terminal> are evaluated in order, from left to right. Following evaluation of each index expression, an implicit conversion (<hyperlink>13.1</hyperlink>) to one of the following types is performed: <keyword>int</keyword>, <keyword>uint</keyword>, <keyword>long</keyword>, <keyword>ulong</keyword>. The first type in this list for which an implicit conversion exists is chosen. For instance, if the index expression is of type <keyword>short</keyword> then an implicit conversion to <keyword>int</keyword> is performed, since implicit conversions from <keyword>short</keyword> to <keyword>int</keyword> and from <keyword>short</keyword> to <keyword>long</keyword> are possible. If evaluation of an index expression or the subsequent implicit conversion causes an exception, then no further index expressions are evaluated and no further steps are executed. </list_item><list_item> The value of P is checked to be valid. If the value of P is null, a System.NullReferenceException is thrown and no further steps are executed. </list_item><list_item> The value of each expression in the <non_terminal where="14.5.6">expression-list</non_terminal> is checked against the actual bounds of each dimension of the array instance referenced by P. If one or more values are out of range, a System.IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown and no further steps are executed. </list_item><list_item> The location of the array element given by the index expression(s) is computed, and this location becomes the result of the array access. </list_item></list></paragraph>