using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using Mono.Options; using Mono.Configuration.Crypto; [assembly: AssemblyTitle ("mono-configuration-crypto")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription ("Mono configuration utility to manage encryption keys and encrypt/decrypt config file sections")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany (Consts.MonoCompany)] [assembly: AssemblyProduct ("Mono Configuration Cryptography Tools")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright ("Copyright (c) 2010 Novell, Inc (,")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion (Consts.FxVersion)] namespace MonoConfigurationCrypto { class MonoConfigurationCrypto { void Success () { Console.WriteLine ("Success."); } void Failure (Exception ex, Config cfg) { Failure (ex, cfg, null); } void Failure (Config cfg, string message, params object[] parms) { Failure (null, cfg, message, parms); } void Failure (Exception ex, Config cfg, string message, params object[] parms) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (message)) { if (parms == null || parms.Length == 0) Console.Error.WriteLine (message); else Console.Error.WriteLine (message, parms); } if (ex != null) { if (cfg.Verbose) Console.Error.WriteLine (ex.ToString ()); else Console.Error.WriteLine (ex.Message); } Console.Error.WriteLine ("Failure."); } bool ListContainers (Config cfg) { try { var kc = new KeyContainerCollection (cfg.UseMachinePath); int count; foreach (KeyContainer c in kc) { count = c.Count; Console.WriteLine ("{0} container '{1}' ({2} key{3})", c.Local ? "Local" : "Global", c.Name, count, count == 1 ? String.Empty : "s"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Failure (ex, cfg); } return true; } string FindConfigFile (string path, string configFileName) { if (!Directory.Exists (path)) return null; string fileName = null; foreach (var s in Directory.GetFiles (path, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { string fn = Path.GetFileName (s); if (String.Compare (fn, configFileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { fileName = fn; break; } } if (fileName == null) return null; return Path.Combine (path, fileName); } bool EncryptSection (Config cfg) { string configSection = cfg.ConfigSectionName; string containerName = cfg.ContainerName; string configFile = FindConfigFile (cfg.ApplicationPhysicalPath, cfg.ConfigFileName); Console.WriteLine ("Encrypting section '{0}' in config file '{1}' using key container '{2}'...", configSection, configFile, containerName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (configFile)) { Failure (cfg, "No config file found in directory '{0}'", cfg.ApplicationPhysicalPath); return true; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (configSection)) { Failure (cfg, "No config section name specified."); return true; } try { var cs = new ConfigSection (); cs.Encrypt (configFile, configSection, containerName, cfg.UseMachinePath); Console.WriteLine ("Success."); } catch (Exception ex) { Failure (ex, cfg); return true; } return false; } bool DecryptSection (Config cfg) { string configSection = cfg.ConfigSectionName; string containerName = cfg.ContainerName; string configFile = FindConfigFile (cfg.ApplicationPhysicalPath, cfg.ConfigFileName); Console.WriteLine ("Decrypting section '{0}' in config file '{1}' using key container '{2}'...", configSection, configFile, containerName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (configFile)) { Failure (cfg, "No config file found in directory '{0}'", cfg.ApplicationPhysicalPath); return true; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (configSection)) { Failure (cfg, "No config section name specified."); return true; } try { var cs = new ConfigSection (); cs.Decrypt (configFile, configSection, containerName, cfg.UseMachinePath); Console.WriteLine ("Success."); } catch (Exception ex) { Failure (ex, cfg); return true; } return false; } bool CreateKey (Config cfg) { string name = cfg.ContainerName; KeyContainerCollection kc; Console.WriteLine ("Creating RSA key container '{0}'...", name); try { kc = new KeyContainerCollection (cfg.UseMachinePath); if (kc.Contains (name)) { Failure (cfg, "The RSA container already exists."); return true; } var k = new Key (name, cfg.KeySize, cfg.UseMachinePath); if (!k.IsValid) { Failure (cfg, "Failed to generate RSA key pair."); return true; } k.Save (); Success (); } catch (Exception ex) { Failure (ex, cfg); return true; } return false; } bool ImportKey (Config cfg) { string containerName = cfg.ContainerName; string fileName = cfg.FileName; Console.WriteLine ("Importing an RSA key from file '{0}' into the container '{1}'...", fileName, containerName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (containerName)) { Failure (cfg, "Unspecified container name."); return true; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (fileName)) { Failure (cfg, "Unspecified file name."); return true; } if (!File.Exists (fileName)) { Failure (cfg, "Key file '{0}' does not exist.", fileName); return true; } KeyContainerCollection kcc; Key key; KeyContainer kc; try { kcc = new KeyContainerCollection (cfg.UseMachinePath); kc = kcc [containerName]; if (kc != null) key = kc [0]; else key = null; // No validation is performed on the key - this is left for the // encryption algorithm implementation to do. string keyvalue = File.ReadAllText (fileName); if (key == null) key = new Key (containerName, keyvalue, cfg.UseMachinePath); else { key.KeyValue = keyvalue; key.ContainerName = containerName; } key.Save (); Console.WriteLine ("Success."); } catch (Exception ex) { Failure (ex, cfg); return true; } return false; } bool ExportKey (Config cfg) { string containerName = cfg.ContainerName; string fileName = cfg.FileName; Console.WriteLine ("Exporting an RSA key from container '{0}' to file '{1}'...", containerName, fileName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (containerName)) { Failure (cfg, "Unspecified container name."); return true; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (fileName)) { Failure (cfg, "Unspecified file name."); return true; } KeyContainerCollection kcc; Key key; KeyContainer kc; try { kcc = new KeyContainerCollection (cfg.UseMachinePath); kc = kcc [containerName]; if (kc != null) key = kc [0]; else { Failure (cfg, "Container '{0}' does not exist.", containerName); return true; } if (key == null) { Failure (cfg, "Container '{0}' exists but it does not contain any keys.", containerName); return true; } File.WriteAllText (fileName, key.KeyValue); Console.WriteLine ("Success."); } catch (Exception ex) { Failure (ex, cfg); return true; } return false; } bool RemoveContainer (Config cfg) { string containerName = cfg.ContainerName; Console.WriteLine ("Removing container '{0}'...", containerName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (containerName)) { Failure (cfg, "Unspecified container name."); return true; } try { KeyContainer.RemoveFromDisk (containerName, cfg.UseMachinePath); Console.WriteLine ("Success."); } catch (Exception ex) { Failure (ex, cfg); return true; } return false; } void ShowHeader () { string title = String.Empty, version = String.Empty, description = String.Empty, copyright = String.Empty; Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (); foreach (object o in asm.GetCustomAttributes (false)) { if (o is AssemblyTitleAttribute) title = ((AssemblyTitleAttribute)o).Title; else if (o is AssemblyCopyrightAttribute) copyright = ((AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)o).Copyright; else if (o is AssemblyDescriptionAttribute) description = ((AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)o).Description; } version = asm.GetName ().Version.ToString (); Console.WriteLine ("{1} - version {2}{0}{3}{0}{4}{0}", Environment.NewLine, title, version, description, copyright); } void Run (string[] args) { var cfg = new Config (); var actions = new List > (); var options = new OptionSet () { { "h|?|help", "Show usage information", v => cfg.ShowHelp = true }, { "v|verbose", "Show verbose information (including exception stacktraces)", v => cfg.Verbose = true }, { "m|machine|global", "Use machine (global) store for all the key actions", v => cfg.UseMachinePath = true }, { "u|user|local", "Use local (user) store for all the key actions [*]", v => cfg.UseMachinePath = false }, { "l|list", "List all the key container names in the store", v => actions.Add (ListContainers) }, { "c|create", "Creates an RSA public/private key pair", v => actions.Add (CreateKey) }, { "i|import", "Import key to a container", v => actions.Add (ImportKey) }, { "x|export", "Export key from a container", v => actions.Add (ExportKey) }, { "r|remove", "Remove a container", v => actions.Add (RemoveContainer) }, { "f=|file=", "File name for import or export operations", (string s) => cfg.FileName = s }, { "cf=|config-file=", String.Format ("Config file name (not path) [{0}]", Config.DefaultConfigFileName), (string s) => cfg.ConfigFileName = s }, { "n=|name=", String.Format ("Container name [{0}]", Config.DefaultContainerName), (string s) => cfg.ContainerName = s }, { "s=|size=", String.Format ("Key size [{0}]", Config.DefaultKeySize), (uint s) => cfg.KeySize = s }, { "p=|path=", String.Format ("Application physical path [{0}]", Config.DefaultApplicationPhysicalPath), (string s) => cfg.ApplicationPhysicalPath = s }, { "d=|dec=|decrypt=", "Decrypt configuration section", (string s) => { cfg.ConfigSectionName = s; actions.Add (DecryptSection);} }, { "e=|enc=|encrypt=", "Encrypt configuration section", (string s) => { cfg.ConfigSectionName = s; actions.Add (EncryptSection);} }, }; options.Parse (args); if (cfg.ShowHelp) { ShowHeader (); options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out); return; } foreach (var action in actions) if (action (cfg)) Environment.Exit (0); } static void Main (string[] args) { new MonoConfigurationCrypto ().Run (args); } } }