System.Data System.Object The contextual information provided includes the type of action that caused the trigger to fire, which columns were modified in an UPDATE operation, and, in the case of a data definition language (DDL) trigger, an XML EventData structure (see "Transact-SQL Reference" in SQL Server Books Online) that describes the triggering operation. An instance of is available from the class, when the code is running inside a trigger through the property. Provides contextual information about the trigger that was fired. Property System.Int32 To be added. property is useful to determine the maximum ordinal that allows for a given trigger invocation. Gets the number of columns contained by the data table bound to the trigger. This property is read-only. Property System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml To be added. This information is available for data definition language (DDL) triggers. No information is available through this property for data manipulation language (DML) triggers. Gets the event data specific to the action that fired the trigger. Method System.Boolean To be added. Returns true if a column was affected by an INSERT or UPDATE statement. true if the column was affected by an INSERT or UPDATE operation. The zero-based ordinal of the column. Property Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.TriggerAction To be added. To be added. Indicates what action fired the trigger.