// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Microsoft
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Schema;
namespace MS.Internal.Xml.Cache {
/// This is the default XPath/XQuery data model cache implementation. It will be used whenever
/// the user does not supply his own XPathNavigator implementation.
internal sealed class XPathDocumentNavigator : XPathNavigator, IXmlLineInfo {
private XPathNode[] pageCurrent;
private XPathNode[] pageParent;
private int idxCurrent;
private int idxParent;
private string atomizedLocalName;
// Constructors
/// Create a new navigator positioned on the specified current node. If the current node is a namespace or a collapsed
/// text node, then the parent is a virtualized parent (may be different than .Parent on the current node).
public XPathDocumentNavigator(XPathNode[] pageCurrent, int idxCurrent, XPathNode[] pageParent, int idxParent) {
Debug.Assert(pageCurrent != null && idxCurrent != 0);
Debug.Assert((pageParent == null) == (idxParent == 0));
this.pageCurrent = pageCurrent;
this.pageParent = pageParent;
this.idxCurrent = idxCurrent;
this.idxParent = idxParent;
/// Copy constructor.
public XPathDocumentNavigator(XPathDocumentNavigator nav) : this(nav.pageCurrent, nav.idxCurrent, nav.pageParent, nav.idxParent) {
this.atomizedLocalName = nav.atomizedLocalName;
// XPathItem
/// Get the string value of the current node, computed using data model dm:string-value rules.
/// If the node has a typed value, return the string representation of the value. If the node
/// is not a parent type (comment, text, pi, etc.), get its simple text value. Otherwise,
/// concatenate all text node descendants of the current node.
public override string Value {
get {
string value;
XPathNode[] page, pageEnd;
int idx, idxEnd;
// Try to get the pre-computed string value of the node
value = this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Value;
if (value != null)
return value;
switch (this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].NodeType) {
case XPathNodeType.Namespace:
case XPathNodeType.Attribute:
case XPathNodeType.Comment:
case XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
Debug.Assert(false, "ReadStringValue() should have taken care of these node types.");
case XPathNodeType.Text:
Debug.Assert(this.idxParent != 0 && this.pageParent[this.idxParent].HasCollapsedText,
"ReadStringValue() should have taken care of anything but collapsed text.");
// If current node is collapsed text, then parent element has a simple text value
if (this.idxParent != 0) {
Debug.Assert(this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].NodeType == XPathNodeType.Text);
return this.pageParent[this.idxParent].Value;
// Must be node with complex content, so concatenate the string values of all text descendants
string s = string.Empty;
StringBuilder bldr = null;
// Get all text nodes which follow the current node in document order, but which are still descendants
page = pageEnd = this.pageCurrent;
idx = idxEnd = this.idxCurrent;
if (!XPathNodeHelper.GetNonDescendant(ref pageEnd, ref idxEnd)) {
pageEnd = null;
idxEnd = 0;
while (XPathNodeHelper.GetTextFollowing(ref page, ref idx, pageEnd, idxEnd)) {
Debug.Assert(page[idx].NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element || page[idx].IsText);
if (s.Length == 0) {
s = page[idx].Value;
else {
if (bldr == null) {
bldr = new StringBuilder();
return (bldr != null) ? bldr.ToString() : s;
// XPathNavigator
/// Create a copy of this navigator, positioned to the same node in the tree.
public override XPathNavigator Clone() {
return new XPathDocumentNavigator(this.pageCurrent, this.idxCurrent, this.pageParent, this.idxParent);
/// Get the XPath node type of the current node.
public override XPathNodeType NodeType {
get { return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].NodeType; }
/// Get the local name portion of the current node's name.
public override string LocalName {
get { return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].LocalName; }
/// Get the namespace portion of the current node's name.
public override string NamespaceURI {
get { return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].NamespaceUri; }
/// Get the name of the current node.
public override string Name {
get { return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Name; }
/// Get the prefix portion of the current node's name.
public override string Prefix {
get { return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Prefix; }
/// Get the base URI of the current node.
public override string BaseURI {
get {
XPathNode[] page;
int idx;
if (this.idxParent != 0) {
// Get BaseUri of parent for attribute, namespace, and collapsed text nodes
page = this.pageParent;
idx = this.idxParent;
else {
page = this.pageCurrent;
idx = this.idxCurrent;
do {
switch (page[idx].NodeType) {
case XPathNodeType.Element:
case XPathNodeType.Root:
case XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
// BaseUri is always stored with Elements, Roots, and PIs
return page[idx].BaseUri;
// Get BaseUri of parent
idx = page[idx].GetParent(out page);
while (idx != 0);
return string.Empty;
/// Return true if this is an element which used a shortcut tag in its Xml 1.0 serialized form.
public override bool IsEmptyElement {
get { return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].AllowShortcutTag; }
/// Return the xml name table which was used to atomize all prefixes, local-names, and
/// namespace uris in the document.
public override XmlNameTable NameTable {
get { return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Document.NameTable; }
/// Position the navigator on the first attribute of the current node and return true. If no attributes
/// can be found, return false.
public override bool MoveToFirstAttribute() {
XPathNode[] page = this.pageCurrent;
int idx = this.idxCurrent;
if (XPathNodeHelper.GetFirstAttribute(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent)) {
// Save element parent in order to make node-order comparison simpler
this.pageParent = page;
this.idxParent = idx;
return true;
return false;
/// If positioned on an attribute, move to its next sibling attribute. If no attributes can be found,
/// return false.
public override bool MoveToNextAttribute() {
return XPathNodeHelper.GetNextAttribute(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent);
/// True if the current node has one or more attributes.
public override bool HasAttributes {
get { return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].HasAttribute; }
/// Position the navigator on the attribute with the specified name and return true. If no matching
/// attribute can be found, return false. Don't assume the name parts are atomized with respect
/// to this document.
public override bool MoveToAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI) {
XPathNode[] page = this.pageCurrent;
int idx = this.idxCurrent;
if ((object) localName != (object) this.atomizedLocalName)
this.atomizedLocalName = (localName != null) ? NameTable.Get(localName) : null;
if (XPathNodeHelper.GetAttribute(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent, this.atomizedLocalName, namespaceURI)) {
// Save element parent in order to make node-order comparison simpler
this.pageParent = page;
this.idxParent = idx;
return true;
return false;
/// Position the navigator on the namespace within the specified scope. If no matching namespace
/// can be found, return false.
public override bool MoveToFirstNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope namespaceScope) {
XPathNode[] page;
int idx;
if (namespaceScope == XPathNamespaceScope.Local) {
// Get local namespaces only
idx = XPathNodeHelper.GetLocalNamespaces(this.pageCurrent, this.idxCurrent, out page);
else {
// Get all in-scope namespaces
idx = XPathNodeHelper.GetInScopeNamespaces(this.pageCurrent, this.idxCurrent, out page);
while (idx != 0) {
// Don't include the xmlns:xml namespace node if scope is ExcludeXml
if (namespaceScope != XPathNamespaceScope.ExcludeXml || !page[idx].IsXmlNamespaceNode) {
this.pageParent = this.pageCurrent;
this.idxParent = this.idxCurrent;
this.pageCurrent = page;
this.idxCurrent = idx;
return true;
// Skip past xmlns:xml
idx = page[idx].GetSibling(out page);
return false;
/// Position the navigator on the next namespace within the specified scope. If no matching namespace
/// can be found, return false.
public override bool MoveToNextNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope scope) {
XPathNode[] page = this.pageCurrent, pageParent;
int idx = this.idxCurrent, idxParent;
// If current node is not a namespace node, return false
if (page[idx].NodeType != XPathNodeType.Namespace)
return false;
while (true) {
// Get next namespace sibling
idx = page[idx].GetSibling(out page);
// If there are no more nodes, return false
if (idx == 0)
return false;
switch (scope) {
case XPathNamespaceScope.Local:
// Once parent changes, there are no longer any local namespaces
idxParent = page[idx].GetParent(out pageParent);
if (idxParent != this.idxParent || (object) pageParent != (object) this.pageParent)
return false;
case XPathNamespaceScope.ExcludeXml:
// If node is xmlns:xml, then skip it
if (page[idx].IsXmlNamespaceNode)
// Found a matching next namespace node, so return it
this.pageCurrent = page;
this.idxCurrent = idx;
return true;
/// If the current node is an attribute or namespace (not content), return false. Otherwise,
/// move to the next content node. Return false if there are no more content nodes.
public override bool MoveToNext() {
return XPathNodeHelper.GetContentSibling(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent);
/// If the current node is an attribute or namespace (not content), return false. Otherwise,
/// move to the previous (sibling) content node. Return false if there are no previous content nodes.
public override bool MoveToPrevious() {
// If parent exists, then this is a namespace, an attribute, or a collapsed text node, all of which do
// not have previous siblings.
if (this.idxParent != 0)
return false;
return XPathNodeHelper.GetPreviousContentSibling(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent);
/// Move to the first content-typed child of the current node. Return false if the current
/// node has no content children.
public override bool MoveToFirstChild() {
if (this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].HasCollapsedText) {
// Virtualize collapsed text nodes
this.pageParent = this.pageCurrent;
this.idxParent = this.idxCurrent;
this.idxCurrent = this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Document.GetCollapsedTextNode(out this.pageCurrent);
return true;
return XPathNodeHelper.GetContentChild(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent);
/// Position the navigator on the parent of the current node. If the current node has no parent,
/// return false.
public override bool MoveToParent() {
if (this.idxParent != 0) {
// 1. For attribute nodes, element parent is always stored in order to make node-order
// comparison simpler.
// 2. For namespace nodes, parent is always stored in navigator in order to virtualize
// XPath 1.0 namespaces.
// 3. For collapsed text nodes, element parent is always stored in navigator.
Debug.Assert(this.pageParent != null);
this.pageCurrent = this.pageParent;
this.idxCurrent = this.idxParent;
this.pageParent = null;
this.idxParent = 0;
return true;
return XPathNodeHelper.GetParent(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent);
/// Position this navigator to the same position as the "other" navigator. If the "other" navigator
/// is not of the same type as this navigator, then return false.
public override bool MoveTo(XPathNavigator other) {
XPathDocumentNavigator that = other as XPathDocumentNavigator;
if (that != null) {
this.pageCurrent = that.pageCurrent;
this.idxCurrent = that.idxCurrent;
this.pageParent = that.pageParent;
this.idxParent = that.idxParent;
return true;
return false;
/// Position to the navigator to the element whose id is equal to the specified "id" string.
public override bool MoveToId(string id) {
XPathNode[] page;
int idx;
idx = this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Document.LookupIdElement(id, out page);
if (idx != 0) {
// Move to ID element and clear parent state
Debug.Assert(page[idx].NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element);
this.pageCurrent = page;
this.idxCurrent = idx;
this.pageParent = null;
this.idxParent = 0;
return true;
return false;
/// Returns true if this navigator is positioned to the same node as the "other" navigator. Returns false
/// if not, or if the "other" navigator is not the same type as this navigator.
public override bool IsSamePosition(XPathNavigator other) {
XPathDocumentNavigator that = other as XPathDocumentNavigator;
if (that != null) {
return this.idxCurrent == that.idxCurrent && this.pageCurrent == that.pageCurrent &&
this.idxParent == that.idxParent && this.pageParent == that.pageParent;
return false;
/// Returns true if the current node has children.
public override bool HasChildren {
get { return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].HasContentChild; }
/// Position the navigator on the root node of the current document.
public override void MoveToRoot() {
if (this.idxParent != 0) {
// Clear parent state
this.pageParent = null;
this.idxParent = 0;
this.idxCurrent = this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].GetRoot(out this.pageCurrent);
/// Move to the first element child of the current node with the specified name. Return false
/// if the current node has no matching element children.
public override bool MoveToChild(string localName, string namespaceURI) {
if ((object) localName != (object) this.atomizedLocalName)
this.atomizedLocalName = (localName != null) ? NameTable.Get(localName) : null;
return XPathNodeHelper.GetElementChild(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent, this.atomizedLocalName, namespaceURI);
/// Move to the first element sibling of the current node with the specified name. Return false
/// if the current node has no matching element siblings.
public override bool MoveToNext(string localName, string namespaceURI) {
if ((object) localName != (object) this.atomizedLocalName)
this.atomizedLocalName = (localName != null) ? NameTable.Get(localName) : null;
return XPathNodeHelper.GetElementSibling(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent, this.atomizedLocalName, namespaceURI);
/// Move to the first content child of the current node with the specified type. Return false
/// if the current node has no matching children.
public override bool MoveToChild(XPathNodeType type) {
if (this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].HasCollapsedText) {
// Only XPathNodeType.Text and XPathNodeType.All matches collapsed text node
if (type != XPathNodeType.Text && type != XPathNodeType.All)
return false;
// Virtualize collapsed text nodes
this.pageParent = this.pageCurrent;
this.idxParent = this.idxCurrent;
this.idxCurrent = this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Document.GetCollapsedTextNode(out this.pageCurrent);
return true;
return XPathNodeHelper.GetContentChild(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent, type);
/// Move to the first content sibling of the current node with the specified type. Return false
/// if the current node has no matching siblings.
public override bool MoveToNext(XPathNodeType type) {
return XPathNodeHelper.GetContentSibling(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent, type);
/// Move to the next element that:
/// 1. Follows the current node in document order (includes descendants, unlike XPath following axis)
/// 2. Precedes "end" in document order (if end is null, then all following nodes in the document are considered)
/// 3. Has the specified QName
/// Return false if the current node has no matching following elements.
public override bool MoveToFollowing(string localName, string namespaceURI, XPathNavigator end) {
XPathNode[] pageEnd;
int idxEnd;
if ((object) localName != (object) this.atomizedLocalName)
this.atomizedLocalName = (localName != null) ? NameTable.Get(localName) : null;
// Get node on which scan ends (null if rest of document should be scanned)
idxEnd = GetFollowingEnd(end as XPathDocumentNavigator, false, out pageEnd);
// If this navigator is positioned on a virtual node, then compute following of parent
if (this.idxParent != 0) {
if (!XPathNodeHelper.GetElementFollowing(ref this.pageParent, ref this.idxParent, pageEnd, idxEnd, this.atomizedLocalName, namespaceURI))
return false;
this.pageCurrent = this.pageParent;
this.idxCurrent = this.idxParent;
this.pageParent = null;
this.idxParent = 0;
return true;
return XPathNodeHelper.GetElementFollowing(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent, pageEnd, idxEnd, this.atomizedLocalName, namespaceURI);
/// Move to the next node that:
/// 1. Follows the current node in document order (includes descendants, unlike XPath following axis)
/// 2. Precedes "end" in document order (if end is null, then all following nodes in the document are considered)
/// 3. Has the specified XPathNodeType
/// Return false if the current node has no matching following nodes.
public override bool MoveToFollowing(XPathNodeType type, XPathNavigator end) {
XPathDocumentNavigator endTiny = end as XPathDocumentNavigator;
XPathNode[] page, pageEnd;
int idx, idxEnd;
// If searching for text, make sure to handle collapsed text nodes correctly
if (type == XPathNodeType.Text || type == XPathNodeType.All) {
if (this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].HasCollapsedText) {
// Positioned on an element with collapsed text, so return the virtual text node, assuming it's before "end"
if (endTiny != null && this.idxCurrent == endTiny.idxParent && this.pageCurrent == endTiny.pageParent) {
// "end" is positioned to a virtual attribute, namespace, or text node
return false;
this.pageParent = this.pageCurrent;
this.idxParent = this.idxCurrent;
this.idxCurrent = this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Document.GetCollapsedTextNode(out this.pageCurrent);
return true;
if (type == XPathNodeType.Text) {
// Get node on which scan ends (null if rest of document should be scanned, parent if positioned on virtual node)
idxEnd = GetFollowingEnd(endTiny, true, out pageEnd);
// If this navigator is positioned on a virtual node, then compute following of parent
if (this.idxParent != 0) {
page = this.pageParent;
idx = this.idxParent;
else {
page = this.pageCurrent;
idx = this.idxCurrent;
// If ending node is a virtual node, and current node is its parent, then we're done
if (endTiny != null && endTiny.idxParent != 0 && idx == idxEnd && page == pageEnd)
return false;
// Get all virtual (collapsed) and physical text nodes which follow the current node
if (!XPathNodeHelper.GetTextFollowing(ref page, ref idx, pageEnd, idxEnd))
return false;
if (page[idx].NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element) {
// Virtualize collapsed text nodes
this.idxCurrent = page[idx].Document.GetCollapsedTextNode(out this.pageCurrent);
this.pageParent = page;
this.idxParent = idx;
else {
// Physical text node
this.pageCurrent = page;
this.idxCurrent = idx;
this.pageParent = null;
this.idxParent = 0;
return true;
// Get node on which scan ends (null if rest of document should be scanned, parent + 1 if positioned on virtual node)
idxEnd = GetFollowingEnd(endTiny, false, out pageEnd);
// If this navigator is positioned on a virtual node, then compute following of parent
if (this.idxParent != 0) {
if (!XPathNodeHelper.GetContentFollowing(ref this.pageParent, ref this.idxParent, pageEnd, idxEnd, type))
return false;
this.pageCurrent = this.pageParent;
this.idxCurrent = this.idxParent;
this.pageParent = null;
this.idxParent = 0;
return true;
return XPathNodeHelper.GetContentFollowing(ref this.pageCurrent, ref this.idxCurrent, pageEnd, idxEnd, type);
/// Return an iterator that ranges over all children of the current node that match the specified XPathNodeType.
public override XPathNodeIterator SelectChildren(XPathNodeType type) {
return new XPathDocumentKindChildIterator(this, type);
/// Return an iterator that ranges over all children of the current node that match the specified QName.
public override XPathNodeIterator SelectChildren(string name, string namespaceURI) {
// If local name is wildcard, then call XPathNavigator.SelectChildren
if (name == null || name.Length == 0)
return base.SelectChildren(name, namespaceURI);
return new XPathDocumentElementChildIterator(this, name, namespaceURI);
/// Return an iterator that ranges over all descendants of the current node that match the specified
/// XPathNodeType. If matchSelf is true, then also perform the match on the current node.
public override XPathNodeIterator SelectDescendants(XPathNodeType type, bool matchSelf) {
return new XPathDocumentKindDescendantIterator(this, type, matchSelf);
/// Return an iterator that ranges over all descendants of the current node that match the specified
/// QName. If matchSelf is true, then also perform the match on the current node.
public override XPathNodeIterator SelectDescendants(string name, string namespaceURI, bool matchSelf) {
// If local name is wildcard, then call XPathNavigator.SelectDescendants
if (name == null || name.Length == 0)
return base.SelectDescendants(name, namespaceURI, matchSelf);
return new XPathDocumentElementDescendantIterator(this, name, namespaceURI, matchSelf);
/// Returns:
/// XmlNodeOrder.Unknown -- This navigator and the "other" navigator are not of the same type, or the
/// navigator's are not positioned on nodes in the same document.
/// XmlNodeOrder.Before -- This navigator's current node is before the "other" navigator's current node
/// in document order.
/// XmlNodeOrder.After -- This navigator's current node is after the "other" navigator's current node
/// in document order.
/// XmlNodeOrder.Same -- This navigator is positioned on the same node as the "other" navigator.
public override XmlNodeOrder ComparePosition(XPathNavigator other) {
XPathDocumentNavigator that = other as XPathDocumentNavigator;
if (that != null) {
XPathDocument thisDoc = this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Document;
XPathDocument thatDoc = that.pageCurrent[that.idxCurrent].Document;
if ((object) thisDoc == (object) thatDoc) {
int locThis = GetPrimaryLocation();
int locThat = that.GetPrimaryLocation();
if (locThis == locThat) {
locThis = GetSecondaryLocation();
locThat = that.GetSecondaryLocation();
if (locThis == locThat)
return XmlNodeOrder.Same;
return (locThis < locThat) ? XmlNodeOrder.Before : XmlNodeOrder.After;
return XmlNodeOrder.Unknown;
/// Return true if the "other" navigator's current node is a descendant of this navigator's current node.
public override bool IsDescendant(XPathNavigator other) {
XPathDocumentNavigator that = other as XPathDocumentNavigator;
if (that != null) {
XPathNode[] pageThat;
int idxThat;
// If that current node's parent is virtualized, then start with the virtual parent
if (that.idxParent != 0) {
pageThat = that.pageParent;
idxThat = that.idxParent;
else {
idxThat = that.pageCurrent[that.idxCurrent].GetParent(out pageThat);
while (idxThat != 0) {
if (idxThat == this.idxCurrent && pageThat == this.pageCurrent)
return true;
idxThat = pageThat[idxThat].GetParent(out pageThat);
return false;
/// Construct a primary location for this navigator. The location is an integer that can be
/// easily compared with other locations in the same document in order to determine the relative
/// document order of two nodes. If two locations compare equal, then secondary locations should
/// be compared.
private int GetPrimaryLocation() {
// Is the current node virtualized?
if (this.idxParent == 0) {
// No, so primary location should be derived from current node
return XPathNodeHelper.GetLocation(this.pageCurrent, this.idxCurrent);
// Yes, so primary location should be derived from parent node
return XPathNodeHelper.GetLocation(this.pageParent, this.idxParent);
/// Construct a secondary location for this navigator. This location should only be used if
/// primary locations previously compared equal.
private int GetSecondaryLocation() {
// Is the current node virtualized?
if (this.idxParent == 0) {
// No, so secondary location is int.MinValue (always first)
return int.MinValue;
// Yes, so secondary location should be derived from current node
// This happens with attributes nodes, namespace nodes, collapsed text nodes, and atomic values
switch (this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].NodeType) {
case XPathNodeType.Namespace:
// Namespace nodes come first (make location negative, but greater than int.MinValue)
return int.MinValue + 1 + XPathNodeHelper.GetLocation(this.pageCurrent, this.idxCurrent);
case XPathNodeType.Attribute:
// Attribute nodes come next (location is always positive)
return XPathNodeHelper.GetLocation(this.pageCurrent, this.idxCurrent);
// Collapsed text nodes are always last
return int.MaxValue;
/// Create a unique id for the current node. This is used by the generate-id() function.
internal override string UniqueId {
get {
// 32-bit integer is split into 5-bit groups, the maximum number of groups is 7
char[] buf = new char[1+7+1+7];
int idx = 0;
int loc;
// Ensure distinguishing attributes, namespaces and child nodes
buf[idx++] = NodeTypeLetter[(int)this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].NodeType];
// If the current node is virtualized, code its parent
if (this.idxParent != 0) {
loc = (this.pageParent[0].PageInfo.PageNumber - 1) << 16 | (this.idxParent - 1);
do {
buf[idx++] = UniqueIdTbl[loc & 0x1f];
loc >>= 5;
} while (loc != 0);
buf[idx++] = '0';
// Code the node itself
loc = (this.pageCurrent[0].PageInfo.PageNumber - 1) << 16 | (this.idxCurrent - 1);
do {
buf[idx++] = UniqueIdTbl[loc & 0x1f];
loc >>= 5;
} while (loc != 0);
return new string(buf, 0, idx);
public override object UnderlyingObject {
get {
// Since we don't have any underlying PUBLIC object
// the best one we can return is a clone of the navigator.
// Note that it should be a clone as the user might Move the returned navigator
// around and thus cause unexpected behavior of the caller of this class (For example the validator)
return this.Clone();
// IXmlLineInfo
/// Return true if line number information is recorded in the cache.
public bool HasLineInfo() {
return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Document.HasLineInfo;
/// Return the source line number of the current node.
public int LineNumber {
get {
// If the current node is a collapsed text node, then return parent element's line number
if (this.idxParent != 0 && NodeType == XPathNodeType.Text)
return this.pageParent[this.idxParent].LineNumber;
return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].LineNumber;
/// Return the source line position of the current node.
public int LinePosition {
get {
// If the current node is a collapsed text node, then get position from parent element
if (this.idxParent != 0 && NodeType == XPathNodeType.Text)
return this.pageParent[this.idxParent].CollapsedLinePosition;
return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].LinePosition;
// Helper methods
/// Get hashcode based on current position of the navigator.
public int GetPositionHashCode() {
return this.idxCurrent ^ this.idxParent;
/// Return true if navigator is positioned to an element having the specified name.
public bool IsElementMatch(string localName, string namespaceURI) {
if ((object) localName != (object) this.atomizedLocalName)
this.atomizedLocalName = (localName != null) ? NameTable.Get(localName) : null;
// Cannot be an element if parent is stored
if (this.idxParent != 0)
return false;
return this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].ElementMatch(this.atomizedLocalName, namespaceURI);
/// Return true if navigator is positioned to a content node of the specified kind. Whitespace/SignficantWhitespace/Text are
/// all treated the same (i.e. they all match each other).
public bool IsContentKindMatch(XPathNodeType typ) {
return (((1 << (int) this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].NodeType) & GetContentKindMask(typ)) != 0);
/// Return true if navigator is positioned to a node of the specified kind. Whitespace/SignficantWhitespace/Text are
/// all treated the same (i.e. they all match each other).
public bool IsKindMatch(XPathNodeType typ) {
return (((1 << (int) this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].NodeType) & GetKindMask(typ)) != 0);
/// "end" is positioned on a node which terminates a following scan. Return the page and index of "end" if it
/// is positioned to a non-virtual node. If "end" is positioned to a virtual node:
/// 1. If useParentOfVirtual is true, then return the page and index of the virtual node's parent
/// 2. If useParentOfVirtual is false, then return the page and index of the virtual node's parent + 1.
private int GetFollowingEnd(XPathDocumentNavigator end, bool useParentOfVirtual, out XPathNode[] pageEnd) {
// If ending navigator is positioned to a node in another document, then return null
if (end != null && this.pageCurrent[this.idxCurrent].Document == end.pageCurrent[end.idxCurrent].Document) {
// If the ending navigator is not positioned on a virtual node, then return its current node
if (end.idxParent == 0) {
pageEnd = end.pageCurrent;
return end.idxCurrent;
// If the ending navigator is positioned on an attribute, namespace, or virtual text node, then use the
// next physical node instead, as the results will be the same.
pageEnd = end.pageParent;
return (useParentOfVirtual) ? end.idxParent : end.idxParent + 1;
// No following, so set pageEnd to null and return an index of 0
pageEnd = null;
return 0;