Abstract base class for report formatters.
Gets the name of the option that how attachments are saved.
Creates a report formatter.
Gets the attachment content disposition.
The formatter options.
The attachment content disposition.
Gets or sets the default attachment content disposition.
Defaults to .
Formats MIME HTML archive reports similar to the web archives generated by Internet Explorer.
The report can then be sent to recipients as a single file.
Unfortunately the format is non-standard and cannot be read by most other browsers.
Creates a report formatter.
The HTML report formatter.
Thrown if is null.
A report container that saves a report as a multipart mime archive in a single file
within another container.
This is currently specialized for saving HTML reports.
It does not support loading reports.
Creates the multipart mime report container.
The container to which the archived report should be saved.
Thrown if is null.
Opens the archive within the inner container.
The path of the archive to create.
Thrown if is null.
Thrown if the archive has already been opened.
Finishes writing out the MIME archive and closes it.
Does nothing if the archive is not open.
The Gallio.Reports namespace provides report formatters for common Gallio test report types.
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
Installs derived resources for reports such as test framework icons.
Initializes the installer.
The test kind manager, not null.
The test kind image directory, not null.
The generated CSS file, not null.
Formats reports as Xml.
Recognizes the following options:
Overrides the default attachment content disposition for the format.
The content disposition may be "Absent" to exclude attachments, "Link" to
include attachments by reference to external files, or "Inline" to include attachments as
inline content within the formatted document. Different formats use different
default content dispositions.
Creates an Xml report formatter.
Generic XSLT report formatter.
Recognizes the following options:
Overrides the default attachment content disposition for the format.
The content disposition may be "Absent" to exclude attachments, "Link" to
include attachments by reference to external files, or "Inline" to include attachments as
inline content within the formatted document. Different formats use different
default content dispositions.
Creates an XSLT report formatter.
The preferred extension without a '.'
The content type of the main report document.
The resource directory.
The path of the XSLT relative to the resource directory.
The paths of the resources (such as images or CSS) to copy
to the report directory relative to the resource directory.
Thrown if any arguments are null.
Applies the transform to produce a report.
Copies additional resources to the content path within the report.
Populates the arguments for the XSL template processing.
Loads the XSL transform.
The full path of the XSLT.
The transform.
Gets the XSL transform.