// // System.NumberFormatter.cs // // Author: // Kazuki Oikawa (kazuki@panicode.com) // Eyal Alaluf (eyala@mainsoft.com) // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // Copyright (C) 2008 Mainsoft Co. (http://www.mainsoft.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace System { internal sealed partial class NumberFormatter { #region Static Fields const int DefaultExpPrecision = 6; const int HundredMillion = 100000000; const long SeventeenDigitsThreshold = 10000000000000000; const ulong ULongDivHundredMillion = UInt64.MaxValue / HundredMillion; const ulong ULongModHundredMillion = 1 + UInt64.MaxValue % HundredMillion; const int DoubleBitsExponentShift = 52; const int DoubleBitsExponentMask = 0x7ff; const long DoubleBitsMantissaMask = 0xfffffffffffff; const int DecimalBitsScaleMask = 0x1f0000; const int SingleDefPrecision = 7; const int DoubleDefPrecision = 15; const int Int32DefPrecision = 10; const int UInt32DefPrecision = 10; const int Int64DefPrecision = 19; const int UInt64DefPrecision = 20; const int DecimalDefPrecision = 100; const int TenPowersListLength = 19; const double MinRoundtripVal = -1.79769313486231E+308; const double MaxRoundtripVal = 1.79769313486231E+308; // The below arrays are taken from mono/metatdata/number-formatter.h private static readonly unsafe ulong* MantissaBitsTable; private static readonly unsafe int* TensExponentTable; private static readonly unsafe char* DigitLowerTable; private static readonly unsafe char* DigitUpperTable; private static readonly unsafe long* TenPowersList; // DecHexDigits s a translation table from a decimal number to its // digits hexadecimal representation (e.g. DecHexDigits [34] = 0x34). private static readonly unsafe int* DecHexDigits; [MethodImplAttribute(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private unsafe static extern void GetFormatterTables (out ulong* MantissaBitsTable, out int* TensExponentTable, out char* DigitLowerTable, out char* DigitUpperTable, out long* TenPowersList, out int* DecHexDigits); unsafe static NumberFormatter() { GetFormatterTables (out MantissaBitsTable, out TensExponentTable, out DigitLowerTable, out DigitUpperTable, out TenPowersList, out DecHexDigits); } unsafe static long GetTenPowerOf(int i) { return TenPowersList [i]; } #endregion Static Fields #region Fields private NumberFormatInfo _nfi; //part of the private stringbuffer private char[] _cbuf; private bool _NaN; private bool _infinity; private bool _isCustomFormat; private bool _specifierIsUpper; private bool _positive; private char _specifier; private int _precision; private int _defPrecision; private int _digitsLen; private int _offset; // Represent the first digit offset. private int _decPointPos; // The following fields are a hexadeimal representation of the digits. // For instance _val = 0x234 represents the digits '2', '3', '4'. private uint _val1; // Digits 0 - 7. private uint _val2; // Digits 8 - 15. private uint _val3; // Digits 16 - 23. private uint _val4; // Digits 23 - 31. Only needed for decimals. #endregion Fields #region Constructor Helpers // Translate an unsigned int to hexadecimal digits. // i.e. 123456789 is represented by _val1 = 0x23456789 and _val2 = 0x1 private void InitDecHexDigits (uint value) { if (value >= HundredMillion) { int div1 = (int)(value / HundredMillion); value -= HundredMillion * (uint)div1; _val2 = FastToDecHex (div1); } _val1 = ToDecHex ((int)value); } // Translate an unsigned long to hexadecimal digits. private void InitDecHexDigits (ulong value) { if (value >= HundredMillion) { long div1 = (long)(value / HundredMillion); value -= HundredMillion * (ulong)div1; if (div1 >= HundredMillion) { int div2 = (int)(div1 / HundredMillion); div1 = div1 - div2 * (long)HundredMillion; _val3 = ToDecHex (div2); } if (div1 != 0) _val2 = ToDecHex ((int)(div1)); } if (value != 0) _val1 = ToDecHex ((int)value); } // Translate a decimal integer to hexadecimal digits. // The decimal integer is 96 digits and its value is hi * 2^64 + lo. // is the lower 64 bits. private void InitDecHexDigits (uint hi, ulong lo) { if (hi == 0) { InitDecHexDigits (lo); // Only the lower 64 bits matter. return; } // Compute (hi, lo) = (hi , lo) / HundredMillion. uint divhi = hi / HundredMillion; ulong remhi = hi - divhi * HundredMillion; ulong divlo = lo / HundredMillion; ulong remlo = lo - divlo * HundredMillion + remhi * ULongModHundredMillion; hi = divhi; lo = divlo + remhi * ULongDivHundredMillion; divlo = remlo / HundredMillion; remlo -= divlo * HundredMillion; lo += divlo; _val1 = ToDecHex ((int)remlo); // Divide hi * 2 ^ 64 + lo by HundredMillion using the fact that // hi < HundredMillion. divlo = lo / HundredMillion; remlo = lo - divlo * HundredMillion; lo = divlo; if (hi != 0) { lo += hi * ULongDivHundredMillion; remlo += hi * ULongModHundredMillion; divlo = remlo / HundredMillion; lo += divlo; remlo -= divlo * HundredMillion; } _val2 = ToDecHex ((int)remlo); // Now we are left with 64 bits store in lo. if (lo >= HundredMillion) { divlo = lo / HundredMillion; lo -= divlo * HundredMillion; _val4 = ToDecHex ((int)divlo); } _val3 = ToDecHex ((int)lo); } // Helper to translate an int in the range 0 .. 9999 to its // Hexadecimal digits representation. unsafe private static uint FastToDecHex (int val) { if (val < 100) return (uint)DecHexDigits [val]; // Uses 2^19 (524288) to compute val / 100 for val < 10000. int v = (val * 5243) >> 19; return (uint)((DecHexDigits [v] << 8) | DecHexDigits [val - v * 100]); } // Helper to translate an int in the range 0 .. 99999999 to its // Hexadecimal digits representation. private static uint ToDecHex (int val) { uint res = 0; if (val >= 10000) { int v = val / 10000; val -= v * 10000; res = FastToDecHex (v) << 16; } return res | FastToDecHex (val); } // Helper to count number of hexadecimal digits in a number. private static int FastDecHexLen (int val) { if (val < 0x100) if (val < 0x10) return 1; else return 2; else if (val < 0x1000) return 3; else return 4; } private static int DecHexLen (uint val) { if (val < 0x10000) return FastDecHexLen ((int)val); return 4 + FastDecHexLen ((int)(val >> 16)); } // Count number of hexadecimal digits stored in _val1 .. _val4. private int DecHexLen () { if (_val4 != 0) return DecHexLen (_val4) + 24; else if (_val3 != 0) return DecHexLen (_val3) + 16; else if (_val2 != 0) return DecHexLen (_val2) + 8; else if (_val1 != 0) return DecHexLen (_val1); else return 0; } // Helper to count the 10th scale (number of digits) in a number private static int ScaleOrder (long hi) { for (int i = TenPowersListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (hi >= GetTenPowerOf (i)) return i + 1; return 1; } // Compute the initial precision for rounding a floating number // according to the used format. int InitialFloatingPrecision () { if (_specifier == 'R') return _defPrecision + 2; if (_precision < _defPrecision) return _defPrecision; if (_specifier == 'G') return Math.Min (_defPrecision + 2, _precision); if (_specifier == 'E') return Math.Min (_defPrecision + 2, _precision + 1); return _defPrecision; } // Parse the given format and extract the precision in it. // Returns -1 for empty formats and -2 to indicate that the format // is a custom format. private static int ParsePrecision (string format) { int precision = 0; for (int i = 1; i < format.Length; i++) { int val = format [i] - '0'; precision = precision * 10 + val; if (val < 0 || val > 9 || precision > 99) return -2; } return precision; } #endregion Constructor Helpers #region Constructors // Parse the given format and initialize the following fields: // _isCustomFormat, _specifierIsUpper, _specifier & _precision. NumberFormatter (Thread current) { _cbuf = EmptyArray<char>.Value; if (current == null) return; CurrentCulture = current.CurrentCulture; } private void Init (string format) { _val1 = _val2 = _val3 = _val4 = 0; _offset = 0; _NaN = _infinity = false; _isCustomFormat = false; _specifierIsUpper = true; _precision = -1; if (format == null || format.Length == 0) { _specifier = 'G'; return; } char specifier = format [0]; if (specifier >= 'a' && specifier <= 'z') { specifier = (char)(specifier - 'a' + 'A'); _specifierIsUpper = false; } else if (specifier < 'A' || specifier > 'Z') { _isCustomFormat = true; _specifier = '0'; return; } _specifier = specifier; if (format.Length > 1) { _precision = ParsePrecision (format); if (_precision == -2) { // Is it a custom format? _isCustomFormat = true; _specifier = '0'; _precision = -1; } } } private void InitHex (ulong value) { switch (_defPrecision) { case Int32DefPrecision: value = (uint) value; break; } _val1 = (uint)value; _val2 = (uint)(value >> 32); _decPointPos = _digitsLen = DecHexLen (); if (value == 0) _decPointPos = 1; } private void Init (string format, int value, int defPrecision) { Init (format); _defPrecision = defPrecision; _positive = value >= 0; if (value == 0 || _specifier == 'X') { InitHex ((ulong)value); return; } if (value < 0) value = -value; InitDecHexDigits ((uint)value); _decPointPos = _digitsLen = DecHexLen (); } private void Init (string format, uint value, int defPrecision) { Init (format); _defPrecision = defPrecision; _positive = true; if (value == 0 || _specifier == 'X') { InitHex (value); return; } InitDecHexDigits (value); _decPointPos = _digitsLen = DecHexLen (); } private void Init (string format, long value) { Init (format); _defPrecision = Int64DefPrecision; _positive = value >= 0; if (value == 0 || _specifier == 'X') { InitHex ((ulong)value); return; } if (value < 0) value = -value; InitDecHexDigits ((ulong)value); _decPointPos = _digitsLen = DecHexLen (); } private void Init (string format, ulong value) { Init (format); _defPrecision = UInt64DefPrecision; _positive = true; if (value == 0 || _specifier == 'X') { InitHex ((ulong)value); return; } InitDecHexDigits (value); _decPointPos = _digitsLen = DecHexLen (); } unsafe private void Init (string format, double value, int defPrecision) { Init (format); _defPrecision = defPrecision; long bits = BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits (value); _positive = bits >= 0; bits &= Int64.MaxValue; if (bits == 0) { _decPointPos = 1; _digitsLen = 0; _positive = true; return; } int e = (int)(bits >> DoubleBitsExponentShift); long m = bits & DoubleBitsMantissaMask; if (e == DoubleBitsExponentMask) { _NaN = m != 0; _infinity = m == 0; return; } int expAdjust = 0; if (e == 0) { // We need 'm' to be large enough so we won't lose precision. e = 1; int scale = ScaleOrder (m); if (scale < DoubleDefPrecision) { expAdjust = scale - DoubleDefPrecision; m *= GetTenPowerOf (-expAdjust); } } else { m = (m + DoubleBitsMantissaMask + 1) * 10; expAdjust = -1; } // multiply the mantissa by 10 ^ N ulong lo = (uint)m; ulong hi = (ulong)m >> 32; ulong lo2 = MantissaBitsTable [e]; ulong hi2 = lo2 >> 32; lo2 = (uint)lo2; ulong mm = hi * lo2 + lo * hi2 + ((lo * lo2) >> 32); long res = (long)(hi * hi2 + (mm >> 32)); while (res < SeventeenDigitsThreshold) { mm = (mm & UInt32.MaxValue) * 10; res = res * 10 + (long)(mm >> 32); expAdjust--; } if ((mm & 0x80000000) != 0) res++; int order = DoubleDefPrecision + 2; _decPointPos = TensExponentTable [e] + expAdjust + order; // Rescale 'res' to the initial precision (15-17 for doubles). int initialPrecision = InitialFloatingPrecision (); if (order > initialPrecision) { long val = GetTenPowerOf (order - initialPrecision); res = (res + (val >> 1)) / val; order = initialPrecision; } if (res >= GetTenPowerOf (order)) { order++; _decPointPos++; } InitDecHexDigits ((ulong)res); _offset = CountTrailingZeros (); _digitsLen = order - _offset; } private void Init (string format, decimal value) { Init (format); _defPrecision = DecimalDefPrecision; int[] bits = decimal.GetBits (value); int scale = (bits [3] & DecimalBitsScaleMask) >> 16; _positive = bits [3] >= 0; if (bits [0] == 0 && bits [1] == 0 && bits [2] == 0) { _decPointPos = -scale; _positive = true; _digitsLen = 0; return; } InitDecHexDigits ((uint)bits [2], ((ulong)bits [1] << 32) | (uint)bits [0]); _digitsLen = DecHexLen (); _decPointPos = _digitsLen - scale; if (_precision != -1 || _specifier != 'G') { _offset = CountTrailingZeros (); _digitsLen -= _offset; } } #endregion Constructors #region Inner String Buffer //_cbuf moved to before other fields to improve layout private int _ind; private void ResetCharBuf (int size) { _ind = 0; if (_cbuf.Length < size) _cbuf = new char [size]; } private void Resize (int len) { Array.Resize (ref _cbuf, len); } private void Append (char c) { if (_ind == _cbuf.Length) Resize (_ind + 10); _cbuf [_ind++] = c; } private void Append (char c, int cnt) { if (_ind + cnt > _cbuf.Length) Resize (_ind + cnt + 10); while (cnt-- > 0) _cbuf [_ind++] = c; } private void Append (string s) { int slen = s.Length; if (_ind + slen > _cbuf.Length) Resize (_ind + slen + 10); for (int i = 0; i < slen; i++) _cbuf [_ind++] = s [i]; } #endregion Inner String Buffer #region Helper properties private NumberFormatInfo GetNumberFormatInstance (IFormatProvider fp) { if (_nfi != null && fp == null) return _nfi; return NumberFormatInfo.GetInstance (fp); } CultureInfo CurrentCulture { set { if (value != null && value.IsReadOnly) _nfi = value.NumberFormat; else _nfi = null; } } private int IntegerDigits { get { return _decPointPos > 0 ? _decPointPos : 1; } } private int DecimalDigits { get { return _digitsLen > _decPointPos ? _digitsLen - _decPointPos : 0; } } private bool IsFloatingSource { get { return _defPrecision == DoubleDefPrecision || _defPrecision == SingleDefPrecision; } } private bool IsZero { get { return _digitsLen == 0; } } private bool IsZeroInteger { get { return _digitsLen == 0 || _decPointPos <= 0; } } #endregion Helper properties #region Round private void RoundPos (int pos) { RoundBits (_digitsLen - pos); } private bool RoundDecimal (int decimals) { return RoundBits (_digitsLen - _decPointPos - decimals); } private bool RoundBits (int shift) { if (shift <= 0) return false; if (shift > _digitsLen) { _digitsLen = 0; _decPointPos = 1; _val1 = _val2 = _val3 = _val4 = 0; _positive = true; return false; } shift += _offset; _digitsLen += _offset; while (shift > 8) { _val1 = _val2; _val2 = _val3; _val3 = _val4; _val4 = 0; _digitsLen -= 8; shift -= 8; } shift = (shift - 1) << 2; uint v = _val1 >> shift; uint rem16 = v & 0xf; _val1 = (v ^ rem16) << shift; bool res = false; if (rem16 >= 0x5) { _val1 |= 0x99999999 >> (28 - shift); AddOneToDecHex (); int newlen = DecHexLen (); res = newlen != _digitsLen; _decPointPos = _decPointPos + newlen - _digitsLen; _digitsLen = newlen; } RemoveTrailingZeros (); return res; } private void RemoveTrailingZeros () { _offset = CountTrailingZeros (); _digitsLen -= _offset; if (_digitsLen == 0) { _offset = 0; _decPointPos = 1; _positive = true; } } private void AddOneToDecHex () { if (_val1 == 0x99999999) { _val1 = 0; if (_val2 == 0x99999999) { _val2 = 0; if (_val3 == 0x99999999) { _val3 = 0; _val4 = AddOneToDecHex (_val4); } else _val3 = AddOneToDecHex (_val3); } else _val2 = AddOneToDecHex (_val2); } else _val1 = AddOneToDecHex (_val1); } // Assume val != 0x99999999 private static uint AddOneToDecHex (uint val) { if ((val & 0xffff) == 0x9999) if ((val & 0xffffff) == 0x999999) if ((val & 0xfffffff) == 0x9999999) return val + 0x06666667; else return val + 0x00666667; else if ((val & 0xfffff) == 0x99999) return val + 0x00066667; else return val + 0x00006667; else if ((val & 0xff) == 0x99) if ((val & 0xfff) == 0x999) return val + 0x00000667; else return val + 0x00000067; else if ((val & 0xf) == 0x9) return val + 0x00000007; else return val + 1; } private int CountTrailingZeros () { if (_val1 != 0) return CountTrailingZeros (_val1); if (_val2 != 0) return CountTrailingZeros (_val2) + 8; if (_val3 != 0) return CountTrailingZeros (_val3) + 16; if (_val4 != 0) return CountTrailingZeros (_val4) + 24; return _digitsLen; } private static int CountTrailingZeros (uint val) { if ((val & 0xffff) == 0) if ((val & 0xffffff) == 0) if ((val & 0xfffffff) == 0) return 7; else return 6; else if ((val & 0xfffff) == 0) return 5; else return 4; else if ((val & 0xff) == 0) if ((val & 0xfff) == 0) return 3; else return 2; else if ((val & 0xf) == 0) return 1; else return 0; } #endregion Round #region public number formatting methods [ThreadStatic] static NumberFormatter threadNumberFormatter; [ThreadStatic] static NumberFormatter userFormatProvider; private static NumberFormatter GetInstance (IFormatProvider fp) { if (fp != null) { if (userFormatProvider == null) { Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref userFormatProvider, new NumberFormatter (null), null); } return userFormatProvider; } NumberFormatter res = threadNumberFormatter; threadNumberFormatter = null; if (res == null) return new NumberFormatter (Thread.CurrentThread); res.CurrentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; return res; } private void Release() { if (this != userFormatProvider) threadNumberFormatter = this; } public static string NumberToString (string format, uint value, IFormatProvider fp) { NumberFormatter inst = GetInstance (fp); inst.Init (format, value, Int32DefPrecision); string res = inst.IntegerToString (format, fp); inst.Release(); return res; } public static string NumberToString (string format, int value, IFormatProvider fp) { NumberFormatter inst = GetInstance (fp); inst.Init (format, value, UInt32DefPrecision); string res = inst.IntegerToString (format, fp); inst.Release(); return res; } public static string NumberToString (string format, ulong value, IFormatProvider fp) { NumberFormatter inst = GetInstance (fp); inst.Init (format, value); string res = inst.IntegerToString (format, fp); inst.Release(); return res; } public static string NumberToString (string format, long value, IFormatProvider fp) { NumberFormatter inst = GetInstance (fp); inst.Init (format, value); string res = inst.IntegerToString (format, fp); inst.Release(); return res; } public static string NumberToString (string format, float value, IFormatProvider fp) { NumberFormatter inst = GetInstance (fp); inst.Init (format, value, SingleDefPrecision); NumberFormatInfo nfi = inst.GetNumberFormatInstance (fp); string res; if (inst._NaN) res = nfi.NaNSymbol; else if (inst._infinity) if (inst._positive) res = nfi.PositiveInfinitySymbol; else res = nfi.NegativeInfinitySymbol; else if (inst._specifier == 'R') res = inst.FormatRoundtrip (value, nfi); else res = inst.NumberToString (format, nfi); inst.Release(); return res; } public static string NumberToString (string format, double value, IFormatProvider fp) { NumberFormatter inst = GetInstance (fp); inst.Init (format, value, DoubleDefPrecision); NumberFormatInfo nfi = inst.GetNumberFormatInstance (fp); string res; if (inst._NaN) res = nfi.NaNSymbol; else if (inst._infinity) if (inst._positive) res = nfi.PositiveInfinitySymbol; else res = nfi.NegativeInfinitySymbol; else if (inst._specifier == 'R') res = inst.FormatRoundtrip (value, nfi); else res = inst.NumberToString (format, nfi); inst.Release(); return res; } public static string NumberToString (string format, decimal value, IFormatProvider fp) { NumberFormatter inst = GetInstance (fp); inst.Init (format, value); string res = inst.NumberToString (format, inst.GetNumberFormatInstance (fp)); inst.Release(); return res; } private string IntegerToString (string format, IFormatProvider fp) { NumberFormatInfo nfi = GetNumberFormatInstance (fp); switch (_specifier) { case 'C': return FormatCurrency (_precision, nfi); case 'D': return FormatDecimal (_precision, nfi); case 'E': return FormatExponential (_precision, nfi); case 'F': return FormatFixedPoint (_precision, nfi); case 'G': if (_precision <= 0) return FormatDecimal (-1, nfi); return FormatGeneral (_precision, nfi); case 'N': return FormatNumber (_precision, nfi); case 'P': return FormatPercent (_precision, nfi); case 'X': return FormatHexadecimal (_precision); default: if (_isCustomFormat) return FormatCustom (format, nfi); throw new FormatException ("The specified format '" + format + "' is invalid"); } } private string NumberToString (string format, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { switch (_specifier) { case 'C': return FormatCurrency (_precision, nfi); case 'E': return FormatExponential (_precision, nfi); case 'F': return FormatFixedPoint (_precision, nfi); case 'G': return FormatGeneral (_precision, nfi); case 'N': return FormatNumber (_precision, nfi); case 'P': return FormatPercent (_precision, nfi); case 'X': default: if (_isCustomFormat) return FormatCustom (format, nfi); throw new FormatException ("The specified format '" + format + "' is invalid"); } } string FormatCurrency (int precision, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { precision = (precision >= 0 ? precision : nfi.CurrencyDecimalDigits); RoundDecimal (precision); ResetCharBuf (IntegerDigits * 2 + precision * 2 + 16); if (_positive) { switch (nfi.CurrencyPositivePattern) { case 0: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; case 2: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (' '); break; } } else { switch (nfi.CurrencyNegativePattern) { case 0: Append ('('); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; case 1: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; case 2: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 3: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; case 4: Append ('('); break; case 5: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 8: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 9: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (' '); break; case 11: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (' '); break; case 12: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (' '); Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 14: Append ('('); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (' '); break; case 15: Append ('('); break; } } AppendIntegerStringWithGroupSeparator (nfi.CurrencyGroupSizes, nfi.CurrencyGroupSeparator); if (precision > 0) { Append (nfi.CurrencyDecimalSeparator); AppendDecimalString (precision); } if (_positive) { switch (nfi.CurrencyPositivePattern) { case 1: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; case 3: Append (' '); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; } } else { switch (nfi.CurrencyNegativePattern) { case 0: Append (')'); break; case 3: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 4: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (')'); break; case 5: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; case 6: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; case 7: Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 8: Append (' '); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; case 10: Append (' '); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 11: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 13: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); Append (' '); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); break; case 14: Append (')'); break; case 15: Append (' '); Append (nfi.CurrencySymbol); Append (')'); break; } } return new string (_cbuf, 0, _ind); } private string FormatDecimal (int precision, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { if (precision < _digitsLen) precision = _digitsLen; if (precision == 0) return "0"; ResetCharBuf (precision + 1); if (!_positive) Append (nfi.NegativeSign); AppendDigits (0, precision); return new string (_cbuf, 0, _ind); } unsafe private string FormatHexadecimal (int precision) { int size = Math.Max (precision, _decPointPos); char* digits = _specifierIsUpper ? DigitUpperTable : DigitLowerTable; ResetCharBuf (size); _ind = size; ulong val = _val1 | ((ulong)_val2 << 32); while (size > 0) { _cbuf [--size] = digits [val & 0xf]; val >>= 4; } return new string (_cbuf, 0, _ind); } string FormatFixedPoint (int precision, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { if (precision == -1) precision = nfi.NumberDecimalDigits; RoundDecimal (precision); ResetCharBuf (IntegerDigits + precision + 2); if (!_positive) Append (nfi.NegativeSign); AppendIntegerString (IntegerDigits); if (precision > 0) { Append (nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator); AppendDecimalString (precision); } return new string (_cbuf, 0, _ind); } private string FormatRoundtrip (double origval, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { NumberFormatter nfc = GetClone (); if (origval >= MinRoundtripVal && origval <= MaxRoundtripVal) { string shortRep = FormatGeneral (_defPrecision, nfi); if (origval == Double.Parse (shortRep, nfi)) return shortRep; } return nfc.FormatGeneral (_defPrecision + 2, nfi); } private string FormatRoundtrip (float origval, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { NumberFormatter nfc = GetClone (); string shortRep = FormatGeneral (_defPrecision, nfi); // Check roundtrip only for "normal" double values. if (origval == Single.Parse (shortRep, nfi)) return shortRep; return nfc.FormatGeneral (_defPrecision + 2, nfi); } private string FormatGeneral (int precision, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { bool enableExp; if (precision == -1) { enableExp = IsFloatingSource; precision = _defPrecision; } else { enableExp = true; if (precision == 0) precision = _defPrecision; RoundPos (precision); } int intDigits = _decPointPos; int digits = _digitsLen; int decDigits = digits - intDigits; if ((intDigits > precision || intDigits <= -4) && enableExp) return FormatExponential (digits - 1, nfi, 2); if (decDigits < 0) decDigits = 0; if (intDigits < 0) intDigits = 0; ResetCharBuf (decDigits + intDigits + 3); if (!_positive) Append (nfi.NegativeSign); if (intDigits == 0) Append ('0'); else AppendDigits (digits - intDigits, digits); if (decDigits > 0) { Append (nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator); AppendDigits (0, decDigits); } return new string (_cbuf, 0, _ind); } string FormatNumber (int precision, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { precision = (precision >= 0 ? precision : nfi.NumberDecimalDigits); ResetCharBuf (IntegerDigits * 3 + precision); RoundDecimal (precision); if (!_positive) { switch (nfi.NumberNegativePattern) { case 0: Append ('('); break; case 1: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 2: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); Append (' '); break; } } AppendIntegerStringWithGroupSeparator (nfi.NumberGroupSizes, nfi.NumberGroupSeparator); if (precision > 0) { Append (nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator); AppendDecimalString (precision); } if (!_positive) { switch (nfi.NumberNegativePattern) { case 0: Append (')'); break; case 3: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 4: Append (' '); Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; } } return new string (_cbuf, 0, _ind); } string FormatPercent (int precision, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { precision = (precision >= 0 ? precision : nfi.PercentDecimalDigits); Multiply10(2); RoundDecimal (precision); ResetCharBuf (IntegerDigits * 2 + precision + 16); if (_positive) { if (nfi.PercentPositivePattern == 2) Append (nfi.PercentSymbol); } else { switch (nfi.PercentNegativePattern) { case 0: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 1: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); break; case 2: Append (nfi.NegativeSign); Append (nfi.PercentSymbol); break; } } AppendIntegerStringWithGroupSeparator (nfi.PercentGroupSizes, nfi.PercentGroupSeparator); if (precision > 0) { Append (nfi.PercentDecimalSeparator); AppendDecimalString (precision); } if (_positive) { switch (nfi.PercentPositivePattern) { case 0: Append (' '); Append (nfi.PercentSymbol); break; case 1: Append (nfi.PercentSymbol); break; } } else { switch (nfi.PercentNegativePattern) { case 0: Append (' '); Append (nfi.PercentSymbol); break; case 1: Append (nfi.PercentSymbol); break; } } return new string (_cbuf, 0, _ind); } string FormatExponential (int precision, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { if (precision == -1) precision = DefaultExpPrecision; RoundPos (precision + 1); return FormatExponential (precision, nfi, 3); } private string FormatExponential (int precision, NumberFormatInfo nfi, int expDigits) { int decDigits = _decPointPos; int digits = _digitsLen; int exponent = decDigits - 1; decDigits = _decPointPos = 1; ResetCharBuf (precision + 8); if (!_positive) Append (nfi.NegativeSign); AppendOneDigit (digits - 1); if (precision > 0) { Append (nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator); AppendDigits (digits - precision - 1, digits - _decPointPos); } AppendExponent (nfi, exponent, expDigits); return new string (_cbuf, 0, _ind); } string FormatCustom (string format, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { bool p = _positive; int offset = 0; int length = 0; CustomInfo.GetActiveSection (format, ref p, IsZero, ref offset, ref length); if (length == 0) return _positive ? string.Empty : nfi.NegativeSign; _positive = p; CustomInfo info = CustomInfo.Parse (format, offset, length, nfi); #if false Console.WriteLine ("Format : {0}",format); Console.WriteLine ("DecimalDigits : {0}",info.DecimalDigits); Console.WriteLine ("DecimalPointPos : {0}",info.DecimalPointPos); Console.WriteLine ("DecimalTailSharpDigits : {0}",info.DecimalTailSharpDigits); Console.WriteLine ("IntegerDigits : {0}",info.IntegerDigits); Console.WriteLine ("IntegerHeadSharpDigits : {0}",info.IntegerHeadSharpDigits); Console.WriteLine ("IntegerHeadPos : {0}",info.IntegerHeadPos); Console.WriteLine ("UseExponent : {0}",info.UseExponent); Console.WriteLine ("ExponentDigits : {0}",info.ExponentDigits); Console.WriteLine ("ExponentTailSharpDigits : {0}",info.ExponentTailSharpDigits); Console.WriteLine ("ExponentNegativeSignOnly : {0}",info.ExponentNegativeSignOnly); Console.WriteLine ("DividePlaces : {0}",info.DividePlaces); Console.WriteLine ("Percents : {0}",info.Percents); Console.WriteLine ("Permilles : {0}",info.Permilles); #endif StringBuilder sb_int = new StringBuilder (info.IntegerDigits * 2); StringBuilder sb_dec = new StringBuilder (info.DecimalDigits * 2); StringBuilder sb_exp = (info.UseExponent ? new StringBuilder (info.ExponentDigits * 2) : null); int diff = 0; if (info.Percents > 0) Multiply10(2 * info.Percents); if (info.Permilles > 0) Multiply10(3 * info.Permilles); if (info.DividePlaces > 0) Divide10(info.DividePlaces); bool expPositive = true; if (info.UseExponent && (info.DecimalDigits > 0 || info.IntegerDigits > 0)) { if (!IsZero) { RoundPos (info.DecimalDigits + info.IntegerDigits); diff -= _decPointPos - info.IntegerDigits; _decPointPos = info.IntegerDigits; } expPositive = diff <= 0; AppendNonNegativeNumber (sb_exp, diff < 0 ? -diff : diff); } else RoundDecimal (info.DecimalDigits); if (info.IntegerDigits != 0 || !IsZeroInteger) AppendIntegerString (IntegerDigits, sb_int); AppendDecimalString (DecimalDigits, sb_dec); if (info.UseExponent) { if (info.DecimalDigits <= 0 && info.IntegerDigits <= 0) _positive = true; if (sb_int.Length < info.IntegerDigits) sb_int.Insert (0, "0", info.IntegerDigits - sb_int.Length); while (sb_exp.Length < info.ExponentDigits - info.ExponentTailSharpDigits) sb_exp.Insert (0, '0'); if (expPositive && !info.ExponentNegativeSignOnly) sb_exp.Insert (0, nfi.PositiveSign); else if (!expPositive) sb_exp.Insert (0, nfi.NegativeSign); } else { if (sb_int.Length < info.IntegerDigits - info.IntegerHeadSharpDigits) sb_int.Insert (0, "0", info.IntegerDigits - info.IntegerHeadSharpDigits - sb_int.Length); if (info.IntegerDigits == info.IntegerHeadSharpDigits && IsZeroOnly (sb_int)) sb_int.Remove (0, sb_int.Length); } ZeroTrimEnd (sb_dec, true); while (sb_dec.Length < info.DecimalDigits - info.DecimalTailSharpDigits) sb_dec.Append ('0'); if (sb_dec.Length > info.DecimalDigits) sb_dec.Remove (info.DecimalDigits, sb_dec.Length - info.DecimalDigits); return info.Format (format, offset, length, nfi, _positive, sb_int, sb_dec, sb_exp); } #endregion public number formatting methods #region StringBuilder formatting helpers private static void ZeroTrimEnd (StringBuilder sb, bool canEmpty) { int len = 0; for (int i = sb.Length - 1; (canEmpty ? i >= 0 : i > 0); i--) { if (sb [i] != '0') break; len++; } if (len > 0) sb.Remove (sb.Length - len, len); } private static bool IsZeroOnly (StringBuilder sb) { for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++) if (char.IsDigit (sb [i]) && sb [i] != '0') return false; return true; } private static void AppendNonNegativeNumber (StringBuilder sb, int v) { if (v < 0) throw new ArgumentException (); int i = ScaleOrder (v) - 1; do { int n = v / (int)GetTenPowerOf (i); sb.Append ((char)('0' | n)); v -= (int)GetTenPowerOf (i--) * n; } while (i >= 0); } #endregion StringBuilder formatting helpers #region Append helpers private void AppendIntegerString (int minLength, StringBuilder sb) { if (_decPointPos <= 0) { sb.Append ('0', minLength); return; } if (_decPointPos < minLength) sb.Append ('0', minLength - _decPointPos); AppendDigits (_digitsLen - _decPointPos, _digitsLen, sb); } private void AppendIntegerString (int minLength) { if (_decPointPos <= 0) { Append ('0', minLength); return; } if (_decPointPos < minLength) Append ('0', minLength - _decPointPos); AppendDigits (_digitsLen - _decPointPos, _digitsLen); } private void AppendDecimalString (int precision, StringBuilder sb) { AppendDigits (_digitsLen - precision - _decPointPos, _digitsLen - _decPointPos, sb); } private void AppendDecimalString (int precision) { AppendDigits (_digitsLen - precision - _decPointPos, _digitsLen - _decPointPos); } private void AppendIntegerStringWithGroupSeparator (int[] groups, string groupSeparator) { if (IsZeroInteger) { Append ('0'); return; } int total = 0; int groupIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < groups.Length; i++) { total += groups [i]; if (total <= _decPointPos) groupIndex = i; else break; } if (groups.Length > 0 && total > 0) { int counter; int groupSize = groups [groupIndex]; int fraction = _decPointPos > total ? _decPointPos - total : 0; if (groupSize == 0) { while (groupIndex >= 0 && groups [groupIndex] == 0) groupIndex--; groupSize = fraction > 0 ? fraction : groups [groupIndex]; } if (fraction == 0) counter = groupSize; else { groupIndex += fraction / groupSize; counter = fraction % groupSize; if (counter == 0) counter = groupSize; else groupIndex++; } if (total >= _decPointPos) { int lastGroupSize = groups [0]; if (total > lastGroupSize) { int lastGroupDiff = -(lastGroupSize - _decPointPos); int lastGroupMod; if (lastGroupDiff < lastGroupSize) counter = lastGroupDiff; else if (lastGroupSize > 0 && (lastGroupMod = _decPointPos % lastGroupSize) > 0) counter = lastGroupMod; } } for (int i = 0; ;) { if ((_decPointPos - i) <= counter || counter == 0) { AppendDigits (_digitsLen - _decPointPos, _digitsLen - i); break; } AppendDigits (_digitsLen - i - counter, _digitsLen - i); i += counter; Append (groupSeparator); if (--groupIndex < groups.Length && groupIndex >= 0) groupSize = groups [groupIndex]; counter = groupSize; } } else { AppendDigits (_digitsLen - _decPointPos, _digitsLen); } } // minDigits is in the range 1..3 private void AppendExponent (NumberFormatInfo nfi, int exponent, int minDigits) { if (_specifierIsUpper || _specifier == 'R') Append ('E'); else Append ('e'); if (exponent >= 0) Append (nfi.PositiveSign); else { Append (nfi.NegativeSign); exponent = -exponent; } if (exponent == 0) Append ('0', minDigits); else if (exponent < 10) { Append ('0', minDigits - 1); Append ((char)('0' | exponent)); } else { uint hexDigit = FastToDecHex (exponent); if (exponent >= 100 || minDigits == 3) Append ((char)('0' | (hexDigit >> 8))); Append ((char)('0' | ((hexDigit >> 4) & 0xf))); Append ((char)('0' | (hexDigit & 0xf))); } } private void AppendOneDigit (int start) { if (_ind == _cbuf.Length) Resize (_ind + 10); start += _offset; uint v; if (start < 0) v = 0; else if (start < 8) v = _val1; else if (start < 16) v = _val2; else if (start < 24) v = _val3; else if (start < 32) v = _val4; else v = 0; v >>= (start & 0x7) << 2; _cbuf [_ind++] = (char)('0' | v & 0xf); } private void AppendDigits (int start, int end) { if (start >= end) return; int i = _ind + (end - start); if (i > _cbuf.Length) Resize (i + 10); _ind = i; end += _offset; start += _offset; for (int next = start + 8 - (start & 0x7); ; start = next, next += 8) { uint v; if (next == 8) v = _val1; else if (next == 16) v = _val2; else if (next == 24) v = _val3; else if (next == 32) v = _val4; else v = 0; v >>= (start & 0x7) << 2; if (next > end) next = end; _cbuf [--i] = (char)('0' | v & 0xf); switch (next - start) { case 8: _cbuf [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 7; case 7: _cbuf [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 6; case 6: _cbuf [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 5; case 5: _cbuf [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 4; case 4: _cbuf [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 3; case 3: _cbuf [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 2; case 2: _cbuf [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 1; case 1: if (next == end) return; continue; } } } private void AppendDigits (int start, int end, StringBuilder sb) { if (start >= end) return; int i = sb.Length + (end - start); sb.Length = i; end += _offset; start += _offset; for (int next = start + 8 - (start & 0x7); ; start = next, next += 8) { uint v; if (next == 8) v = _val1; else if (next == 16) v = _val2; else if (next == 24) v = _val3; else if (next == 32) v = _val4; else v = 0; v >>= (start & 0x7) << 2; if (next > end) next = end; sb [--i] = (char)('0' | v & 0xf); switch (next - start) { case 8: sb [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 7; case 7: sb [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 6; case 6: sb [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 5; case 5: sb [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 4; case 4: sb [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 3; case 3: sb [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 2; case 2: sb [--i] = (char)('0' | (v >>= 4) & 0xf); goto case 1; case 1: if (next == end) return; continue; } } } #endregion Append helpers #region others private void Multiply10(int count) { if (count <= 0 || _digitsLen == 0) return; _decPointPos += count; } private void Divide10(int count) { if (count <= 0 || _digitsLen == 0) return; _decPointPos -= count; } private NumberFormatter GetClone () { return (NumberFormatter)this.MemberwiseClone (); } #endregion others #region custom private class CustomInfo { public bool UseGroup = false; public int DecimalDigits = 0; public int DecimalPointPos = -1; public int DecimalTailSharpDigits = 0; public int IntegerDigits = 0; public int IntegerHeadSharpDigits = 0; public int IntegerHeadPos = 0; public bool UseExponent = false; public int ExponentDigits = 0; public int ExponentTailSharpDigits = 0; public bool ExponentNegativeSignOnly = true; public int DividePlaces = 0; public int Percents = 0; public int Permilles = 0; public static void GetActiveSection (string format, ref bool positive, bool zero, ref int offset, ref int length) { int[] lens = new int [3]; int index = 0; int lastPos = 0; bool quoted = false; for (int i = 0; i < format.Length; i++) { char c = format [i]; if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') { if (i == 0 || format [i - 1] != '\\') quoted = !quoted; continue; } if (c == ';' && !quoted && (i == 0 || format [i - 1] != '\\')) { lens [index++] = i - lastPos; lastPos = i + 1; if (index == 3) break; } } if (index == 0) { offset = 0; length = format.Length; return; } if (index == 1) { if (positive || zero) { offset = 0; length = lens [0]; return; } if (lens [0] + 1 < format.Length) { positive = true; offset = lens [0] + 1; length = format.Length - offset; return; } else { offset = 0; length = lens [0]; return; } } if (zero) { if (index == 2) { if (format.Length - lastPos == 0) { offset = 0; length = lens [0]; } else { offset = lens [0] + lens [1] + 2; length = format.Length - offset; } return; } if (lens [2] == 0) { offset = 0; length = lens [0]; } else { offset = lens [0] + lens [1] + 2; length = lens [2]; } return; } if (positive) { offset = 0; length = lens [0]; return; } if (lens [1] > 0) { positive = true; offset = lens [0] + 1; length = lens [1]; return; } offset = 0; length = lens [0]; } public static CustomInfo Parse (string format, int offset, int length, NumberFormatInfo nfi) { char literal = '\0'; bool integerArea = true; bool decimalArea = false; bool exponentArea = false; bool sharpContinues = true; CustomInfo info = new CustomInfo (); int groupSeparatorCounter = 0; for (int i = offset; i - offset < length; i++) { char c = format [i]; if (c == literal && c != '\0') { literal = '\0'; continue; } if (literal != '\0') continue; if (exponentArea && (c != '\0' && c != '0' && c != '#')) { exponentArea = false; integerArea = (info.DecimalPointPos < 0); decimalArea = !integerArea; i--; continue; } switch (c) { case '\\': i++; continue; case '\'': case '\"': if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') { literal = c; } continue; case '#': if (sharpContinues && integerArea) info.IntegerHeadSharpDigits++; else if (decimalArea) info.DecimalTailSharpDigits++; else if (exponentArea) info.ExponentTailSharpDigits++; goto case '0'; case '0': if (c != '#') { sharpContinues = false; if (decimalArea) info.DecimalTailSharpDigits = 0; else if (exponentArea) info.ExponentTailSharpDigits = 0; } if (info.IntegerHeadPos == -1) info.IntegerHeadPos = i; if (integerArea) { info.IntegerDigits++; if (groupSeparatorCounter > 0) info.UseGroup = true; groupSeparatorCounter = 0; } else if (decimalArea) info.DecimalDigits++; else if (exponentArea) info.ExponentDigits++; break; case 'e': case 'E': if (info.UseExponent) break; info.UseExponent = true; integerArea = false; decimalArea = false; exponentArea = true; if (i + 1 - offset < length) { char nc = format [i + 1]; if (nc == '+') info.ExponentNegativeSignOnly = false; if (nc == '+' || nc == '-') i++; else if (nc != '0' && nc != '#') { info.UseExponent = false; if (info.DecimalPointPos < 0) integerArea = true; } } break; case '.': integerArea = false; decimalArea = true; exponentArea = false; if (info.DecimalPointPos == -1) info.DecimalPointPos = i; break; case '%': info.Percents++; break; case '\u2030': info.Permilles++; break; case ',': if (integerArea && info.IntegerDigits > 0) groupSeparatorCounter++; break; default: break; } } if (info.ExponentDigits == 0) info.UseExponent = false; else info.IntegerHeadSharpDigits = 0; if (info.DecimalDigits == 0) info.DecimalPointPos = -1; info.DividePlaces += groupSeparatorCounter * 3; return info; } public string Format (string format, int offset, int length, NumberFormatInfo nfi, bool positive, StringBuilder sb_int, StringBuilder sb_dec, StringBuilder sb_exp) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); char literal = '\0'; bool integerArea = true; bool decimalArea = false; int intSharpCounter = 0; int sb_int_index = 0; int sb_dec_index = 0; int[] groups = nfi.NumberGroupSizes; string groupSeparator = nfi.NumberGroupSeparator; int intLen = 0, total = 0, groupIndex = 0, counter = 0, groupSize = 0; if (UseGroup && groups.Length > 0) { intLen = sb_int.Length; for (int i = 0; i < groups.Length; i++) { total += groups [i]; if (total <= intLen) groupIndex = i; } groupSize = groups [groupIndex]; int fraction = intLen > total ? intLen - total : 0; if (groupSize == 0) { while (groupIndex >= 0 && groups [groupIndex] == 0) groupIndex--; groupSize = fraction > 0 ? fraction : groups [groupIndex]; } if (fraction == 0) counter = groupSize; else { groupIndex += fraction / groupSize; counter = fraction % groupSize; if (counter == 0) counter = groupSize; else groupIndex++; } } else UseGroup = false; for (int i = offset; i - offset < length; i++) { char c = format [i]; if (c == literal && c != '\0') { literal = '\0'; continue; } if (literal != '\0') { sb.Append (c); continue; } switch (c) { case '\\': i++; if (i - offset < length) sb.Append (format [i]); continue; case '\'': case '\"': if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') literal = c; continue; case '#': goto case '0'; case '0': if (integerArea) { intSharpCounter++; if (IntegerDigits - intSharpCounter < sb_int.Length + sb_int_index || c == '0') while (IntegerDigits - intSharpCounter + sb_int_index < sb_int.Length) { sb.Append (sb_int [sb_int_index++]); if (UseGroup && --intLen > 0 && --counter == 0) { sb.Append (groupSeparator); if (--groupIndex < groups.Length && groupIndex >= 0) groupSize = groups [groupIndex]; counter = groupSize; } } break; } else if (decimalArea) { if (sb_dec_index < sb_dec.Length) sb.Append (sb_dec [sb_dec_index++]); break; } sb.Append (c); break; case 'e': case 'E': if (sb_exp == null || !UseExponent) { sb.Append (c); break; } bool flag1 = true; bool flag2 = false; int q; for (q = i + 1; q - offset < length; q++) { if (format [q] == '0') { flag2 = true; continue; } if (q == i + 1 && (format [q] == '+' || format [q] == '-')) continue; if (!flag2) flag1 = false; break; } if (flag1) { i = q - 1; integerArea = (DecimalPointPos < 0); decimalArea = !integerArea; sb.Append (c); sb.Append (sb_exp); sb_exp = null; } else sb.Append (c); break; case '.': if (DecimalPointPos == i) { if (DecimalDigits > 0) { while (sb_int_index < sb_int.Length) sb.Append (sb_int [sb_int_index++]); } if (sb_dec.Length > 0) sb.Append (nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator); } integerArea = false; decimalArea = true; break; case ',': break; case '%': sb.Append (nfi.PercentSymbol); break; case '\u2030': sb.Append (nfi.PerMilleSymbol); break; default: sb.Append (c); break; } } if (!positive) sb.Insert (0, nfi.NegativeSign); return sb.ToString (); } } #endregion } }