// // mono-shlib-cop.cs: Check unmanaged dependencies // // Compile as: // mcs mono-shlib-cop.cs ../../class/Mono.Options/Mono.Options/Options.cs -r:Mono.Posix // // Authors: // Jonathan Pryor (jonpryor@vt.edu) // Jonathan Pryor (jpryor@novell.com) // // (C) 2005 Jonathan Pryor // (C) 2008 Novell, Inc. // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // // About: // mono-shlib-cop is designed to inspect an assembly and report about // potentially erroneous practices. In particular, this includes: // - DllImporting a .so which may be a symlink (which typically requires the // -devel packages on Linux distros, thus bloating installation and // angering users) // - DllImporting a symbol which doesn't exist in the target library // - etc. // // Implementation: // - Each assembly needs to be loaded into an AppDomain so that we can // adjust the ApplicationBase path (which will allow us to more reliably // load assemblies which depend upon assemblies in the same directory). // We can share AppDomains (1/directory), but we (alas) can't use a // single AppDomain for the entire app. // - Thus, algorithm: // - Create AppDomain with ApplicationBase path set to directory assembly // resides in // - Create an AssemblyChecker instance within the AppDomain // - Check an assembly with AssemblyChecker; store results in AssemblyCheckInfo. // - Print results. // // TODO: // - AppDomain use // - Make -r work correctly (-r:Mono.Posix should read Mono.Posix from the // GAC and inspect it.) // #define TRACE using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Xml; using Mono.Options; using Mono.Unix; [assembly: AssemblyTitle ("mono-shlib-cop")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright ("(C) 2005 Jonathan Pryor")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription ("Looks up shared library dependencies of managed code")] namespace Mono.Unmanaged.Check { [Serializable] sealed class MessageInfo { public string Type; public string Member; public string Message; public MessageInfo (string type, string member, string message) { Type = type; Member = member; Message = message; } public override bool Equals (object value) { MessageInfo other = value as MessageInfo; if (other == null) return false; return Type == other.Type && Member == other.Member && Message == other.Message; } public override int GetHashCode () { return Type.GetHashCode () ^ Member.GetHashCode () ^ Message.GetHashCode (); } } sealed class MessageCollection : MarshalByRefObject { private ArrayList InnerList = new ArrayList (); public MessageCollection () { } public int Add (MessageInfo value) { if (!InnerList.Contains (value)) return InnerList.Add (value); return InnerList.IndexOf (value); } public void AddRange (MessageInfo[] value) { foreach (MessageInfo v in value) Add (v); } public void AddRange (MessageCollection value) { foreach (MessageInfo v in value) Add (v); } public bool Contains (MessageInfo value) { return InnerList.Contains (value); } public void CopyTo (MessageInfo[] array, int index) { InnerList.CopyTo (array, index); } public int IndexOf (MessageInfo value) { return InnerList.IndexOf (value); } public void Insert (int index, MessageInfo value) { InnerList.Insert (index, value); } public void Remove (MessageInfo value) { InnerList.Remove (value); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () { return InnerList.GetEnumerator (); } } sealed class AssemblyCheckInfo : MarshalByRefObject { private MessageCollection errors = new MessageCollection (); private MessageCollection warnings = new MessageCollection (); public MessageCollection Errors { get {return errors;} } public MessageCollection Warnings { get {return warnings;} } private XmlDocument[] mono_configs = new XmlDocument [0]; private IDictionary assembly_configs = new Hashtable (); public void SetInstallationPrefixes (IList<string> prefixes) { mono_configs = new XmlDocument [prefixes.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < mono_configs.Length; ++i) { mono_configs [i] = new XmlDocument (); mono_configs [i].Load (Path.Combine (prefixes [i], "etc/mono/config")); } } public string GetDllmapEntry (string assemblyPath, string library) { string xpath = "/configuration/dllmap[@dll=\"" + library + "\"]"; XmlDocument d = GetAssemblyConfig (assemblyPath); if (d != null) { XmlNode map = d.SelectSingleNode (xpath); if (map != null) return map.Attributes ["target"].Value; } foreach (XmlDocument config in mono_configs) { XmlNode map = config.SelectSingleNode (xpath); if (map != null) return map.Attributes ["target"].Value; } return null; } private XmlDocument GetAssemblyConfig (string assemblyPath) { XmlDocument d = null; if (assembly_configs.Contains (assemblyPath)) { d = (XmlDocument) assembly_configs [assemblyPath]; } else { string _config = assemblyPath + ".config"; if (File.Exists (_config)) { d = new XmlDocument (); d.Load (_config); } assembly_configs.Add (assemblyPath, d); } return d; } } sealed class AssemblyChecker : MarshalByRefObject { public void CheckFile (string file, AssemblyCheckInfo report) { try { Check (Assembly.LoadFile (file), report); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { report.Errors.Add (new MessageInfo (null, null, "Could not load `" + file + "': " + e.Message)); } } public void CheckWithPartialName (string partial, AssemblyCheckInfo report) { string p = partial; Assembly a; bool retry; do { a = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName (p); retry = p.EndsWith (".dll"); if (retry) { p = p.Substring (0, p.Length-4); } } while (a == null && retry); if (a == null) { report.Errors.Add (new MessageInfo (null, null, "Could not load assembly reference `" + partial + "'.")); return; } Check (a, report); } private void Check (Assembly a, AssemblyCheckInfo report) { foreach (Type t in a.GetTypes ()) { Check (t, report); } } private void Check (Type type, AssemblyCheckInfo report) { BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic; foreach (MemberInfo mi in type.GetMembers (bf)) { CheckMember (type, mi, report); } } private void CheckMember (Type type, MemberInfo mi, AssemblyCheckInfo report) { DllImportAttribute[] attributes = null; MethodBase[] methods = null; switch (mi.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Constructor: case MemberTypes.Method: { MethodBase mb = (MethodBase) mi; attributes = new DllImportAttribute[]{GetDllImportInfo (mb)}; methods = new MethodBase[]{mb}; break; } case MemberTypes.Event: { EventInfo ei = (EventInfo) mi; MethodBase add = ei.GetAddMethod (true); MethodBase remove = ei.GetRemoveMethod (true); attributes = new DllImportAttribute[]{ GetDllImportInfo (add), GetDllImportInfo (remove)}; methods = new MethodBase[]{add, remove}; break; } case MemberTypes.Property: { PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo) mi; MethodInfo[] accessors = pi.GetAccessors (true); if (accessors == null) break; attributes = new DllImportAttribute[accessors.Length]; methods = new MethodBase [accessors.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < accessors.Length; ++i) { attributes [i] = GetDllImportInfo (accessors [i]); methods [i] = accessors [i]; } break; } } if (attributes == null || methods == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; ++i) { if (attributes [i] == null) continue; CheckLibrary (methods [i], attributes [i], report); } } private static DllImportAttribute GetDllImportInfo (MethodBase method) { if (method == null) return null; if ((method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl) == 0) return null; // .NET 2.0 synthesizes pseudo-attributes such as DllImport DllImportAttribute dia = (DllImportAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (method, typeof(DllImportAttribute), false); if (dia != null) return dia; // We're not on .NET 2.0; assume we're on Mono and use some internal // methods... Type MonoMethod = Type.GetType ("System.Reflection.MonoMethod", false); if (MonoMethod == null) { return null; } MethodInfo GetDllImportAttribute = MonoMethod.GetMethod ("GetDllImportAttribute", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (GetDllImportAttribute == null) { return null; } IntPtr mhandle = method.MethodHandle.Value; return (DllImportAttribute) GetDllImportAttribute.Invoke (null, new object[]{mhandle}); } private void CheckLibrary (MethodBase method, DllImportAttribute attribute, AssemblyCheckInfo report) { string library = attribute.Value; string entrypoint = attribute.EntryPoint; string type = method.DeclaringType.FullName; string mname = method.Name; string found = null; string error = null; Trace.WriteLine ("Trying to load base library: " + library); foreach (string name in GetLibraryNames (method.DeclaringType, library, report)) { if (LoadLibrary (type, mname, name, entrypoint, report, out error)) { found = name; break; } } if (found == null) { report.Errors.Add (new MessageInfo ( type, mname, "Could not load library `" + library + "': " + error)); return; } // UnixFileInfo f = new UnixFileInfo (soname); if (found.EndsWith (".so")) { report.Warnings.Add (new MessageInfo (type, mname, string.Format ("Library `{0}' might be a development library", found))); } } [DllImport ("libgmodule-2.0.so")] private static extern IntPtr g_module_open (string filename, int flags); private static int G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY = 1 << 0; private static int G_MODULE_BIND_LOCAL = 1 << 1; // private static int G_MODULE_BIND_MASK = 0x03; [DllImport ("libgmodule-2.0.so")] private static extern int g_module_close (IntPtr handle); [DllImport ("libgmodule-2.0.so")] private static extern IntPtr g_module_error (); [DllImport ("libgmodule-2.0.so")] private static extern IntPtr g_module_name (IntPtr h); [DllImport ("libgmodule-2.0.so")] private static extern IntPtr g_module_build_path ( string directory, string module_name); [DllImport ("libgmodule-2.0.so")] private static extern int g_module_symbol (IntPtr module, string symbol_name, out IntPtr symbol); [DllImport ("libglib-2.0.so")] private static extern void g_free (IntPtr mem); private static string[] GetLibraryNames (Type type, string library, AssemblyCheckInfo report) { // TODO: keep in sync with // mono/metadata/loader.c:mono_lookup_pinvoke_call ArrayList names = new ArrayList (); string dll_map = report.GetDllmapEntry (type.Assembly.Location, library); if (dll_map != null) names.Add (dll_map); names.Add (library); int _dll_index = library.LastIndexOf (".dll"); if (_dll_index >= 0) names.Add (library.Substring (0, _dll_index)); if (!library.StartsWith ("lib")) names.Add ("lib" + library); IntPtr s = g_module_build_path (null, library); if (s != IntPtr.Zero) { try { names.Add (Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (s)); } finally { g_free (s); } } s = g_module_build_path (".", library); if (s != IntPtr.Zero) { try { names.Add (Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (s)); } finally { g_free (s); } } return (string[]) names.ToArray (typeof(string)); } private static bool LoadLibrary (string type, string member, string library, string symbol, AssemblyCheckInfo report, out string error) { error = null; IntPtr h = g_module_open (library, G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY | G_MODULE_BIND_LOCAL); try { Trace.WriteLine (" Trying library name: " + library); if (h != IntPtr.Zero) { string soname = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (g_module_name (h)); Trace.WriteLine ("Able to load library " + library + "; soname=" + soname); IntPtr ignore; if (g_module_symbol (h, symbol, out ignore) == 0) report.Errors.Add (new MessageInfo ( type, member, string.Format ("library `{0}' is missing symbol `{1}'", library, symbol))); return true; } error = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (g_module_error ()); Trace.WriteLine ("\tError loading library `" + library + "': " + error); } finally { if (h != IntPtr.Zero) g_module_close (h); } return false; } } class Runner { public static void Main (string[] args) { var references = new List<string> (); var prefixes = new List<string> (); List<string> files = new OptionSet { { "p|prefix|prefixes=", "Mono installation prefixes (for $prefix/etc/mono/config)", v => prefixes.Add (v) }, { "r|reference|references=", "Assemblies to load by partial names (e.g. from the GAC)", v => references.Add (v) }, }.Parse (args); AssemblyChecker checker = new AssemblyChecker (); AssemblyCheckInfo report = new AssemblyCheckInfo (); if (prefixes.Count == 0) { // SystemConfigurationFile is $sysconfdir/mono/VERSION/machine.config // We want $sysconfdir DirectoryInfo configDir = new FileInfo (RuntimeEnvironment.SystemConfigurationFile).Directory.Parent.Parent.Parent; prefixes.Add (configDir.ToString ()); } report.SetInstallationPrefixes (prefixes); foreach (string assembly in files) { checker.CheckFile (assembly, report); } foreach (string assembly in references) { checker.CheckWithPartialName (assembly, report); } foreach (MessageInfo m in report.Errors) { PrintMessage ("error", m); } foreach (MessageInfo m in report.Warnings) { PrintMessage ("warning", m); } } private static void PrintMessage (string type, MessageInfo m) { Console.Write ("{0}: ", type); if (m.Type != null) Console.Write ("in {0}", m.Type); if (m.Member != null) Console.Write (".{0}: ", m.Member); Console.WriteLine (m.Message); } } }