#if NET_4_0 // ConcurrentDictionaryTests.cs // // Copyright (c) 2008 Jérémie "Garuma" Laval // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using MonoTests.System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using NUnit; using NUnit.Framework; #if !MOBILE using NUnit.Framework.SyntaxHelpers; #endif namespace MonoTests.System.Collections.Concurrent { [TestFixture] public class ConcurrentDictionaryTests { ConcurrentDictionary map; [SetUp] public void Setup () { map = new ConcurrentDictionary (); AddStuff(); } void AddStuff () { map.TryAdd ("foo", 1); map.TryAdd ("bar", 2); map["foobar"] = 3; } [Test] public void AddWithoutDuplicateTest () { map.TryAdd("baz", 2); int val; Assert.IsTrue (map.TryGetValue("baz", out val)); Assert.AreEqual(2, val); Assert.AreEqual(2, map["baz"]); Assert.AreEqual(4, map.Count); } [Test] public void AddParallelWithoutDuplicateTest () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (delegate { Setup (); int index = 0; ParallelTestHelper.ParallelStressTest (map, delegate { int own = Interlocked.Increment (ref index); while (!map.TryAdd ("monkey" + own.ToString (), own)); }, 4); Assert.AreEqual (7, map.Count); int value; Assert.IsTrue (map.TryGetValue ("monkey1", out value), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, value, "#1b"); Assert.IsTrue (map.TryGetValue ("monkey2", out value), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (2, value, "#2b"); Assert.IsTrue (map.TryGetValue ("monkey3", out value), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (3, value, "#3b"); Assert.IsTrue (map.TryGetValue ("monkey4", out value), "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (4, value, "#4b"); }); } [Test] public void RemoveParallelTest () { ParallelTestHelper.Repeat (delegate { Setup (); int index = 0; bool r1 = false, r2 = false, r3 = false; int val; ParallelTestHelper.ParallelStressTest (map, delegate { int own = Interlocked.Increment (ref index); switch (own) { case 1: r1 = map.TryRemove ("foo", out val); break; case 2: r2 =map.TryRemove ("bar", out val); break; case 3: r3 = map.TryRemove ("foobar", out val); break; } }, 3); Assert.AreEqual (0, map.Count); int value; Assert.IsTrue (r1, "1"); Assert.IsTrue (r2, "2"); Assert.IsTrue (r3, "3"); Assert.IsFalse (map.TryGetValue ("foo", out value), "#1b " + value.ToString ()); Assert.IsFalse (map.TryGetValue ("bar", out value), "#2b"); Assert.IsFalse (map.TryGetValue ("foobar", out value), "#3b"); }); } [Test] public void AddWithDuplicate() { Assert.IsFalse (map.TryAdd("foo", 6)); } [Test] public void GetValueTest() { Assert.AreEqual(1, map["foo"], "#1"); Assert.AreEqual(2, map["bar"], "#2"); Assert.AreEqual(3, map.Count, "#3"); } [Test, ExpectedException(typeof(KeyNotFoundException))] public void GetValueUnknownTest() { int val; Assert.IsFalse(map.TryGetValue("barfoo", out val)); val = map["barfoo"]; } [Test] public void ModificationTest() { map["foo"] = 9; int val; Assert.AreEqual(9, map["foo"], "#1"); Assert.IsTrue(map.TryGetValue("foo", out val), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual(9, val, "#4"); } [Test] public void IterateTest () { string[] keys = { "foo", "bar", "foobar" }; int[] occurence = new int[3]; foreach (var kvp in map) { int index = Array.IndexOf (keys, kvp.Key); Assert.AreNotEqual (-1, index, "#a"); Assert.AreEqual (index + 1, kvp.Value, "#b"); Assert.That (++occurence[index], Is.LessThan (2), "#c"); } } [Test] public void GetOrAddTest () { Assert.AreEqual (1, map.GetOrAdd ("foo", (_) => 12)); Assert.AreEqual (13, map.GetOrAdd ("baz", (_) => 13)); } [Test] public void TryUpdateTest () { Assert.IsFalse (map.TryUpdate ("foo", 12, 11)); Assert.AreEqual (1, map["foo"]); Assert.IsTrue (map.TryUpdate ("foo", 11, 1)); Assert.AreEqual (11, map["foo"]); } [Test] public void AddOrUpdateTest () { Assert.AreEqual (11, map.AddOrUpdate ("bar", (_) => 12, (_, __) => 11)); Assert.AreEqual (12, map.AddOrUpdate ("baz", (_) => 12, (_, __) => 11)); } [Test] public void ContainsTest () { Assert.IsTrue (map.ContainsKey ("foo")); Assert.IsTrue (map.ContainsKey ("bar")); Assert.IsTrue (map.ContainsKey ("foobar")); Assert.IsFalse (map.ContainsKey ("baz")); Assert.IsFalse (map.ContainsKey ("oof")); } class DumbClass : IEquatable { int foo; public DumbClass (int foo) { this.foo = foo; } public int Foo { get { return foo; } } public override bool Equals (object rhs) { DumbClass temp = rhs as DumbClass; return temp == null ? false : Equals (temp); } public bool Equals (DumbClass rhs) { return this.foo == rhs.foo; } public override int GetHashCode () { return 5; } } [Test] public void SameHashCodeInsertTest () { var classMap = new ConcurrentDictionary (); var class1 = new DumbClass (1); var class2 = new DumbClass (2); Assert.IsTrue (classMap.TryAdd (class1, "class1"), "class 1"); Console.WriteLine (); Assert.IsTrue (classMap.TryAdd (class2, "class2"), "class 2"); Assert.AreEqual ("class1", classMap[class1], "class 1 check"); Assert.AreEqual ("class2", classMap[class2], "class 2 check"); } [Test] public void InitWithEnumerableTest () { int[] data = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; var ndic = data.ToDictionary (x => x); var cdic = new ConcurrentDictionary (ndic); foreach (var index in data) { Assert.IsTrue (cdic.ContainsKey (index)); int val; Assert.IsTrue (cdic.TryGetValue (index, out val)); Assert.AreEqual (index, val); } } [Test] public void QueryWithSameHashCodeTest () { var ids = new long[] { 34359738370, 34359738371, 34359738372, 34359738373, 34359738374, 34359738375, 34359738376, 34359738377, 34359738420 }; var dict = new ConcurrentDictionary(); long result; for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) dict[-i] = -i * 1000; foreach (var id in ids) Assert.IsFalse (dict.TryGetValue (id, out result), id.ToString ()); foreach (var id in ids) { Assert.IsTrue (dict.TryAdd (id, id)); Assert.AreEqual (id, dict[id]); } foreach (var id in ids) { Assert.IsTrue (dict.TryRemove (id, out result)); Assert.AreEqual (id, result); } foreach (var id in ids) Assert.IsFalse (dict.TryGetValue (id, out result), id.ToString () + " (second)"); } [Test] public void NullArgumentsTest () { AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => { var x = map[null]; }); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map[null] = 0); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.AddOrUpdate (null, k => 0, (k, v) => v)); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.AddOrUpdate ("", null, (k, v) => v)); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.AddOrUpdate ("", k => 0, null)); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.AddOrUpdate (null, 0, (k, v) => v)); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.AddOrUpdate ("", 0, null)); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.ContainsKey (null)); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.GetOrAdd (null, 0)); int value; AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.TryGetValue (null, out value)); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.TryRemove (null, out value)); AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (() => map.TryUpdate (null, 0, 0)); } [Test] public void IDictionaryNullOnNonExistingKey () { IDictionary dict = new ConcurrentDictionary (); object val = dict [1234L]; Assert.IsNull (val); } void AssertThrowsArgumentNullException (Action action) { try { action (); Assert.Fail ("Expected ArgumentNullException."); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { } } [Test] public void ContainsKeyPairTest () { var validKeyPair = new KeyValuePair ("key", "validValue"); var wrongKeyPair = new KeyValuePair ("key", "wrongValue"); IDictionary dict = new ConcurrentDictionary (); dict.Add (validKeyPair); Assert.IsTrue (dict.Contains (validKeyPair)); Assert.IsFalse (dict.Contains (wrongKeyPair)); } } } #endif