2010-06-25 Carlos Alberto Cortez <calberto.cortez@gmail.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Use TabControl.Font instead of the values of TabPage.Font. Fixes bits of #551032. 2010-06-20 Carlos Alberto Cortez <calberto.cortez@gmail.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Actually draw the focus rectangle - TabControl ignores the value of ShowFocusCues. Also, properly compute the bounds for the focus rectangle, since it should include the padding of the tab page. Fixes bits of #515045. 2010-05-17 Carlos Alberto Cortez <calberto.cortez@gmail.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Don't use FocusRectSpacing or BorderThickess to calculate the interior rectangle to draw the tab contents, as TabControl.Padding is enough - we had been ignoring it. This make should our tab look more like that one in .net. 2010-05-17 Carlos Alberto Cortez <calberto.cortez@gmail.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: When drawing tabs, use TabControl.Padding into account for the interior rectangle for the text/image contents. Fixes the remaining bits of #604034. 0201-05-16 Carlos Alberto Cortez <calberto.cortez@gmail.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: The text for our tabs should always be vertically centered, and it should be horizontally centered if the size mode is Fixed. Patch from Thomas Goldstein (stifu@free.fr). Fixes part of #599841. 2010-05-15 Carlos Alberto Cortez <calberto.cortez@gmail.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Reduce the height for our default item size, as we were ignoring the padding before. 2008-10-20 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * ToolStripPainter.cs: Don't paint over a set BackgroundImage. 2008-10-09 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * LinkLabelPainter.cs: Take Padding into account when drawing the linklabel text. 2008-10-08 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * LabelPainter.cs: Use control.PaddingClientRectangle instead of calculate rectangle with padding. Also break some lines that theres more than 120 characters. 2008-09-24 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Add 1 pixel to the tab text rectangle to keep the text from getting cut off on XP. [Fixes bug #428116] 2008-09-16 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Hook tab painting into ShowFocusCues. 2008-07-31 George Giolfan <georgegiolfan@yahoo.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Added DrawScrollButton, GetButtonState. 2008-06-09 Carlos Alberto Cortez <calberto.cortez@gmail.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: When calculating the display rectangle for TabPage elements, don't include TabControlSelectedDelta.Y as part of the page height, since it is only added ad the end (this is the way it's done in TabControl). This way having a lot of pages with Multiline as true doesn't add much extra space between the tab pages labels and the actual tab pages area. Fixes #393912. 2008-05-21 George Giolfan <georgegiolfan@yahoo.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Added HasHotElementStyles. 2008-05-19 George Giolfan <georgegiolfan@yahoo.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Refactored: Extracted DrawBackground. 2008-05-16 Carlos Alberto Cortez <calberto.cortez@gmail.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Use HotPrefix.Show as the value of StringFormat.HotPrefix when drawing the tab text. Fixes #355193. 2008-05-16 Carlos Alberto Cortez <calberto.cortez@gmail.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Use StringAlignment.Near as the value for StringFormat.Alignment when drawing the tab text. Fixes part of #352399. 2008-02-25 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * LabelPainter.cs: Take Padding into account when drawing the label text. 2008-01-23 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * LabelPainter.cs: Added. 2008-01-22 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * LinkLabelPainter.cs: Change Draw method to virtual. 2008-01-22 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * LinkLabelPainter.cs: Added. 2007-09-04 Everaldo Canuto <everaldo@simios.org> * CheckBoxPainter.cs: Adjust checkbox light color to ControlLightLight to mimic win32 look. Fixes #82656 (2.0). 2007-08-28 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * RadioButtonPainter.cs: Added. 2007-08-22 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * CheckBoxPainter.cs: Added. 2007-08-19 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Fix regression in default padding x. 2007-08-19 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Fix border thickness, padding and tab text format to be horizontal centralized. Fixes #82471. 2007-08-18 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Remove one vertical pixel from tab drawing, the bottom line was one pixel more than needed. 2007-07-26 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Adjust vertical image position on tab. Fixes #81837. 2007-07-26 Everaldo Canuto <ecanuto@novell.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Uses str_rect to draw text since it take in account the image size. Fixes #81836. 2007-07-20 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * ToolStripPainter.cs: Patch from Rolf. We weren't painting a Checked button as sunken. [Fixes bug #82151] 2007-07-16 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * ButtonPainter.cs: For flat buttons, draw mouse highlight when button is focused. Remove random extra rectangle. 2007-07-16 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * ButtonPainter.cs: For Flat button, if no mouse over / press backcolor is specified, calculate one from the normal backcolor. 2007-07-12 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * ButtonPainter.cs: For Flat button, if BorderSize is 0, don't draw the rectangle. Setting the pen's width to 1 isn't good enough, it still draws the border. [Fixes bug #82081] 2007-07-03 Jonathan Pobst <monkey@jpobst.com> * ToolStripPainter.cs: Added. This is where we paint toolstrips using the ToolStripSystemRenderer. 2007-05-04 Andreia Gaita <avidigal@novell.com> * TabControlPainter.cs: Use ControlPaint static methods instead of ThemeEngine ones (seeing as they're there and all :p ) 2007-04-15 Andreia Gaita <avidigal@novell.com> * ButtonPainter.cs: refactoring of the button drawing that was originally located in ThemeElementsDefault * TabControlPainter.cs: refactoring of the tabcontrol drawing code originally located in the ThemeWin32Classic. Also, fixes and changes: - replaced most hardcoded values with properties to make it easier to customize implementations. - fixed left and right alignment drawing problems - fixed flatbutton border drawing on left and right alignment - fixed #79619 - fixed paddings, spacings and positioning.