// System.Globalization.Calendar.cs
// (C) Ulrich Kunitz 2002
// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace System.Globalization {
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
/// The class serves as a base class for calendar classes.
[ComVisible (true)]
public abstract class Calendar : ICloneable
/// An protected integer property that gives the number of
/// days in a week. It might be overridden.
internal virtual int M_DaysInWeek
get { return 7; }
/// The protected method creates the string used in the
/// An object that represents the smallest
/// allowable value.
/// An object that represents the greatest allowable
/// value.
/// The string used in the
internal string M_ValidValues(object a, object b)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
sw.Write("Valid values are between {0} and {1}, inclusive.",
a, b);
return sw.ToString();
/// The protected method checks wether the parameter
/// is in the allowed range.
/// A string that gives the name of the
/// parameter to check.
/// An integer that gives the value to check.
/// An integer that represents the smallest allowed
/// value.
/// An integer that represents the greatest allowed
/// value.
/// The exception is thrown, if the is outside
/// the allowed range.
internal void M_ArgumentInRange(string param, int arg, int a, int b)
if (a <= arg && arg <= b)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(param, M_ValidValues(a, b));
/// The protected method, that checks whether
/// , ,
/// , and
/// are in their valid ranges
/// An integer that represents a hour,
/// should be between 0 and 23.
/// An integer that represents a minute,
/// should be between 0 and 59.
/// An integer that represents a second,
/// should be between 0 and 59.
/// An integer that represents a number
/// of milliseconds, should be between 0 and 999999.
/// The Exception is thrown, if one of the parameter is outside the
/// allowed the range.
internal void M_CheckHMSM(int hour, int minute, int second,
int milliseconds)
M_ArgumentInRange("hour", hour, 0, 23);
M_ArgumentInRange("minute", minute, 0, 59);
M_ArgumentInRange("second", second, 0, 59);
M_ArgumentInRange("milliseconds", milliseconds, 0, 999999);
/// A represantation of the CurrentEra.
public const int CurrentEra = 0;
/// When overridden gives the eras supported by the
/// calendar as an array of integers.
public abstract int[] Eras { get; }
bool m_isReadOnly;
public virtual CalendarAlgorithmType AlgorithmType {
get {
return CalendarAlgorithmType.Unknown;
public virtual DateTime MaxSupportedDateTime {
get {
return DateTime.MaxValue;
public virtual DateTime MinSupportedDateTime {
get {
return DateTime.MinValue;
// LAMESPEC: huh, why not Calendar but Object?
[ComVisible (false)]
public virtual object Clone ()
Calendar c = (Calendar) MemberwiseClone ();
c.m_isReadOnly = false;
return c;
[ComVisible (false)]
public virtual int GetLeapMonth (int year)
return GetLeapMonth (year, GetEra (ToDateTime (year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)));
[ComVisible (false)]
public virtual int GetLeapMonth (int year, int era)
int max = GetMonthsInYear (year, era);
for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++)
if (IsLeapMonth (year, i, era))
return i;
return 0;
[ComVisible (false)]
public bool IsReadOnly {
get { return m_isReadOnly; }
[ComVisible (false)]
public static Calendar ReadOnly (Calendar calendar)
if (calendar.m_isReadOnly)
return calendar;
Calendar c = (Calendar) calendar.Clone ();
c.m_isReadOnly = true;
return c;
internal void CheckReadOnly ()
if (m_isReadOnly)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("This Calendar is read-only.");
/// The protected member stores the value for the
/// property.
internal int twoDigitYearMax;
/// Private field containing the maximum year for the calendar.
private int M_MaxYearValue = 0;
/// Get-only property returing the maximum allowed year for this
/// class.
internal virtual int M_MaxYear {
get {
if (M_MaxYearValue == 0) {
M_MaxYearValue = GetYear(DateTime.MaxValue);
return M_MaxYearValue;
/// Checks whether the year is the era is valid, if era = CurrentEra
/// the right value is set.
/// The year to check.
/// The era to check.
/// The exception will be thrown, if the year is not valid.
internal virtual void M_CheckYE(int year, ref int era)
// By default, we do nothing.
// This used to be an abstract method in Mono's implementation,
// but that means that end-user code could not create their
// own calendars.
// Binaries would also crash in this condition.
/// The property gives the maximum value for years with two
/// digits. If the property has the value 2029, than the two-digit
/// integer 29 results in the year 2029 and 30 in the
/// year 1930.
/// It might be overridden.
public virtual int TwoDigitYearMax {
get { return twoDigitYearMax; }
set {
CheckReadOnly ();
M_ArgumentInRange("year", value, 100, M_MaxYear);
int era = CurrentEra;
M_CheckYE(value, ref era);
twoDigitYearMax = value;
/// The virtual method adds days to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// days.
/// The number of days to add.
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
public virtual DateTime AddDays(DateTime time, int days) {
return time.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(days));
/// The virtual method adds hours to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// hours.
/// The number of hours to add.
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
public virtual DateTime AddHours(DateTime time, int hours) {
return time.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(hours));
/// The virtual method adds milliseconds to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// milliseconds.
/// The number of milliseconds given as
/// double to add. Keep in mind the 100 nanosecond resolution of
/// .
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
public virtual DateTime AddMilliseconds(DateTime time,
double milliseconds)
return time.Add(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds));
/// The virtual method adds minutes to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// minutes.
/// The number of minutes to add.
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
public virtual DateTime AddMinutes(DateTime time, int minutes) {
return time.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutes));
/// When overrideden adds months to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// months.
/// The number of months to add.
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
public abstract DateTime AddMonths(DateTime time, int months);
/// The virtual method adds seconds to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// seconds.
/// The number of seconds to add.
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
public virtual DateTime AddSeconds(DateTime time, int seconds) {
return time.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds));
/// A wirtual method that adds weeks to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// weeks.
/// The number of weeks to add.
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
public virtual DateTime AddWeeks(DateTime time, int weeks) {
return time.AddDays(weeks * M_DaysInWeek);
/// When overrideden adds years to a given date.
/// The
/// to which to add
/// years.
/// The number of years to add.
/// A new value, that
/// results from adding to the specified
/// DateTime.
public abstract DateTime AddYears(DateTime time, int years);
/// When overriden gets the day of the month from
/// .
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer giving the day of months, starting with 1.
public abstract int GetDayOfMonth(DateTime time);
/// When overriden gets the day of the week from the specified date.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer giving the day of months, starting with 1.
public abstract DayOfWeek GetDayOfWeek(DateTime time);
/// When overridden gives the number of the day in the year.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer representing the day of the year,
/// starting with 1.
public abstract int GetDayOfYear(DateTime time);
/// A virtual method that gives the number of days of the specified
/// month of the and the
/// .
/// An integer that gives the year in the current
/// era.
/// An integer that gives the month, starting
/// with 1.
/// An integer that gives the number of days of the
/// specified month.
/// The exception is thrown, if or
/// is outside the allowed range.
public virtual int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month) {
return GetDaysInMonth(year, month, CurrentEra);
/// When overridden gives the number of days in the specified month
/// of the given year and era.
/// An integer that gives the year.
/// An integer that gives the month, starting
/// with 1.
/// An intger that gives the era of the specified
/// year.
/// An integer that gives the number of days of the
/// specified month.
/// The exception is thrown, if ,
/// ,or is outside
/// the allowed range.
public abstract int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month, int era);
/// A virtual method that gives the number of days of the specified
/// year of the .
/// An integer that gives the year in the current
/// era.
/// An integer that gives the number of days of the
/// specified year.
/// The exception is thrown, if
/// is outside the allowed range.
public virtual int GetDaysInYear(int year) {
return GetDaysInYear(year, CurrentEra);
/// When overridden gives the number of days of the specified
/// year of the given era..
/// An integer that specifies the year.
/// An ineger that specifies the era.
/// An integer that gives the number of days of the
/// specified year.
/// The exception is thrown, if
/// is outside the allowed range.
public abstract int GetDaysInYear(int year, int era);
/// When overridden gives the era of the specified date.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer representing the era of the calendar.
public abstract int GetEra(DateTime time);
/// Virtual method that gives the hour of the specified time.
/// The
/// that specifies the
/// time.
/// An integer that gives the hour of the specified time,
/// starting with 0.
public virtual int GetHour(DateTime time) {
return time.TimeOfDay.Hours;
/// Virtual method that gives the milliseconds in the current second
/// of the specified time.
/// The
/// that specifies the
/// time.
/// An integer that gives the milliseconds in the seconds
/// of the specified time, starting with 0.
public virtual double GetMilliseconds(DateTime time) {
return time.TimeOfDay.Milliseconds;
/// Virtual method that gives the minute of the specified time.
/// The
/// that specifies the
/// time.
/// An integer that gives the minute of the specified time,
/// starting with 0.
public virtual int GetMinute(DateTime time) {
return time.TimeOfDay.Minutes;
/// When overridden gives the number of the month of the specified
/// date.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer representing the month,
/// starting with 1.
public abstract int GetMonth(DateTime time);
/// Virtual method that gives the number of months of the specified
/// year of the .
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// current era.
/// An integer that gives the number of the months in the
/// specified year.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year is not allowed in the
/// current era.
public virtual int GetMonthsInYear(int year) {
return GetMonthsInYear(year, CurrentEra);
/// When overridden gives the number of months in the specified year
/// and era.
/// An integer that specifies the year.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// An integer that gives the number of the months in the
/// specified year.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year or the era are not valid.
public abstract int GetMonthsInYear(int year, int era);
/// Virtual method that gives the second of the specified time.
/// The
/// that specifies the
/// time.
/// An integer that gives the second of the specified time,
/// starting with 0.
public virtual int GetSecond(DateTime time) {
return time.TimeOfDay.Seconds;
/// A protected method to calculate the number of days between two
/// dates.
/// A
/// representing the first date.
/// A
/// representing the second date.
/// An integer that represents the difference of days
/// between and .
internal int M_DiffDays(DateTime timeA, DateTime timeB) {
long diff = timeA.Ticks - timeB.Ticks;
if (diff >= 0) {
return (int)(diff/TimeSpan.TicksPerDay);
diff += 1;
return -1 + (int)(diff/TimeSpan.TicksPerDay);
/// A protected method that gives the first day of the second week of
/// the year.
/// An integer that represents the year.
/// The
/// to be used for the calculation.
/// The
/// specifying the first day in a week.
/// The representing
/// the first day of the second week of the year.
internal DateTime M_GetFirstDayOfSecondWeekOfYear(
int year, CalendarWeekRule rule, DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek)
DateTime d1 = ToDateTime(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
int dow1 = (int)GetDayOfWeek(d1);
int fdow = (int)firstDayOfWeek;
int d = 0;
switch (rule) {
case CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay:
if (fdow > dow1) {
d += fdow - dow1;
else {
d += fdow + M_DaysInWeek - dow1;
case CalendarWeekRule.FirstFullWeek:
d = M_DaysInWeek;
if (fdow >= dow1) {
d += fdow - dow1;
else {
d += fdow + M_DaysInWeek - dow1;
case CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek:
int dow4 = (dow1 + 3)%M_DaysInWeek;
d = 3;
if (fdow > dow4) {
d += fdow - dow4;
else {
d += fdow + M_DaysInWeek - dow4;
return AddDays(d1, d);
/// A virtual method that gives the number of the week in the year.
/// A
/// representing the date.
/// The
/// to be used for the calculation.
/// The
/// specifying the first day in a week.
/// An integer representing the number of the week in the
/// year, starting with 1.
public virtual int GetWeekOfYear(DateTime time,
CalendarWeekRule rule,
DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek)
if (firstDayOfWeek < DayOfWeek.Sunday ||
DayOfWeek.Saturday < firstDayOfWeek)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("firstDayOfWeek",
"Value is not a valid day of week.");
int year = GetYear(time);
int days;
while (true) {
DateTime secondWeek = M_GetFirstDayOfSecondWeekOfYear(
year, rule, firstDayOfWeek);
days = M_DiffDays(time, secondWeek) + M_DaysInWeek;
if (days >= 0)
year -= 1;
return 1 + days/M_DaysInWeek;
/// When overridden gives the number of the year of the specified
/// date.
/// The
/// that specifies a
/// date.
/// An integer representing the year,
/// starting with 1.
public abstract int GetYear(DateTime time);
/// A virtual method that tells whether the given day in the
/// is a leap day.
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// current era.
/// An integer that specifies the month.
/// An integer that specifies the day.
/// A boolean that tells whether the given day is a leap
/// day.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year, month or day is not valid
/// the current era.
public virtual bool IsLeapDay(int year, int month, int day) {
return IsLeapDay(year, month, day, CurrentEra);
/// Tells when overridden whether the given day
/// is a leap day.
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// given era.
/// An integer that specifies the month.
/// An integer that specifies the day.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// A boolean that tells whether the given day is a leap
/// day.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year, month, day, or era is not
/// valid.
public abstract bool IsLeapDay(int year, int month, int day, int era);
/// A virtual method that tells whether the given month of the
/// specified year in the
/// is a leap month.
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// current era.
/// An integer that specifies the month.
/// A boolean that tells whether the given month is a leap
/// month.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year or month is not valid
/// the current era.
public virtual bool IsLeapMonth(int year, int month) {
return IsLeapMonth(year, month, CurrentEra);
/// Tells when overridden whether the given month
/// is a leap month.
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// given era.
/// An integer that specifies the month.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// A boolean that tells whether the given month is a leap
/// month.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year, month, or era is not
/// valid.
public abstract bool IsLeapMonth(int year, int month, int era);
/// A virtual method that tells whether the given year
/// in the
/// is a leap year.
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// current era.
/// A boolean that tells whether the given year is a leap
/// year.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year is not valid
/// the current era.
public virtual bool IsLeapYear(int year) {
return IsLeapYear(year, CurrentEra);
/// Tells when overridden whether the given year
/// is a leap year.
/// An integer that specifies the year in the
/// given era.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// A boolean that tells whether the given year is a leap
/// year.
/// The exception is thrown, if the year or era is not
/// valid.
public abstract bool IsLeapYear(int year, int era);
/// A virtual method that creates the
/// from the parameters.
/// An integer that gives the year in the
/// .
/// An integer that specifies the month.
/// An integer that specifies the day.
/// An integer that specifies the hour.
/// An integer that specifies the minute.
/// An integer that gives the second.
/// An integer that gives the
/// milliseconds.
/// A
/// representig the date and time.
/// The exception is thrown, if at least one of the parameters
/// is out of range.
public virtual DateTime ToDateTime(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond)
return ToDateTime (year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
millisecond, CurrentEra);
/// When overridden creates the
/// from the parameters.
/// An integer that gives the year in the
/// .
/// An integer that specifies the month.
/// An integer that specifies the day.
/// An integer that specifies the hour.
/// An integer that specifies the minute.
/// An integer that gives the second.
/// An integer that gives the
/// milliseconds.
/// An integer that specifies the era.
/// A
/// representig the date and time.
/// The exception is thrown, if at least one of the parameters
/// is out of range.
public abstract DateTime ToDateTime(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond,
int era);
/// A virtual method that converts a two-digit year to a four-digit
/// year. It uses the property.
/// An integer that gives the two-digit year.
/// An integer giving the four digit year.
/// The exception is thrown if the year is negative or the resulting
/// year is invalid.
public virtual int ToFourDigitYear(int year) {
if (year < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
"year", "Non-negative number required.");
/* seems not to be the right thing to do, but .NET is
* doing it this way.
if (year <= 99) {
int year2 = TwoDigitYearMax%100;
int d = year - year2;
year = TwoDigitYearMax + d + (d <= 0 ? 0 : -100);
int era = CurrentEra;
M_CheckYE(year, ref era);
return year;
// TwoDigitYearMax: Windows reads it from the Registry, we
// should have an XML file with the defaults
/// The default constructor, is sets the TwoDigitYearMax to 2029.
/// The .NET framework reads the value from the registry.
/// We should implement it here. Currently I set the default values
/// in the ctors of the derived classes, if it is 99.
protected Calendar() {
twoDigitYearMax = 99;
/// Protected field storing the abbreviated era names.
internal string[] M_AbbrEraNames;
/// Protected field storing the era names.
internal string[] M_EraNames;
/// The property stores the era names. It might be overwritten by
/// CultureInfo.
internal string[] AbbreviatedEraNames {
get {
if (M_AbbrEraNames == null ||
M_AbbrEraNames.Length != Eras.Length)
throw new Exception(
"Internal: M_AbbrEraNames " +
"wrong initialized!");
return (string[])M_AbbrEraNames.Clone();
set {
CheckReadOnly ();
if (value.Length != Eras.Length) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
sw.Write("Array length must be equal Eras " +
"length {0}.", Eras.Length);
throw new ArgumentException(
M_AbbrEraNames = (string[])value.Clone();
/// The property stores the era names. It might be overwritten by
/// CultureInfo.
internal string[] EraNames {
get {
if (M_EraNames == null || M_EraNames.Length != Eras.Length)
throw new Exception ("Internal: M_EraNames not initialized!");
return M_EraNames;
set {
CheckReadOnly ();
if (value.Length != Eras.Length) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
sw.Write("Array length must be equal Eras " +
"length {0}.", Eras.Length);
throw new ArgumentException(
M_EraNames = (string[])value.Clone();
#pragma warning disable 649
internal int m_currentEraValue; // Unused, by MS serializes this
#pragma warning restore 649
#if NET_4_5
protected virtual int DaysInYearBeforeMinSupportedYear {
return 365;