// // CommonCrypto code generator for digest algorithms // // Authors: // Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com> // // Copyright 2012-2014 Xamarin Inc. // using System; using System.IO; namespace Xamarin { public static class CommonDigest { #if !MONOTOUCH && !XAMMAC // we do not add anything in MonoTouch, just replacing, so this is not needed // however we can avoid a dependency on Mono.Security for Crimson.CommonCrypto.dll by including the base classes static public void GenerateBaseClass (string namespaceName, string typeName, string baseTypeName, int hashSize, string visibilityStart = "", string visibilityEnd = "") { string template = @"// Generated file to bind CommonCrypto/CommonDigest - DO NOT EDIT // // Authors: // Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com> // // Copyright 2012-2014 Xamarin Inc. using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace %NAMESPACE% { %VISIBILITY_START% public %VISIBILITY_END% abstract class %BASE% : HashAlgorithm { protected %BASE% () { HashSizeValue = %HASHSIZE%; } public static new %BASE% Create () { return Create (""%BASE%""); } public static new %BASE% Create (string hashName) { object o = CryptoConfig.CreateFromName (hashName); return (%BASE%) o ?? new %TYPE% (); } } }"; File.WriteAllText (baseTypeName + ".g.cs", template.Replace ("%NAMESPACE%", namespaceName). Replace ("%TYPE%", typeName).Replace ("%BASE%", baseTypeName). Replace ("%VISIBILITY_START%", visibilityStart).Replace ("%VISIBILITY_END%", visibilityEnd). Replace ("%HASHSIZE%", hashSize.ToString ())); } #endif static public void Generate (string namespaceName, string typeName, string baseTypeName, int contextSize, string visibilityStart = "", string visibilityEnd = "") { string template = @"// Generated file to bind CommonCrypto/CommonDigest - DO NOT EDIT // // Authors: // Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com> // // Copyright 2011-2014 Xamarin Inc. using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Mono.Security.Cryptography; namespace %NAMESPACE% { %VISIBILITY_START% public %VISIBILITY_END% sealed class %TYPE% : %BASE% { IntPtr ctx; [DllImport (""/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib"", EntryPoint=""CC_%BASE%_Init"")] static extern int Init (/* CC_%BASE%_CTX */ IntPtr c); [DllImport (""/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib"", EntryPoint=""CC_%BASE%_Update"")] static extern int Update (/* CC_%BASE%_CTX */ IntPtr c, /* const void * */ IntPtr data, /* uint32_t */ uint len); [DllImport (""/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib"", EntryPoint=""CC_%BASE%_Final"")] static extern int Final (/* unsigned char * */ byte [] md, /* CC_%BASE%_CTX */ IntPtr c); public %TYPE% () { ctx = IntPtr.Zero; } ~%TYPE% () { Dispose (false); } protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (ctx != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal (ctx); ctx = IntPtr.Zero; } base.Dispose (disposing); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } public override void Initialize () { if (ctx == IntPtr.Zero) ctx = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (%CTX_SIZE%); int hr = Init (ctx); if (hr != 1) throw new CryptographicException (hr); } protected override void HashCore (byte[] data, int start, int length) { if (ctx == IntPtr.Zero) Initialize (); if (data.Length == 0) return; unsafe { fixed (byte* p = &data [0]) { int hr = Update (ctx, (IntPtr) (p + start), (uint) length); if (hr != 1) throw new CryptographicException (hr); } } } protected override byte[] HashFinal () { if (ctx == IntPtr.Zero) Initialize (); byte[] data = new byte [HashSize >> 3]; int hr = Final (data, ctx); if (hr != 1) throw new CryptographicException (hr); return data; } } }"; File.WriteAllText (typeName + ".g.cs", template.Replace ("%NAMESPACE%", namespaceName). Replace ("%TYPE%", typeName).Replace ("%BASE%", baseTypeName). Replace ("%VISIBILITY_START%", visibilityStart).Replace ("%VISIBILITY_END%", visibilityEnd). Replace ("%CTX_SIZE%", contextSize.ToString ())); } } }