// // Copyright (c) 2006 Mainsoft Co. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.OracleClient ; using System.Collections; using MonoTests.System.Data.Utils; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Data.OracleClient { [TestFixture] public class OracleConnection_ConnectionString : GHTBase { private Exception exp = null; private OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); public static void Main() { OracleConnection_ConnectionString tc = new OracleConnection_ConnectionString(); Exception exp = null; try { tc.BeginTest("OracleConnection_ConnectionString"); tc.run(); } catch(Exception ex){exp = ex;} finally {tc.EndTest(exp);} } public void run() { SetConnectionString(); ConstractorWithConnectionString(); DB2MissingProperties(); TestCaseForBug3925(); } #region Tests [Test] public void DB2MissingProperties() { if (ConnectedDataProvider.GetDbType() != DataBaseServer.DB2) { Log("The 'DB2MissingProperties' subtest did not ran because it is relevant only for runs on DB2." ); return; } string[] propsToUse; string description; //The complete list of properties is: //Provider, Password, User ID, Data Source, HostName, Port, Location, retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage description = "Test connection string without 'retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage'"; propsToUse = new string[] {"Provider", "Password", "User ID", "Data Source", "HostName", "Port", "Location"}; DoTestWithSpecificProperties(propsToUse, description); description = "Test connection string without 'HostName'"; propsToUse = new string[] {"Provider", "Password", "User ID", "Data Source", "Port", "Location", "retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage"}; DoTestWithSpecificProperties(propsToUse, description); description = "Test connection string without 'Port'"; propsToUse = new string[] {"Provider", "Password", "User ID", "Data Source", "HostName", "Location", "retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage"}; DoTestWithSpecificProperties(propsToUse, description); description = "Test connection string without 'Location'"; propsToUse = new string[] {"Provider", "Password", "User ID", "Data Source", "HostName", "Port", "retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage"}; DoTestWithSpecificProperties(propsToUse, description); description = "Test connection string without 'HostName' & 'Port'"; propsToUse = new string[] {"Provider", "Password", "User ID", "Data Source", "Location", "retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage"}; DoTestWithSpecificProperties(propsToUse, description); } void DoTestWithSpecificProperties(string[] propsToUse, string description) { try { BeginCase(description); exp = null; Hashtable connectionProps = GetConnectionStringProps(ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString); string actualConString = CreateConStringWithProps(propsToUse, connectionProps); con = new OracleConnection(actualConString); con.Open(); Compare(con.State, ConnectionState.Open); } catch(Exception ex) { exp = ex; } finally { EndCase(exp); exp=null; if (con != null && con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } } } [Test] public void ConstractorWithConnectionString() { con = new OracleConnection(MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString); try { BeginCase("Constructor with ConnectionString"); Compare(con.ConnectionString, MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString); } catch(Exception ex) { exp = ex; } finally { EndCase(exp); exp = null; } } [Test] public void SetConnectionString() { con.ConnectionString = MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString; try { BeginCase("Set ConnectionString"); Compare(con.ConnectionString, MonoTests.System.Data.Utils.ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString); } catch(Exception ex) { exp = ex; } finally { EndCase(exp); exp = null; } } [Test] #if !JAVA [Category ("NotWorking")] #endif public void TestCaseForBug3925() { exp=null; try { BeginCase("Test Case for bug #3925"); if (ConnectedDataProvider.GetDbType() != DataBaseServer.SQLServer) { Skip("This test currently runs only on SQLServer in java."); return; } Hashtable conProps = GetConnectionStringProps(ConnectedDataProvider.ConnectionString); string server = (string)conProps["Data Source"]; string user = (string)conProps["User Id"]; string password = (string)conProps["Password"]; string database = (string)conProps["Initial Catalog"]; string jdbcUrlTemplate = "JdbcDriverClassName=com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver;JdbcURL=\"jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://{0};User={1};Password={2};DatabaseName={3}\""; string conStr = string.Format(jdbcUrlTemplate, server, user, password, database); con = new OracleConnection(conStr); con.Open(); Compare(ConnectionState.Open, con.State); } catch (Exception ex) { exp = ex; } finally { EndCase(exp); exp = null; if (con != null && con.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Close(); } } } #endregion #region Utilities private string CreateConStringWithProps(string[] propsToUse, Hashtable connectionProps) { StringBuilder actualConStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach(string prop in propsToUse) { string propString = string.Format("{0}={1}", prop, connectionProps[prop]); actualConStringBuilder.Append(propString); actualConStringBuilder.Append(";"); } return actualConStringBuilder.ToString(); } private Hashtable GetConnectionStringProps(string connectionString) { string[] connectionStringProps = connectionString.Split(';'); Hashtable connectionProps = new Hashtable(); foreach(string prop in connectionStringProps) { string[] keyValue = prop.Split('='); if (keyValue.Length == 2) { connectionProps.Add(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]); } else { connectionProps.Add(prop, prop); } } return connectionProps; } #endregion } }