System.ServiceModel System.Object The and the classes expose the runtime customization points for endpoints in a service. The can be used to control which messages it can process and some endpoint-related information. The has a large number of properties used to insert custom extensions into the endpoint-wide runtime. The object is responsible for processing messages from a when the destination address of a message matches the property and the message action matches the property. If two objects can accept a message, the property value determines the higher priority endpoint. Use the object to configure or extend the process of receiving messages from the associated , converting from message objects to objects used as parameters, and invoking an endpoint operation as well as the reverse process. Typically, the for an endpoint is obtained by implementing the interface, but you can access the from the other behavior interfaces. You can use the following properties: The property allows you to get or set a object that the uses to identify whether the endpoint can process a particular message. The property gets the associated object, which sends and receives messages to and from the and which can be used to inspect or modify other channel-related values and behaviors. The gets the object that is used to identify whether a message is destined for this contract. The and properties return the name and namespace of the endpoint contract. The property returns the object that you can use to modify run-time values or insert custom run-time extensions for the entire endpoint. The property gets the address of the endpoint. The property returns the priority of the composite filter that the uses to establish which endpoint is to handle the message. Represents the run-time object that exposes properties that enable the insertion of run-time extensions or modifications for messages in service applications. Constructor Use this constructor to create an endpoint that is not in the description. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified address, contract name, and contract namespace. The endpoint address. The name of the endpoint contract. The namespace of the endpoint contract. Property System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageFilter To be added. The has an for each endpoint the channel can support. The property is a object that matches the destination endpoint address of the message. The combines the value with the value to determine whether to route a message to this endpoint. In the case where two objects that match can process a message, the property is used to select an endpoint. Gets or sets a object that is used to identify whether a particular message is destined for the endpoint address. Property System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ChannelDispatcher To be added. The object receives a message from a channel and uses the , , and properties to determine by which endpoint the message is processed. Gets the associated object, which can be used to inspect or modify other channel-related values and behaviors. Property System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageFilter To be added. The property is a object that is matched against the action of a message. The combines the value with the value to determine whether to route a message to this endpoint. In the case where two objects that match can process a message, the property is used to select an endpoint. Gets or sets the object that is used to identify whether a message is destined for this contract. Property System.String To be added. To be added. Gets the endpoint contract name. Property System.String To be added. To be added. Gets the namespace of the endpoint contract. Property System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchRuntime To be added. Use the property to obtain the object to modify run-time values or insert custom run-time extensions for the entire endpoint. From the property, you can also navigate to the collection for the endpoint. Gets the object used to inspect, modify, or extend run-time behavior across a service endpoint or a client callback endpoint. Property System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress To be added. To be added. Gets the address of the endpoint. Property System.Int32 To be added. The combines the value with the value to determine whether to route a message to this endpoint. In the case where two objects that match can process a message, the property is used to select an endpoint. If two endpoints can process a message and the value of their property matches, a is thrown. Gets or sets the priority of the and the combination when the is selecting endpoints. Property System.Boolean To be added. To be added. Gets a value that indicates whether the endpoint is created internally by the server and not by the user.