// HtmlAgilityPack V1.0 - Simon Mourier
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace HtmlAgilityPack
/// Represents an HTML attribute.
[DebuggerDisplay("Name: {OriginalName}, Value: {Value}")]
public class HtmlAttribute : IComparable
#region Fields
private int _line;
internal int _lineposition;
internal string _name;
internal int _namelength;
internal int _namestartindex;
internal HtmlDocument _ownerdocument; // attribute can exists without a node
internal HtmlNode _ownernode;
private AttributeValueQuote _quoteType = AttributeValueQuote.DoubleQuote;
internal int _streamposition;
internal string _value;
internal int _valuelength;
internal int _valuestartindex;
#region Constructors
internal HtmlAttribute(HtmlDocument ownerdocument)
_ownerdocument = ownerdocument;
#region Properties
/// Gets the line number of this attribute in the document.
public int Line
get { return _line; }
internal set { _line = value; }
/// Gets the column number of this attribute in the document.
public int LinePosition
get { return _lineposition; }
/// Gets the qualified name of the attribute.
public string Name
if (_name == null)
_name = _ownerdocument._text.Substring(_namestartindex, _namelength);
return _name.ToLower();
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
_name = value;
if (_ownernode != null)
_ownernode._innerchanged = true;
_ownernode._outerchanged = true;
/// Name of attribute with original case
public string OriginalName
get { return _name; }
/// Gets the HTML document to which this attribute belongs.
public HtmlDocument OwnerDocument
get { return _ownerdocument; }
/// Gets the HTML node to which this attribute belongs.
public HtmlNode OwnerNode
get { return _ownernode; }
/// Specifies what type of quote the data should be wrapped in
public AttributeValueQuote QuoteType
get { return _quoteType; }
set { _quoteType = value; }
/// Gets the stream position of this attribute in the document, relative to the start of the document.
public int StreamPosition
get { return _streamposition; }
/// Gets or sets the value of the attribute.
public string Value
if (_value == null)
_value = _ownerdocument._text.Substring(_valuestartindex, _valuelength);
return _value;
_value = value;
if (_ownernode != null)
_ownernode._innerchanged = true;
_ownernode._outerchanged = true;
internal string XmlName
get { return HtmlDocument.GetXmlName(Name); }
internal string XmlValue
get { return Value; }
/// Gets a valid XPath string that points to this Attribute
public string XPath
string basePath = (OwnerNode == null) ? "/" : OwnerNode.XPath + "/";
return basePath + GetRelativeXpath();
#region IComparable Members
/// Compares the current instance with another attribute. Comparison is based on attributes' name.
/// An attribute to compare with this instance.
/// A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the names comparison.
public int CompareTo(object obj)
HtmlAttribute att = obj as HtmlAttribute;
if (att == null)
throw new ArgumentException("obj");
return Name.CompareTo(att.Name);
#region Public Methods
/// Creates a duplicate of this attribute.
/// The cloned attribute.
public HtmlAttribute Clone()
HtmlAttribute att = new HtmlAttribute(_ownerdocument);
att.Name = Name;
att.Value = Value;
return att;
/// Removes this attribute from it's parents collection
public void Remove()
#region Private Methods
private string GetRelativeXpath()
if (OwnerNode == null)
return Name;
int i = 1;
foreach (HtmlAttribute node in OwnerNode.Attributes)
if (node.Name != Name) continue;
if (node == this)
return "@" + Name + "[" + i + "]";
/// An Enum representing different types of Quotes used for surrounding attribute values
public enum AttributeValueQuote
/// A single quote mark '
/// A double quote mark "