using System;

delegate void D ();

class X {

	public static int Main ()
		X x = new X();
		x.M (10);
		e ();
		Console.WriteLine ("J should be 11= {0}", j);
		e ();
                Console.WriteLine ("J should be 11= {0}", j);
		x.M (100);
		e ();
                Console.WriteLine ("J should be 101= {0}", j);
		if (j != 101)
			return 3;
		Console.WriteLine ("OK");
		return 0;

	static int j;
	static D e;
	void M (int a)
		Console.WriteLine ("A is=" + a);	
		D d = delegate {
			int b;
			b = 1;
			e = delegate {
					Console.WriteLine ("IN NESTED DELEGATE: {0}", a);
					j = a + b;
		d ();