System.ServiceModel System.Object This type defines the basic settings for a custom peer resolver service, including the endpoint address of the peer hosting the service and any specific binding settings. These settings are typically provided to the property. Contains the specific settings for an instance of a custom peer resolver service. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. Property System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the endpoint address of the peer node hosting the custom peer resolver service. Property System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding To be added. This binding element provides the specification for building a channel factory on the client and a channel listener on the service. This channel factory is used to produce channels for the custom peer resolver service. Gets or sets the channel binding used by the custom peer resolver service. Property System.Boolean To be added. To be added. Gets whether the property is set. Property System.ServiceModel.PeerResolver To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the custom peer resolver instance for this service.