// // XmlBinaryDictionaryWriter.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi@ximian.com> // // Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 Novell, Inc. http://www.novell.com // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BF = System.Xml.XmlBinaryFormat; namespace System.Xml { internal partial class XmlBinaryDictionaryWriter : XmlDictionaryWriter { class MyBinaryWriter : BinaryWriter { public MyBinaryWriter (Stream s) : base (s) { } public void WriteFlexibleInt (int value) { Write7BitEncodedInt (value); } } #region Fields MyBinaryWriter original, writer, buffer_writer; IXmlDictionary dict_ext; XmlDictionary dict_int = new XmlDictionary (); XmlBinaryWriterSession session; bool owns_stream; Encoding utf8Enc = new UTF8Encoding (); MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream (); const string XmlNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"; const string XmlnsNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"; WriteState state = WriteState.Start; bool open_start_element = false; // transient current node info List<KeyValuePair<string,object>> namespaces = new List<KeyValuePair<string,object>> (); string xml_lang = null; XmlSpace xml_space = XmlSpace.None; int ns_index = 0; // stacked info Stack<int> ns_index_stack = new Stack<int> (); Stack<string> xml_lang_stack = new Stack<string> (); Stack<XmlSpace> xml_space_stack = new Stack<XmlSpace> (); Stack<string> element_ns_stack = new Stack<string> (); string element_ns = String.Empty; int element_count; string element_prefix; // only meaningful at Element state // current attribute info string attr_value; string current_attr_prefix; object current_attr_name, current_attr_ns; bool attr_typed_value; SaveTarget save_target; enum SaveTarget { None, Namespaces, XmlLang, XmlSpace } // XmlWriterSettings support #endregion #region Constructors public XmlBinaryDictionaryWriter (Stream stream, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlBinaryWriterSession session, bool ownsStream) { if (dictionary == null) dictionary = new XmlDictionary (); if (session == null) session = new XmlBinaryWriterSession (); original = new MyBinaryWriter (stream); this.writer = original; buffer_writer = new MyBinaryWriter (buffer); this.dict_ext = dictionary; this.session = session; owns_stream = ownsStream; AddNamespace ("xml", "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"); AddNamespace ("xml", "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"); ns_index = 2; } #endregion #region Properties public override WriteState WriteState { get { return state; } } public override string XmlLang { get { return xml_lang; } } public override XmlSpace XmlSpace { get { return xml_space; } } #endregion #region Methods private void AddMissingElementXmlns () { // push new namespaces to manager. for (int i = ns_index; i < namespaces.Count; i++) { var ent = namespaces [i]; string prefix = (string) ent.Key; string ns = ent.Value as string; XmlDictionaryString dns = ent.Value as XmlDictionaryString; if (ns != null) { if (prefix.Length > 0) { writer.Write (BF.PrefixNSString); writer.Write (prefix); } else writer.Write (BF.DefaultNSString); writer.Write (ns); } else { if (prefix.Length > 0) { writer.Write (BF.PrefixNSIndex); writer.Write (prefix); } else writer.Write (BF.DefaultNSIndex); WriteDictionaryIndex (dns); } } ns_index = namespaces.Count; } private void CheckState () { if (state == WriteState.Closed) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("The Writer is closed."); } } void ProcessStateForContent () { CheckState (); if (state == WriteState.Element) CloseStartElement (); ProcessPendingBuffer (false, false); if (state != WriteState.Attribute) writer = buffer_writer; } void ProcessTypedValue () { ProcessStateForContent (); if (state == WriteState.Attribute) { if (attr_typed_value) throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ("A typed value for the attribute '{0}' in namespace '{1}' was already written", current_attr_name, current_attr_ns)); attr_typed_value = true; } } void ProcessPendingBuffer (bool last, bool endElement) { if (buffer.Position > 0) { byte [] arr = buffer.GetBuffer (); if (endElement) arr [0]++; original.Write (arr, 0, (int) buffer.Position); buffer.SetLength (0); } if (last) writer = original; } public override void Close () { CloseOpenAttributeAndElements (); if (owns_stream) writer.Close (); else if (state != WriteState.Closed) writer.Flush (); state = WriteState.Closed; } private void CloseOpenAttributeAndElements () { CloseStartElement (); while (element_count > 0) WriteEndElement (); } private void CloseStartElement () { if (!open_start_element) return; if (state == WriteState.Attribute) WriteEndAttribute (); AddMissingElementXmlns (); state = WriteState.Content; open_start_element = false; } public override void Flush () { writer.Flush (); } public override string LookupPrefix (string ns) { if (ns == null || ns == String.Empty) throw new ArgumentException ("The Namespace cannot be empty."); var de = namespaces.LastOrDefault (i => i.Value.ToString () == ns); return de.Key; // de is KeyValuePair and its default key is null. } public override void WriteBase64 (byte[] buffer, int index, int count) { if (count < 0) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException ("Negative count"); ProcessStateForContent (); if (count < 0x100) { writer.Write (BF.Bytes8); writer.Write ((byte) count); writer.Write (buffer, index, count); } else if (count < 0x10000) { writer.Write (BF.Bytes8); writer.Write ((ushort) count); writer.Write (buffer, index, count); } else { writer.Write (BF.Bytes32); writer.Write (count); writer.Write (buffer, index, count); } } public override void WriteCData (string text) { if (text.IndexOf ("]]>") >= 0) throw new ArgumentException ("CDATA section cannot contain text \"]]>\"."); ProcessStateForContent (); WriteTextBinary (text); } public override void WriteCharEntity (char ch) { WriteChars (new char [] {ch}, 0, 1); } public override void WriteChars (char[] buffer, int index, int count) { ProcessStateForContent (); int blen = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount (buffer, index, count); if (blen == 0) writer.Write (BF.EmptyText); else if (count == 1 && buffer [0] == '0') writer.Write (BF.Zero); else if (count == 1 && buffer [0] == '1') writer.Write (BF.One); else if (blen < 0x100) { writer.Write (BF.Chars8); writer.Write ((byte) blen); writer.Write (buffer, index, count); } else if (blen < 0x10000) { writer.Write (BF.Chars16); writer.Write ((ushort) blen); writer.Write (buffer, index, count); } else { writer.Write (BF.Chars32); writer.Write (blen); writer.Write (buffer, index, count); } } public override void WriteComment (string text) { if (text.EndsWith("-")) throw new ArgumentException ("An XML comment cannot contain \"--\" inside."); else if (text.IndexOf("--") > 0) throw new ArgumentException ("An XML comment cannot end with \"-\"."); ProcessStateForContent (); if (state == WriteState.Attribute) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Comment node is not allowed inside an attribute"); writer.Write (BF.Comment); writer.Write (text); } public override void WriteDocType (string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) { throw new NotSupportedException ("This XmlWriter implementation does not support document type."); } public override void WriteEndAttribute () { if (state != WriteState.Attribute) throw new InvalidOperationException("Token EndAttribute in state Start would result in an invalid XML document."); CheckState (); if (attr_value == null) attr_value = String.Empty; switch (save_target) { case SaveTarget.XmlLang: xml_lang = attr_value; goto default; case SaveTarget.XmlSpace: switch (attr_value) { case "preserve": xml_space = XmlSpace.Preserve; break; case "default": xml_space = XmlSpace.Default; break; default: throw new ArgumentException (String.Format ("Invalid xml:space value: '{0}'", attr_value)); } goto default; case SaveTarget.Namespaces: if (current_attr_name.ToString ().Length > 0 && attr_value.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot use prefix with an empty namespace."); AddNamespaceChecked (current_attr_name.ToString (), attr_value); break; default: if (!attr_typed_value) WriteTextBinary (attr_value); break; } if (current_attr_prefix.Length > 0 && save_target != SaveTarget.Namespaces) AddNamespaceChecked (current_attr_prefix, current_attr_ns); state = WriteState.Element; current_attr_prefix = null; current_attr_name = null; current_attr_ns = null; attr_value = null; attr_typed_value = false; } public override void WriteEndDocument () { CloseOpenAttributeAndElements (); switch (state) { case WriteState.Start: throw new InvalidOperationException ("Document has not started."); case WriteState.Prolog: throw new ArgumentException ("This document does not have a root element."); } state = WriteState.Start; } bool SupportsCombinedEndElementSupport (byte operation) { switch (operation) { case BF.Comment: return false; } return true; } public override void WriteEndElement () { if (element_count-- == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("There was no XML start tag open."); if (state == WriteState.Attribute) WriteEndAttribute (); // Comment+EndElement does not exist bool needExplicitEndElement = buffer.Position == 0 || !SupportsCombinedEndElementSupport (buffer.GetBuffer () [0]); ProcessPendingBuffer (true, !needExplicitEndElement); CheckState (); AddMissingElementXmlns (); if (needExplicitEndElement) writer.Write (BF.EndElement); element_ns = element_ns_stack.Pop (); xml_lang = xml_lang_stack.Pop (); xml_space = xml_space_stack.Pop (); int cur = namespaces.Count; ns_index = ns_index_stack.Pop (); namespaces.RemoveRange (ns_index, cur - ns_index); open_start_element = false; Depth--; } public override void WriteEntityRef (string name) { throw new NotSupportedException ("This XmlWriter implementation does not support entity references."); } public override void WriteFullEndElement () { WriteEndElement (); } public override void WriteProcessingInstruction (string name, string text) { if (name != "xml") throw new ArgumentException ("Processing instructions are not supported. ('xml' is allowed for XmlDeclaration; this is because of design problem of ECMA XmlWriter)"); // Otherwise, silently ignored. WriteStartDocument() // is still callable after this method(!) } public override void WriteQualifiedName (XmlDictionaryString local, XmlDictionaryString ns) { string prefix = namespaces.LastOrDefault (i => i.Value.ToString () == ns.ToString ()).Key; bool use_dic = prefix != null; if (prefix == null) prefix = LookupPrefix (ns.Value); if (prefix == null) throw new ArgumentException (String.Format ("Namespace URI '{0}' is not bound to any of the prefixes", ns)); ProcessTypedValue (); if (use_dic && prefix.Length == 1) { writer.Write (BF.QNameIndex); writer.Write ((byte) (prefix [0] - 'a')); WriteDictionaryIndex (local); } else { // QNameIndex is not applicable. WriteString (prefix); WriteString (":"); WriteString (local); } } public override void WriteRaw (string data) { WriteString (data); } public override void WriteRaw (char[] buffer, int index, int count) { WriteChars (buffer, index, count); } void CheckStateForAttribute () { CheckState (); if (state != WriteState.Element) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Token StartAttribute in state " + WriteState + " would result in an invalid XML document."); } string CreateNewPrefix () { return CreateNewPrefix (String.Empty); } string CreateNewPrefix (string p) { for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) if (!namespaces.Any (iter => iter.Key == p + c)) return p + c; for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) { var s = CreateNewPrefix (c.ToString ()); if (s != null) return s; } throw new InvalidOperationException ("too many prefix population"); } bool CollectionContains (ICollection col, string value) { foreach (string v in col) if (v == value) return true; return false; } void ProcessStartAttributeCommon (ref string prefix, string localName, string ns, object nameObj, object nsObj) { // dummy prefix is created here, while the caller // still uses empty string as the prefix there. if (prefix.Length == 0 && ns.Length > 0) { prefix = LookupPrefix (ns); // Not only null but also ""; when the returned // string is empty, then it still needs a dummy // prefix, since default namespace does not // apply to attribute if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (prefix)) prefix = CreateNewPrefix (); } else if (prefix.Length > 0 && ns.Length == 0) { switch (prefix) { case "xml": nsObj = ns = XmlNamespace; break; case "xmlns": nsObj = ns = XmlnsNamespace; break; default: throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot use prefix with an empty namespace."); } } // here we omit such cases that it is used for writing // namespace-less xml, unlike XmlTextWriter. if (prefix == "xmlns" && ns != XmlnsNamespace) throw new ArgumentException (String.Format ("The 'xmlns' attribute is bound to the reserved namespace '{0}'", XmlnsNamespace)); CheckStateForAttribute (); state = WriteState.Attribute; save_target = SaveTarget.None; switch (prefix) { case "xml": // MS.NET looks to allow other names than // lang and space (e.g. xml:link, xml:hack). ns = XmlNamespace; switch (localName) { case "lang": save_target = SaveTarget.XmlLang; break; case "space": save_target = SaveTarget.XmlSpace; break; } break; case "xmlns": save_target = SaveTarget.Namespaces; break; } current_attr_prefix = prefix; current_attr_name = nameObj; current_attr_ns = nsObj; } public override void WriteStartAttribute (string prefix, string localName, string ns) { if (prefix == null) prefix = String.Empty; if (ns == null) ns = String.Empty; if (localName == "xmlns" && prefix.Length == 0) { prefix = "xmlns"; localName = String.Empty; } ProcessStartAttributeCommon (ref prefix, localName, ns, localName, ns); // for namespace nodes we don't write attribute node here. if (save_target == SaveTarget.Namespaces) return; byte op = prefix.Length == 1 && 'a' <= prefix [0] && prefix [0] <= 'z' ? (byte) (prefix [0] - 'a' + BF.PrefixNAttrStringStart) : prefix.Length == 0 ? BF.AttrString : BF.AttrStringPrefix; if (BF.PrefixNAttrStringStart <= op && op <= BF.PrefixNAttrStringEnd) { writer.Write (op); writer.Write (localName); } else { writer.Write (op); if (prefix.Length > 0) writer.Write (prefix); writer.Write (localName); } } public override void WriteStartDocument () { WriteStartDocument (false); } public override void WriteStartDocument (bool standalone) { if (state != WriteState.Start) throw new InvalidOperationException("WriteStartDocument should be the first call."); CheckState (); // write nothing to stream. state = WriteState.Prolog; } void PrepareStartElement () { ProcessPendingBuffer (true, false); CheckState (); CloseStartElement (); Depth++; element_ns_stack.Push (element_ns); xml_lang_stack.Push (xml_lang); xml_space_stack.Push (xml_space); ns_index_stack.Push (ns_index); } public override void WriteStartElement (string prefix, string localName, string ns) { PrepareStartElement (); if ((prefix != null && prefix != String.Empty) && ((ns == null) || (ns == String.Empty))) throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot use a prefix with an empty namespace."); if (ns == null) ns = String.Empty; if (ns == String.Empty) prefix = String.Empty; if (prefix == null) prefix = String.Empty; byte op = prefix.Length == 1 && 'a' <= prefix [0] && prefix [0] <= 'z' ? (byte) (prefix [0] - 'a' + BF.PrefixNElemStringStart) : prefix.Length == 0 ? BF.ElemString : BF.ElemStringPrefix; if (BF.PrefixNElemStringStart <= op && op <= BF.PrefixNElemStringEnd) { writer.Write (op); writer.Write (localName); } else { writer.Write (op); if (prefix.Length > 0) writer.Write (prefix); writer.Write (localName); } OpenElement (prefix, ns); } void OpenElement (string prefix, object nsobj) { string ns = nsobj.ToString (); state = WriteState.Element; open_start_element = true; element_prefix = prefix; element_count++; element_ns = nsobj.ToString (); if (element_ns != String.Empty && LookupPrefix (element_ns) != prefix) AddNamespace (prefix, nsobj); } void AddNamespace (string prefix, object nsobj) { namespaces.Add (new KeyValuePair<string,object> (prefix, nsobj)); } void CheckIfTextAllowed () { switch (state) { case WriteState.Start: case WriteState.Prolog: throw new InvalidOperationException ("Token content in state Prolog would result in an invalid XML document."); } } public override void WriteString (string text) { if (text == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("text"); CheckIfTextAllowed (); if (text == null) text = String.Empty; ProcessStateForContent (); if (state == WriteState.Attribute) attr_value += text; else WriteTextBinary (text); } public override void WriteString (XmlDictionaryString text) { if (text == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("text"); CheckIfTextAllowed (); if (text == null) text = XmlDictionaryString.Empty; ProcessStateForContent (); if (state == WriteState.Attribute) attr_value += text.Value; else if (text.Equals (XmlDictionary.Empty)) writer.Write (BF.EmptyText); else { writer.Write (BF.TextIndex); WriteDictionaryIndex (text); } } public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity (char lowChar, char highChar) { WriteChars (new char [] {highChar, lowChar}, 0, 2); } public override void WriteWhitespace (string ws) { for (int i = 0; i < ws.Length; i++) { switch (ws [i]) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': continue; default: throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid Whitespace"); } } ProcessStateForContent (); WriteTextBinary (ws); } public override void WriteXmlnsAttribute (string prefix, string namespaceUri) { if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (prefix)) prefix = CreateNewPrefix (); CheckStateForAttribute (); AddNamespaceChecked (prefix, namespaceUri); state = WriteState.Element; } void AddNamespaceChecked (string prefix, object ns) { switch (ns.ToString ()) { case XmlnsNamespace: case XmlNamespace: return; } if (prefix == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); var o = namespaces.LastOrDefault (i => i.Key == prefix); if (o.Key != null) { // i.e. exists if (o.Value.ToString () != ns.ToString ()) { if (namespaces.LastIndexOf (o) >= ns_index) throw new ArgumentException (String.Format ("The prefix '{0}' is already mapped to another namespace URI '{1}' in this element scope and cannot be mapped to '{2}'", prefix ?? "(null)", o.Value ?? "(null)", ns.ToString ())); else AddNamespace (prefix, ns); } } else AddNamespace (prefix, ns); } #region DictionaryString void WriteDictionaryIndex (XmlDictionaryString ds) { XmlDictionaryString ds2; bool isSession = false; int idx = ds.Key; if (ds.Dictionary != dict_ext) { isSession = true; if (dict_int.TryLookup (ds.Value, out ds2)) ds = ds2; if (!session.TryLookup (ds, out idx)) session.TryAdd (dict_int.Add (ds.Value), out idx); } if (idx >= 0x80) { writer.Write ((byte) (0x80 + ((idx % 0x80) << 1) + (isSession ? 1 : 0))); writer.Write ((byte) ((byte) (idx / 0x80) << 1)); } else writer.Write ((byte) (((idx % 0x80) << 1) + (isSession ? 1 : 0))); } public override void WriteStartElement (string prefix, XmlDictionaryString localName, XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { PrepareStartElement (); if (prefix == null) prefix = String.Empty; byte op = prefix.Length == 1 && 'a' <= prefix [0] && prefix [0] <= 'z' ? (byte) (prefix [0] - 'a' + BF.PrefixNElemIndexStart) : prefix.Length == 0 ? BF.ElemIndex : BF.ElemIndexPrefix; if (BF.PrefixNElemIndexStart <= op && op <= BF.PrefixNElemIndexEnd) { writer.Write (op); WriteDictionaryIndex (localName); } else { writer.Write (op); if (prefix.Length > 0) writer.Write (prefix); WriteDictionaryIndex (localName); } OpenElement (prefix, namespaceUri); } public override void WriteStartAttribute (string prefix, XmlDictionaryString localName, XmlDictionaryString ns) { if (localName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("localName"); if (prefix == null) prefix = String.Empty; if (ns == null) ns = XmlDictionaryString.Empty; if (localName.Value == "xmlns" && prefix.Length == 0) { prefix = "xmlns"; localName = XmlDictionaryString.Empty; } ProcessStartAttributeCommon (ref prefix, localName.Value, ns.Value, localName, ns); if (save_target == SaveTarget.Namespaces) return; if (prefix.Length == 1 && 'a' <= prefix [0] && prefix [0] <= 'z') { writer.Write ((byte) (prefix [0] - 'a' + BF.PrefixNAttrIndexStart)); WriteDictionaryIndex (localName); } else { byte op = ns.Value.Length == 0 ? BF.AttrIndex :BF.AttrIndexPrefix; // Write to Stream writer.Write (op); if (prefix.Length > 0) writer.Write (prefix); WriteDictionaryIndex (localName); } } public override void WriteXmlnsAttribute (string prefix, XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (prefix)) prefix = CreateNewPrefix (); CheckStateForAttribute (); AddNamespaceChecked (prefix, namespaceUri); state = WriteState.Element; } #endregion #region WriteValue public override void WriteValue (bool value) { ProcessTypedValue (); writer.Write ((byte) (value ? BF.BoolTrue : BF.BoolFalse)); } public override void WriteValue (int value) { WriteValue ((long) value); } public override void WriteValue (long value) { ProcessTypedValue (); if (value == 0) writer.Write (BF.Zero); else if (value == 1) writer.Write (BF.One); else if (value < 0 || value > uint.MaxValue) { writer.Write (BF.Int64); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { writer.Write ((byte) (value & 0xFF)); value >>= 8; } } else if (value <= byte.MaxValue) { writer.Write (BF.Int8); writer.Write ((byte) value); } else if (value <= short.MaxValue) { writer.Write (BF.Int16); writer.Write ((byte) (value & 0xFF)); writer.Write ((byte) (value >> 8)); } else if (value <= int.MaxValue) { writer.Write (BF.Int32); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { writer.Write ((byte) (value & 0xFF)); value >>= 8; } } } public override void WriteValue (float value) { ProcessTypedValue (); writer.Write (BF.Single); WriteValueContent (value); } void WriteValueContent (float value) { writer.Write (value); } public override void WriteValue (double value) { ProcessTypedValue (); writer.Write (BF.Double); WriteValueContent (value); } void WriteValueContent (double value) { writer.Write (value); } public override void WriteValue (decimal value) { ProcessTypedValue (); writer.Write (BF.Decimal); WriteValueContent (value); } void WriteValueContent (decimal value) { int [] bits = Decimal.GetBits (value); // so, looks like it is saved as its internal form, // not the returned order. // BinaryWriter.Write(Decimal) is useless here. writer.Write (bits [3]); writer.Write (bits [2]); writer.Write (bits [0]); writer.Write (bits [1]); } public override void WriteValue (DateTime value) { ProcessTypedValue (); writer.Write (BF.DateTime); WriteValueContent (value); } void WriteValueContent (DateTime value) { writer.Write (value.ToBinary ()); } public override void WriteValue (Guid value) { ProcessTypedValue (); writer.Write (BF.Guid); WriteValueContent (value); } void WriteValueContent (Guid value) { byte [] bytes = value.ToByteArray (); writer.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } public override void WriteValue (UniqueId value) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("value"); Guid guid; if (value.TryGetGuid (out guid)) { // this conditional branching is required for // attr_typed_value not being true. ProcessTypedValue (); writer.Write (BF.UniqueId); byte [] bytes = guid.ToByteArray (); writer.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } else { WriteValue (value.ToString ()); } } public override void WriteValue (TimeSpan value) { ProcessTypedValue (); writer.Write (BF.TimeSpan); WriteValueContent (value); } void WriteValueContent (TimeSpan value) { WriteBigEndian (value.Ticks, 8); } #endregion private void WriteBigEndian (long value, int digits) { long v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) { v = (v << 8) + (value & 0xFF); value >>= 8; } for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) { writer.Write ((byte) (v & 0xFF)); v >>= 8; } } private void WriteTextBinary (string text) { if (text.Length == 0) writer.Write (BF.EmptyText); else { char [] arr = text.ToCharArray (); WriteChars (arr, 0, arr.Length); } } #endregion #region Write typed array content // they are packed in WriteValue(), so we cannot reuse // them for array content. void WriteValueContent (bool value) { writer.Write (value ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } void WriteValueContent (short value) { writer.Write (value); } void WriteValueContent (int value) { writer.Write (value); } void WriteValueContent (long value) { writer.Write (value); } #endregion } }