// This file implements the classes ExpiresEntryRef and CacheExpires missing from .NET reference source using System.Threading; namespace System.Runtime.Caching { class ExpiresEntryRef { public static ExpiresEntryRef INVALID = new ExpiresEntryRef (); public bool IsInvalid { get { return this == INVALID; } } } class CacheExpiresHelper : ICacheEntryHelper { public int Compare(MemoryCacheEntry entry1, MemoryCacheEntry entry2) { return DateTime.Compare (entry1.UtcAbsExp , entry2.UtcAbsExp); } public DateTime GetDateTime (MemoryCacheEntry entry) { return entry.UtcAbsExp; } } class CacheExpires : CacheEntryCollection { public static TimeSpan MIN_UPDATE_DELTA = new TimeSpan (0, 0, 1); public static TimeSpan EXPIRATIONS_INTERVAL = new TimeSpan (0, 0, 20); public static CacheExpiresHelper helper = new CacheExpiresHelper (); Timer timer; public CacheExpires (MemoryCacheStore store) : base (store, helper) { } public void Add (MemoryCacheEntry entry) { entry.ExpiresEntryRef = new ExpiresEntryRef (); base.Add (entry); } public void Remove (MemoryCacheEntry entry) { base.Remove (entry); entry.ExpiresEntryRef = ExpiresEntryRef.INVALID; } public void UtcUpdate (MemoryCacheEntry entry, DateTime utcAbsExp) { base.Remove (entry); entry.UtcAbsExp = utcAbsExp; base.Add (entry); } public void EnableExpirationTimer (bool enable) { if (enable) { if (timer != null) return; var period = (int) EXPIRATIONS_INTERVAL.TotalMilliseconds; timer = new Timer ((o) => FlushExpiredItems (true), null, period, period); } else { timer.Dispose (); timer = null; } } public int FlushExpiredItems (bool blockInsert) { return base.FlushItems (DateTime.UtcNow, CacheEntryRemovedReason.Expired, blockInsert); } } }