using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MonoTests.System.Windows.Forms { [TestFixture] public class DefaultLayoutTest : TestHelper { int event_count; LayoutEventArgs most_recent_args; void p_Layout (object sender, LayoutEventArgs e) { event_count ++; most_recent_args = e; } [Test] public void AnchorLayoutEvents () { Panel p; Button b; p = new Panel (); b = new Button (); p.Controls.Add (b); p.Layout += new LayoutEventHandler (p_Layout); /* set the button's anchor to something different */ b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom; Assert.AreEqual (1, event_count, "1"); Assert.AreEqual ("Anchor", most_recent_args.AffectedProperty, "2"); /* reset it to something new with the panel's layout suspended */ event_count = 0; p.SuspendLayout (); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top; Assert.AreEqual (0, event_count, "3"); p.ResumeLayout (); Assert.AreEqual (1, event_count, "4"); Assert.AreEqual (null, most_recent_args.AffectedProperty, "5"); /* with the anchor style set to something, resize the parent */ event_count = 0; p.Size = new Size (500, 500); Assert.AreEqual (1, event_count, "6"); Assert.AreEqual ("Bounds", most_recent_args.AffectedProperty, "7"); /* now try it with layout suspended */ event_count = 0; p.SuspendLayout (); p.Size = new Size (400, 400); Assert.AreEqual (0, event_count, "8"); p.ResumeLayout (); Assert.AreEqual (1, event_count, "9"); Assert.AreEqual (null, most_recent_args.AffectedProperty, "10"); /* with the anchor style set to something, resize the child */ event_count = 0; b.Size = new Size (100, 100); Assert.AreEqual (1, event_count, "11"); Assert.AreEqual ("Bounds", most_recent_args.AffectedProperty, "12"); /* and again with layout suspended */ event_count = 0; p.SuspendLayout (); b.Size = new Size (200, 200); Assert.AreEqual (0, event_count, "13"); p.ResumeLayout (); Assert.AreEqual (1, event_count, "14"); Assert.AreEqual (null, most_recent_args.AffectedProperty, "15"); } [Test] public void AnchorTopLeftTest () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Size = new Size (200, 200); Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left; f.Controls.Add (b); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "2"); f.Size = new Size (300, 300); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "4"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void AnchorTopRightTest () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Size = new Size (200, 200); Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right; f.Controls.Add (b); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "2"); f.Size = new Size (300, 300); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Left, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "4"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void AnchorLeftRightTest () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Size = new Size (200, 200); Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; f.Controls.Add (b); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Right, "2"); f.Size = new Size (300, 300); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (200, b.Right, "4"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void AnchorBottomLeftTest () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Size = new Size (200, 200); Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom; f.Controls.Add (b); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "2"); f.Size = new Size (300, 300); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Top, "4"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void AnchorBottomRightTest () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Size = new Size (200, 200); Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom; f.Controls.Add (b); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "2"); f.Size = new Size (300, 300); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Left, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Top, "4"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void AnchorTopBottomTest () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Size = new Size (200, 200); Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom; f.Controls.Add (b); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Bottom, "2"); f.Size = new Size (300, 300); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (200, b.Bottom, "4"); f.Dispose (); } // Unit test version of the test case in bug #80336 [Test] public void AnchorSuspendLayoutTest () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.SuspendLayout (); Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); f.Controls.Add (b); f.Size = new Size (200, 200); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "2"); f.Size = new Size (300, 300); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "4"); f.ResumeLayout(); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Top, "5"); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Left, "6"); f.Dispose (); } // another variant of AnchorSuspendLayoutTest1, with // the SuspendLayout moved after the Anchor // assignment. [Test] public void AnchorSuspendLayoutTest2 () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); f.Controls.Add (b); f.Size = new Size (200, 200); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "2"); f.SuspendLayout (); f.Size = new Size (300, 300); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "4"); f.ResumeLayout(); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Top, "5"); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Left, "6"); f.Dispose (); } // yet another variant, this time with no Suspend/Resume. [Test] public void AnchorSuspendLayoutTest3 () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); f.Controls.Add (b); f.Size = new Size (200, 200); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Top, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, b.Left, "2"); f.Size = new Size (300, 300); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Top, "5"); Assert.AreEqual (100, b.Left, "6"); f.Dispose (); } private string event_raised = string.Empty; [Test] public void TestAnchorDockInteraction () { Panel p = new Panel (); p.DockChanged += new EventHandler (DockChanged_Handler); Assert.AreEqual (AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left, p.Anchor, "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (DockStyle.None, p.Dock, "A2"); p.Dock = DockStyle.Right; Assert.AreEqual (AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left, p.Anchor, "A3"); Assert.AreEqual (DockStyle.Right, p.Dock, "A4"); Assert.AreEqual ("DockStyleChanged", event_raised, "A5"); event_raised = string.Empty; p.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom; Assert.AreEqual (AnchorStyles.Bottom, p.Anchor, "A6"); Assert.AreEqual (DockStyle.None, p.Dock, "A7"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, event_raised, "A8"); p.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Assert.AreEqual (AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left, p.Anchor, "A9"); Assert.AreEqual (DockStyle.Fill, p.Dock, "A10"); Assert.AreEqual ("DockStyleChanged", event_raised, "A11"); event_raised = string.Empty; p.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left; Assert.AreEqual (AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left, p.Anchor, "A12"); Assert.AreEqual (DockStyle.Fill, p.Dock, "A13"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, event_raised, "A14"); p.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left, p.Anchor, "A15"); Assert.AreEqual (DockStyle.None, p.Dock, "A16"); Assert.AreEqual ("DockStyleChanged", event_raised, "A17"); event_raised = string.Empty; p.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom; p.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (AnchorStyles.Bottom, p.Anchor, "A18"); Assert.AreEqual (DockStyle.None, p.Dock, "A19"); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, event_raised, "A20"); } public void DockChanged_Handler (object sender, EventArgs e) { event_raised += "DockStyleChanged"; } [Test] // bug #80917 [Category ("NotWorking")] public void BehaviorOverriddenDisplayRectangle () { Control c = new Control (); c.Anchor |= AnchorStyles.Bottom; c.Size = new Size (100, 100); Form f = new DisplayRectangleForm (); f.Controls.Add (c); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Size (100, 100), c.Size, "A1"); f.Dispose (); } private class DisplayRectangleForm : Form { public override Rectangle DisplayRectangle { get { return Rectangle.Empty; } } } [Test] // bug 80912 public void AnchoredControlWithZeroWidthAndHeight () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Control c = new Control (); c.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; f.Controls.Add (c); Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0), c.Bounds, "N1"); } [Test] // bug 81694 public void TestNestedControls () { MainForm f = new MainForm (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (210, 212, 75, 23), f._userControl._button2.Bounds, "K1"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] // bug 81695 public void TestNestedControls2 () { MainForm f = new MainForm (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Show (); Size s = f.Size; f.Size = new Size (10, 10); f.Size = s; Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (210, 212, 75, 23), f._userControl._button2.Bounds, "K1"); f.Dispose (); } private class MainForm : Form { public UserControl1 _userControl; public MainForm () { SuspendLayout (); // // _userControl // _userControl = new UserControl1 (); _userControl.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right); _userControl.BackColor = Color.White; _userControl.Location = new Point (8, 8); _userControl.Size = new Size (288, 238); _userControl.TabIndex = 0; Controls.Add (_userControl); // // MainForm // ClientSize = new Size (304, 280); Location = new Point (250, 100); StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Text = "bug #81694"; ResumeLayout (false); } } private class UserControl1 : UserControl { private Button _button1; public Button _button2; public UserControl1 () { SuspendLayout (); // // _button1 // _button1 = new Button (); _button1.Location = new Point (4, 4); _button1.Size = new Size (75, 23); _button1.TabIndex = 0; _button1.Text = "Button1"; Controls.Add (_button1); // // _button2 // _button2 = new Button (); _button2.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right); _button2.Location = new Point (210, 212); _button2.Size = new Size (75, 23); _button2.TabIndex = 1; _button2.Text = "Button2"; Controls.Add (_button2); // // UserControl1 // BackColor = Color.White; ClientSize = new Size (288, 238); ResumeLayout (false); } } [Test] public void TestDockFillWithPadding () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Padding = new Padding (15, 15, 15, 15); Control c = new Control (); c.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; f.Controls.Add (c); f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Size (f.ClientSize.Width - 30, f.ClientSize.Height - 30), c.Size, "K1"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void Bug82762 () { if (TestHelper.RunningOnUnix) Assert.Ignore ("WM Size dependent"); Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Button b = new Button (); b.Size = new Size (100, 100); b.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; f.Controls.Add (b); f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (0, 0, 100, 100), b.Bounds, "A1"); f.ClientSize = new Size (600, 600); Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (158, 168, 100, 100), b.Bounds, "A2"); f.Close (); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void Bug82805 () { Control c1 = new Control (); c1.Size = new Size (100, 100); Control c2 = new Control (); c2.Size = new Size (100, 100); c2.SuspendLayout (); c1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; c2.Controls.Add (c1); c2.Size = new Size (200, 200); c2.ResumeLayout (); Assert.AreEqual (200, c1.Width, "A1"); } [Test] public void DockedAutoSizeControls () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Button b = new Button (); b.Text = "Yo"; b.AutoSize = true; b.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; b.Width = 200; b.Dock = DockStyle.Left; f.Controls.Add (b); f.Show (); if (b.Width >= 200) Assert.Fail ("button should be less than 200 width: actual {0}", b.Width); f.Close (); f.Dispose (); } [Test] // bug #81199 public void NestedControls () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; MyUserControl c = new MyUserControl (); c.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; c.Size = new Size (500, 500); f.SuspendLayout (); f.Controls.Add (c); f.ClientSize = new Size (500, 500); f.ResumeLayout (false); f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Size (600, 600),, "I1"); f.Close (); } private class MyUserControl : UserControl { public ListView lv; public MyUserControl () { lv = new ListView (); SuspendLayout (); lv.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top; lv.Size = new Size (300, 300); Controls.Add (lv); Size = new Size (200, 200); ResumeLayout (false); } } } [TestFixture] public class DockingTests : TestHelper { Form form; Panel panel; int event_count; [SetUp] protected override void SetUp () { form = new Form (); form.ShowInTaskbar = false; form.Size = new Size (400, 400); panel = new Panel (); form.Controls.Add (panel); event_count = 0; base.SetUp (); } [TearDown] protected override void TearDown () { form.Dispose (); base.TearDown (); } void IncrementEventCount (object o, EventArgs args) { event_count++; } [Test] public void TestDockSizeChangedEvent () { panel.SizeChanged += new EventHandler (IncrementEventCount); panel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; Assert.AreEqual (1, event_count); } [Test] public void TestDockLocationChangedEvent () { panel.LocationChanged += new EventHandler (IncrementEventCount); panel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; Assert.AreEqual (1, event_count); } [Test] public void TestDockFillFirst () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Panel b1 = new Panel (); Panel b2 = new Panel (); b1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; b2.Dock = DockStyle.Left; f.Controls.Add (b1); f.Controls.Add (b2); f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (b2.Width, 0, f.ClientRectangle.Width - b2.Width, f.ClientRectangle.Height), b1.Bounds, "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (0, 0, 200, f.ClientRectangle.Height), b2.Bounds, "A2"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void TestDockFillLast () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Panel b1 = new Panel (); Panel b2 = new Panel (); b1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; b2.Dock = DockStyle.Left; f.Controls.Add (b2); f.Controls.Add (b1); f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (0, 0, f.ClientRectangle.Width, f.ClientRectangle.Height), b1.Bounds, "B1"); Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle (0, 0, 200, f.ClientRectangle.Height), b2.Bounds, "B2"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] // bug #81397 public void TestDockingWithCustomDisplayRectangle () { MyControl mc = new MyControl (); mc.Size = new Size (200, 200); Control c = new Control (); c.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; mc.Controls.Add (c); Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Controls.Add (mc); f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Point (20, 20), c.Location, "A1"); Assert.AreEqual (new Size (160, 160), c.Size, "A2"); f.Dispose (); } private class MyControl : Control { public override Rectangle DisplayRectangle { get { return new Rectangle (20, 20, this.Width - 40, this.Height - 40); } } } [Test] public void DockingPreferredSize () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.ClientSize = new Size (300, 300); C1 c1 = new C1 (); c1.Size = new Size (100, 100); c1.Dock = DockStyle.Left; f.Controls.Add (c1); f.Show (); Assert.AreEqual (new Size (100, 300), c1.Size, "A1"); f.Controls.Clear (); C2 c2 = new C2 (); c2.Size = new Size (100, 100); c2.Dock = DockStyle.Left; f.Controls.Add (c2); Assert.AreEqual (new Size (100, 300), c1.Size, "A2"); f.Dispose (); } private class C1 : Panel { public override Size GetPreferredSize (Size proposedSize) { Console.WriteLine ("HOYO!"); return new Size (200, 200); } } private class C2 : Panel { public override Size GetPreferredSize (Size proposedSize) { return Size.Empty; } } [Test] public void ResettingDockToNone () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.ClientSize = new Size (300, 300); Control c = new Control (); c.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; f.Controls.Add (c); f.Show (); f.ClientSize = new Size (350, 350); Assert.IsTrue (c.Left > 0, string.Format ("A1: c.Left ({0}) must be greater than 0", c.Left)); Assert.IsTrue (c.Top > 0, string.Format ("A2: c.Top ({0}) must be greater than 0", c.Top)); c.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.IsTrue (c.Left > 0, string.Format ("A3: c.Left ({0}) must be greater than 0", c.Left)); Assert.IsTrue (c.Top > 0, string.Format ("A4: c.Top ({0}) must be greater than 0", c.Top)); f.ClientSize = new Size (400, 400); Assert.IsTrue (c.Left > 70, string.Format ("A5: c.Left ({0}) must be greater than 70", c.Left)); Assert.IsTrue (c.Top > 70, string.Format ("A6: c.Top ({0}) must be greater than 70", c.Top)); f.Dispose (); } } [TestFixture] public class UndockingTests : TestHelper { class TestPanel : Panel { public void InvokeSetBoundsCore () { SetBoundsCore (37, 37, 37, 37, BoundsSpecified.All); } public void InvokeUpdateBounds () { UpdateBounds (37, 37, 37, 37); } } Form form; TestPanel panel; [SetUp] protected override void SetUp () { form = new Form (); form.ShowInTaskbar = false; form.Size = new Size (400, 400); panel = new TestPanel (); form.Controls.Add (panel); base.SetUp (); } [TearDown] protected override void TearDown () { form.Dispose (); base.TearDown (); } [Test] public void TestUndockDefaultLocation () { Point loc = panel.Location; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (loc, panel.Location); } [Test] public void TestUndockDefaultLocationVisible () { form.Show (); Point loc = panel.Location; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (loc, panel.Location); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitLeft () { panel.Left = 150; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (150, panel.Left); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitTop () { panel.Top = 150; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (150, panel.Top); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitLocation () { panel.Location = new Point (50, 50); Point loc = panel.Location; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (loc, panel.Location); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitLeftVisible () { form.Show (); panel.Left = 150; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (150, panel.Left); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitTopVisible () { form.Show (); panel.Top = 150; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (150, panel.Top); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitLocationVisible () { form.Show (); panel.Location = new Point (50, 50); Point loc = panel.Location; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (loc, panel.Location); } [Test] public void TestUndockDefaultSize () { Size sz = panel.Size; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (sz, panel.Size); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitHeight () { panel.Height = 50; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Left; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Height); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitSize () { panel.Size = new Size (50, 50); Size sz = panel.Size; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (sz, panel.Size); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitWidth () { panel.Width = 50; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Width); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitHeightVisible () { form.Show (); panel.Height = 50; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Left; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Height); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitSizeVisible () { form.Show (); panel.Size = new Size (50, 50); Size sz = panel.Size; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (sz, panel.Size); } [Test] public void TestUndockExplicitWidthVisible () { form.Show (); panel.Width = 50; panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Width); } [Test] public void TestUndockSetBounds () { panel.SetBounds (50, 50, 50, 50, BoundsSpecified.All); panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Height, "Height"); Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Left, "Left"); Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Top, "Top"); Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Width, "Width"); } [Test] public void TestUndockSetBoundsVisible () { form.Show (); panel.SetBounds (50, 50, 50, 50, BoundsSpecified.All); panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Height, "Height"); Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Left, "Left"); Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Top, "Top"); Assert.AreEqual (50, panel.Width, "Width"); } [Test] public void TestUndockSetBoundsCore () { panel.InvokeSetBoundsCore (); panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Height, "Height"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Left, "Left"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Top, "Top"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Width, "Width"); } [Test] public void TestUndockSetBoundsCoreVisible () { form.Show (); panel.InvokeSetBoundsCore (); panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Height, "Height"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Left, "Left"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Top, "Top"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Width, "Width"); } [Test] public void TestUndockUpdateBounds () { panel.InvokeUpdateBounds (); panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Height, "Height"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Left, "Left"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Top, "Top"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Width, "Width"); } [Test] public void TestUndockUpdateBoundsVisible () { form.Show (); panel.InvokeUpdateBounds (); panel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel.Dock = DockStyle.None; Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Height, "Height"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Left, "Left"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Top, "Top"); Assert.AreEqual (37, panel.Width, "Width"); } [Test] public void AutoSizeGrowOnlyControls_ShrinkWhenDocked () { // For most controls that are AutoSized and support the // AutoSizeMode property, if they are set to GrowOnly, // they should not shrink. However, they will shrink // even in GrowOnly mode if they are docked. // Button is one exception to this rule. Form f = new Form (); f.ClientSize = new Size (300, 300); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Show (); List types = new List (); types.Add (typeof (TableLayoutPanel)); types.Add (typeof (FlowLayoutPanel)); types.Add (typeof (ToolStripContentPanel)); types.Add (typeof (Panel)); types.Add (typeof (GroupBox)); types.Add (typeof (UserControl)); foreach (Type t in types) { Control c = t.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke (null) as Control; c.AutoSize = true; t.GetProperty ("AutoSizeMode").SetValue (c, AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly, null); c.Bounds = new Rectangle (5, 5, 100, 100); f.Controls.Add (c); Assert.AreEqual (100, c.Height, "1 " + t.Name); c.Dock = DockStyle.Top; Assert.IsFalse (100 == c.Height, "2 " + t.Name); f.Controls.Remove (c); c.Dispose (); } f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void AutoSizeGrowOnlyButtons_DoNotShrinkWhenDocked () { // For most controls that are AutoSized and support the // AutoSizeMode property, if they are set to GrowOnly, // they should not shrink. However, they will shrink // even in GrowOnly mode if they are docked. // Button is one exception to this rule. Form f = new Form (); f.ClientSize = new Size (300, 300); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Show (); List types = new List (); types.Add (typeof (Button)); foreach (Type t in types) { Control c = t.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke (null) as Control; c.AutoSize = true; t.GetProperty ("AutoSizeMode").SetValue (c, AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly, null); c.Bounds = new Rectangle (5, 5, 100, 100); f.Controls.Add (c); Assert.AreEqual (100, c.Height, "1 " + t.Name); c.Dock = DockStyle.Top; Assert.AreEqual (100, c.Height, "2 " + t.Name); f.Controls.Remove (c); c.Dispose (); } f.Dispose (); } [Test] public void AnchoredAutoSizedControls_SizeInCorrectDirection () { Form f = new Form (); f.ClientSize = new Size (300, 300); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Panel p1 = new Panel (); p1.Bounds = new Rectangle (150, 150, 0, 0); p1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left; p1.AutoSize = true; f.Controls.Add (p1); Panel p2 = new Panel (); p2.Bounds = new Rectangle (150, 150, 0, 0); p2.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; p2.AutoSize = true; f.Controls.Add (p2); Panel p3 = new Panel (); p3.Bounds = new Rectangle (150, 150, 0, 0); p3.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; p3.AutoSize = true; f.Controls.Add (p3); Panel p4 = new Panel (); p4.Bounds = new Rectangle (150, 150, 0, 0); p4.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None; p4.AutoSize = true; f.Controls.Add (p4); f.Show (); // cause the panels to grow p1.Controls.Add (new TextBox ()); p2.Controls.Add (new TextBox ()); p3.Controls.Add (new TextBox ()); p4.Controls.Add (new TextBox ()); f.PerformLayout (); Assert.AreEqual (150, p1.Top, "1"); Assert.AreEqual (150, p1.Left, "2"); Assert.AreEqual (150, p2.Bottom, "3"); Assert.AreEqual (150, p2.Right, "4"); Assert.AreEqual (150, p3.Top, "5"); Assert.AreEqual (150, p3.Left, "6"); Assert.AreEqual (150, p4.Top, "7"); Assert.AreEqual (150, p4.Left, "8"); f.Dispose (); } } }