// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2006 Novell, Inc. // // Authors: // Olivier Dufour olivier.duff@free.fr // Alan McGovern alan.mcgovern@gmail.com // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.ComponentModel; namespace MonoTests.System.Windows.Forms { [TestFixture] public class BindingNavigatorTest : TestHelper { private bool flag = false; private BindingNavigator navigator; private void SetFlag(object a, EventArgs e) { flag = true; } [SetUp] protected override void SetUp () { IntThing test = new IntThing(50); BindingSource s = new BindingSource(); s.DataSource = test; navigator = new BindingNavigator(s); flag = false; base.SetUp (); } [Test] public void AddNewItemTest() { navigator.ItemAdded += new ToolStripItemEventHandler(SetFlag); navigator.Items.Add("Test Item"); Assert.IsTrue(flag, "#1"); } [Test] public void AddStandardItems() { BindingNavigator navigator = new BindingNavigator(); navigator.AddStandardItems(); CheckStandardItems(navigator); } [Test] public void BeginInitTest() { navigator.RefreshItems += new EventHandler(SetFlag); navigator.ItemAdded += new ToolStripItemEventHandler(SetFlag); navigator.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(SetFlag); navigator.BeginInit(); navigator.Invalidate(); navigator.AddNewItem = new ToolStripButton(); navigator.Refresh(); Assert.IsFalse(flag, "#1"); navigator.EndInit(); Assert.IsTrue(flag, "#2"); } [Test] public void BindingSourceTest() { navigator.BindingSource.PositionChanged += new EventHandler(SetFlag); navigator.BindingSource.Position = 5; Assert.IsTrue(flag, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual("6", navigator.PositionItem.Text, "#2"); } [Test] [Ignore("Bug in setting the textbox width breaks this test")] public void Constructor() { BindingNavigator navigator = new BindingNavigator(true); Assert.AreEqual(11, navigator.Items.Count, "count"); CheckStandardItems(navigator); navigator = new BindingNavigator(false); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.Items.Count == 0, "#01"); IntThing test = new IntThing(50); BindingSource s = new BindingSource(); s.DataSource = test; navigator = new BindingNavigator((BindingSource)null); Assert.AreEqual(11, navigator.Items.Count, "#02"); Assert.AreEqual(50, ((ToolStripTextBox)navigator.PositionItem).TextBox.Width, "#03"); } [Test] public void ControlDisposedTest() { ToolStripItem existing = navigator.AddNewItem; navigator.AddNewItem = new ToolStripButton(); Assert.IsFalse(existing.IsDisposed, "#1"); } private void CheckStandardItems(BindingNavigator navigator) { Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.AddNewItem, "*1"); Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.MoveFirstItem, "*2"); Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.MoveLastItem, "*3"); Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.MoveNextItem, "*4"); Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.MovePreviousItem, "*5"); Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.DeleteItem, "*6"); Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.CountItem, "*7"); Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.PositionItem, "*8"); Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.AddNewItem, "*9"); Assert.IsNotNull(navigator.AddNewItem, "*10"); Assert.IsNull(navigator.BindingSource, "*11"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.AddNewItem is ToolStripButton, "#1"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.MoveFirstItem is ToolStripButton, "#2"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.MoveLastItem is ToolStripButton, "#3"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.MoveNextItem is ToolStripButton, "#4"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.MovePreviousItem is ToolStripButton, "#5"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.DeleteItem is ToolStripButton, "#6"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.CountItem is ToolStripLabel, "#7"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.PositionItem is ToolStripTextBox, "#8"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.AddNewItem is ToolStripButton, "#9"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.AddNewItem is ToolStripButton, "#10"); Assert.AreEqual("of {0}", navigator.CountItemFormat, "#11"); Assert.AreEqual(11, navigator.Items.Count, "#12"); } [Test] public void ManuallyReplaceItemsTest() { ToolStripButton newButton = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripItem oldItem = navigator.AddNewItem; navigator.AddNewItem = newButton; Assert.AreEqual(11, navigator.Items.Count, "#1"); Assert.IsFalse(navigator.Items.Contains(newButton), "#2"); Assert.IsTrue(navigator.Items.Contains(oldItem), "#3"); } [Test] public void OnRefreshItems() { navigator.RefreshItems += new EventHandler(SetFlag); navigator.AddNewItem = new ToolStripButton(); Assert.IsTrue(flag, "#1"); } [Test] [Ignore("Not working yet")] public void PositionItemTest() { navigator.BindingSource.PositionChanged += new EventHandler(SetFlag); int position = int.Parse(navigator.PositionItem.Text); navigator.PositionItem.Text = "aaa"; Assert.IsFalse(flag, "#1"); RefreshNav(); Assert.AreEqual(position.ToString(), navigator.PositionItem.Text, "#2"); navigator.PositionItem.Text = "-1"; RefreshNav(); Assert.IsFalse(flag, "#3"); flag = false; Assert.AreEqual("1", navigator.PositionItem.Text, "#4"); navigator.PositionItem.Text = "7"; RefreshNav(); Assert.IsFalse(flag, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual("1", navigator.PositionItem.Text, "#6"); Assert.AreEqual(0, navigator.BindingSource.Position, "#7"); } [Test] public void RefreshItemsCore() { navigator.RefreshItems += new EventHandler(SetFlag); navigator.AddNewItem = new ToolStripButton(); Assert.IsTrue(flag, "#1"); } private void RefreshNav() { navigator.BeginInit(); navigator.EndInit(); } [Test] [Ignore("Not working")] public void RemoveItemTest() { navigator.BindingSource.Position = 5; navigator.BindingSource.ListChanged += new ListChangedEventHandler(SetFlag); navigator.BindingSource.Remove(5); Assert.IsFalse(navigator.BindingSource.Contains(5), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual("6", navigator.PositionItem.Text, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual(6, (navigator.BindingSource.Current), "#3"); } [Test] public void SetControlNullTest() { navigator.AddNewItem = null; Assert.IsTrue(navigator.AddNewItem == null, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual(11, navigator.Items.Count, "#2"); } private class IntThing : BindingList { int Number; public IntThing(int number) : base() { for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) this.Add(i); number = 6; } protected override bool SupportsSearchingCore { get { return true; } } protected override int FindCore(PropertyDescriptor prop, object key) { return this.Items.IndexOf((int)key); return -1; } } } }