System.Windows.Forms System.Enum System.Flags By default, will validate all enabled controls in a container, such as a form. Use this enumeration to restrict the types of controls whose event is raised. You can combine these enumerated values together with a bitwise OR operation. Combining parameters with a bitwise OR operator will result in a logical AND operation. For example, calling ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints.ImmediateChildren | ValidationConstraints.Enabled) will only raise the event on controls that are both immediate children of the container AND are enabled. If you do not specify when you call , the method will require that you validate all child controls in the control hierarchy. Defines constants that inform about how it should validate a container's child controls. Field System.Windows.Forms.ValidationConstraints Validates child controls whose property is set to true. Field System.Windows.Forms.ValidationConstraints Validates child controls that are directly hosted within the container. Does not validate any of the children of these children. For example, if you have a that contains a custom , and the contains a , using will cause the event of the to occur, but not the event of the . Field System.Windows.Forms.ValidationConstraints Validates all child controls, and all children of these child controls, regardless of their property settings. Field System.Windows.Forms.ValidationConstraints Validates child controls that can be selected. Field System.Windows.Forms.ValidationConstraints Validates child controls that have a value set, which means that the user can navigate to the control using the TAB key. Field System.Windows.Forms.ValidationConstraints Validates child controls whose property is set to true.