System.Windows.Forms System.Enum The , , , , and properties pertain to various aspects of image handling. Use images in controls by setting these properties directly or by setting the run-time–only property. Image scaling is determined by the interaction of properties in both and , as follows: is the scale of the final image as determined by the combination of the image's setting and the container's setting. If is true (the default) and is , no image scaling occurs, and the size is that of the largest item, or a prescribed minimum size. If is false and is , neither image nor scaling occurs. To control the image size, use the property. Specifies whether the size of the image on a is automatically adjusted to fit on a while retaining the original image proportions. Field System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemImageScaling Specifies that the size of the image on a is not automatically adjusted to fit on a . Field System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemImageScaling Specifies that the size of the image on a is automatically adjusted to fit on a .