System.Windows.Forms System.Enum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true) The enumeration is primarily used by the method. retrieves whether a is supported on the current version of the operating system. For more information about system-wide parameters, see "SystemParametersInfo" in the Platform SDK documentation at Specifies the system parameter type. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the caret width, in pixels, for edit controls. Use the property to access this system-wide parameter. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameters are SPI_GETCARETWIDTH and SPI_SETCARETWIDTH. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the drop shadow effect. Use the property to determine if this effect is enabled. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameters are SPI_GETDROPSHADOW and SPI_SETDROPSHADOW. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the flat menu appearance feature. Use the property to determine if this feature is enabled. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameters are SPI_GETFLATMENU and SPI_SETFLATMENU. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the contrast value used in ClearType font smoothing. Use the property to access this system-wide parameter. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameters are SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGCONTRAST and SPI_SETFONTSMOOTHINGCONTRAST. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the type of font smoothing. Use the property to access this system-wide parameter. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameters are SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE and SPI_SETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the thickness of the left and right edges of the system focus rectangle. Use the property to access this system-wide parameter. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameter is SM_CXFOCUSBORDER. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the menu fade animation feature. Use the property to determine if this feature is enabled. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameters are SPI_GETMENUFADE and SPI_SETMENUFADE. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the selection fade effect. Use the property to determine if this feature is enabled. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameters are SPI_GETSELECTIONFADE and SPI_SETSELECTIONFADE. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the ToolTip animation feature. Use the property to determine if this feature is enabled. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameters are SPI_GETTOOLTIPANIMATION and SPI_SETTOOLTIPANIMATION. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the user interface (UI) effects feature. Use the property to determine if this feature is enabled. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameters are SPI_GETUIEFFECTS and SPI_SETUIEFFECTS. Field System.Windows.Forms.SystemParameter Identifies the thickness of the top and bottom edges of the system focus rectangle. Use the property to access this system-wide parameter. The corresponding Platform SDK system-wide parameter is SM_CYFOCUSBORDER.